Philippians 3:12-21

Philippians 3:12‑21
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Saying 83 in the back of the book, 83 in the appendix. Behold the Lamb. His Hebrew bore my sins upon the tree. I look until His precious love my every thought control, His vast constraining influence prove our body, spirit, souls. He may look while still I run my never failing friend. Finish. He will the work begun, and grace and glory, and 83 in the appendix.
Great God bless you, God and our loving Father, we thank thee through once again all gathering us here in this manner this afternoon of opening and enjoy Thy word together. We thank Thee and praise Thee that Thou hast set life and good before us and Thou has spoken to us in these last days. My life son, so now we just again when crazy that we can.
Fully relieth on Thy Word for all issues and matters that arise on our pathway here. Let me thank You too, that we are not less comfortless. We have Thy Spirit make this Word real and living to us. And so now we just would give me the honor and glory for this wonderful privilege that is once again ours. And we commend this time into Thy hands for guidance, direction, and keeping in the precious, worthy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Continue in Philippians 3, verse 12, maybe 12.
Libyans, chapter 3, verse 12.
Not as though I had already attained.
They were already perfect, but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do for getting those things which are behind, and reaching forth under those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Let us therefore as many as be perfect. Be thus minded, and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule.
Let us mind the same thing.
Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example for many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you, even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.
Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and who mind, and whose glory is in their shame, and who mind earthly things? For our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
We shall change our vile body, that may it may be fashion like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto himself.
Yesterday, yesterday we were talking about the, uh, verse.
11, which says the chain on to the resurrection of the dead. And today we start with verse 12 where Paul takes up the subject about what that means. And uh, the Lord by the Spirit is working in each one of our lives to make us to be conformed to himself, to be like himself. And uh, our whole life while we're here on earth, we're in the school of God all through our life, through experiences, through reading the word of God, through interaction with our brethren, we learn to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ. We learn more of the love of God.
And so here it says, uh, not as though I had already attained either. We're already perfect. So it's not that he is already a fully mature, It's not that he has nothing else to learn. Even the Apostle Paul had more to learn each day in his life walking with the Lord.
He had a goal before him and that was to please his Lord and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's what he was trying to apprehend, the Lord Jesus on the road to a mate. Emmaus had then laid hold of Paul's affections and Paul was learning more and more about them every day. And uh, and that was what, uh, Paul was striving after me more and more like the one that he loved.
I really enjoy the rendering that Mister Darby has of verses 1213 and 14. It says uh, not that I have already obtained the prize or already perfected.
But I pursued if also I may get possession of it, seeing that also I have been taking possession of by Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I do not count to have got possession myself at one thing, or getting the things behind and stretching out to the things before I pursued looking towards the goal.
For the pride of the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus.
It all seemed to have a good idea of of where he was in this race for the prize, didn't he? And.
It's a good idea if each of us have an idea of where we are in the race, Umm, good for us to be evaluate, umm, time and again, umm, let's say in the last month, where, how has Norm been doing in this race? Has he been making progress or slipping back? Well, uh, it's a good thing to take a look, uh, in the mirror sometimes and.
And I have a good idea of where we are. So for stepping back.
Then we need to be more diligent and be closer to the Lord.
Temperatures and other needs too.
I read as an account one time.
The but it was a failure on the race track.
It would start out from the starting gate with the rest of the horses and it would just pour everything, every bit of energy it had into that race and it would pull ahead of the rest of the horses.
And once it had pulled ahead, then it stopped.
Because in that horse's mind, the race was all about getting ahead of everybody. And once he proved himself, he got ahead of everybody, well, then there's nothing more to prove. And he didn't have the goal in mind. And so the rest of the horses would just rush on by him. And you know, this is a race that isn't a foot race between Christians at all. But this is a race you might say we run alone with a goal before us that we press towards. And that's Christ and glory. That's.
The man at God's right hand in full perfection. And that's what we're looking to attain to, and that's what perfection here speaks of. You wanna know what the perfection is that we're pressing towards? Look at the man at God's right hand. It's nothing less than that, nothing less. And so in that sense, perfection here will not be fully attained until we're with the Lord.
It's the very reason we've been laid hold of. We've been apprehended. A criminal gets apprehended in a bad way, arrested. We were arrested too, in a downward course, but in a good way, and now we've been taken into possession by Christ.
Were His possession, now we belong to Him and He has a purpose in taking us into possession, that we would be exactly as He is, as He is a man at God's right hand in glory. There's another perfection that's mentioned a little later that Paul says speaks of himself and others as being perfect or full grown. It's a little different thought that I believe than what we have in verse 12.
There it's more having laid hold of the truth that are proper to us where we are in God's purposes as part of the Church of God, having laid hold of those truths of what we are in Christ.
And as sons of God and as members of the body of Christ, part of the Church of God and the truth that flows from that, there he speaks of being perfect or full grown or mature. But in the sense here, it's looking onward and it's not going to take place fully until we're with the Lord and the flesh is gone. And, uh, he'll present us to the Father, bring us out as it like Joseph brought his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh from between his knees and presented them to his father.
Jacob. So he'll present us to God his Father. Will there be any blemish? No, God the Father will look on us in the same perfection that, uh, he placed us in His purposes. We have an Ephesians.
Brother Norm brought out the, you know, having a look backwards on the path, and it's good for each one of us to ponder the feet, the path of our feet before the Lord, and always comparing ourselves to Christ, never to one another.
Then they'll be self judgment in the right way before God. But he says here forgetting those things which are behind, I don't think.
That is exactly what brother Norm was bringing out. That is the healthy looking back on our path and seeing are we getting off the path, you know, and, and, uh, there's something I could have, could have, uh, done better for the Lord, But really this is dwelling on past achievements. Well, I, boy, I did this, I did that. And, you know, kind of stopping in the middle of the race and just dwelling on what's passed. Like that horse, he's remembering the things behind him and all the guys he passed up, all the other horses he passed up.
That's what he started thinking about and the race stopped for him. And so his past achievements, whether it was what he possessed, uh, as a Hebrew of the Hebrews, or whether it was what the Spirit of God may have used him for. And the path of faith is that the apostle one said, the most eminent servant that ever stood in the vineyard of Christ, He says, I'm not going to dwell on past achievements. I've got something before me. I'm not going to let.
Anything like that distract me from what's before my soul.
It's not just the achievement, is it? It's also he wasn't going to let him pass failures, distract him, or turn him aside from following the Lord.
Because it's important for us to remember watching, uh, a biker in the Olympics once shoot Canadian and she, uh, wiped out on a corner. Uh, she didn't have much chance of winning the race at that point, but she got back on her bicycle and she kept going.
And I think that as Christians, that's kind of the attitude that we need to have, uh, whether we're leading the pack or whether we've, uh, had a wipe out. We need to get back on the bicycle. We need to keep going and pressing towards the mark.
Oh, Paul never forgot. It's failure, though, and it's it's healthy and healthy things that.
Recognize on the sale and remember that.
Uh, guard is not just in itself, but we have to remember Paul remembers why he was and it was humbling to him and it was helpful to him and then.
He didn't leave that behind, so to speak.
My head he just counted in here.
Other times when he recalled his own history, very.
Ty Sweden accurately without calling on it, and he remembered that, and it was a good thing for Paul.
I think that's the point I was trying to make. What he remembered was the grace of God that was extended to him in spite of what he was. He didn't let it stop him from performing in the future, did he?
And because all that was red, uh, Mr. Derby's translation, the I'm thinking of verse 14, I pressed toward the March. He mentioned the goal and, uh.
Another translator is.
Translated that down to the goal I press.
Of course, being Canadian, I think of hockey.
And uh, let's say, uh, forward passes to another forward and the forwards in the clear.
They passed all the defensive players. There's nothing between him and the goaltender and he's racing them at the There's only one thing that hockey player is thinking about and that's to put the puck past the goalie of the net. He's he's not concerned with the fans or maybe one of the defensive players he slipped past.
Said something nasty to me. It doesn't matter at all. Right down the ice and he shoots the puckers as he can.
Well, that's a bit of a picture where I fall short, but I need to, uh, make that admonition.
We can get distracted on our heavenly journey yesterday.
But this is a much worthy prize. This is not a prize for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. There's no greater prize than that, is there?
Hi Colin. Doesn't mean just a lofty calling.
It means called on high. A lofty calling might be something here in this Earth, a lofty calling, but here in this earth. But it's not. It's out of this earth. It's called on high.
Because there's our goal and that's where the end of the race is going to finish.
It's not gonna be finished here in this earth. And so he says, therefore let us therefore, as many be per perfect, be thus minded. Continue in that race. If there's an apprehension of the truth of Christianity that you're dead and risen with Christ, then run the race and keep running. It doesn't end till glory. It doesn't end down here. It's a calling on high.
What is the correct to say that that's the name of the race we're in?
The calling on high of God in Christ Jesus.
15 let us there for as many as.
The full grown be less minded.
For the things that I call is just written.
I'm not sure about the next uh, and if in anything you'd be otherwise minded, then God revealing the it's up to you. And if and anything you'd be otherwise minded, I wonder if what that would mean?
I think it would be those who had not.
Really seen the full truth of a Christian's place is dead and risen with Christ and now really running that race, pressing towards that goal. They know their sins forgiven, but they don't apprehend much more than that. And uh.
They're otherwise minded and.
There to, uh, there's to be patience and, and labor if the Lord allows, God shall reveal even this unto you. God's bringing them along. He wants them to come into the good of their inheritance and enjoy it. The, the blessing of the place that, uh, his purpose for them. Kind of like that woman we had earlier with just the two sticks. You know, Christ is my savior and beyond that, I don't know much of the blessing and place that he's purpose for me.
And so there's really three classes here. There's those two and then.
The reverse, uh, those in verse 18 who are enemies of the cross of Christ to mind it says earthly things.
Take a picture to us here, perhaps some who weren't even saved, profess Christianity or a state that I think Christians can fall into, worldliness, carnality. And we get in the book of Joshua a picture of these three states of things, and it's instructive. Canaan was the land of promise and a picture to us of our spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Christ.
The position that God has brought us into in Christ, umm, the proper hope of the Israelite was to enter into that land. And so they went in. They fought those wars of Canaan and by the time Joshua died.
3 tribes had entered into their inheritance and uh, Judah I believe it was and uh, Ephraim, perhaps Benjamin was the third. There were 7 tribes that had not really possessed any uh.
For inheritance in the land, they were in the land, but they had not laid hold of their inheritance yet.
Still had to be possessed. There are 2 1/2 tribes.
Ruben Gad, half tribe of Manasseh that remained outside of that promised land and never, uh, had a possession there. There was one in the purpose of God for them, but they didn't want it. They said, oh, over here on the other side of Jordan, it's a nice place for cattle. Uh, and you know, they were all concerned about their earthly.
Possessions, I believe in type. And they said, we'll build, uh, cattle pens here. This is just just perfect for us. And it's a picture of that state of soul that's just settled down in this world, that's living for this earth that mines earthly things, says, oh, I really have no use for that heavenly inheritance, that God's purpose for me. Everything's fine down here. And God is a God of my circumstances. And I pray that he'll bless me in my business. I pray that he'll bless me.
In my family and I pray that it'll bless me and this or that and it's all earthly mindedness.
No thought of what they really possess in Christ and spiritual blessings. And so we have, I believe, those three states of things here. Those who have really entered into in a mature way, and what's proper to us in Christ. Those who have not yet entered in, and those who are just worldly or perhaps know not Christ at all, only profession, mind, earthly things. Their God is their belly. No different than, uh, the beasts of the earth in that way. They don't look upward, they look downward.
I think it's important to understand in verse UH-15 where it says.
This thus minded.
That it's, uh, I believe it's referring back to what the, what Paul's mind was and how he was connected with trying to know the power and the Excellency of the Lord Jesus and to share in his sufferings and to achieve what the Lord Jesus wants, wanted to achieve on earth. And, uh, it would be in contrast to that, uh, were those who have a different mind that would show up just like he's been saying. And I think, uh.
That it's important to.
Understand what that what that is and what it means because Paul holds himself up as an example in verse 17. Brethren be followers together of me. Mark them which walked so as you have us for an example and so there's a a principle here that we ought to look for examples of those who are were like Paul and those who have a heart to know Christ and deserve Christ.
In their lives, and that's really what I think.
When I talked about the mind.
The call has that. That's what it's looking for, is to know price and to be able to serve price intelligently.
As soon as there are many believers that are upright that they really haven't.
Missing and understanding or.
Acknowledge that they want to please the Lord and.
All right, well, we can all look back on our own history. When I was first gathered and really realizing how I really didn't know anything.
The Lord kept me in.
Trust, so they need to keep bases in these things with tall earrings. As we mentioned last time, that he wanted to be conformable into the past. He wanted to be like Christ even in the way he died, passed through the resurrection. But then there's the practical application of it in his life.
In his life, he wanted to.
Exhibit that too, and approximately when a moral and spiritual league.
Day by day. And so that's all was running the race. He was conscious of it and.
Suppose that there are many believers, I'm sure there are, that are sort of doing the same thing without having the understanding of it, and the Lord can reveal that to them and make them intelligent about it. No, we only have to look back at our own history, everyone of us, and realize how patient the Lord has been with us and how patient's brother has been with us.
Umm, maybe even have ideas that need to be corrected. But if we're upright, it's like, uh, thinking of a policy. It's not exactly the same thing because.
Different there with a Polish, but he was preaching and he was very zealous with the Lord and the Lord was using them. But he he needed some more planning dungeons, so to speak, and if his heart is upright, it was he received it.
And then he'd be far more intelligent now on how he preached and supposedly more useful to the Lord. It's not that he was useless before the Lord was using it.
But it was more useful when he was in.
Instructed and, uh, he was aware of what he was supposed to be doing and more intelligent about it. So that's, uh, what, how it's thinking about it. I don't know that's the right thought or not about the anything. He'd be otherwise minded. I don't think it's referring to those that would be opposed. Umm.
I think we're all in one way or another wise otherwise minded about.
Exactly the right thing, and Lord can make that known to us if we.
There's many ways that we can go on.
Intelligently, uh, communion of things that we do hold together and we.
Two minds put before us here in Philippians, isn't there?
This is a this epistles written by a man in the good of Ephesian truth, I think we can say.
He's enjoying his position in Christ. He's enjoying moving with the Lord. And that's why this epistle is so beautiful. It's the breathing and sentiments of a heart that's enjoying Christ.
And he one thing that a man like that wants to do is he longs to bring others there. He longs to lead others to that join them.
And on the way there, there's the assembly where we where we need to deal with each other.
You know, we all recall in in chapter one where Paul.
I think we can see that chapter two really begins in chapter one in a sense.
Verse 27 of chapter one he says, let your conversation be as becoming the gospel of Christ. Then whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, and so on one mind.
So he's looking for unity among them in the assembly.
And in chapter two, he brings the humbled Christ before them in order to produce this unity.
And there's one thing we all contend with itself, some form of self, the different ways in which we're self seeking could be a I could be seeking a reputation, I could be seeking money. I could be seeking a lot of different things. And it's the different forms of self that often hinder us in our walk with the Lord. So he puts the selfless one before them in chapter 2 and says, let this mind be in you. That was also in Christ Jesus.
For being in the palm of God and so on.
The Lord Jesus, I think we can say that he didn't have a self. His self was the father. And I'm not trying to be dogmatic, I'm just trying to express something about the Lord Jesus. He was not a self seeker, He was a father seeker. We always did those things that that pleased his Father. So in a sense, we could say his self was the Father. He wanted to please the Father every moment of every day. So he was void of self in the way that we have self to contend with.
So the apostle puts puts the selfless one before them and says, let this mind be in you. And that would that would produce unity in the assembly because self would be put out of the picture in any issue that came up, self would be out of the picture.
And now for the, for the personal walk that, that which energized the Christian motivate him to carry on. He puts this mind before us that he has expressed in these verses in that we've had before us the, the counting, all things, but lost that he might gain price. Uh, he had mentioned that in chapter one that for him to live with Christ, to die was gained. Remember, he said that he had a desire to depart and to be with Christ, He'd rather die.
Than to live here. That's that's the kind of faith he had. He had laid hold of his calling. He'd rather die than live here because then he'd be with Christ. He would have gained the prize, the Lord Jesus and he.
He puts his own mind here. He expresses what's in his heart. These verses here, you know, verses 8 through, uh, 14 we could play especially and, and I believe that's what he's talking about. And he says, if in any, if in any of these issues, counting things, but lost pressing toward the mark, if in any of these things you're otherwise minded God, God will straighten you out. You, you, if you're, if you're after the Lord Jesus, then you'll come to see what your mind, what your heart's mind.
Should be so.
There's two really critically important minds in in this epistle, the mind that that he had, which possessed his heart. And it's it's what it's what motivated him daily. Sometimes you talk to a Christian and they cite Paul as the great evangelist and he was.
But the primary focus?
Well, just to put it in a little different way, remember the Lord Jesus in John six, he said.
Oh, I don't want to. I don't want to misconduct.
Something to the effect of as the father.
Rather not Discord misquote that is.
Chapter 6.
Yeah, you're on 657 as the living father has sent me and I.
Is set up as assemblies gathered to his name. These two minds are, are very important, uh, one for, for unity going on together in the assembly and the other for, for pursuing our, our heavenly goal, uh.
It's, it's a blessed thing. That's epistle because it expresses the heart of a mature thing. If I, if I could just make another point, I'd rather read Darby's, uh, translation.
And there's a, and this is an important point to in his translation, he, he uses this phrase, I have been taken possession of by Christ Jesus. And every one of us, every believer can say I have been taken possession of by Christ Jesus. We didn't even know about it. We were, you know, in Proverbs 8, it could be said of the Lord, the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way. Well, he possessed us in his own thoughts before the world.
And in his own time in man's history, he took possession of us.
We don't belong to ourselves anymore, but to think that the Lord of glory would want to take possession of, of me or or of of anyone of our system. It's, it's such a wonderful thing. And Paul had laid hold of that truth that that he'd been taking possession of by, by the Lord of glory himself. Just a precious thought from the heart.
Other place the apostle says, Be followers of me, as I also am of Christ, as our brother brought out. The Lord himself is set before us. As an example. Here Paul speaks of himself and says, be followers together of me.
And there's a reason why sometimes the apostle.
Set the Lord, or himself and the Lord He was, to be the representative man. That was one of the things he'd been apprehended, possessed by Christ for in First Timothy 2.
Or chapter one.
That well known verse where he speaks of himself as the.
Chief of centers, of whom I am chief. Verse 15. But he says in 16 Howbeit for this 'cause I obtain mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern.
To them which should hereafter believe on Him to everlasting.
Life everlasting. And so in a certain sense, he's a patterner, a sample, an example and purpose to be that way. And not only that, in the same way he was.
Apprehended on the road to Damascus and brought down is the same way. Israel in the coming days is going to be brought back to God too.
But there are things in which we.
Ten I'll be.
Follow the Lord in because there are things that the Lord never had to do.
Paul had to run to attain. Did the Lord have to run to attain? No.
Paul had to strive to keep down and judge his flesh.
Christ never had flesh to judge. So there are things that the apostle passed through in this thought of a race and a goal and perfection that the Lord never had to do. And so the Lord in that certain sense, uh, can't be set before us in that way as an example.
So the Spirit of God takes this man as a sample man, and he passes them through these things, and he lays hold of him and possesses him, and that's part of his purpose and his apprehension of him, and he makes him a sample man for us.
This reaches right down to our day, doesn't That's in two ways. Number one, we of course have the scriptures here about Paul.
And #2 There are those in our day. I believe that, uh.
Are attempting to walk as Paul walked and uh, so that I can look on them too as an example. Can I in this present day?
Mark sandwich box so.
And we have asked for an example, whereas Mr. Darby says instead of Park picks your eye on those.
Find the right ones to look up and when you're doing, it's not just anybody and it's not running a race and I guess they're.
Any way we can?
Clinical group called by any means necessary, not like that we have to.
One at the rate 12 and the right example and the right pathway is a warrant is the one.
Their enemies of the cross of Christ. Because the cross of Christ has separated us from this world. All that we were by nature before we were Christ was crucified in Calvary's cross, and now we're dead to sin. We're dead to this world. The world is crucified to us and we to this world. And so to be an enemy of the cross of Christ is because we don't want to be separated from this world.
We still want to take up those things that belong to the first man. Well, I say we it's a danger for us to fall in that we can fall into.
This book takes up normal Christianity. What is the normal path for, believe it or not, the average path. An average across a group of people might, uh, Christians might be something far lower in character than what's presented in this book. It's not average Christianity, it's normal Christianity. What Christianity ought to be.
For us, and the opposite of that is to be an enemy of the cross of Christ.
The cross of Christ that separated us from this world, it's really worldliness. And you know, in this day that we live in, I think far more than evil doctrines and some things that afflicted the Saints of God in the past, It's worldliness that really has, uh, just decimated the Saints of God in this world. And, uh, Satan has been so successful with that. It's something we need to be on.
Guard of at all times.
To be transformed, not to be conformed to this world and our thoughts and our ways and our dress and our associations, but to be transformed to have this mind that's presented in this book and us.
Heavenly minded, knowing where we belong to where our citizenship.
It's not an enemy in the sense that they were preaching against Christianity.
That's not the thought, but it's what the real effect of the cross is for the believer.
That they were against.
The men at verse 17 were to be followed because their.
Join heavenly things, not earthly things, you know.
Union with Christ their their place with him.
Verses 18 and 19 are in Francis's, so the actual plot flows from verse 17 to 20. It would read brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so that you have us for an example for a conversation or a Commonwealth is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
And that really puts our eyes back away from those who are enemies of the cross and back on the man in the glory, doesn't it?
On the Lord Jesus, whom we expect today, they will meet him even today, maybe before supper in the cloud.
Yesterday the example of the brother who wanted to die before the Lord came.
Was mentioned, but, uh, for myself, I'm very interested in that transformation that's going to happen to me. Uh, it'd be a very unique experience. Uh, very, I mean, hopefully all of us in this room will experience it that to, to have these bodies that humiliate us on a daily basis for different reasons through sickness, through just the limitations and effects of sin.
And have that body changed to be like the body of the Lord Jesus has?
That glorious body that we have in verse 21 to be changed in a moment to be like Him.
We wait for.
The end of life.
And everything will cry on my own blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Our God, our Father, we thank Thee to be able to close this meeting.
This little him to set the hope that is proper to us in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ before our souls.
We do look forward to that moment when that, uh, shout will be given, when will be changed in a moment twinkling of an eye.
When we'll look into the face of our Savior and that, uh, work of the Spirit of God in each of our souls will be complete and we will be like him in full perfection. All may that moment be before our souls in such a way and.
Be the motive of everything we do in our lives. Maybe these lives us given us in this little time that remains we devoted to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To be, uh, occupied with him.
And so we just pray that we might, uh, be kept with thee in the path of faith. We.
Think of that wondrous power of resurrection when all those who are in the graves that will hear the voice of the Son of God will come forth, that out resurrection from among the dead and all of us to be changed.
Those uh.
Whose bodies are sleeping in the grave?
Nadasen, death to be.
Gathered up, who can count the dust of Jacob?
The Dawkins counted Now gather it up. Change those bodies and ours together. Be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. All that wondrous power of resurrection.
That is ours even now. For the path of faith we thank thee for.
And so we do thank these for.
Afternoon that we've had and we look forward to.
Uh, meeting this evening as a special blessing upon it of our brother's strength and, uh, word for thyself, for our souls. Thank you for this happy few days that we've had together. And so we just.
Pray that our conversation, not only the sense of manner of life, but in what we say, might be in heaven, and so we just commit our fellowship one with another to Thee as thy blessing on it.
Giving thanks in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ and.