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Uh, maybe for the agency?
Run and she goes to the club.
Pretty hard to go away all over the world and everything flying there and praying together.
We're in the Allahabad where we're not going to come home.
When all this may have never rained.
On the Windsor.
And glowing.
All right.
The world.
Rose Little.
Fast, right?
Now right around the tree in the hole.
I appreciate it.
I am when I'm alone in shine.
Wake up to the crosswalk of the nature of the.
I wonder whether if we might consider the third chapter of Philippians beginning with verses 7.
That's agreeable.
Olympians Chapter 3.
Philippine St.
Verse 7.
For what things were gain to me those thy common loss for Christ a doubtless, and I call all things of blossom for the Excellency of knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, For whom I have suffered the lost all things the accountants have done, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having my own right, which is of the law, but that which is stupid faith of Christ righteousness, which is, oh God by him.
That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, gave me full owners of His death, if by any means I might attain them, to the resurrection of the dead, not as though I had already attained.
But I follow after. Yep, But I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended with the Christ Jesus. Brethren, I come not myself for the apprehension, but this one thing I do for getting those things which are behind and reaching forth, and the oldest things which are before I press for the Marks and pride, the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded.
And if anything would be otherwise, my God should reveal even this if you nevertheless where do we have already a thing? Let us walk by the same rule that's mine, the same thing, brethren, be followers together of me and mark them which walked so as you have us, for example.
For many walks, of whom I have told you often, and I'll tell you even we can, that they are the enemies of the cross of crisis and then destruction, whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame.
For our conversation in heaven, when also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our wild body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working, whereby He is able even to do all things Himself.
This is very interesting Brother Richard. I was thinking of the end of this chapter myself.
Not that we know that's the mind of the Lord, but it's just interesting to think that he turned into the third chapter of politics.
I thought. I thought you looked a little startled when I said that.
The, uh, of course, uh, I'm sure both of us perhaps, uh, that him suggested some of it to us. But I was thinking of the earlier verses too, as regards the apostles desire and his estimation of things and perhaps a little bit in connection with what we talked about Moses yesterday, the apostle made some reckonings and some calculations and.
And uh, uh.
He says, what things were gained to me, those I counted lost for Christ and he had just listed all the, you might say the credentials that were uh, uh, might qualify him in the Jewish community, uh.
The uh circumcised the 8th day of the stock of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews, touching wall embarrassing and zeal, persecuting the church, blameless, and so forth. But he counted them lost for Christ.
He sounds all things but lost for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Everything pales in comparison to Him, doesn't it?
There's some things different there that he mentioned in five and six. They tell them they say glory in according to the flesh. He was circumcised the 8th day of the stock of Israel, of a tribe of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law of Pharisees as five concerning dealing with persecuting the church, touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless. So there are seven things mentioned there. Well, as you go back to Acts Chapter 9 and we see them.
Strong taxes on the way to Damascus, empowered with, uh, those letters from the priest and all and take Christians and that is almost the Jews who professed now Christianity and to, to be them, to make them repent and, uh, hatred in his heart and all the roads in Damascus. We might say this, that Solar Tarsus is a confused man, one he had witnessed.
Steven being stoned and he possibly had written another, yes, but this was a triumphant thing. He saw a man with all the glory of the word upon his face and saying Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And I think there was a bar in his conscience. He was a confused man on the way to Damascus. And then he was confronted. He was confronted by the risen Christ and he didn't take him any time at all to know who it was that was speaking, as I say already at the barbs of his conscience. And Christ risen appears to him. He's confronted by the risen Christ and then he's changed.
Oh what a roof revolutionary chain this band and there was a very height of the expression of hatred against God's beloved son now is sitting down and his whole life is transformed. Well, as you can say here what things were gaining for me. I counted lost for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ. Would you say Paul, why are you going about You have been meeting on several occasions. You go back into this town where before they threatened here they feature.
Oh, he says. Christ is alive. He's risen. He's appearing. I know it's real.
And my whole life has been revolutionized and changed. And so I live in the expectation of going to be with that blessed one, because what a change in this man that person can have. You got revolutionary in our lives, but still it should mean much different.
Every, every one of us have an object, don't we? There's a, there's an object before us that we're going after. We, we see something, there's an object there that attracts us. Well, Paul, his object was persecution to the name of Christ, wasn't it? He was, he was a religious man and he had an object too, but his object was to stamp out the name of the Lord Jesus. But God changes that his perspective.
He turns him about and is interesting in this chapter that in this this this chapter brings before us that object and as a person of Christ so that he he says he has to be what things were gained to me. Those I counted lost for Christ and then just going down to verse eight that he counted them lost to Christ. Those things that were gained in not not the loss of those were the gain the things that he would he felt he had gained.
Great knowledge in this this desire to stamp out the name of the Lord Jesus, but then he goes on. He says he goes a little deeper by in verse eight. He countless doubtless, and I count all things but lost for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them. But umm that I may win Christ. Oh that's he he he the things that were gained to him. He kind of lost for Christ, but his desire now is to win Christ. That is he wanted to have Christ as his whole object and I I read that's a very blessed truth.
He says, so we see there a little picture of past and present, don't we? And these two little verses here. And I think again, I'm going over to the end of the chapter which came before me in connection with him. And I'm sure Brother **** too. That's not only so we have an object now as we look off and, uh, what, what, what is that? What, what are we going to be? Where are we going to be? What are we going to be like? All we're going to be like Christ. Oh, what a, what a change.
Our, uh, the the heart changed now the body changed at a future date not too far off.
We're just forgetting those things which are behind. Is Paul referring to those credentials that are listed in the earlier part of the chapter prior to his conversion? Or is it something else that he is advocating to forget? Would it be in the way of achievement? I'm not quite clear myself on this, just want to make some comment. I have heard that.
Others say that that when we at least this part.
Rather than I count myself as apprehended with this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth on those things which are before. He's referring now to his Christian life. And if he had made any progress in this life, forgetting all about that to press on if I'm not correct and not correct me. I enjoyed the little illustration that Brother Gordon gave me that maybe where you heard it too, I don't know. Or maybe his father, but he mentioned that, uh, we might perhaps, uh.
Uh, uh, stand on the street corner and be pelted with tomatoes, Rotten Tomatoes for the sake of the gospel. And uh, uh, he said, uh, those things are not things that we dwell on and as achievements or things that we suffered for the Lord, but we forget those things and press on because it's an ongoing life. Isn't it an ongoing pathway? It's a pathway that leads on the glory and we're not resting on either the refuse that we.
We're not occupied with the refuse that we uh, uh, seem to be, umm, uh, just the dung as far as the, the knowledge of Christ is concerned. But also we're not uh, occupied with our achievements or what we've done for the Lord either.
I like to brother Eric Smith's illustration. Uh, I don't think I can tell us the way he did that this, uh.
Young man had a an empire as a greater empire had had taken taken over and taken this young general.
Captive and he was in prison and.
So anyway, naturally he was very desirous to be set free and the one who had to put him in prison.
Said that if you could take a glass of milk and carry it from where he was through the city.
And then bring it to him and not fill a drop that he would set him free.
So that the young general, he, he took him up on, he took a glass of milk, he walked straight with head wrecked, carrying a glass of milk, took it right into the other man and handed it to him. And he said, how could she do it?
How did you do it? While I said that the anime was behind me. There they were with with the spear ready if you felt one glass.
And Josh, the Spear and whom? And he said that they were both behind me and beside me. But he said the goal, the goal was performed and that it's a Costco here and said let us press on.
I was thinking too, as we were our brother was reading the passage that.
The apostles Paul.
Had a single mindedness that we needed to keep before us.
Christ, His glory, the end of the path was before him. He might wonder if you read the 2nd Corinthians and you read the list of things in the dear apostle suffered, you might wonder how can you do that? And then you might think to have his prominence in the Jewish community. How can you label that aside? Well, if you bring Christ into it and see that Christ was the object of his heart.
Christ was the goal before him it makes and the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord was so wonderful to him that it made it an easy thing comparatively for him by his own testimony. Umm, So what about ourselves then? What can enable us to go on and delay aside all the things that hinder us into why they don't mean anything to us if we have Christ before us? That's what's a very important. I believe what's lacking in our hearts today, in our souls, is a single mindedness.
Other things distracted. I don't think the apostle was at all distracted by uh, uh, a desire for place in this world. I don't think he was at all distracted by what the world had to offer. He had Christ before his soul.
Titles a little louder. Done.
Has an article and umm, this one is writing and I think the title of it is what is Christianity? And, uh, I recommend it to be read and it's on this third chapter of Philippians. And he as he had the ability, uh, in many other portions of the word of God, he, he takes prepaid.
Uh, we're in the catheter and revolves the truth around them. Notice in verse nine we have the expression in him.
Verse 10 know him and verse 21 when he comes Lord Jesus Christ, he shall change our wild body. We can put their life in in him know him and like him in him would be Christian physician everyone.
Once it had a position on it, but as we have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him as our Savior, we are no longer seen as an atom. But our Christian position is that we are in Christ. We are seen in Christ, and that righteousness that is mine is yours and there are no degrees in it. There is not one Christian that has a higher standing before God than another. Our statement fluctuates, but as in Christ, we are all made the righteousness of God in Him. God looks down and He sees every one of us as Christians.
And all of us perfection of the work of His beloved Son on the cross of Galilee.
And then of course, not going into the ocean, but that I may know him, there's a Christian object. I remember I was telling some here the fact in Bible school days, we had a teacher there, a doctor white Pentecost, and he was teaching us the, the doctrine of future things in the classes. And they had him scheduled for the Chapel meeting one time. And some of us were talking to one of us. Oh boy, here we get now out opening up, you know, all these prophetic things of Israel and the church or something like that.
And when he stood up to speak, he said I have my text that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and so on. And he gave a lovely message from his Philippians 310 well that I may know him. There is a Christian object. Every one of us should have one object. And then finally, of course, like him at the end of the chapter, well, there's so little scene there has some crisis. Now all the questions himself that at that day.
There's going to be the physical likeness. Our bodies are going to be fashion. What's on his body of glory. And of course, I think what first John chapter 3 would tell us that there's going to be that moral likeness too of the Lord Jesus Christ. See that each one of us.
I think there's a danger of trying to renounce the things of this world without the first part that you have here, and that is knowing him. You can't do it.
You can't have a proper estimate in this world without laying hold of the glories of the Lord Jesus and what you've done.
I gave many questions of trying to live uh, a life apartment anywhere else, but the power isn't there because they're not. I haven't seen the positive which makes it really look like dumb.
It doesn't look like knowing if you don't know him, that is, if you really haven't laid all of the boys or his. I don't know what he's done.
We go up to someone.
We might say to them, Do you know the Lord?
When we talk about someone who said we think he knows the lawyer.
We're not talking about that here, are we?
Uh, I'm sure it's included in that, but that's just the beginning, isn't it? That's becoming acquainted with that wonderful way to know Him as our Lord and Savior. But I believe the apostle Paul is talking much more here when he talks about knowing him.
No, I can't.
Oh, didn't know that lovely man is to be acquainted with him, to have him be the.
Friend that I communed with day by day, God's beloved Son, whom he finds his delight, and to find my delight in him. Now I'm sure if you met.
Peter along the way and he said to Peter, do you know the Lord? Of course.
I remember when he when I was fishing and.
The Lord, uh, told me to catch my net on the other side, and I said depart from me Lord, for I'm a simple man. I've been walking with him since, yes, I know him.
Then he went to uh, uh, John, and he said, John, do you know him?
You say, oh, he's the one. I'm here to glucose.
Now I think we see that knowing the Lord.
Is something that's very, very precious and intimate, isn't it something that we.
We can enjoy every day more to know more of him, more of God's beloved Son, more about Jesus, the little hymn says. Would I know? And is that our desire to know him?
You know, we get to, uh, sometimes and, and this is perhaps a little practical word that sometimes, uh, young lady and young man meet and I go out together somewhere and they perhaps they needed a hem singer or somebody's house or a meeting and they think, oh, that's a nice person. I'd like to get to know them a little better. And they do begin to see more of each other. And there comes a point when.
Decided perhaps they, they could, uh, live together, but I think, uh, uh, when they, and then they enter into marriage, of course, which is God's way. And, uh, they perhaps, uh, think they know each other quite well on the wedding day. But I think, uh, we all have to admit there are a lot of little corners of our lives that we don't bring out into the open, But, you know, the Lord invites us.
To know everything about him. He knows everything about us. He'll never, there'll never be a surprise that he'll discover about us. But you know, I think it's wonderful that every day we find out something new about the Lord, don't we? We get to know him better. And as much as we know him, I believe if you talk to one of our older brother here and I will embarrass him by asking him. But as brother Kraus, your brother Dodds or my dad or someone like that, you say, well.
Have you learned anything new about the Lord? Have you gotten to know better in the last year? They say yes indeed, wouldn't they? Yes indeed. And so I believe the apostle 4 had that as a deep desire of his heart, and no more of that blessed one more of his ways. Don't teach us more of thy blessed ways, Thou Holy Land of God, from fixed and rooted in thy graces, that is redeemed by love.
Lovely for things too here that in the apostles Speaking of this.
You know, there's opposition to following Christ and, uh, Paul's opposition was his religiousness, wasn't it? And some of us, uh, we've been brought from different areas of opposition and we, some of us weren't very religious and some of them overly jealous about religion and, uh, yet didn't know Christ. And so I think of Paul, but I believe it requires energy, doesn't it? So not only is, is Christ all bringing out Christ as an oxy, but he says you've got to have some energy to overcome this.
And I think of the expression used here about him Speaking of.
Resurrection. Resurrection What? What does this bring before us of Christ in glory? He's not. He's not that we don't. We know no man now after the flesh. Yeah. Even though we've known Christ, we don't know him in that way. We know him now as a man in the glory. And this is what Paul had before him, because John tells us that there's a man now at God's right hand who is my righteousness.
Paul said that's the man. That's what I want.
I want to be occupied with him. I want his righteousness, not mine. He wants to dispense with his He wants his righteousness, which is Christ and where is he? Ah, he said God's right hand. I think that's very blessed there in those verses that I may umm, verse 16 says for by him, umm, verse 10 that I may know him.
I'm sorry, I should have read first nine and be found in Him not having my own righteousness.
Which is of the law, but that which is to the faith of Christ, the righteousness, which is by his God, by faith that I may know him. The power of his resurrection. Ah, that's God's power, isn't it? The power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his suffering, the fellowship. Paul was still here. There was still sufferings. He had caused the church much suffering. Now fall down. Now the Lord says, I'm going to, I'm going to show him how great things he must suffer for my sake, for my name.
And so the, it just seems that the resurrection, uh, and the fellowship of the suffering be made conformable into his death, if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead or from among the dead. So Paul brings that thought out, doesn't he, that there is that man in God's right hand who is my righteousness, his righteousness which is God, and it belongs to false. So I, I, I think of that, that there is that.
Is is working off? Isn't he the I think?
Because, uh, in Hebrews they're looking off unto Jesus, the author and finisher of faith. He put a joy that was set before and endured across, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand majesty on the hot market. Marvelous that God would give him that object. But to have that object to us, to have a desire to follow that, there's always opposition. And you find that I believe that's why it requires energy, doesn't it?
The energy of faith, not the energy of the temporal sword.
Like I said, we're a resurrection in general, and that is no customer safety leak in resurrection. Did they even Joseph would say you take my bones back up because the land is going to be ours and I want to be raised, you know, for that land blessing and that Abraham believed in resurrection a county that God is able, uh, to raise him from the dead from when it's also a secret he receives him.
April 11Th And Joe on your earliest motion of contemporary adapters, Abraham and so on, uh, he believed in resurrection. So, uh, right on into the New Testament, the disciples, they believed that there was a beer resurrection of a dead. Uh, Martha expressed that too. And she said, I know that in the last day that my brother shall ride. Well, uh, if, if you want to during the March Chapter 9 a moment, uh, you might have a question.
In the good of that same thing that there would be a resurrection. Why should they be umm marbling when a war chief of citizens and March Chapter 9 and verse nine. And as they came down from the mountains, he the Lord Jesus charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen till the Son of man were risen from the dead. Well, if you read that from among the dead, you realize he's telling them something now he intimates into them something.
Beyond the hope of the Old Testament. And uh, they kept that thing with themselves, questioning one with another. What arising from among the dead without resurrection, which we have mentioned in our 40th grade. So there are then the two resurrections, aren't you in Scripture? And the first resurrection is Christ, the first fruit. They have our Christ at his coming. So when the Lord Jesus comes and you should come today.
All those Old Testament things that die in faith.
Those believers of this present dispensation will be caught up. Well, how about in the Tribulation period? Aren't there some Jewish martyrs that are put to death? Well, they will be raised up. So we might say something like this. All who at any time are raised to blessedness are part of the first resurrection. The rest of the day are raised at the end of 1000 years.
The very fact that they're raised at that time.
Means that they are the wicked, they will be judged out of the books and eventually be dead with electric fire. In the meantime, of course, the South resurrection is to have its power exercise in our own lives and like the longer deployment.
Isn't that where the the power is? It's in the resurrection. Uh, I think of, uh, going back to Jonah.
And and someone said that he he wasn't vomited up and in the mud, he was vomited up and dried around and resurrection ground and then.
The message it was to take them three days to get this message to an invite, and he had such power that he only had to go one day.
Uh, our brother Hal used to say that the same power is raised up. Christ from the dead dwells in every belief.
A little worried about his sufferings, the fellowship of his sufferings, I'm sure, but I think it would be well that we make it very clear that his sufferings in the hours of darkness for atonement, in those hours of blackness when God dealt with him for our sins, there's no fellowship for that whatsoever. And we know that of course, from various scriptures. The one that you might think of is there shall no man be with him when he goes into making atonement.
The Lord, as we sing together alone He beared, the cross, alone His grief sustained, His was a shame and loss. Uh, neither victory came so that we cannot have fellowship with that. And then what do we mean by the fellowship of His sufferings then? Well, there are many aspects of the sufferings of Christ that had nothing to do with making atonement, some of them even upon the cross of Calvary. And uh, there is, uh.
We are called upon. In fact, the 1St chapter says unto you is be given on behalf of the Christ, not only the believing on him, but also the suffering where he saved. And so when uh, uh, when we're uh, suffering for righteousness sake, we can enter into what it was for the Lord Jesus to suffer for righteousness sake. When uh, someone despises us because we're a Christian, we can understand that that is.
Suffering for His name. So I hope everyone is clear on that. We want especially our young brothers and sisters to understand that, that we can have no fellowship with that which passed between God and His Christ there on the cross of Calvary in those hours of darkness from noon until 3:00 PM, when He suffered for our sins, adjusted the unjust to bring us to God. But we are called upon.
To have fellowship with those other sufferings of the Lord. And if you'd like to read something on that, that might be helpful, I would recommend Mr. Darby's The Sufferings of Christ. Lovely little book. I was going to say, uh, to perhaps that might be helpful if we looked at the first Peter in connection with what you're saying. Uh, I think we see the two sides of that in first Peter chapter 2, uh, which is been of, uh, help to me.
Uh, perhaps it may be to you, umm, uh, first, uh, first Peter chapter 2 verse uh, beginning at verse 20. For what glory is it if when you be buffeted for your faults, you shall take it patient, but if and when you do well and suffer for it, you take it patiently. This is acceptable with God. Verse 21 For even hereunto were ye called because, uh, because Christ also suffered for us.
Leaving us an example that you should follow his steps. What suffering was this? His suffering for righteousness, but then just go down. Who did no sin, Neither was guile found in his mouth. Who when he was reviled, reviled not again when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him. The judges righteously. Then notice verse 24. Who? His own self.
There our sins in his own body on a tree that we being get to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were healed and so on. We don't see him saying in verse 24, follow me. We could not follow him in that suffering that was alone He bare the cross aloneness re sustained his was the shame and loss and due to victory game, but we can follow him in his sufferings.
As man here, as a martyr, you might say, and I believe this is a it does those two verses of helping clear up that point.
Mentioned Doctor Pentecost before, and I remember reading about Doctor Pentecost preaching somewhere and a young man came to him and complained that he preached too much about Christ as his Savior. He said you don't preach enough about him as an example. Remember that story, Brother Don Remember that.
They complained to determine. Doctor Penny has wisely said to the young man. He said, no, that's fine. He said, you want to follow him as an example. He said, let's turn to first Peter Chapter 2, who did no sin. Neither was guile found in his mouth. He said, now how are you doing on that? Not very well. The young man said, oh, he says, then first you need a savior, then you need an example.
Perhaps we should go down to those verses that you had on your heart, Brother Charles, at the end and the time that's left and the end of the September.
It introduced us to.
Well, I think universe that they in our hymn goes by the file and it's going to be changed. Vile body, I don't believe is the rather right rendering there. I believe it's it's a Bouchard who's 21 who shall change our body of humiliation that it may be fashioned like under his glorious body. What a glorious thought. This isn't we're still here. We're still in this body of humiliation.
But, and with that object before us and very soon, perhaps even today, that change might take place. We have, we have the three different areas on that we First Corinthians 15 and 1St Thessalonians 4 and 1St Corinthians 15 and Philippians four. I think also John, first John three could be brought in there. All those areas bring us all together, doesn't it, that this body of ours is going to be changed like his body, of course.
And what a what an object that is for us?
I would think that we might go into verse 15 before we go further because it doesn't work for us here, isn't it? I'd like to hear someone tell us a little bit and let us ask for it as many. It'd be perfect. I guess that means mature, doesn't it? Yes, full grown. Be thus minded. That's referring back, isn't it?
And this is a word that send your mind on.
Being such a mind.
I would think it refers to verses 13 and 14.
If anyone knows any which are behind reaching forth on those things which are before I press towards the mark for the prize of the high flowing of God and Christ Jesus. This was really Orient our lives. He was a fancy term or pointing our lives or whatever he was saying. Let us check with maybe perfectly tough minded this is you can't get much further if you don't get hold of this can you?
And this goes on to speak of how we can get along together.
Even though we might differ a little, and this has been encouraging thing to me because Scripture recognizes the realities of life too, doesn't it? We're not going to be perfect until we get to glory, but to say that we can't go on together, that is wrong.
Am I right that you can?
We can wait all gone and and go and count upon gone to reveal what is where there are differences a men in grace and give us grace to go on so and then we find that we have many things in common.
Where to verse 16 we have already attained as I think of the sweetness of fellowship that I have. I can do one of two things I can be occupied with force here and there and say here I don't agree with my fault. Well, and and of course I really honestly surveyed. I have to say we betrayed wonderfully.
As we've proved over the last couple of days.
And I think this is very encouraging, isn't it? A lot of God has revealed a great deal to us that we can enjoy together.
And we'd better address ourselves for that and fine, and and be glad of that and count on him on the other things.
Well, but in connection with Hebrews nine, I think it is that we can have our conscience perfect because of the mighty sacrifice of Christ. In contrast to Old Testament snakes, we might say those believers there who had the imperfection of animal sacrifices. But now we can have our consciences perfected because of that mighty sacrifice, Lord Jesus Christ. Then the second Timothy chapter 3, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished under very good words. There isn't a a servant of God.
That could want more than what he has. The word of God is perfection itself. He's fully equipped with the Word to give out the mind of God. And then our verse here.
And it's humbling, isn't it, that as many as we heard, Why division, Why all of us wrangling and inviting devour of one another? So, dear ones, if you had Christ before you.
Holy Christ has been all absorbing objects of your soul like the Apostle Paul had sent in our language. Every one of us has been divisions of the state. If we could honestly say from the depths of our hearts, Oh Christ is the fountain, the deep sweet, well above. If He was everything we wanted to do, just nothing but the glory of the Lord that would be used in it.
Or if we couldn't absolutely be eye to eye, that wouldn't even breaking up. And the crash side and the contention factor.
If we have a perfect object before.
Can't walk in another state. It kind of I impressed the reading an individual past Paul has this persuasion and it was he had said in verse seven I counted lost her plan. Verse eight. I thought things were lost for the Excellency of the knowledge and then that first fourteen I press or the mark pride high calling thought in Christ Jesus. We can't walk in the face of our young Christian friend or.
Our mates or our older brother we need to have that persuasion that Paul had in the individual way that verse 18 and 19 there when the trials come and our friend or our brother turns away and some walking says so they're not Christians at all. Will I follow it? Will I have that persuasion to keep me in the past need to have an individual face just as he comes to the Lord of the in the beginning now individually and be saved. You need to have an individual face.
Mm-hmm. And yet Paul does, uh, cover work that says me in verse 17 that we might have that ourselves. He Bowers of me not leaning on his face, not doing it in his face, but doing I'd like to see you do that on your own too. And really what he's saying, you followers of me. And I believe that, uh, the Lord would have us encourage one another in that way. Uh, we don't prod our brethren into things. We don't whip them into things.
But we can certainly encourage them to follow the Lord. I think of, umm, the Lord turning and saying, Peter, uh, follows out, me turns around, well, what will this man do? That's just like us, isn't it? Worry about somebody else. The Lord says, that's not your business. You follow me. Now we know that John following on that we must have been a blessed thing for them to have company together in that pathway. But it is an individual path.
But it's nice if we can be so walking that we can say to our president, come along with me. It's a it's a wonderful path. I wish you were in it with me or come along in it with me. And I believe that's the spirit in which it does it not as you say, saying rest on my face, but do what I do have to save object I have.
It's been said that this, uh, this verse UH-14I pressed, uh, no, no, I'm sorry. Verse 15. Let us therefore, as many as the person be thus minded, thus minded about what just what he had told us before, what was his object, what was his mind, Christ and glory. For I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ or the calling of God on high.
In price and then just let us therefore, as many as the perfect be thus minor. Well, I understand that this means heart power. Heart power. In other words, Paul's heart was taken with Christ because my heart occupied with Christ. And if it is.
That's that's that can flow out to others that others may have as as it says, let us fall says let us therefore as many as be perfect.
Or have that same heart power, that same occupation before us. Then let's, let's be uh, let's be thus minded. Let's be the same, have the same mind pressing towards the mark for the prize of a calling on high guard healing Christ Jesus. I enjoyed the little thought on that day. It brings me forth heart power, not, not word power, not to sword power, but heart power. What is the heart, the affections and the tenderness and the, the, the love and the occupation of the person, right?
The ones that bring us Brother Charles, end to verse 21, that our citizenship or our conversation, our associations will be in heaven.
If our object is there, then our, our, uh, conversation will be in heaven. You know, that word conversation is a little confusing sometimes, but it includes our conversation. We can't leave that out. But it's much more than that. It's our whole association of life. I think Mr. Darby has a little foot on it that says, like, I'm an Englishman.
And my interests are English. Everything about I'm an American or whatever. Umm, but we're heavenly minded people. We're heavenly citizens.
Because we're looking for someone who's coming from heaven as the Savior of our body, as the Savior of our body. We've already met him as the Savior of our souls, and we rejoice in that. We've received the end of our faith, the salvation of our souls, but we have the salvation of our bodies ahead. And I feel sorry for our charismatic brethren who are robbed of that. They're looking for that down here.
We know that, that we, we're content to lead the salvation of our bodies to the coming day when the Lord is going to come from heaven. He'll take care of our glasses and our hearing aids and all those things that, uh, perhaps make us feel that it is a body of humiliation. The Lord will take care of that in that coming day. And meanwhile, we can go on with our affections, our heart engaged with him, looking for him to come from heaven with that new aspect of things when our bodies will be brought into conformity to the new creation.
Paul had to umm counteract the teachers keeping in mind in the beginning of the chapter verse two, beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of competitions because being infiltrating teachers were trying to gear the minds of the Philippians to think firstly why? But Paul sets himself now as the example we had a lot of glory in in his pre conversion days. As far as earthly things, he had great qualifications.
But now when Christ intervenes and saves them, he indicates that he counted that all but dumb. He had now a hope that superseded anything that the world could offer him. And he doesn't say you here will be a follower of me. Then he says that there are some many walking whom I have told you off, and I'll tell you even we think that they are enemies of the cross of Christ and his destruction, whose God is the belly, whose glory is in their shame. Notice who mind earthly things, but our minds is on heavenly things. And that's where we're looking for our hope, Jesus Christ to come.
And this pervades all the New Testament epistles I find frequently.
Paul, you mentioned many verses about, uh, trans, the transformation of our body, one that you omitted, I'm sure it wasn't intentional, and one that we're not putting commonly associated with the other list in second countries. 418 and then five and one, it says we look not at the things which are seen, but as the things which are not seen. But the things which are seen are temporal. But the things which are not seen are eternal anything. For we know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were destroyed, we have a building of God in house not made with him.
Internal in the heavenly goes on to say this is the purpose like God has called us for heaven, for heavenly things for eternity. Paul has to tell Timothy 6 and 12 lay hold on eternal life where unto thou also called and further down the chapter verse 19 he says laying up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come notices that they may lay hold. It should be translated this way that they may lay hold of what is really like.
But what is so deceptive of our natural being? And it's it's foolish, it's natural. And it's it's akin to Julius. And that our lives are geared to think of earthly things, of temporal things, things that transmit and short lived. It says in Proverbs 11 and seven, it says when a wicked man dies, his expectation shall perish. Well, his expectation is in this life and that's as far as his scope can reach.
But the Christian has a has a vision that goes beyond what is temporal, what is short lived. It goes on off into eternity. And that's a wonderful thing about Christianity. There is nothing that is comparable to it because it takes us away from earthly discouragement, difficulty things that might would destroy a nationally and ruin his expectations. But for the Christians because it's the future. Paul says to the relations about our Colossians for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven.
Umm. He also says umm.
Well, it's a Hebrew, right? It says for here we have no continuing city, but we look for one to come and so on. There's just only versus time when permit to put them all. But there's so many verses and it's constantly as a reminder to us as we read the New Testament epistles, how we really need the faith of the future glory, and we're going to be with Christ, be like him. And in that sense we be willing therefore to deny ourselves and take up the cross, knowing that at the end of the road there's a crown awaiting those that are faithful to him.
And that will make it work at all. Yeah, three states here I see kind of gone. But there are three states of Seoul here too, isn't there? There's the perfect. Those are the ones that have Christ as the object. Uh, their, their object is Christ. They have those that are otherwise minded. He says if they're, if they're inverse UH-15 and if you'd be otherwise minded, God's only feeling of this unto you. There are, there may be some of us who, umm, don't lay hold of this as much as we should, but where?
What? How are we going to get this? By the word of God? He, he says he, he, he, His desire is to reveal it to him. Then he says we find those that mind earthly things whose God is their belly and their ends is destruction. So you'll find the one who seeks to make this object. He's, he has that perfection before him. We have one who may be otherwise minded. God is desirous that he might be brought to that beautiful condition of that perfection. And then we have those that are just earthly minded. They have no desire to follow the Lord. So I think we have those three states.
Have I an object, Lord below, which would divide my heart with thee?
I believe it's 46 on the appendix.
Stop the object bright and fair, to fill and satisfy the heart. My hope to meet thee in the air, and nevermore from thee depart.
That I may undistracted me to follow, Sir, and to wait for this evening 46 in the Assembly.
90238 oh oh oh umm well, umm.
My name is crying, give it to me.
We'll fall, Sir. We're not going to be a lot of heart disease.
Oh my God, I'm.