Praying About Our Little Things.

AMONG my many sick friends there is one to whom I am especially attached. The friendship between us began about a year after my first visit, and it has gone on increasing. It arose in this way. One day she earnestly inquired of me —
“Do you believe in prayer being answered in the little things of daily life?”
“Most assuredly I do,” I said.
“Oh, I am glad to hear you say so, for no one I have yet asked agrees with me that it is right to pray about little things.”
“With God everything is of importance that in any way affects His children,” I replied; “therefore in that belief nothing can be too small to make a matter of prayer. Christ Himself says, ‘All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.’ (Matt. 21:2222And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22).) St. Paul tells us, in everything let your requests be made known unto God.’ (Phil. 4:66Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6).) There is no limit to our prayers there, you see.”
“No,” she answered. “I am glad you have come; you have made me so happy.”
Mrs. R. has been a great sufferer for many years; indeed, at the time of my first call, her life was despaired of, and though now much better, still she is often in fearful pain for hours at a time, and yet she is ever gentle, uncomplaining, and cheerful, and is always trying to do good as far as lies in her power. Her one theme of conversation is “Jesus and His love.”
“Such a Father we have!” are some of her words. “Bless His Name forever! The brightness of my heavenly Father’s love covers all the dark spots in my life. I love to pick out His mercies; it does me good, and draws me nearer to Him at once, and then when I feel He is near, I can see nothing but mercy and love.”
Dear Christian reader, do you try to pick out all the mercies? do you delight to talk of Jesus to others? If you do, then yours is a happy life. It may not be a remarkable life, it may not be a splendid life in the eyes of the world, but it is a life beautiful in God’s sight, and one which will be a constant blessing to all around, like the dew — silent, but refreshing all it comes in contact with. Do you know the blessedness of praying about everything, little things as well as great? If not, let me entreat you to do it at once, for until you do, you can have no idea of the blessings you have hitherto missed. A. T.
“SINNER, will your peace be sickness proof? Will your peace be death-bed proof? Will it be judgment proof?”