Being called upon to prepare the following little work for a Second Edition, I may just observe, by way of preface, that I have made no change in its contents save the addition of a note or two. The subject of which it treats is one that may, through grace, prove seasonable at a time like the present, when the enemy seems to be working so much mischief amongst us. The words of the Apostle may be applied but too truly to us, “All seek their own.” May God grant that the consideration of “the Life and Times of Hezekiah” may be made the means of awakening within us a fervent desire of emulating him in his honorable course of devotedness to the service of God; the same spheres of action in which he moved lie open, in another way, to the very humblest amongst us; all we need is an affectionate and holy determination to give ourselves unreservedly to the service of Him who has plucked us as brands from everlasting burnings, and given us a place amongst the happy number of the redeemed. We have little idea of what each of us could achieve were we only to act, in our respective spheres, with a little of Hezekiah’s spirit. True, we should beware of merely doing for doing’s sake, but we should also beware of lukewarmness, which often works most effectually when we are, apparently, standing forth in defense of high principles of grace. Wherever grace is really known, Christian action will not be wanting.
I would again commend this little book to the Lord’s gracious care, praying Him to own and bless it increasingly to the comfort and encouragement of His people and the glory of His own name.
Prefatory Note to the Third Edition
Fifteen years have intervened since the first appearance of this tract, and I have to bless God that I can send it forth again with a deepened conviction of the value of the truth which it contains.
May He continue to vouchsafe His blessing, and His name shall have all the praise.
C. H. M.