WITH joyful lips we praise Thee,
Thou giver of all good;
With loving hearts we bless Thee,
Our Father and our God.
Thou gav’st Thy Son in mercy
Our ruined souls to save,
That we in Him believing
Eternal life might have.
Accepted in Christ Jesus
We have sweet liberty —
The liberty of children,
From condemnation free.
Sealed by the Holy Spirit,
Each happy, blood-bought child
Is meet for heavenly glory,
Redeemed and reconciled.
The Comforter Thou givest
Within our hearts to dwell,
That He of Jesus’ glory
To us may ever tell.
Oh! may we never grieve Him,
This holy, heavenly guest;
Our bodies are His temple,
To us He brings sweet rest.
We love Thee, God our Father,
Thy Name we magnify,
Now brought in Christ ascended
To Thee so very nigh.
To know Thee thus, and Jesus,
Thy well-beloved Son,
Is life, yea, life eternal,
‘Tis heaven on earth begun.
M. S. B.
CHRISTIANITY consists in what it brings to others, not in what it receives. This is a principle of vast importance. Many believers ruin their history by self-occupation and self-seeking, instead of just drawing all their springs from Christ, and dispensing His grace freely and cheerfully to the weary, restless, and unsatisfied throng around. The Christian is called to inherit blessing, and to be a blessing unto others.
W. T. P. W.