Paul’s Labor

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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The Apostle Paul preached forgiveness and peace in divinely given energy, but he did more. He had seen Christ in the glory; his soul was filled with Christ there; therefore he preached for the believer here, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” He was not satisfied that converts should be saved from hell and safe for heaven, but he travailed for them that Christ should be formed in them. He labored according to God’s working, which worked in him mightily, that they might know the riches of the glory of the mystery — ”Christ in you the hope of glory.” He longed that saved souls should be freed from the law and from the earth and be free for Christ, and Christ only. In his deep desires for Christ’s glory and his sympathy for souls and their progress, he had great conflict — even for converts he had not seen — that “all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery” might be theirs. Does our preaching so bring Christ Himself before our audience, that they long to “know Him”?
H. F. Witherby