
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
At the birth of the Lord the earth was saluted with words of peace. "Peace on earth," the angels proclaimed in the fields of Bethlehem.
This, however, was but salutation. It was not the authoritative pronunciation of peace. It was like the word which the Lord afterward put into the lips of His twelve, or rather of the seventy, in Luke 10, when sending them out; for He then told them, into whatsoever house they entered, first to say, "Peace be to this house." This was a salutation, a wishing well, the proclamation of a good will toward the house, not an authoritative pronunciation of peace; that would rather follow on its being found that the son of peace was there.
Upon the resurrection of the Lord, however, we have the other thing. "Peace be unto you," the risen Savior said to His disciples, thus returned to them; and when He said that, He showed them His hands and His side. He gave them to read their title to peace. Peace was now not merely wished, but authoritatively pronounced, conveyed to them on the warrant of the cross. Jesus now gave peace to them, because He had already made it for them. And this is the peace that we, Who are in it, may testify to our fellow sinners. We do not merely, like the commissioned seventy, say, "Peace be to this house," as saluting it, or wishing it well; but we proclaim it to be the sure, settled, purchased peace which sinners have title to in the blood of the cross.