What a terrible storm is raging here! See how high the waves are rolling, and the life boat is tossing to and fro. It is at times like this that men are made to feel how helpless they are, and sometimes they must wonder if they will ever reach home again.
But the Lord is the One who controls the winds and the waves. There is a verse in the Bible which says, “The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea,” Psalm 93:44The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. (Psalm 93:4). What a comfort this is to those that go to sea!
Some time ago a Christian man was giving out portions of God’s Word in Eritrea. One young man took a copy and, opening it, he started to read it aloud. An old fisherman was listening, and as he heard the story of the Lord Jesus walking on the water and stilling the storm, he asked for a copy too. He said that when he went out in his little fishing boat and a storm came up he would like to read about the One who could say to the wind and the waves, “Peace, be still,”
I hope as the old fisherman reads of this in God’s wonderful Word, he may learn much more about this blessed One, who could not only still the storm on the troubled. sea, but is able to bring peace to troubled hearts. He could stop the mighty winds by the word of His mouth, but before He could give poor sinners like you and me peace with God, He must go to the cross and bear the judgment which we deserved. Yes, He paid our great debt in full, and now He is the risen One seated at God’s right hand in heaven. Now He is ready to bring peace of conscience and joy of heart to every sinner who comes to Him by faith. Will you come, dear reader?
ML 02/26/1950