Power of the Vatican: The Editor's Column

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The nomination of General Mark W. Clark by President Truman to be United States Ambassador to the Vatican points up significantly the growing temporal power of the Catholic Church. This is -true even though United States Senate approval may not be forthcoming at the next session of Congress. The trend is definitely in that direction throughout the Western world. At present there are forty-three nations that have diplomatic relations with the Vatican; only the United States of the major noncommunist nations is without representation at the "Holy See."
In the same perplexing and almost frantic efforts to contain Russian communism within certain bounds both the governments of the Western world and the Roman Catholic Church find themselves grasping at any plan, scheme, or device that might accomplish their ends, which are basically those of self-preservation. They therefore find themselves arrayed on the same side in the constant and growing struggle. This gives the Vatican more leverage for exerting force and influence on the "kings of the earth" than anything that has happened in many centuries, if ever before. Vatican circles have for some time been displeased at the lack of United States representation, and when the president named an ambassador to the very small temporal State of Vatican City (a territory of only a fraction over 108 acres in the heart of Rome, but which has its own postal system, currency, newspaper, and radio) they let it be known that the ambassador should be appointed to the "Holy See" instead. It might be said that there is very little difference in fact—and that is true—yet it is recognition of the Roman Pontiff's temporal power as a religious leader that is desired by them. It is this that the Roman ecclesiastical system is bent on obtaining.
While the Roman Church has lost control of countries behind the "iron curtain," they have greatly increased their standing and power in many Western nations. Spain is practically theirs, and they have great power in Italy, Portugal, and Belgium; in England there is less antagonism toward them than for centuries (so that English Royalty have found it advisable to get an audience with the Pontiff); Latin America is becoming more and more dominated by them; and they are gaining in numbers, wealth, and political influence in the United States. Rome is on the march again, and recently word went out from there that Protestants should rally behind a united front against communism, but it was emphatically stated that the only ground for any union with Protestantism was their bowing to the Roman Pontiff. Nothing short of this will ever be acceptable to them.
The Roman Church's rising power is but another sign in a long list of striking evidences that we are at the very end of this dispensation. The Christian with his true perspective should neither be discouraged nor alarmed at the spectacle of a religious system reaching out for temporal power, for his portion is the coming of the Lord, which is not and cannot be far off.
Since many things point to the near revival of the Roman empire as prophesied in Scripture, and the Jews are in their land again as they must be for the end, and Russia and the Middle East are in preparation for the end, surely Rev. 17 and 18 must also be near to fulfillment. These two chapters of the book of Revelation describe in some detail the relationship that will exist between the Roman Church and the Roman Empire during the first 31/2 of the 7 years that precede the coming of the Son of man to reign—all of those years are after His coming to call His saved ones to meet Him in the air.
In that period now so near at hand there will be the culmination of two evils, corruption and violence—corruption in what is left of Christendom under the leadership and dominance of the Roman Church, and violence in the Roman Empire. These two evils are expressed in the corrupt woman, the harlot, and the rapacious beast.
That a false religious system is meant by this harlot should be evident to any careful reader. The Apostle John was given the vision of this corrupt woman sitting upon the beast; he was also shown the pure and spotless bride of Christ—the true Church. That the two are placed in direct contrast should be seen from the way the two visions are introduced: John was called by "one of the seven angels which had the seven vials" to "come hither" in both instances—compare Rev. 17:11And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: (Revelation 17:1) and 21:9. For the one view he was taken to "the wilderness" (a place devoid of anything for God), and for the other to "a great and high mountain" (a place above this earthly sphere). All is contrast between the two—one clothed in gaudy apparel and given over to all uncleanness, and the other the bride of Christ in all purity. They are also contrasted under the metaphor of cities—the one as the licentious and idolatrous great city of confusion, "Babylon the Great," and the other the heavenly and pure and peaceful "holy city of Jerusalem."
What religious system is meant by this corrupt woman should be easily apparent: (1) she is seen sitting upon the scarlet-colored beast which is beyond doubt the revived Roman Empire—sitting there she is portrayed as guiding and directing the Empire; (2) she is also said to be sitting upon "seven mountains," and this can mean nothing less than that her headquarters are at the city of Rome, the well-known "seven-hilled city"; (3) she is also said to sit upon "many waters," and these are described as "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues"—sitting upon many waters she controls the streams of influence to many nations, and this is in perfect accord with her claim to universality, as the word "Catholic" implies.
Now in keeping with the growing practice of secular representation at the Vatican, Rev. 17:22With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. (Revelation 17:2) says, "With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication"; that is, the professed but false church of Christ has prostituted her profession to gain worldly advantage with the various nations; she calls it the "Holy See" but engages in all manner of barter to accomplish her earthly ends. It is a case of religious power pandering to political power, and vice versa.
This mysterious woman is also seen with a "golden cup in her hand full of abominations" (a word used in Scripture for idols). And the question may be asked, Would a heathen coming from a benighted land where idols abound find any great difference if he investigated the Romish system? The only difference would be the nature of the idols, from strange looking creatures from his own land to forms of the cross, Mary, saints, and angels. It is useless to plead that these images are not idols but only forms to bring to mind certain personages, for the heathen philosophers pleaded the same thing for their idols. They excused their superstition by asserting that no one thought the idols were gods, but only visible tokens to remind them of certain beings.
John saw the name upon her forehead: "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth." It is not only that certain evils have marked this system, but it is the mother of other lesser systems which have imbibed the same sins. He further saw the woman "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," and he wondered with great astonishment. He would not have wondered if the beast the civil power of the Roman Empire—had been described as guilty of the blood of the saints, but to see it in that which professed the name of Christ was astonishing. But who that has read church history can have a doubt as to its truth, and it is generally believed that those souls under the altar in Rev. 6:99And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: (Revelation 6:9) who were slain for their testimony will be those who will be martyred by the religious power during those first 31/2 years of the tribulation period.
The Church of Rome naturally seeks to explain away these scriptures, but a brief quotation or two from two of their own priests of some years ago show that there have not been wanting those within her own pale who confess that the Romish Church is intended. Emanuel Lacunza, a Spanish priest, said in part, "Rome, not idolatrous, but Christian, not the head of the Roman Empire but the head of Christendom, and center of unity of the true church of the living God, may very well ( without ceasing from this dignity), at some time or other, incur this guilt, and before God be held guilty of fornication with the kings of the earth, and amenable to all its consequences... And this same Rome, in that same state, may receive on herself the horrible chastisement spoken of in the prophecy." (Tomo 1, par. 2, fen. 3 *14. Londres, 1826.) A French priest, le pere Lambert, wrote in 1806, "Either one must boldly give the lie to the Apocalyptic oracle on the terrible catastrophe reserved for Rome, or accept in good faith that its threats look to Rome Christian, and that their execution belongs to a future for which we are waiting."
Surely everything abroad should remind us that the coming of our Lord is very near. May the realization of this lay hold of our souls, not merely our minds, so that we shall walk with lamps burning and loins girded (our affections not allowed to flow out to things around, but our minds set on things above) and our hearts burning with loving anticipation of that blessed moment when we shall actually gaze upon that One who died for us, and gave Himself that we might live. Lord, haste that moment when we shall behold Thee as Thou art, and Thy full likeness bear!