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There are two papers by J. L. Harris not included herein: an address he gave to the congregation in the Church of England where he had been curate (1832), consequent upon his withdrawal from the Church of England; and a paper in The Similarities and the Contrasts Between the Present and Coming Dispensations, printed in 1842. This paper contained two papers, one by J. L. Harris and one by B. W. Newton. Since I do not know which of the two is by J. L. Harris, neither have been printed in this book.
It appears that sometime in the second half of the 1850s J. L. Harris left those known as "exclusive brethren." I am not aware why he did so. Interestingly, a number of JLH' s papers were subsequently reprinted by W. Kelly in The Bible Treasury.
Comments in braces { } are those of the Editor.