Practical Conversations With Our Young People: Obedience

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
The normal state of a Christian is to desire to do something for, and to please, Him who has brought us out of nature's darkness into His marvelous light. In order to do this we must be in communion with our blessed Lord, spending much time in our closets alone with Him, and in meditation on His Word. Then we receive strength and power for our walk and service, as He becomes the object of our hearts, and we rejoice in the fact that "obedience is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." "Walk before Me, and be thou perfect," was the word given to Abram. There was not much about service in that, but it would result to God's glory. What characterized Abram was, faith and obedience.
To obey with delight of heart for all the Lord has done for us, is what pleases Him above all else, and if He gives us some service to do for Him, it will meet with His approval and get His Well done, good and faithful servant" in that day so near.