SEE this fine-looking dog! How earnest he looks! Something has attracted his attention, and he is leaping toward it. Nothing must stop him in his course; so he goes crashing through the window. Does not this show earnestness and purpose on the part of the dog? And what a lesson there is for us in this Should not we who know the Lord have this same earnestness, and with purpose of heart, press on? Difficulties may come in our path, but we should not allow this to hinder our onward progress. Obstacles may seem to close our way, but if we have the mind of the Lord, we can still go forward, for, through Christ strengthening us we can do all things. The Apostle Paul could say, “This one thing I do; forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” He had a prize before him, and he was pressing on to reach it.
The dog in the picture has a prize before him, and no slight barrier shall stand in his way. He is pressing on through difficulties. The Apostle Paul had just one object before him, and that object was Christ in glory. Should difficulties stand in the way of his reaching that blessed object? No! Things behind must be forgotten, and hindrances in the way must be overcome; and with all the energy of his being he presses on. There was an object that had won his heart, there was a prize before him, dearer than all that earth held dear to him, and with his eye upon that prize, he presses on; he could say, This one thing I do.
How is it with you—with me? Has the loveliness of Christ so attracted our hearts, is His worth so precious to our souls, that we are ready to leave the things that are behind, and to press on to those things that are before, not allowing anything to hinder our progress in our heavenward path?
Oh, may this “purpose of heart” be granted to each one of my little readers who know Jesus; and may it be from this time, with each and all of you, “THIS ONE THING I DO.”
ML 03/22/1903