It pleased the Lord to revive in many minds during the first quarter of the present century, a deep interest in the restoration of Israel to their own land, and the consequent glory of Messiah's reign. Several books were published on this subject between the years 1812-25. But the one which created the greatest interest is entitled " The coming of Messiah in glory and majesty," by a South American Roman Catholic priest, Emanuel Lacunza, who adopted the nom-de-plume of Ben-Ezra, a converted Jew. This work was originally written in Spanish, and first published in Spain in 1812. It was translated into English, and published in London in 1827, with a long preliminary discourse by the Rev. Edward Irving. His powerful eloquence was now employed to arouse his congregation, his brethren in the ministry, and the whole professing church, to the study of this great and comparatively new subject. The prophetic description of the glory of the millennial kingdom gave him ample material for his glowing orations. The circulation of these new books, and fresh papers constantly appearing in the magazines awakened a fresh interest in the subject, and many, both lay and clerical, became diligent students of prophecy.
These studies led to the establishment of what were called " The Prophetic Meetings," which for some years were held in Albury, Mr. H. Drummond's seat, Surrey, and at Powerscourt Castle, in Wicklow. Clergymen and private gentlemen came freely to those meetings at first; but after a while they were attended, at least in Ireland, chiefly by the Brethren. It was then, we believe, that the midnight cry was raised, " Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him." And from that day until now, the number of those who preach the second coming of the Lord has been steadily increasing. The cry has been heard in every land throughout Christendom, and still it rolls on waxing louder and louder, and must do so until He come and call His bride away. " And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Revelation 22