Down across a bridge of eternal truths, Annie comes to us out of a small, dusty book called Sweet Sixteen. The author, Annie Bird Andrews, tells of her search for happiness, and truth. Her little story is vital and true although long out of print. We acknowledge and value this personal account. Our present generation of teenagers could, we believe, find it relevant and profitable.
We have, therefore, adapted this little book to our present writing, taking care to leave Annie’s thoughts, words and actions intact. Occasionally we have put words into her mouth to bring out thoughts in the original book. We have also taken liberties to bring other characters in her story alive by direct conversations based on impressions given by Annie in her account, and have sought in every way possible to make them the real live people that they were.
The modern young folk in the present story are real youngsters as well, and the incidents related of them are true.
It is our prayerful trust that you not only enjoy reading our little book, but that you will also find it inspirational. May Annie’s life and message have an impact upon all who read these lines so that you, like Annie, may go beyond the “threshold” of Christianity into living happy, fruitful lives for our Lord Jesus Christ until He comes.
“Grandma” (M. L. Wilhelm)