In the Passover, the blood met the claims of God’s justice as regards the people’s sins. At the Red Sea, the children of Israel were delivered from the house of bondage, placed forever beyond Pharaoh’s power, and set in the wilderness as a redeemed people brought to God.
The Red Sea is a type of the death and resurrection of Christ, where Satan’s power was annulled and we, delivered from it, are brought to God in perfect peace, so that we can joy in Him whose power has wrought so great a deliverance for us. This truth is found in the Epistle to the Romans.
The crossing of the Jordan was Israel’s entrance into Canaan. It is a type of our entrance, by faith, into the blessed fact that we have not only died with Christ, but that we who were dead in sins have been quickened together with Him, raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places in Him.
The Red Sea and the Jordan have closed forever our history as men in the flesh, and now we have a new place in Christ before God and are in spirit associated with Him where He is now, having been quickened with His life and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. This is the true Christian position, the proper portion of every believer. Our place is to be consciously standing in possession of it all. It is in Ephesians that our heavenly position and privileges are unfolded, and it is there we learn the need of the whole armor of God to enable us to stand in the present enjoyment of what is infallibly and eternally ours in Christ.
From Christian Truth