Philippians 3:15-21

Duration: 1hr 16min
Philippians 3:15‑21
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It'll be the 15th perhaps.
Looking at the three in verse 15.
Let us therefore as many as be perfect, Be thus minded, and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless work that we have already attained, Let us walk by the same rule. Let us mind the same thing. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example for many walk of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping.
That they are the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in heaven. For once also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto Himself?
I wonder if I could just mention the 13 first rather than I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do.
Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ. Jesus, brother was just speaking about this, forgetting those things which are behind.
I believe it has more to do with attainment than failure.
You find that if they were to remember the rock from whence they were hewn, God said to the ones in Ephesians.
Wherefore, remember that he being in time, past Gentiles in the flesh, we're not to dwell upon these things, but God has forgotten our sins or sins and iniquities will I remember no more. But often remembering those things keeps us humble. We're liable, more liable to dwell on our past attainments. And there was always a danger of that when we think, well, I've been faithful. I've done this or that.
Those are the things that we might tend the glory in, and Paul might have glowed in his devotedness. He left all that with the Lord He was pressing on. So I don't mean that we remember past sins as though we dwell upon them, but constantly. The Apostle Paul remembered what he was before he was saved, tells about how he was a blasphemer, a persecutor.
And so I believe that.
The remembrance of this magnifies the grace of God, but there is a tendency perhaps.
If we think we have been faithful to get occupied with our own faithfulness, and, as we press toward the mark, get occupied with Christ, why we can afford to just leave all that looking back? Why we just thank Him for His grace that has preserved us?
And keep pressing on, because we'll never be fully like Christ until he comes and calls us, and then we'll be like him, spirit, soul, and body like Christ.
Obadiah in the Old Testament, that is the the one who was in the court of Ahab.
He was compromised in his life, wasn't he with serving Ahab, but he was one that loved the Lord and when he met Elijah was trying to find it here.
He's telling what he had done.
It's the first Kings 18.
And he met Elijah met him.
One place where he tells Didn't you hear what I did?
13 first.
Thank you. Yes. He's telling Elijah what he had done. Was it not told, my Lord what I did when Jezebel threw the prophets of the Lord? How I hid 100 men of the Lord's prophets by 50 in a cave and fed them with threatened water. So he's telling what he had done when his former faithfulness. But at the present time he's serving Ahab. Isn't that a a sign of a backslider talking about what he used to do?
I've enjoyed the thought that the Lord tells us. Wherefore remember that he being in time passed. But as far as those sins are concerned, he says, your sins and iniquities will I remember no more said you remember them. They'll keep you humble. I won't remember them. They're forever blotted out. But then when we do something for the Lord, he says, you can forget that. Because I won't remember. I won't forget it. I'll remember that.
God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shelled toward His name, and that you have ministered to the Saints and due minister. So we tend to reverse it. Remember things like Obadiah did that give credit to ourselves? But the Lord says just leave that. I'll never forget that, Not even a cup of cold water given in my name.
I think it was mentioned in previous consideration on that 15th verse.
Let us therefore as many as the perfect.
Well, that sounds pretty lofty.
But we have to remember that.
It would mean, like the Apostle John writing to the fathers they had grown from children to young men and to fathers. And it is.
The stability of.
Resulting from walking in the truth that we know gives stability.
Yeah, it doesn't make us proud, person proud, but it gives a.
Balanced view of things, so that that word is like mature.
In First Corinthians 14.
After some of those verses that are questioned about what Paul has said, he says if anyone thinks themselves to be spiritual, let them acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. And it wasn't just Paul, it was the commandments of the Lord if any man thinks himself to be spiritual. And wouldn't it be something like that here that.
If a person feels himself to have some maturity, then he must be pressing toward the mark.
That must be his goal, not to get a bigger piece of this present world, but pressing toward that goal would be a sign of that maturity, wouldn't it?
And there might be a tendency for a person who has matured to feel well. I've attained, and I don't need to press so much as you. Younger ones. You better press on. But I I've really arrived. So he says. Therefore let us therefore so it would include us too.
I asked dear old brother Sanford one time. I said, Brother Joe, have you arrived?
And boy he gave me that that quick southern eye and he says, Bob, I haven't arrived and neither have you. I'll never forget. But we are talking about some of these things about me, about you know here we are getting up in years and all year old Joe, of course he looks down at me. You're just one of the kids yet. But it's it's wonderful to be able to reflect on the fact that we are growing and I think in the next verse, in the 16th verse.
It says, nevertheless more until we have already attained. Let us walk by the same rule as mind, the same thing. I was thinking of little Samuels coat, it says. Every year his mother came up and brought him a new coat. Why did she do that?
Well, he was growing bigger, wasn't he? I can remember when the suit got too tight for me. And mom says, well, looks like you're growing. You have to get your new set of pants and that sort of thing. You know, we do grow, don't we? And we should grow. We should grow in grace too, shouldn't we?
But there are many who are not mature, spiritually speaking, and as long as it is not.
Connected with willfully resisting the truth of God.
Have to bear with ignorance and with lack of understanding, and count that the Lord will reveal things to them.
As time goes on, I think we are still learning.
But there are those who are in the position of learners, and it's good that they recognize that for themselves. It's a very painful thing when young people think that they have to take a prominent part in teaching in the assembly when there are older brethren present. Of course there are situations where there are.
Very few or no older men, you know, where responsibilities are brought before veterans who are comparatively young. But.
We have to anticipate, anticipate that there are many that have to be carried along, so to speak.
And as time goes on, they will learn and will make progress. And what a joy it is when we do see that progress.
And the younger ones who have other thoughts, as it says here in that 15th verse. And if in anything ye be otherwise minded, somebody might say well after. I don't really think it's that way. I think it's this way. Well, we have to be patient and let as the next part of the verse we let the Lord reveal.
God shall reveal even this to you.
He never teaches one one way and another another way, yeah.
1St Corinthians 110 says, I beseech you therefore.
Beseech you, therefore, by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that there be no divisions amongst you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same judgment, the same opinion it is that.
Submission that we all require, younger and older, and then we will all learn the same thing. He brings us into Oneness of Mind.
I believe we could say spiritual maturity is having Christ as our object. That's what he's Speaking of here I pressed toward the mark for the prize of the high calling or calling on high of God in Christ. And then His word is our guide. That is spiritual maturity. We don't gain that all at once. But as we go on having Christ as the object, and then he opens up the truth to us. Paul was a very proud man before, proud of his attainments as a good.
You, you might say, until he met the Lord and all that he boasted in He saw it was all lost. It was just done.
And now he was saved. He still needed to have this blessed One whom he met on the road to Damascus as the object before him. And his word is the guide. And so we have an exalted Savior, one at the right hand of God. He is our righteousness. And I believe it's important too that being perfect is really understanding where the grace of God has put us, not only sins forgiven, but new creatures in Christ. Jesus made the righteousness of God in him.
Brought into this wonderful place, perhaps I could say another thing too. There's perhaps a tendency to say, well, if godly brethren differ in their judgment, how am I to know? Well, then we have our eyes upon man, but on God's part he is always willing to let us to teach us the truth. We need to remember that it says in John, if any man will do his will, not know if any man will do his will.
He shall know of the doctrine. So never think that God isn't willing to teach us. If Mr. Darby and Mr. Kelly differed on something, it's no reason why God can't teach us. It's because we have allowed something to come in and hinder because on God's part. And I think this is very sweet the way it's worded here, if in anything you'd be otherwise minded. A brother will reveal it to you. No God shall reveal even this unto you. And if God teaches us through His word.
And in true humility of mine before him, then we'll be able to say, well, I've got that from the Lord. So if we've got it from a brother, it may be the truth, but we're going to be tested about it, brethren. But if we got it from the Lord, we've received it from him, then it has become ours. So that's what the Lord said. And they shall be all taught of God. I think it's very beautiful to see that born out of the garden in little young Samuel.
I just read the verse third chapter of First Samuel and the last verse 21, and the Lord appeared again in shadow. For the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord, by the word of the Lord. This is how the Lord reveals himself to us through his word.
I found it helpful when there's something I don't understand.
To kind of tuck that away.
In your mind and then as you read.
And as you read the word, suddenly, oh, there's the answer, It comes out and explained itself as it's been said already yesterday. I think that the word of God explained itself.
But very encouraging when that happens, when you get the answer that way.
You can go around and ask people and they may show you verses, but when you find it in your own reading, it's really encouraging. One time we we read in the morning Leviticus 21, and in the evening we read Luke 10. And I had never really understood why that priest and the story of the Samaritan walked by on the other side. I thought it was just his haughtiness. But when you read Leviticus 21, you find a priest.
Was not permitted to defile himself. There's the answer, And that's the teaching, isn't it? That the law and ritual, it can't help. So he couldn't go to the man. He wasn't allowed. He would have defiled himself. Well, it's the word of God teaching.
In this great gesture we talked about later on we said many walk in verse 18, for whom I have told you often about they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.
At the end of verse 19, Mind Earthly Things. I think the perfect mind here in this chapter is the heavenly mind. Our Calling is a calling high. We're called to heavenly peace and to be occupied with Christ who is there in heaven.
Is the heavenly man and Our Calling is a calling on height. It says the high calling that's not really divulged, The calling on high we've been called to be in the enjoyment of a heavenly portion. This is the very area where the the, the church has failed. So in this time the end of the dispensation of grace is that the those that are the leaders in Christendom.
Are promoting, have promoted, continue to promote.
A worldly kind of Christianity, and it's not heavenly any longer. Our Calling and the perfect mind is the mind that understands that our coming is not high, it is a heavenly one. No, earthly Christianity is not an improved Judaism. It's an altogether new order of things, Christ having been rejected down here.
And sent back with a message, We will not have this man to reign over us is to that heavenly man that we're united. And he there has become our object. Now that's really what separates us from things here. If he was on earth and we had an earthly object, he wouldn't be separated from things here. It wouldn't be proper. But he's not here. He's been rejected here. He's on high. So this perfect mind is the heavenly mind that we have as we're occupied by the Spirit.
With the heavenly object, and that's Christ. And that's what separates us from this scene. Chapter 2 gives us what feeds the soul, a humble Christ come down. Chapter 4, Chapter 3 brings me Paris, a glorified Christ, and that's the perfect mind occupied with him where he is, knowing that that's where we are and that's where our 40 falls. And to go one step farther in First Thessalonians Chapter 2.
It speaks there in verse 13.
In the middle of the verse, as first Thessalonians 213, when he received the word of God, which he heard of us, he received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth the word of God. Now this particular phrase, which effectually works also.
In you that believe.
Now that's not referring to salvation, That's referring to taking the word and believing it. And then it works. It works. But this is very personal, isn't it? And it is submission bowing to the authority of the word of God. And if I believe it, then it works.
You need to 1St know what our position is, don't we? So Paul could say thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life. Many things are settled once we know what our position is. If a Sinner does not see that Christ is not only been the one who forgives his sins, but that were brought into an entirely new position in Christ. There's a lot of things he won't understand. But when he sees that.
In the death of Christ, not only are our sins put away, but we are brought into an entirely new position. And as our brother Hendrix was saying, once we are brought into the knowledge too of our heavenly calling, a lot of things come into place at once. For instance that.
If the Canadian ambassador here in the United States, I were to say to him, are you, how are you going to vote at the election? He said. What? You don't know who I am? I'm the ambassador. Why? I have no voting in this country. I don't belong to this country. That would answer the question at once. Once he acknowledged and recognized his position. And many Christians don't see that in the death of Christ, we're separated from this world.
We're no longer citizens of it, as we have in the end of this chapter. Our conversation, our citizenship is in heaven from when salsa we look for the Savior. And so in this chapter he opens up a glorified Christ once seated at the right hand of God himself. Our righteousness and we having him before us and we and he is our object. A lot of things drop into place, and I believe that's important. Brethren, many doctrines of the scripture.
Drop into place when we really understand what our position is. I don't just break bread as a Christian, I break bread as a member of the body of Christ. Well then that brings in the truth of the one body. And so there are many things like this. We need to be established first in the present truth. Once we are, then the Spirit of God can show us our responsibilities.
The ambassador has to know what his position is once he knows that.
It all becomes very simple what he is instructed to do.
They can't take part in the politics of that country. He's only an ambassador there. He has to be very careful how he acts. So he properly represents the country that he comes from. And so I believe it's so important that we first see and that's why he develops in this chapter, Christ as our righteousness shows our position and then says, well, if you're full grown, if you're mature in these things.
And there's some little thing you don't understand. God shall reveal even this unto you.
Are there such a thing as worldliness?
But there is also such a thing as earthliness.
That we have here the statement who mined earthly things in Colossians we read in Chapter 3.
Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.
There are legitimate things which are not classified as part of this world system.
And we have to be on our guard that we don't set our affections on these things.
Young fellows, there's nothing wrong to have a car.
But if that's your idol, you know, if that's all you can't think of, that's something that fits in here with things on earth.
It's a wonderful thing to find a girlfriend and get married and have a family. You know, we're very thankful. These are all things connected with life on this earth. But do we idolize our wife? Do we idolize our children? You know, it's a wonderful thing to have these things, but Christ has to remain the object for the heart. What about your job? What about my job?
I've enjoyed my work very much.
And I'm also glad now I'm no longer involved in it, but.
This is not what we're living for.
You know, we have the responsibility to provide for our own.
And that's all connected with life on earth. He that provides not for his own has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Yet are these things my life?
Is this is all that I'm living for?
But I can live in these relationships that are earthly relationships for the Lord and bringing him into these things. But a difference it makes. So you've got a difficult faucet work, but if you do, what you do is unto the law, but a difference it makes. But we do see, do we not, Beloved, there are things that in themselves are legitimate, but if they become.
The purpose for our life, you know, then Christ is losing out. We ourselves lose out, you know, and I think these are some of the things that.
Paul is warning again and these dangers exist for us.
Is demons an example of earthly minded? He loved his present world but it doesn't say present evil world is just the present thing, wasn't it?
It's nice to see in this epistle.
It's been mentioned before, but I'll mention it again in the first chapter, the 27th verse. You have the gospel mind only let your conversation be a Congress, the gospel of Christ. But whether I come and see you or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit.
With one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.
So there you've got the gospel mind, and this is normal Christianity. It's not normal if we don't have the desire to reach out for the salvation of the lost. That's normal Christianity, to have a gospel mind to to witness to others of the wonderful truth that we've been brought into. And then in the second chapter in verse five, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
And we have that beautiful example of him who was in the highest place in the form of God, and he took the lowest place, the form of a servant, and he went down even into death, the death of the cross. That's the lowly mind. And then in our chapter we have in verse.
In verse 14 we have the calling is the calling on high, as it should read of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore as many as be perfect.
Be thus minded to have that heavenly mind, the mind of one who is called to a portion on high, not here in this world. And the contrast is of those that mind, earthly things, who are the enemies of the cross of Christ found in a later verse. And then in the 4th chapter you have.
In verse 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God.
Which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, a mind kept by his peace going on, persevering in the path, and kept by his peace. And that we have the the the mind that continues, that continues on in the sense of his peace, through all the difficulties and circumstances of the pathway it's nice to trace.
The thought of the mind in the Epistle to the Philippians and.
Its normal Christianity that we have a gospel outreach, that we take the low place, that we realize our place in Christ in the glory, and then to have his peace filling our hearts and minds going on until that moment when he calls his home. That's normal Christianity, isn't it?
Sometimes young people say well.
My thoughts come into my mind and they're not nice thoughts.
How can I get rid of those thoughts? Or why do those? Why does the Lord allow those thoughts to come in? Well, I believe that last verse that has just been spoken of.
Be careful, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep or guard first your heart, your hearts.
And then minds or thoughts, he will guard our thoughts if we are doing those earlier things, letting be careful for nothing, not be full of care about things. And then the mind is kept. It's guarded. He guards it. We can't.
Someone asked that question one time and brother Judd gave a nice answer.
On that one, he compared it with the apostles. When they had been detained in the prison and being let go, they went to their own company.
And sometimes we're busy. It was things that we have to have our mind on. But his thought was when we're no longer required to think about school, work or whatever, where does our mind go? Does it go to its own company? Does it go on the things of the Lord? And that's certainly quite difficult because you can never turn your mind off. It's on something all the time. And we're told in 2nd Corinthians 10, four. I think it is maybe the 5th, 1St to bring our thoughts into captivity.
So those two things, keeping our thoughts in captivity and letting them.
Go to their own company, the things that have to do with the Lord and that takes their mind off the other thing.
But mind, the mind does come up with some thoughts that trouble us, and sometimes even when we're in the presence of the Lord and a troubled souls. But I've quoted Mr. I mean the reformer, Martin Luther. You know, he made the statement once you cannot prevent birds from flying over your head, but you can't prevent from them building a nest in your hair.
So Wendy, thoughts come up.
You know, we can judge these thoughts. Don't dwell on them, don't pursue them. That is something that you and I have to do, you know. And it's amazing sometimes. And it doesn't change with age either, you know, That's the problem that all men, all women, all boys and girls have. And so don't let the devil trouble your conscience by some thoughts springing up in your mind.
As if this is proof that you are going on in a carnal way.
But to judge it, don't pursue it, don't dwell on it. But if your mind is occupied with the things of God, and even not just when we go to meetings, you know it makes a big difference, You know, sometimes a very humbling thing, what we dream, you know. But I do believe that, even when we are.
Occupied with the things of the Lord we dream sometimes of. To think of the Lord you know and I know of a brother. There was so much occupied with the things of the Lord.
He was deaf on one of his ears, so he's laid on the other ear, you know. And he when he was sleeping, he was giving sermons in his sleep, so I believe that I'm using that only as an example to show.
Fill your mind with good things.
And it will make a big difference. It will not prevent you from having some evil thoughts at times, but it is a tremendous help.
In thinking good things and these things come to your mind.
The 18th first of our chapter.
To me that Paul refers to a category of people that he told them about often for many walks of whom I have told you often, he was repeating himself, Perhaps not constantly, but quite often. And you see that he had a concern for the Thessalonians, that the outright persecution that they got from the world would not turn them aside. But this seems to be more devastating where there was a company of people or a class of people.
So I would think somehow or other we would call them today a professing believers.
Who would have a devastating effect upon the Saints if they weren't warned to not take the same course? For many walk, of whom I have told you often, now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ, so that those that have already left this afternoon and those of us that will travel later on today will be on busy highways. And if there's a traffic jam going the opposite direction, it means little to us as long as the traffic going our direction.
Is clear. We go right along and really the people on going the same direction we are in a certain sense that impact us the most. And if there's a lot of traffic or a slowdown or an accident heading north or heading South where we're going, we are greatly affected by that. And I think we can see in our own lives and with our brethren, with the believers, we may know where we work or go to school those that our children company with. These have the greatest effects upon us and it's sobering for our own responsibility.
How are we affecting our brethren? And also the devastating thing here is that those who correct me if I'm wrong, but seem to be those who were calling on the name of the Lord, but they had made themselves enemies of the cross of Christ. That is that which speaks of the reproach and separation.
From of the believer from the world like we have in Galatians 6 became something unpalatable to them. They didn't want it to be that way. Like brother Tom quoted the themas he loved the present age.
I really almost would like to see it go on a little while. This is not too bad, and this is a terrible weed if it gets into our hearts, terrible upon our lives as believers, if we pick up with earthly things, that they become our objects. So that, as I think one brother put it, that those who are enemies of the cross of Christ are those who try to attach the name of Christ to a life that has the earth for its object, and so certainly an insipid unhappy.
Form of Christianity that we can see, I think, when we think about it, why Paul would be especially burdened to tell them, often even weeping, to not walk in that pathway.
Could I go back just for a minute to the 16th verse? It's AI think it's a an encouragement to each one. Some younger ones here this afternoon and in the the newer translation says if I have it correctly. But where to we have attained?
Let us walk in the same steps.
Let us walk in the same steps.
Well, let's not try to be setting a set of steps for ourselves that we think is right, but the same steps. What steps of those who are walking and who have gone on and have proved the word to be true, and to have that confidence. Walk in those same steps and you won't go off the track.
Isn't it true, brother buried at many times?
We who are older, the fancy homes that we buy, the fancy cars that we drive, stirs up a desire in the hearts of the young to have the same we are not a good example.
You know, I remember meeting a man who served the Lord British Guyana.
Came from England, I think I can mention his name, Mr. Sewell.
He had a high government position in England. He gave that up and served the Lord and finished Guyana. You know what he had for living quarters? One roof.
One room. Most of the things there were living in very poor conditions. Can you imagine what it would have done to them if he come? He probably could have afforded it to have a fancy home and so on.
It would have been a stumbling block to these dear souls, but he was willing to be content with the one room where he lived. I have admired that man, and I believe.
His example did not lead anybody to reach out for things, to get things beyond earth. I think that's a example that could speak to our hearts when we living in a meeting where there are sayings that are predominantly factory workers, you know, and then we get such fancy homes and that might lead to jealousy and the desire to reach for these same things.
And they have to put all their efforts and energies in to get that kind of thing. They lose out spiritually. Those are some things that should exercise us and the Apostle Paul.
Was an example. You know, he had lost everything and he spent and he was spent. He knew what it was to abound. He knew what it was to suffer, want.
All went in the service of the Lord. He did not seek things for himself at the wonderful example.
The aspect of the cross always has to do with separation from the world as a system, doesn't it? It's been said the blood of Christ puts my sins away. The death of Christ puts me away. That is the end of my atom position and entirely new position where dad and risen with Christ.
But the cross is always used in the sense of separation. If the world gave the person whom I love most across than how can I go along and enjoy its favor and its pleasures and so on. So the cross is always looked upon as the shame side after it separates me from the world as a system, and all that it has to offer may not be wrong in itself, but nevertheless it identifies me and associates me with a world.
That doesn't want my Savior. So the enemies of the cross of Christ, I believe they thought, is not whether they're Christians or not, but it's the possession that they were taking and the path that they were traveling. What is the end of this world's course? Judgment. Destruction. The earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up. That's the end of it. God will never allow one of his own to go to the end. He'll step in, even if it's at his coming to take us.
As it says, say so is by fire, but nevertheless.
It's the point, I believe in this portion of where the path leads and what kind of company are we going to walk in? It says in John's epistle, Who is he that overcometh the world that but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? When I see that this world crucified the one who's so dear to me and then it's not hard to overcome them opposing the people in this.
In the vicinity where I live, murdered my child and then said we're going to have a party. We're not going to do anything that's wrong. It's just going to be a very innocent party. We'd like you to come. I wouldn't find it hard to make a decision about that, not because of what they're doing, but because of the company that I would be in. And I believe that's the whole point being let go. They went to their own company. As our brother was saying, we we have to work with people like this, but when our time is free.
Where do we want to be with those who love the Savior? Those who have a heavenly home, Those who are not of this world, allowing us?
In Revelation chapter 3.
In the Address to Philadelphia, verse 10 Because thou has kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world. It comes upon the whole world, but it comes to try them that dwell upon the earth, try them that dwell upon the earth.
You hear of this group, this class, this moral class, those that dwell upon the earth, verse 8 of chapter 13. It says all that dwell upon the earth.
Shall worship the beast.
And in verse 14 the Antichrist.
Deceiveth them that dwell on the earth.
It's really apostate Christians that are these earth dwellers. They've had heaven offered to them and they say I prefer earth. And that's what he's talking about here in Philippians 3, those that are earthly minded.
The 17th verse brings again the thought of the same of one mind as it says.
Brethren, Every believer on the face of the earth is one of the Brethren.
It's not a class of people, brethren, every believer.
Be followers.
That's the work of the Spirit of God, isn't it? Together.
Of Maine sounds as if the apostle was very conceited, but he is living so close to the Lord that he could say that with divine inspiration.
Me, he could say, for me to live as Christ.
Often say I can't say that truthfully.
I could aspire to it, but I really can't. But I'm very glad that there's a man that walked on this earth for me to live is Christ. So he could say with perfect confidence, brethren, be followers together of me.
Corinthians 11/1 He says Be followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
What was that verse 1 Corinthians 11/1?
In everyone of those, that's why I wanted to know the verse. It's in Mr. Darby's translation. It says be my imitators, even as I also am of Christ.
The thought I have is that there's only one word to follow, and that's Christ.
But we are to imitate Paul who followed Christ. But we're not to follow a man, we're to follow Christ. Is that the right thought?
Yes, I believe so that God did in his goodness make the Apostle Paul an example, as he says in First Timothy 1A pattern to those who would hereafter believe unto eternal life. So we're often encouraged by an example. We see a brother and his whole heart and soul is wrapped up in following the Lord. He's an example to us, but he points us to Christ. He doesn't point us to Himself.
In fact, his very example is that he points us to Christ, not to himself. And so I I believe that's true that the Lord Jesus is the example. But the Apostle Paul was a pattern picked up from being an enemy of the cross of Christ, being an enemy of the people of God. And of the whole Christian testimony says he thought with himself he ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. And then God saved him. He became a pattern of what the grace of God could do.
Picking a man up who was such a person as that, and making him a pattern of what his grace could do in changing him into a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus.
Imitate their faith. It says in Hebrews 13 those who have taught us the word of God. Sometimes, it has been said, we do not imitate their mistakes, but we imitate their faith. And in spite of whatever weaknesses and failures those who have taught us the Word of God had, there was that in their life that we can imitate.
You know, even those men whom God raised up were not perfect. You know, when you think of Mr. Darby, Mr. Kelly, those men. But there is in their life there that we can imitate, not to imitate them, but to imitate the faith that they had. That's the important thing. So it goes even beyond the Apostle Paul. You know, we can apply that to ourselves, those who have taught us the word of God.
And we can imitate their faith.
It does take them in there, doesn't he? And the rest of that, Yeah, that verse.
And mark them he doesn't say mark me which walk so as ye have us.
Not me, us for an example.
I wonder if I could just suggest what it says in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 7. Remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of God whose faith followed, considering the end of their conversation.
I I believe we, we see those who went along well for a while and then were turned aside.
But I believe that when a person has gone on right to the end in the path, that God is marked out, as you said, not perfectly, but continued in the path by what they have said in their ministry means a great deal more to me. But I see that a person wrote some very wonderful things at a time in his life, but afterwards got turned aside. I don't feel the same confidence as I read it as one who was preserved of God. It's all his grace.
In the path until the very end. But I think that's important for us, considering the end of their conversation. So when somebody hands me some ministry and I see that man really for a time went on brightly for the Lord, but something happened and he was turned aside. I'm a little careful when I read His Ministry because there must have been something. Things don't happen by chance, brethren. If we're walking with the Lord, we can't keep ourselves.
But he's able to keep us, and he will keep us if we walk in dependence and humility before him, won't he?
We think too, that there's this aspect to the 17th verse where Paul does not have the expression that he adds in first Drinkions 11 as I also am of Christ.
In the First Corinthians 11, well, actually the end of the previous chapter.
He writes, even as I please all men and all things not seeking my own profit, but the prophet of many, that they may be saved in this pattern of of selflessness.
For the profit of others, he was imitating Christ because Christ did the same perfectly. In Philippians 3 in the chapter we have Paul as an example of one who runs to attain and runs to finally become something fully that he wasn't yet. And in that sense I suggest that it wouldn't really. It's not just.
That he was forgetting to be modest here, But really, in this sense, Christ, it would not be proper.
For Paul to say in verse 17 as I also in Christ, because we think of who the Lord Jesus was as the Son of God, he ever dwelt in the bosom of the Father. He was always an altogether that which he said he was. He was the Son of Father of the Father, and was everything he always loved as as someone put it, in spite of what he became. And so the thought of the Lord Jesus even though he had.
Father's will before him as an object to do the Father's will. He always was in his person completely and perfect and fully arrived in ever since. I hope. I'm trying to speak about this carefully, but I hope you understand what I mean. But in that sense it seems that the Lord puts Paul before us as a man of light passions, who who ran the race, strove, stretched himself to attain something, and as such he's put before us as a model that we should follow him in that so.
It's not just that he forgot to be to sound modest or humble here, but really I think it's the work of inspiration that he says be imitators of me here, period.
For our conversation is in heaven, or our associations of life are in heaven. Brethren, we need to be reminded of this.
The Scripture speaks of us as heavenly ones.
You know First Corinthians 15.
And that is what should come out.
In our lives.
And we have to remember that Chuck already has pointed out the heavenly calling.
You know we, our conversations of life are in heaven while we're here on earth, you know?
You have heard the story, no doubt, of his black brother in Michigan.
You know, he worked in a factory and he had a wonderful testimony.
And some of his fellow workers were going to make fun of him.
And they came to him and told him a dirty joke.
To see what his reaction would be. And his comment was men, I live in the presence of God and they walked away.
He was conscious of His heavenly calling and that His associations of life.
Where in heaven?
Good to remember, and in spirit we can dwell there already is that wonderful in spirit we can dwell.
Where we will be bodily all eternity.
Have often thought of that man. I've heard of that story years ago, and I've always thought of this, that that man had to be consistent in his life as never before, so that no one would despise him.
And if it were so, they might laugh at him. They might try to trip him up.
But down deep in their heart they wouldn't despise him first. Timothy 412 Paul said to Timothy. He thou and let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example.
All of the believers not to the believers as a younger man of the believers.
He was.
High heavenly, lofty truth that he had learned from the Apostle, and Timothy was called on therefore to be consistent in everything that he was doing his life, and I often thought of that man.
That put him right into a spot where he had to be doubly careful. And that's what we need to be, don't we? To be consistent in our life with what we are saying and that word conversation.
It's an old English word, and sometimes it's translated manner of life. But how beautiful it is to connect that word with our manner of life and our conversation. That's our conversation about is it commensurate? Is it similar to our life? Are we talking about those things of heaven, and are we living it?
Our conversation and our manner of life.
In the two cents of the meaning of those words should be consistent.
Is talking about our moral order of things. Then he comes to the body. Isn't it lovely to think that when we get home to glory, we're not only going to be morally like the Lord Jesus, but we're going to be physically like him too? We're like an ambassador in a country, called upon to represent his own country in another position, but looking forward to the time when he returns to his own country, his true home?
Now where is our true home, brethren? It's in the Father's house. And when I see every believer that you see me in the glory, we're not only going to be morally like Christ, but physically like Christ. His servant shall serve him, and they shall see his face, and his name shall be in their forehead. There'll be a perfect likeness to Christ then. What God is seeking to produce in us now is a moral likeness. But soon our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who shall change our vile bodies or bodies of humiliation?
That it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. What a wonderful thing before this meeting is over. This may be true that we'll be in that glory and see every believer fully like Christ. Well, may the Lord grant that our lives will be like him now, but soon we're going to be all together like him, and surely we'll just cast our crowns at his feet and say he's worthy. If there was anything produced in our lives that was for his glory.
All the credits due to him. He has done that. But he wants our willing hearts, doesn't He? Wants us just to be willing. If we're willing on his part, he is willing. And he's able to produce that likeness to Christ now, as he is able to produce the physical likeness when he comes.
Maybe we can sing him 212 verses 1-2 and seven.
Perhaps, brethren, we could sing another hymn in Our Little Flock, Book #20.
Hymn #20.
In the appendix.
To the Lord together for his help.
Our God and loving Father, we thank Thee above all things this afternoon.
For that unspeakable gift of thy love.
Own Beloved Son, our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ.
I know our God, we think at the close of these three days of meetings.
We've had thy precious word before our souls.
And we were reminded the other day in the meetings of how that it was a tremendous cost to those in that day.
To make that possible that we could have the word of God with us here these past three days.
I know our God. We're about to turn for a few moments to some portions of Thy word. Now, this afternoon, I know our God. We pray that by Thy Spirit it may speak to our hearts.
To turn us to that blessed One, Thine own beloved Son, who loved us and gave himself for us there at Calvary our God, we ask thee for Thy special help, the guidance and direction of Thy Holy Spirit, for thine honor and Thy glory, and for the blessing our God and Father of precious souls here in this room this afternoon.
Who may still be without Christ our God. We just thank thee in the worthy name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
Could return to a verse in the end of John's Gospel.
Chapter 18.
John's Gospel chapter 18 and verse 40.
Here we find a scene.
A court, shall we say.
Can we find those who are crying out? Let's read the verse, then cry, they all again saying.
Not this man.
But Barabbas?
Now Barabbas was a robber.
What was that cry near 2000 years ago?
This world cried out. Not this man, Doctor Abbott this afternoon.
And the past three days we've had before us that blessed man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all.
Here's a verse I'd like to turn to.
In the book of Job, chapter 22.
And the 21St verse.
Job 22 and verse 21.
Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace.
There by good shall come unto thee.
If we were to turn to the book of Romans.
The third chapter we read these words where there's no difference.
All have sinned and come short of the glory God.
That is your position, and mine by nature. We came short.
Each one here this afternoon. It doesn't matter what an upbringing you may have had.
You've sinned. There's no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And all dear ones this afternoon this world is guilty.
Of the crucifixion and the death of our precious Savior, and God has not forgotten that.
A verse was mentioned the other night at the Gospel, I believe in the 36th chapter of Job.
And the 18 verse. And there we read because there is wrath.
Beware, because there is Wrath. Beware.
You know, if we turn to the New Testament we find in Acts 17.
That He has appointed a day in which He will judge this world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained, O friends, through his wrath. Purest wrath. Let's turn to John's Gospel chapter 3.
John's Gospel chapter 3.
And verse 18.
That believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not has condemned already.
Because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Over to look at the 51St time. We read there how David could say how that he was shaping an iniquity born in sin. And it's true of everyone of Adam's race, each one of us here this afternoon we entered into this world with a fallen nature, born in sin and shaped in iniquity. And in the 17th chapter of Jeremiah, we're told so plainly that the heart is deceitful.
Above all things and desperately wicked.
What a black picture. Oh friend, this afternoon there is wrath. Let's look at the last verse of John, Chapter 3, verse 36. He that believeth on a son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life.
But what But the wrath of God abideth on him turn to a verse in Revelation Chapter 7.
Revelation chapter 6 rather the latter part of the chapter.
Verse 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man and every freeman hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and the rocks fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.
Oh dear young person, here this afternoon, dear boy or girl, are you sheltered this afternoon by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Our precious Savior could return to 1St Thessalonians, Chapter One.
Here we read of.
The Church, Professor Maliki, Catalonians, and just the latter part of that chapter is.
Verse 9 and 10 For they themselves show us, show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how he turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
Oh, I hope I've made it clear this afternoon. Because there is wrath. Beware the wrath of God is going to fall on this Christ rejecting world. And dear Sinner friend, this afternoon there's only one place of safety. And asked to have your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to be sheltered by that precious blood that was shed at Calvary's Cross near 2000 years ago. Oh he read in the beginning of those.
That cried out with one voice. Not this man, Oh dear soul, this afternoon.
Are you going to be with that number that cried out there at Calgary, not this man? Or are you going to turn to that man of Calvary as he hung on that center cross with his hands outstretched, That one who could say, come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace. I'd like to turn briefly to John's Gospel, Chapter 20.
John, Chapter 20.
There are two.
Ladies mentioned in Scripture, I'd like to speak out just briefly in chapter 20 of John, verse one. The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark under the subtle currency of a stone taken away from the sepulchre. And she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them. They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.
Verse 11 But Mary stood without it, a sepulchre weeping, and as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre. Before that I'd like to just turn to the 10th verse there and read it. Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. But Mary stood without it, the temperature weeping. And as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre, and see if 2 angels in white sitting the one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, woman, why weep bestow And she saith unto them, because they have taken away.
My Lord and I know not where they've laid him.
Oh dear, you know when this afternoon I beseech you, I quaint now thyself with him, and be at peace, Mary Magdalene, not one who had been a Sinner, and had been brought to the Lord Jesus.
Oh, what does he say here? They've taken away, my Lord. Her affections had been won by that blessed one and all. We would to go all this afternoon at your affections, dear one.
Might be one for him.
Let's turn to Luke's Gospel Chapter 7.
Luke's Gospel, Chapter 7.
Verse 37 And behold, a woman in the city, which was a Sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at me to the Pharisees housewife in alabaxter box appointment, and stood at his feet behind him, weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and had wiped them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
We turn on down to verse 44 And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, See us thou this woman. I entered into thine house. Thou gave us me no water for my feet, but she hath washed my feet with the tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gave us me no kiss. But this woman, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kiss my feet, My head with oil, I just not anoint, But this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven.
For she loved much.
But to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at me with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also? And he said to the woman.
Thy faith has saved thee. Go in peace.
Oh friends, what Grace, this woman of this city? If he was a Sinner, there was no question about it. But she came to that only source that could save her from her sins. And where did she get? She got down at his feet. She got down at his feet.
Had her tears flowed forth, and she wiped his feet with her hair. She kissed his feet.
Oh yes, and she heard those wondrous words from the Savior of sinners.
Who could say in that 50th verse thy faith has saved thee?
Go in peace.
Acquaint now thyself with him.
And the apiece? There's no peace in this world.
Father said there's no peace to the wicked.
Lord friend, there is peace to be found this afternoon and simply putting your faith and trust.
In the Savior of sinners who died for you on Calvary, and more that judgment of God against sin, who bore that wrath that I so richly deserve.
There is therefore no wrath.
For the child of God, we just pray our God and Father.
Always thank thee for thy sovereign grace, the gift of thy dear son.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, that one, and who mows almighty Light, of whom the heavens could open and declare, This is my beloved Son.
In whom I am well pleased. Oh our God, we thank thee.
Once again for the riches of thy grace.
We thank thee for this time of happy fellowship these past three days, the precious ministry Thy word and how that closing verse we read of how He shall change these vile bodies and fashion them like unto His glorious body, when we shall be morally like Christ. Oh, what a day awaits those who have put their faith and trust in thee, Lord Jesus, who have become acquainted with that blessed Savior.
The man of Calvary, our God, we ask you to bless Thy Word for thine own honor and for thy glory.
In the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.