Paul's Shipwreck

By: David So
Duration: 1hr 1min
Address—David So
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Then teach thy gathered sayings, O Lord, to worship in thy fear, and let every grace mode thy word that meets Thy holy ear.
Yesterday we spent a bit of time talking about the.
Hidden church period in Genesis chapter 8 and as opposed we can sum up that that hours so we spend into one simple thing that the church is put into a very short period. We if you recall when we gone through a little bit of that seven fees the church period was hidden in there. Do you recall that after resurrection the ark rested on the mount on the 17th day of that month picture.
Of the feast of the first fruit picture of resurrection, which we can match that up to the seven feasts of Jehovah. There is the Passover, there is death and then immediately follow his resurrection and then fifty days after that the church began. Thus the day of Pentecost of the feast of weeks and then we're in. If you remember that charge a very short period of time.
Will only fit it in that time before that next feast, the Feast of the Trumpet, where Israel will be awakening.
So we're in for that short time this morning with the Lords help. I'd like to spend a few more minutes to see perhaps in the New Testament another church period. Now what we did notice yesterday was that it was the declension isn't it because our brother had before us the remnant. Well the church period began. We remember if you remember in Genesis age there with the dark period a picture of the Raven gun out that dark ages of.
The dark days of the churches and then the.
The dove was sent out. There was the Reformation, but the dove didn't find a resting place. Then the dove was sent out again. There was that. I'm sorry. Doug was sent out again and brought back an olive leave picture of that reformation. And then the dove was sent out one more time and not to return again. I believe that was the picture of the truth being recovered.
Now we may be able to see something similar and like to turn to the book of Acts chapter 27. In this chapter we often speak of the picture of Paul's shipwrecked and I'd like to look at this ship as the ship of testimony. And perhaps through this we will see another church period as if it were and the stages that have gone through now we find through our scriptures.
As this, you know, we had the incidents of the bridegroom or of the 10 virgins brought up the other day. We find that there is a common thread as the Lord give us those pictures. If you remember the picture of the 10 virgins, they.
All fallen asleep and thus the picture throughout the church period is that we as Christian tend to fall asleep while we wait for our blessed Lord to come. Someone mentioned yesterday that they had Eureka before them. We find that picture in there too. Did we nod? How Uticus? Even though Paul was giving out his ministry, their eudicus fell asleep. A picture of the church, isn't it Fell asleep and fell down from the third loft.
Oh, how sad. And then what revived them. Yes, I know it was at the love, but the ministry of Paul in the sands was brought back to him. What a picture to see that the church as a whole will give up that ministry of pause. A doctrine we find in Acts there that what characterized the early Christians was the fact that they continue in Let's turn to that. Perhaps let's turn to that first.
I know, we all know that well, but I think it's nice to quote it properly. Acts chapter 2.
Verse 42, that was the characteristics of the early Christians, that they continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer. Three things that characterize them, the apostles doctrine and the apostles fellowship and the in the breaking of bread and in prayer. And we'll find that throughout the ages this get forgotten.
And then toward the end of the period, it get recovered before the very end. Let's go to Acts chapter 27. We won't have time to go through this in detail, so we'll go through this quickly and trust that you would go home and read through this carefully and prayerfully as the Lord, I'm sure, will show you more. I'm going to begin further down in the chapter there.
In verse.
I'm going to start at various 9. Now the verses prior to that, we see that they were set to sail to Italy. Paul was to be to go to Rome. So there we find that not a whole lot of incidents. We find that the wind was a bit contrary, but yet they were able to sail to where they are at this point. Verse nine now when much time was spent now they had this place called Fair Haven. Now when much time was spent when sailing was now dangerous.
Because the fast was now already passed, Paul admonished them and said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only through the leading and ship but also our lives. We see that the apostle give warning through his ministry. He warned them, this journey is going to be of a problem.
Yes, they have cargoes, they have lading, they have lives, they have people on this ship. Some were prisoners.
As we read earlier on in the chapter, but nevertheless their lives and I believe we have to look at this as delayed and as the truth that we have received. We can picture that as this ship, the ship of a testimony. Now not the church itself, but the testimony of the church as we progresses. There is the truth deposited onto into this ship and Paul warned them that as they go on in this particular journey.
They will have trouble. So verse 11. Nevertheless, the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship more than those things which were spoken. Well, we tend to do that, don't we? We talk to people that are masters, the shipmaster, people that are expert and we tend to believe them than from the word of God, do we not You know, sometimes even when we pick up books to read, if you notice in our books book room, most books.
Doesn't have fancy coverage. They may not even have a name of the author, maybe just the initials.
And then you go to a Christian books book room and you open up and you look into a book. You got the whole Backpage and maybe even the inside of the Backpage that show you the qualifications and the number of degrees this this person have and perhaps half a page full of his or her picture on it. And they are so-called masters.
Here these masters, they were listening to them rather than Paul verse 12, and because the haven was not commodious to winter in the more part of vice to depart. Then also, if by any means they might attain Tiffany's and there to winter, which is an haven of creed, and lieth to what the southwest and the northwest. So we see here they were at a place called Fairhaven.
Now what they find with Fair Haven is that it wasn't a very comfortable place to winter in. Do we find that that we are like them that there is a place it's not comfortable, it doesn't accommodate what we want. So let's look for a place that accommodate rather than obeying what the ministry that Paul has given to us. So what happened when they disobeyed? Well, verse 13 and when the South wind blew the.
You know, I enjoy this. We like the soft, gentle breeze when the South wind blew. You know, often we like to look for signs, don't we, to see whether we have the Lords will. And we find that there are a lot of times that we pray about things after we made the decision. If you really think about it, is it really a prayer or is it saying to the Lord that Lord, I'm going to go ahead with this and I want your blessings. And you know, there are times that the Lord does allow for circumstances like that.
To teach us lessons. So when a case like this, they see the South wind, Oh, do we not find ourselves saying things like that? Look, it's fine. Look at this. The South wind blew and you thought it was bad.
Well, let's read on. It says verse 13 here. And when the South wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, oh, I'm sure they would have mocked Paul saying of his worries and concern verse 14 but long after there arose against a tempestuous wind. Oh, long after it wasn't immediately.
Young people, sometimes when we stray from the path that the Lord want us to take, if we don't always immediately see the hand of God stopping us, we don't always immediately feel.
Since long after Ah. But then the storm comes, verse 15. And when the ship was caught and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive. Do we find that now we're in trouble?
Instead of turning back to depend on the one who provide, the one who wants to be the master of our lives, the Lord of all things, we let it go, we let it dry, let the wind take it wherever it can. First verse 16 and running under certain island which is called Claudia. We have much work to come by the board. I believe Mr. Darby translated that they became the master of the ship again. They pulled behind.
Ireland on the Lee side of the island. They thought things are OK again. Oh, it appears that things that we try sometimes can fix things. Isn't it great? We're the master of our own ship again. What do they do here? Verse 17 It has this. Which one they had taken up, they use helped undergirding the ship and fearing lest lest they should fall into the quicksand.
Wow, we became master. They put tables under the ship to protect the ship to stop her from from being pounded by that waves.
That it won't fall apart and things look OK for a while. And you know, I believe we all seems to fall into that, don't we? When there is a problem, when that storm clouds comes, we try to fix things ourselves rather than be dependent upon the Lord. And there are times that we see a bit of signal coming in aside saying, see, I told you it's OK. Well, let's go on here, verse 18.
Problem happens again. There were quicksands around there.
They were afraid that they would hit the rocks and so on. Verse 18 and we being exceedingly tasked with a Tempest the next day, they lighten the ship.
They lightened the ship. Well, I suppose that is a natural thing. The ship was heavy. Is is is way deep, dragging into the water. The easiest thing is to toss things overboard. Well, I believe those cargoes, those Ladens that they had, I believe that's a picture of the truth that we have.
When problem comes, what do we do? Do we give up? Do we toss what we have learned?
He did.
They toss those cargoes overboard. Are there things that you have been brought up since where you you were youth and now you say it's not important. How much have you learned from the word of God? How much have your parents of this truth that has passed on to you? How much have you learned when you come to meeting as such and then when the storm clouds come.
Are you ready to say this is not important?
Don't look at the person next to you. We need to look at ourselves and point to our own heart here. That's why the word of God sets by the truth and so it not what is precious to you.
And then, as if this wasn't enough.
Verse 15.
And the third day.
And the third day.
Well, let me comment on that this first you'll find throughout the word of God the third day.
Third day, that resurrection day.
Probably her brother Jim speak on that often on that third day. We should think of that with death and resurrection. Now notice the difference here is that on the third day when we have problems, we should look forward to the third day. You remember Abraham of old, he was told to offer up his son at that mountain afar off. And when did he see that? On the third day he lifted up his eyes and he saw that the fall off. So he on the 3rd.
Is that we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship. Oh, how sad. I'm not a sailor. I don't know much about sailing.
Sailing doesn't agree with me. I can't take motion so. But here from what I understand, these tacklings, instruments that are needed to navigate these police, perhaps the ropes I believe Mr. Darby has at the furniture, the furnishing on the ship. Oh, the stuff that I needed.
Not just the truth that they have tossed out. Now the things that are necessary that get tossed overboard with their own hands, young people, are the things that you're ready to give up because of problems and storm clouds in their life. Are you just going to toss it with your own hands overboard? Now here's the warning. You'll see that the next few verses when you give up the truth.
When you toss this overboard, this is what's going to happen.
And when neither son, verse 20, When neither sun nor stars in many days appear, and no more Tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.
That's the consequence when you give up what you have learned.
No more hope.
What is the hope within your heart, the star, the bright morning star, that we wait for that great appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ? Wouldn't you give up the truth? You will give up.
The Lord's return when you give up.
Then everything seems dark and all hopes with God. That's why the churches throughout the ages have given up, given up the ministry that Paul has passed down to us, have given up the hope, the blessed hope that we have within us. Verse 21 and after long abstinence.
Paul stood forth in the midst of them. Isn't it interesting all this time?
If you have a chance to look at the map, and many of you have the map in the back of your Bible, look onto this journey.
This is more than halfway through this journey. We'll find that Paul. Paul was silent throughout all this up to this point. Now it's time for the Lord to restore his people. Paul speaks up. He said first part way through verse 21. Sirs, you should have hearkened unto me.
Oh, how many of you wish when you're in trouble, that you're hearkened from the word of God? Young people, may I call you sirs? You should have parking until what the word of God has to say to you.
Verse 22 And now, though you be in trouble, he can tell you this. And now I exalt you to be of good cheer, for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. Oh, isn't it nice to know that none of them would be lost? You know, young people, God give us that assurance, even though he may have wander off on the path that you ought to walk.
Yes, you will not lose your salvation.
You will because you love you. You will be there in glory with Him whether you like it or not, because you have been.
Predestinated to conform to his glory. But here Paul assured them, Be of good cheer, be of good cheer.
Verse 23 How does Paul know that he said, for there stood by me this night the Angel of God, whose I am and whom serve. What a testimony that the apostle Paul can give to them. He give them the comfort from the word of God there he can say with these words there the God.
Whose I am, He has the God he's proud of to tell them. We too have thought God the same God that the God of Abraham.
The God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, who helped them throughout their their trials and difficulties. The apostle can say that God whose I am and whom I serve. Can you say that from your heart, that this God is the God to whom you would want to serve? So he told them that there will be no loss of life. Verse 21 Wherefore, sirs, be it of good cheer, for I believe God that it shall be.
Even as it was told me, did you have confidence from the word of God despite what is happening around you, you know that the testimony would get weaker. The one that walked with you may seems to be walking with you well in the beginning and you'll find that the company will seems to get dinner.
Can you be still of good cheer and know that God is the one that is with you and His Word? He has given up, given us His Word, and He has told us that His Spirit remains with us.
Now then, he tells them, and reminded them of what's to happen. Verse 26 How beeth we must be cast upon a a certain island. But when the 14th night was come, as we were driven up and down in the Adria about midnight, the Shipman deemed that they drew near to some country, and it sounded and found it 20,000 And when they had gone a little further, they sounded again and found it. 15 fathom then.
We stopped just for a minute. You see, earlier we find that they have given up, didn't they? Now when they heed, when the apostles ministry, when the apostles doctrine in a sense is given back to them, that hope is back. When we have that hope, then we're able to see the little sign that is coming.
Do you keep your eyes open to see the signs along the way that the Lord give us?
Oh, he does tell us that his coming is so ever near, doesn't he? And we see signs for little things. Is is kind of funny. Two evenings ago, I thought perhaps I should have my shirt ironed because everything was stuffed inside the suitcase. And even though the label says no ironing, I found when you stuff them in and pull it back out, they they don't, they don't do what they claim it does. So I asked my wife to do this and.
One of the girl came up to me.
And she said Mr. So are you speaking tomorrow? I said, why do you say that? I said, well, why would your wife be ironing your shirt for you? So she saw that as a sign. Well, do we see the sign of our Lord's coming? Look at Israel, what a sign. Look at that. Israel already restored back in the land and everything. Today's center in Israel.
Look at the sign. Remember when we look at this picture?
Feast of the Trumpet speaks of Israel being awakening. They will be brought back into a blessing, but the blessed thing is that we will be gone before that. We're in just for that little bit. What a sign we can see. So here, when they have been restored there we see that they started to notice things. The warning sign, they were getting closer to home. Someone was sound 20 fathoms and then it got a little bit shallower, 15.
Them oh, I think ever getting close to home. Verse 29 Then fearing lest they should have fallen upon the rocks, they cast 4 anchors out of the stern and wish for the day. Oh what bless the things they did, they cast 4 anchors. They need to something sure and steadfast. You know in the gospel we often sing that Him will your ankle hold in the storm of life.
Something that's sure and steadfast do we not need it in our lives to. I believe this poor anchor is a picture of our blessed Savior sure and steadfast. We'll come back and comment to that a little bit later. I'd like to go through this story 1St. And when they cast the dependence upon our blessed Lord now they can wish for day. Do we wish we saying sometimes in hope we.
Wish the.
Thank you in hope we lift our wishful.
Longing eyes, thank you, waiting for the morning star arise. Oh, there they have been in the sand, restored, but not nicely. It's like the church period, the gods you that age where they have ignored the ministry of pause. Now there's a bit of reformation, as if it were they're being wakening up in this.
Now Paul warned them, oh I'm sorry in verse 30 and that's the shipment way about.
We're we're about to flee out of the ship when they had let down the boat into the sea under color as though they would have cast anchors with the four ship.
It's interesting, but also sad to read this. The four anchors were cast. It was sure and steadfast. And then we find that now there's someone that coming along under color, as if it was trying to undermine the work that was already accomplished. They want to leave. They want to escape. Oh, but they didn't want to say that they were going to escape and leave where they ought to be, so they gone under.
It's it's interesting there was a brother helped me with this. Again, not being not knowing much about the sailing terms. He came up to me after one of the meeting. He said he was a sailor and he said under color just means the flags, which I didn't know that I suppose for the naval people would know they have a fleet of ships going down and they all fly the same color of the same flag say we are together.
We are together, but some would still say we are together.
At the meantime, the undermining this four anchors, they want to drop another anchor before they escape. As if the truth that was handed down to us was it enough? They want to add more truth.
That adairs how sad when we when we try to put new truth so-called into this. So Paul in verse 31 Said to the centurion and the soldiers, except those abide in the ship, you cannot be saved. Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat and let her fall. Oh, the only way to stop it is to cut it off. And while verse 33 and while the day was come on Paul.
Besought them all to take me, saying this day is the 14th day that you have carried.
Continue fasting, having nothing. Wherefore I pray you to take some meat, for this is for your health, and there shall not and hair fall from the head of any of you.
Isn't that interesting for 14? They're doing all these problems and difficulties. They were fasting, they weren't eating. The strength gone down. I don't know about you young people. I get pretty grumpy if I miss one meal, let alone 14 days. And when we don't eat, we become weary, don't we? Well, how many of us have weary? We realize this not just in the body, perhaps in our mind.
They didn't eat or you'll find that when you're weary.
The opposite happened. We don't want to eat, do we? When we're weary, we don't feel like eating or drinking. But the best thing for someone who's weary really is to be refreshed with food and water, and things just seems to get worse and worse. We need to feed on Christ. Let's just turn to a verse in Hebrews. We'll keep our fingers right here. We'll come right back to this in Hebrews chapter.
Hebrews chapter 12 verse three. It sets here for consider him that endure such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be weary and faint in your minds. Now here we talk about the consider Christ lest he be weary. Now let me perhaps take a look at it from a different angle. Let's reverse this. Could we say this that?
If we don't consider him.
The one who was the author and finisher of our faith. The one who had that joy that was set before him. The one who endured the cross, despising the shame.
If we forget about him.
Would it be fair to say that this holds true too, That we be weary and faint in our minds?
That we find that sometimes it happens to us. And dear young people consider him. He's the one that can help. Let's go back to our chapter here. Paul gave them meat they need to eat. Now where did this meat come from?
Did someone drop it off as a supply ship? Come along? I don't believe so. Oh, this meat was on board all along. All the truth that people thought. It has been given up. It's there all along. We just need to dig into it. We just need to go. It's given to us from the very beginning. Oh, isn't it nice to see that they take meat verse 35 and when they had thus spoken?
He took bread and gave thanks to God in the presence of the mall, and when they had broken it, he began to eat. Then were they all of good cheer? They also took some meat. Isn't it nice to see that the Apostle Paul fed them? But I believe to hear that perhaps this is a picture of this truth being recovered now as the ministry of Paul being brought back.
Under the main truth is that the ground of gathering the Lord's remembrance of the Lord. I believe this is a picture here that he took Brad.
And he gave thanks forward in God's presence. Isn't it wonderful to think that and to see that? But it was something interesting here. If we read this carefully, we see that the apostle took the bread. He gave thanks, and they said he broke it, and he began to eat. Oh, we all should partake on that, shouldn't we? But the next verse that we just read is this. And they were all of good cheer. Oh, do we not find many Christians of good cheer saying we have the word of God?
But you notice that next verb, the following part of that verse is this. And they also took some.
Beat. I don't see it written here that they partake of the bread with Paul.
Oh, isn't it sad that they didn't fully follow what he had to say? They took me, they took the word of God, but they didn't take the simple remembrance as they ought to.
Verse 37 We were in awe in the ship 203 score and 16276 of them, and when they had eaten enough they lightened the ship and cast out the wheat into the sea.
I find this sad.
They were fainting, they were hungry. They needed a refreshment.
They needed the fear on Christ, and I believe they did.
When they were full, what did they do?
They toss that wheat, they just cast it, don't eat it anymore.
We see young people do that and we get thirsty, so we bring bottled water with us. As soon as the water is finished, we toss the bottle.
Now the difference is you know that you can refill that or get more shortly, but here.
They just tossed it. They gave it up. Oh, it was good. And we refreshed the soul. It brought them closer.
Oh, do you value what the word of God have for you? Do you value our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, that we to corner wheat that fall into the ground and die because it said it? If it if it doesn't do that, it abideth alone.
But if it die, it bring it forth much fruit.
Do you want to cast that wheat out of the way?
Verse 39 And when the And when it was day, they knew not the land, and they discover a certain Creek with a shore, into which they were minded, if it were possible to thrush the ship. And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves under the sea, and lose the rudder bands, and hoist up the main sail to the wind, and made to ashore.
You may say, wow, they saw land at last. They saw this surgeon island with a Creek and ashore.
But was this the island the apostle told them they had to go to? I don't believe so. They just saw something. They were happy. Are you happy with what's around you? Yesterday we made a comment. We should look at it with the end in view. Why does God let us know these times timetables as if it were is to know that at the end Christ is everything that in the dispensation of the fullness of time all things will be under.
Or can we give Him the praise and honor now? Or do we want a way to that day? At the meantime we walk in a way that we ought to. Pleasing to Him. Here is not the place they ought to, but we, as men will say, here is the place.
Not only that, if you notice, they hoist up to say, oh, they were not in control of the boat in the 1St place, but now they hoist up the sail, they take up the anchors. Don't need you, Lord, we're OK now. We see that island, we see that Creek, we see that shore, and let's make a big splash. Let's make a big banner. Let's raise the sail so that the world can see how great, how proud and how powerful we are.
And they had toward the place where they want to go.
Verse 14 and falling into the place where two seas meet.
2C's we find that as the ship of testimony, we often will find that you will find a struggle where the two seas meet, two currents coming together, 2 opposing opinions coming together. What do you have to keep you and young people? You'll find that there's going to be more and more problems coming and there's going to be problem that is not going to be easily discerned what is right or what is wrong.
And we need the Word of God, We need the Spirit of God, We need a prayerful spirit to learn from our blessed Lord what path we should take. There will always be two currents polling you one way or the other. Verse.
Middle verse 41 and.
They ran the ship aground and four part stuck fast and remained unmovable.
But the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves. Oh house, at this testimony. Not the church itself, not the souls on the ship, but the testimony. How sad to see that is broken by these two opposing currents.
Verse Let's go down to latter part of verse 43. And commanded that they could swim. Should cast themselves first into the sea.
And get to land and to rest some on boards someone broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass that they escaped all safely to land. Oh, how blessed you know that they all were saved. Oh, so we commented earlier, we'll all be there with our blessed Lord. But how would you like to be there?
On boards.
Swim on your own strength, broken pieces of the ship. And how are we to walk at the meantime?
Do we learn to walk in a way pleasing to him?
I'd like to go back a little bit. We mentioned a number of times that pause doctrine was given up.
I don't think we have time to go into all pause doctrines. I like to think of the four anchors and perhaps use that as a reference point.
As Paul's doctrine, it's not our testimony to the rest of the world.
And I like to think of it. I'm sure you can categorize them differently. I like to think of it. The first anchor is this.
The fair first anchor is that we as believer, as the one who have been redeemed by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a special portion, let's turn to Act chapter 13. I'd like to read verse 38 and 39. Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you, the forgiveness.
Of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. I believe this is the first anchor as a testimony to this world. We as believer know that our sins are all forgiven, and that we have been justified from all things that the law of Moses could not.
Do the second things I believe is the I call this the believers holes. We as we deem one, have given many hopes.
Well, perhaps the first one, maybe I will put in the same category to be technical, we won't call that whole, but we know there's a blessedness to know that many of us have.
Departed loved ones, the dead in Christ.
To know that the word of God tells us they are asleep in Jesus isn't that precious. To know that they're asleep in Jesus?
What other hope do we have?
We know what resurrections, don't we? That we're going to have a new body. You know, I was commented to someone earlier on, as you get a little older, your body start to deteriorate. This body of ours is no good. I can't see. I have to wear my glasses to see. I can't hear. Well, I was told to get a hearing aid.
I have trouble breathing. I need a machine to breathe at night.
Have to take medications because my blood sugar is too high.
Some of you watch me play baseball. I can run because my knee hurts, boy. Well, I know my head hurt now too.
But our body. But we're going to have that new body, incorruptible body, a body fashion like unto His glorious body. We're going to be conforming to His image. Isn't that a blessed hope that we have?
Oh, and then what about the immediate the rapture? We mentioned the dead in Christ. We know those verses. How wonderful to say. And the dead in Christ shall rise first.
What about us, we which are alive and remain? Oh, we know we're going to be caught up together in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Is that not a testimony that we have to this world? If you go to a funeral for those that are not believers, look at the sadness, the finality of it. Oh, but we know. We know we have that blessed hope.
And then the third anchor that I like to think of it as.
The testimony of the one body.
There is only one body.
We won't turn to that. We spend a bit of time, our brother gone through that with US1 body isn't it every? Every believer is the member of that one body.
But not just the part fact. That is one body. There is a head to this body. Where is the head? And who is the head? Who? I'll bless it, Lord, up in heaven is the head.
Do we truly acknowledge that? Do we truly understand that? If we do, then we wouldn't worry too many problems while we're down here. Because if there's a problem and it's not set right, we know the head is the one that control. The head is the one that will make sure that it is for His glory and for His honors.
And we also know that the head only won what's best for himself.
You know, sometimes we look at it as children and parents. You know, we make this remark is, you know, we as children sometimes don't think our parents are fair. Am I right in saying that? Especially when you have a number of siblings, the other one seems to get away with more things, right? But we forget that as parents, parents see from a different perspective.
And our blessed Lord, is that what He knows? Just because He won't let you have something the way you want it right now?
There's a reason. Do you trust that?
There is a head and that we are all part of the same body. That's why I said when one member suffer, we all suffer. Do we? Do we feel one for another? Do we have to care one for another? Or we're there trying to tear down and destroy when we ought to be encouraging one another, build one another up in the Lord.
Well, the 4th testimony I believe is in connection to this one body.
What is the way to express to this world, especially to Christendom, that there is one body? Look how look at all these groups we have out there all profess to be Christians. The Grey House, as our brother mentioned the other day, well, I believe.
That loath we have before us.
The Lord still leave us here. In another hour or so we shall have the privilege.
Of remembering our blessed Savior in His death for us.
Why do we use that one loaf?
Notice that expression of that one body is in it, no?
One loaf, a testimony of the one body, that oneness.
Let's turn perhaps the verse in First Corinthians chapter 10.
Verse 15 I speak.
As to wise men.
Judge ye what I say, the cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ, For we being many of one bread?
And one body.
For we are all partakers of that one brand.
Let's turn to one more verse on the 11Th chapter.
23rd verse.
For I have received of the Lord.
That which also I delivered unto you.
That the Lord Jesus.
The same night in which he was betrayed, took bread.
And when he had given thanks, he break it and said take.
Eat. This is my body.
Which is broken for you.
This do in remembrance of me and after the same manner also he took the cup when he has stopped saying this cup.
Is the New Testament in my blood?
This do ye?
As OFT as you drink it.
In remembrance of Maine for as often as he eat this bread.
And drink this cup.
Ye do show the Lord's death.
Till he come. Oh, we know these passages well, don't we?
What entitled you to be here this morning the partake of this cup?
His blood isn't it?
What entitled us to be here? We sang. We sang in the hymn. I think it was 206.
Can see it.
A humble heart.
Not because we're any better.
But we can say thy precious name is all we show.
Our only passport, Lord.
And for assurance now we know confiding in thy word, oh largely gift is all thine, all thy spirits goodly fruit, praise issuing forth in life alone our living Lord can suit.
Is it because we were more intelligent? The rest of the believers do not believe so.
It's been. Is it because you're more understanding of scriptures? I don't believe so.
The Lord made it, remember and so simple.
And what are we to remember when we come?
Told us clearly here in First Corinthians 11.
The Apostle.
He received that from the Lord.
It's not just Paul speaking. He received that from the Lord, that Lord he saw up in glory.
To remember.
The night.
The night in which he was betrayed.
That same night.
Can you picture that same night?
We had the seven feasts of Jehovah before us. We mentioned only two, the feast of the first fruit, actually 3 the feast of weeks that began our talk yesterday and ending up perhaps and just before the Feast of the Trumpet.
But you know those first two feasts, the Passover feast with a picture of our blessed Lord Jesus that takes us to that night in which he was betrayed.
We won't have time to go into it in detail, but you'll find that the Lord Jesus was that perfect Passover lamb. He entered into Jerusalem on the 10th day of that month. I know some of you asked me yesterday, why do we need to know the date so precisely? Because the Word of God has it the 10th day of that month. Because in the past, over feast, they had to choose that lamb.
On the 10th day to keep it until the 14th day.
The 14th day Let's go to Luke's Gospel chapter 22. We read at night in which in which he was betrayed.
I'm sure we read these verses many times and you have seen it many times. It's just now the Feast of Unleavened Bread which drew 9, which is called the Passover.
Remember we put on the chart the first feast on the 14th day. Actually it says between the evening till the next day before 3:00, the 14th and the 15 day is the feast of the Passover. But on the 15th day is that Feast of Unleavened Bread. So you see here they lumped it together now the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
June 9, which is called the Passover. What do we find our blessed Savior do that night?
Now remember that next day.
Very early in that morning, he knew.
That's his betrayer would lead his enemies to take him away. This is that night.
Let's go down to.
Verse 15 Blessed Savior said in verse 15, he said to his disciples that night he said with desire, I have desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Oh, his heart, his mind wasn't on the sufferings, was he? He knew.
We learned that he prayed to the Father afterwards, says Father, if thou be willing.
Remove this cup from me.
Not my will.
But thine be died.
The same night, the night in which he was betrayed, he wanted to be with his own. And he can say with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you.
Now blessed Lord's desire remain unchanged today.
This desire.
Is to have you remember him.
As his dying request.
What is your desire, young people?
Do you desire to be where he would want us to be?
Or do you want to be just like the rest of the world and say, yes, we will get there?
But would you rather get there obeying His will?
You know.
Let me go just a little further.
Look at the burnt offering.
I think it's good to you spend some time on those offerings. You'll find a lot of more about the Lord. We won't have time to turn to you. You'll find it in the burned offering. Someone who knows more like a priest, he has to bring a Bullock in and that someone else can bring some something from the flock. And for someone that does not have much understanding or is poor, they can bring the turtle death.
When we remember the Lord, I like to think of that as that burned offering is all ascending, as that sweet smelling savor to God.
You know, sometimes we come, we're thinking about us, we're thinking about how wretched we were, and sometimes we reflect that in our hymns, but really, that is not the time for that. Perhaps through thanking Him for what He did, we echoed that thought. But when we remember the Lord, we are to think about blessed Lord Jesus Christ as how God would see Him.
It's God's own thoughts about his Son. How do you think God see him? Can we in a small way enter in the appreciation how God would?
That burnt offering, oh how nice. I like to look at it as if it doesn't matter what our knowledge of the word of God is. It could be as simple as a turtle dove, it could be the Bullock, but it all ascend to God as a sweet smelling savour. We can look to him.
To thank him for what he has done, look to him as he look at his own son.
I'd like to look at a hymn 245. We sing this often. We're not going to sing this yet, and we may not have time to sing it, but I'd like to look at it just very briefly. We, as the apostle, told us to look back into the night in which he was betrayed.
And by the way, the privilege we have of remembering Him is until he come, the Lord will have that testimony for Himself, whether you and I would remain faithful or not. Yes, we know the churches are going through the the declension stage, but He always reserved himself a testimony.
245 The hymn writer expresses his thoughts so beautifully.
He said on that same night. Lord Jesus.
When all around the joint, to cast its darkest shadow across thy holy mind.
We hear thy voice, blessed Savior.
What do we hear?
As we see his sufferings, as he see the darkness around him, what do we hear?
This do.
Remember Me?
And what should our heart be saying?
Should be with joyful hearts responding. We do remember thee, you know. It's sad sometimes we sit there. I know we shouldn't be looking at one another, but the spirit and the state of soul we have does not often reflect that, does it? If there was a stranger walking past, could they see us with a joyful heart?
Responding to our blessed Lord saying we do.
Remember thee, and then they want us to enter more the depth of all thy suffering. No heart could ere conceive the cup of wrath or flowing for us Thou didst receive, and all of God forsaken on the accursed tree. Oh, now we can say with grateful heart, Lord Jesus.
We now remember thee.
Can we enter more? Oh, I trust that we can. We think of all the darkness which round thy spirit press.
Of all those waves and bellows which rode across thy press, Oh, there thy grace unbounded and perfect love we see with joy and with sorrow mingling. We would, we would, wouldn't we, dear brethren?
We would remember thee.
You know, it's not just the death. The Lord enable us to enjoy Him more than just the death and the resurrection. He sometimes let us take a look and take a glimpse of the future day because the work is finished. Oh, we can also look and sing this. We know they now has risen. Remember the feast of the first fruit, the resurrection, the death and.
Erection always go together. Oh, we know the blessed Lord Jesus now as risen.
We have a living Savior, the first fruit from the dead. We see thee now ascended the churches glorious head. Is it not the way to express that oneness and that one body? There is Him as the churches glorious head in thee. By grace accepted, the heart and mind set free. Oh, now He brings us back.
We take a look at the future and that glorious scene, and then we are brought back.
To the cross, to think of all thy sorrow.
And thus remember thee.
How long do we do this, brethren?
Till thou shall come in glory, and call us hands away to rest in the brightness of that unclouded day.
But what do we do while we're waiting for him?
We show thy death, Lord Jesus.
And here and here would seek to be more to thy death conformeth.
Whiles we remember thee, oh do we show that we're conforming to his death.
More to thy death conformeth.
Whilst we remember thee, perhaps we can sing this last verse together.
Till thou shalt come in.
Just in closing, we had the privilege to see through the Word of God, how God has set a timetable. Everything is in His hand, He is in control, even though we may or may not understand it.
You know, I think I told the story before I saw this young boy.
With disabilities have trouble walking. In fact, he looked like he's stumbling as he walked. And I remember reaching on my hand ready to help him. And then I saw the back of his T-shirt and his T-shirt. He said it's OK, God is in control. Oh, we need to think of that, that he knows everything. He let us know the event is it to make us proud that we are so.
Privileged. No. I believe it should make us more humble.
And be thankful that He has opened up His word and through His grace He has shown us the position we are to walk.
And more so, we should be careful knowing that we too can easily stumble and stray.
And we need his help and we need to be dependent on him daily. Often the fall is after one.