Power in the Day of Death

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
What of your soul in those ages long,
More solemn than heart can conceive,
When the "pleasures of sin for a season," are gone,
Their attractions no more to deceive.
Will only your sins go with you then
To "weeping and gnashing of teeth"?
Will the dread chill of death (no respecter of men)
Find you lacking the Strong Arms beneath?
"What think ye of Christ?" Shall He relieve
Your terror of darkness unknown?
For appointment to death holds no hope of reprieve;
You must face it―"with Christ," or alone!
"O taste and see that the Lord is good"!
He died for the guilty and lost;
"Hath once suffered for sins," and hath shed His life-blood;
"It is finished," but what was the cost?
The Lord of glory was crucified―
Unspeakable wonder of love!
But the tomb, it is empty! the stone rolled aside;
He is risen, and dwelleth above.
Greater than death is Jesus the Lord,
And such is His power for thee:
Linger not to believe His unbreakable word,
He beseeches thee, "Come unto Me.”