
ONCE I look’d for pleasure
From this empty scene;
Counted all for treasure,
Which was golden sheen;
Floated down the current
On light folly’s wave;
Plung’d in passion’s torrent
Freely, yet a slave.
Then I wood ambition,
Fain its heights would climb;
Sought some noble mission,
Soar’d to themes sublime:
Till, my dreams forsaking,
I, to life’s plain prose,
And its tasks betaking,
Bow’d to its repose.
Ah, the world can never
Happiness impart!
None but Christ can ever
Fill the craving heart:
Water, fresh and living,
From His bosom flows,
Peace and pleasure giving,
While it life bestows.
Ye who thirst for pleasure
Why from Jesus rove?
Come, and prove the measure
Of His perfect love.
‘Tis an ever-flowing,
Over-running well;
Fullest bliss bestowing,
Joy which none can tell.
Drinking of the river
Of this sacred joy,
Thanks to Thee, the Giver,
Must the heart employ.
Saviour, life eternal,
Holy, blessed Lord,
Sum of bliss supernal,
Be Thy name adored!