In medical terms an enlarged heart, also known as cardiomegaly, is not a good thing. It is usually the result of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, or some other disorder in the body, which if not treated can bring about congestive heart failure. But spiritually speaking an enlarged heart is a wonderful work of the Lord as He passes us through the tests, trials, afflictions, joys, and a multiplicity of experiences during our Christian life.
In light of what has been before us, here is a good, daily prayer, whether things are going well or not:
Ah, Lord! enlarge our scanty thought,
To know the wonders Thou hast wrought;
Unloose our stammering tongues to tell
Thy love, immense, unsearchable.
W. C. Dessler (February 11, 1660—March 11, 1722)
Little Flock Hymn Book #294, verse 4.
Chateau de Rianduale
April, 2019