“O groundless deeps! O Love beyond degree!
Th' offended dies to set the offender free.”
ALMIGHTY Power alone can break
The fierce avenger's threatening rod:
Almighty Love alone can make
The wand'ring heart delight in God.
That Power o'erwhelm'd my ev'ry thought,
'Till, lo thine own celestial Dove
The sweet and blest assurance brought,
That thou, my God! that thou went Love
'Twas joy to feel, my blessed Lord!
Thy power and love in one combine,
To ratify thy gracious word,
To give me heaven, to make me thine.
Thy cross! thy cross! 'twas there I saw
That God was Power, that God was Love—
I could not rest—I felt it draw
My heart to seek its all above.
Nor need I more—if angels gaze
With rapture on that wondrous sight,
It well may fill my soul with praise,
The Cross may well be my delight.
For angels, Lord! thou didst not die,
Yet they thy dying love adore;
That grace was mine, and shall not I
More deeply love thee, wonder more?
Their raptures rise the more they know,
The clearer shines thy grace above,
And seraphs more seraphic grow,
And burn with purer, higher love.
Yet, Lord of life! in realms above,
Amid that bright angelic throng,
This heart shall glow with holier love,
These lips attune a sweeter song.
And oh! when all the blest shall meet
Around the throne of love at last,
Then, then 'twill be supremely sweet,
To dwell forever on the past.
To linger on that fearful hour
When thou, the Lamb, our living head,
The Lord of glory, love, and power,
On earth a dying victim bled.
Sweet, blessed hope! we yet shall sing
Thy goodness there, through endless days;
There Love shall never droop her wing,
Nor weary of the work of praise.