Personal Communion.

MY DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS, — I wish to remind you of a privilege that is yours, and of which you should make frequent use. I refer to the title you have of lifting your heart to the Lord at all times. I do not at all mean on such occasions as you are compelled to do so, by reason of the great difficulties that surround you. Then you instinctively look above. Even the heathen call upon their gods in the day of trouble, as we find the storm-tossed mariners did in Jonah’s day. But it is art excellent Christian habit to “seek the face of the Lord” as much as possible, being moved to do so because of the joy you experience in so doing.
I think I can hear some of you saying that you do not often experience any such joy. But surely the reason for this lies with yourself. Perhaps you content yourself with just a bare enumeration of a few of your more general needs in a formal way; and then you wonder why your heart has not swollen with emotion.
There are those who kneel down at night, for instance, and say in a very perfunctory way, something like this: “O Lord, I thank Thee for all Thy love to me this day; for Thy goodness which has followed me all the days of my life; for Thy grace which saved me and Thy mercy which keeps me. Now, O Lord, help me to live as I ought. Bless me in everything. Give me strength for everything. Save all my friends, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.”
Please do not suppose that I am about to find fault with this prayer, its brevity, its wording, or its subjects of petition. There is the most perfect liberty of access to the throne of grace, and the most perfect freedom to ask “what we will.” Neither are we heard for our much speaking, nor for our fine speaking. At the same time it is much to be deplored if persons continue month after month and year after year, never getting beyond just asking for a small portion of the things they require. Communion means far more than that.
Can you imagine sons or daughters never speaking to their parents except for the purpose of asking for what they want? Because of their very relationship they are entitled to converse on family, affairs, and to find a certain pleasure in so doing. What concerns the father concerns them. What he is going to do commands their interest and their attention.
You may see this spirit illustrated in Mary of Bethany, who “sat at Jesus’ feet and heard his word.” We are not told she was asking favours, but she grasped the opportunity when the Lord was in the house to place herself in the attitude of a disciple before Him, and to listen to His word. This was pleasing to the Lord. He told her she had chosen the good part; and though He Himself would depart as to bodily presence, the part she chose of waiting before Him should not be taken from her. After the Lord’s ascent and the Spirit’s descent she might prove this in a way still more beneficial to her soul.
And so may we. Depend upon it, it is an excellent thing to cultivate the practice of getting away to be alone, so that the Lord may speak to you from His word, and your heart may be turned upward to Him with regard to the things you find in that word. This takes you away from being altogether engaged with what you yourself need in your own life and your own circumstances. Self is forgotten for a time; and divine things fill your heart. In this way the new spiritual life grows and develops heavenward as it should do. For the things of self, even the good things of self, should never be allowed to become the center of any Christian’s life. “Not I, but Christ liveth in me,” the apostle wrote (Gal. 2:2020I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)). Christ therefore is the central’ object for each heart.
I am, Yours faithfully, “Yod.”