Perfectly Acceptable

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I can be before God just as I am; take care not to pass that by. It is a wondrous part of the glory of Christ that a person with sin in him can be in the presence of God in perfect favor. Sin could not be there, but it was all borne by Him who was the accepted sacrifice in His own body on the cross, and put away forever. By faith in Him I am brought into the light with nothing to hide-and I do not want to hide anything.
There is sin and mortality about me, but all that I am cannot separate me from Christ. God says, in effect, "He is the accepted sacrifice. and I have nothing to say against you as to all you are in yourself; in Him you are perfectly accepted; the blood cleanses from all sin." But I have need to be in the light to keep up a walk that becomes such a place. If I turn aside, I shall forget that I am purged from my old sins, and God must come in with a rod. You must keep your walk up by having your eye fixed on Christ.