Ps. 27, OT Teachings, Deut. 28

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Address—C.H. Brown
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Return to Psalm 27.
27th Son, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life.
Of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my place, they stumbled and fell.
Though and hosts should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.
The war should rise against me, and this will I be confident.
One thing have I desired of the Lord.
That will I seek, after that I may dwell in the House of the Lord.
All the days of my life.
To behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion. In the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me, He shall set me up on a rock. Perhaps we'll read a few more verses presently.
But this very familiar Psalm has the most blessed beginning to it.
Jehovah is my life and my salvation.
This meeting is for young people.
Supposedly believers, and I trust that everyone here is saved.
If you are not, this would be an excellent time to yield to Christ.
The Lord Jehovah is my life and my salvation.
You can't have Christ and miss heaven.
But you'll never get there without him.
Salvation is of the Lord.
So the psalmist tells us in no uncertain way that.
Jehovah is my light and my salvation.
Oh, remember it if you do not know the law.
You're in darkness until now. Dense darkness. There is one ray of light in your soul.
Unless you know Christ.
Whom shall I fear? We're living in a day of fear.
I presume that the world as a whole was never so gripped with fear as it is at the present time. Fear is on every side, men's hearts failing them for fear of those things that are coming on the earth.
Well, worse times are ahead.
But how wonderful in a time like this to have that which absolutely banishes fear from our soul.
Sometimes a few years back when the war was still on and there was grave danger of the western coast being bombed.
Some of us happened to be out there at that time.
Many people were gravely apprehensive as to what might happen.
But you know, I did not meet one of the Lord's dear people that expressed any alarm or terror at the prospect of what might be false.
God kept them in perfect peace about it all.
Oh, yes, the world may well fear worse times are ahead. We're getting ready for that awful plunge into the terrible darkness when lawlessness shall reign. When Satan, for one brief while, shall have his way in this world. Yes, but you and I who are in the secret of the Lord.
We don't fear. No Whom shall I fear?
Jehovah is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?
Third verse.
The one host should encamp against me. My heart shall not fear. No war should rise against me, and this will I be confident.
Oh, it's a wonderful thing to be a Christian, if only for the peace that it brings, peace and quietness of souls.
Why, If you're a child of God and walking in the good of what to have in Christ, you don't have to be making occasional trips to a psychiatrist to get your fears dispelled or dissolved. No, you'll find in Christ the answer to all that.
But now this fourth verse is the verse that I had more particularly before me.
One thing have I desired of the Lord.
Now let us remember that this meeting is for young people.
So we'll see if they keep them before one thing.
If I desired of the Lord.
Well, have you this matter narrowed down to one thing?
Or is your vision filled with many things? What do you have before your soul?
Well, the Psalmist had one thing.
I do so enjoy that verse over in Philippians now not to lose our place here, but.
Turn to Philippians for a moment.
Philippians 3.
And the 13th verse.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended.
But this one thing I do.
Forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth under those things that are before.
I press toward the mark for the prize for the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus.
I notice that expression but this one thing I do.
Now in our.
In our King James Version here, there's a lot of the force of that that's obscuring.
But this one thing I do.
You know, in the original language.
That whole sentence is expressed in two tiny little words.
Of two letters each.
Ten Death.
Ian with a what they call rough breathing and NPE. Just a little post positive word, but those two little words, it takes all this to translate it. But this one thing I do.
But really, it's.
Something like this?
It's but one emphasis on that one.
But one.
Oh, when you see that it puts dynamic into it. This one thing I do forget.
Forgetting those things are behind and reaching forth under those things that are. Before I press toward the mark, dear Christopher Willis sent me a model.
You know he loves to.
To paint models, and he sent me one taken from this verse. I pressed toward the mark.
And it says down to the goal I press.
Well, I like that down to the goal, I pray.
Young folks, whither bound what have you before you one thing.
Have I desired of the Lord.
You know what your desires are. What's going on in that heart of yours?
Where you're setting your aims.
That's going to form your character.
Yes, it will.
What you're thinking about, what you're designing, what you're purposing, it's going to farm your character.
It's like that famous story that we were required to read when we were in school about the great stone face.
In the little village.
Over in Europe.
The great stone face on the side of the mountain someday.
Some man would arrive that had that face.
They were waiting for him.
And what was their astonishment when, some years after they discovered that that man was that stone face? The likeness of that stone face was one of their own numbers. He lived right there in the little village.
How did he happen to bear the likeness of the great stone face? Because he'd lived under the shadow of that face all his life. From infancy he'd gone up gazing at that countenance on the mountainside, and that steady occupation with the likeness of that face had impressed itself on his own features. And there he was, one of their own number.
Well, I thought of that as a lovely likeness.
To you as a young person, being occupied with the Lord Jesus and the truth that He has revealed to us, and if that is the thing that fills your vision, you're going to grow in moral and spiritual conformity to Him.
One thing have I desired of the Lord, but not only so.
That will I seek after.
It isn't just wishful thinking.
But there's action to couple with it.
You know, sitting down and justice, wishing for something doesn't mean you're going to have it. One thing of a desire of the Lord. Well, what are you doing about it?
You say, Well, I wish I were more spiritual.
I wish I knew more about the Lord. I wish I knew my Bible the way brother so and so, Our sister so and so knows his Bible well. Why don't you?
How's it going to be brought to pass? Not by wishful thinking.
Not by regrets. It's going to be brought about just as the Psalmist says.
One thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after.
Now we're all thinking.
If we're irrational, if we're normal human beings, we have some kind of a goal before us.
And young people have their plans and their aspirations.
But I think we need to take inventory once in a while.
Basically, what is it that's the driving force in your planned life? What do you have before you?
We're living in a day when our ambitions are banned from the first day in school.
Until we get through, whether we stop with the grade school or the high school or the college or the professional school, it's the same story.
That flame of ambition is spanned in the soul.
And if you listen to the flattering and the encouragement, the schemes of men, you're going to do what the world says. You're going to hit your wagon to a star.
You're going to try to be, if you're going to be a doctor, you're going to be the greatest doctor in Montreal or Des Moines or Chicago, the greatest scientist or teacher or whatever it is.
You're going to be at the top. There's lots of room at the top. That's the way they talk to us. I know I've listened to it.
But where does Christ come in and all that? Where does Christ come in?
You know who is the word in the book of Jeremiah? Let's turn to it, the 45th chapter.
I think it's very seasonable for.
A day like this.
Jeremiah 45, five.
Seeketh thou great things for thyself?
Seek them not Let's read it again. Seek a style. Great things for thyself.
Seek them not.
Are you in school?
Are you striving for the top place? You're going to be the valedictorian, as they say.
Well, you may come back and say I shouldn't be slovenly in my studies, should I? No, no one's advocating that.
But what is your goal? One thing have I desired that will I seek after?
I'm going to seek to be the top of the class. Where does Christ come in? What about the meetings that you're going to have to miss?
What about those studies that are going to just take every bit of strength you have? And even the Lord's Day isn't immune?
You know what? It saddens me.
To see dear young people as I go about.
Feeling that they have to use the Lord today.
To help out in this matter of getting through school.
Young folks, I want to tell you it is not necessary.
Don't sacrifice the time you need to spend with the Lord and for the Lord.
To getting on in your school work. Don't do it. I know absolutely that it's not necessary, you say. Well, if I didn't take time to study on on Lord's Day, I just. I wouldn't be able to pass. All right, then don't pass. Just don't pass. Give the Lord his name.
One thing I have decided of the Lord that will I speak after.
Oh, isn't he worth it?
I was talking a little along this line.
At Oak Park and someone came to me after the meeting and said, now brother, I'm afraid you discourage some of our young folks in their school work.
They might get the impression that you thought they ought to quit.
Well, I said they had no right to get such an impression. I said nothing of the kind. What I was seeking to get before them was this. What is your object? What is your goal? What do you have before your soul? Is it some big place, or is it simply that you may have some means of making an honest living in the world?
I haven't the slightest objection, nor do I see that the word of God has.
So you're taking whatever school you feel is necessary to equip you for the line to which you feel you're fitted. With some. It may take more schooling than others, I grant you that. But the point is, what is the goal that you have before you?
That will I seek after all that seeking is so important. Seek, and you shall find knock, and it shall be opened unto you. He that seeketh find it. But what are you seeking?
Are you seeking the Lord's approval?
Do you think at the end of the day, to be able to lie down with the thoughts? Well, I thought, by the grace of God.
To please the Lord Jesus today, I thought by the grace of God to please him.
Well, the sama says here in the in that same verse, this will I seek. After that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life.
Dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life. He wasn't asking for a vacation. He wasn't asking for time out. He wanted to dwell there all the days of his life.
Young folks, are you that way in your spiritual life?
Are you willing to have your life consistent with the place that you occupy in the House of God? You know, according to Ephesians, God is building a building here. It's going on every day.
And you are a part of that building and you're going to be a part of it forever.
You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself.
Being the chief cornerstone, and whom all the buildings thickly framed together grow up unto unholy temple in the Lord, in whom he also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
Well, you're part of that building.
Are you dwelling there as to the state of your soul, that I may dwell in the House of Lord all the days of my life?
Or would you like to be excused once in a while?
You think when you go up on a vacation that you ought to be able to leave the things of Christ behind us. You feel that way about it.
You think there's a time to be careless. Is there a time to take in the things of the world? Or do you want to dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of your life?
Well, brother, hey, Hole is reminding us this morning.
He had never met a man that was sorry.
That he gave Christ the chief place in his life, and neither have I, and I never expect to.
But oh how many, how many have lain on a deathbed review their life?
And died in sadness because of wasted years.
Oh yes, it's a lovely thing. When a soul is restored, that's the work of the spirit of God to restore among the strayed away, whether it's for a year or a month or a day.
But it has a stand side to it also.
The years that the locusts have eaten.
Oh yes, I've known parents.
That got away from the Lord and they left the meeting. They became incentive that their brethren, and they stepped aside.
And they took their children with them. Of course they did. The children followed the parents.
They were out some years.
And I'm not Speaking of 1 isolated case, I can multiply these cases.
And in due time the Spirit of God brought in them, and they came back.
Humbled and chased him. Yes, they came back. But what about the family? What about the family? That's the tragic part of it. Some of those cases, the family never came back. Some of those cases, as far as we know, the children, some of them at least went on.
Paths of sin, sorrow.
All these floods of tears.
That came as a result of that mistaken judgment that turning the back on the things of God and going out into the world.
I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life.
To behold the beauty of the Lord.
Oh, isn't it true, dear Saints? Isn't it true, young folks, that these are great days of beholding?
What does behold mean?
Means to see, doesn't it? These are great seeing names.
Why I've lived a good many years in this world.
I suppose I've lived in the most eventful period of the world's history since it began.
My life span has seen more radical changes in the world than any other life span of any generation.
Why when I was just a young lad?
We hadn't seen too much. There wasn't much travel. There wasn't much going.
There perhaps were a few.
A very few that did a bit of traveling, but many a man had never been outside the county where any was born.
If he got once in his life to see the County Courthouse, it was quite a thing.
But now we live in an age of running to and fro and.
There's learning of all kinds being disseminated.
And seeing all think of it.
Why we're arriving at the time now, when we can see something on the other side of the Earth.
That I may behold the beauty of the Lord.
Well, young folks.
You do any beholding.
What did the whole?
I walked through the train yesterday, tried to give out a few tracks at least through the coach.
And I saw a young man there.
And they were doing some beholding.
But the glance that I got as I passed them was enough to show me where their minds were.
The titles.
Of the reading matter that they had before them were sufficient to tell me.
What kind of minds and hearts they had? Oh yes, they were beholding what they wanted to behold.
What do you want to behold?
To me it's a tragic thing and I speak this in all sobriety. I don't believe I'm a radical or an extremist, but to me it's very sad to go into the homes of gathered sinks.
And C imported for the deliberate purpose of beholding.
An instrument.
That is going to bring into that Christian whole.
The worst of this work. It's not necessary to enlarge upon it. I just want to tell you. It grieves my heart.
I don't think my heart could be trusted with a thing like that in my home.
What are we beholding? What did we behold last night?
What do we behold before we go to meeting?
I wonder if we ever miss a meeting because we want to behold something.
To behold the beauty of the Lord.
The beauty of the Lord.
I will never get to the end of that, will we?
How far would we have to explore?
Into the truth of God as revealed in the Word.
To exhaust the truth as to Christ.
The other day I got hold of a little track.
It was called the incomparable Christ.
And I read it and I enjoyed it.
And I thought, well, that's just a little bit of it. That's just that much. That's a piece of that man get all the words if he read it.
And was very lovely.
But it's just a weed drop in the ocean just a wee bit.
Oh, the word of God is full of Christ in shadow and in precept. We had a little of that brought before us in the reading this morning.
Oh, who was he When art thou? Oh, it's wonderful, isn't it?
The first chapter of John's Gospel, you have two of the disciples.
That heard John witness to the person of Christ, John said, Behold the Lamb of God.
And they left John, and they followed Jesus.
And he saw them following.
And he turned about, and he asked them a question. He said, What are you seeking? What are you seeking? Now? It isn't that he wanted information. That wasn't it. He knew what they were thinking. Oh, yes, He read the heart. God knows your heart. He knows mine. What thinking.
I know the answer was lovely.
Master Queer Duelist style, where dwelleth thou?
What a lovely answer.
Where Dwelleth now, that's all that made any difference to them. It wasn't the place. It was where he was.
And he said, come and see.
And they not only came and saw.
But they dwelt with him that same house it was about the 10th of They dwelt with it.
Well, supposing he's asking you that question today.
What are you thinking?
And can you honestly say, master, where dwelleth thou?
Are you willing to hear him say to you? Come and see what will you do? If he says that to you, will you come? Will you?
I believe that according to the truth of the word of God.
There is a place still open today.
Where the Lord by the Spirit gathers his redeemed around himself, I believe there is such a thing as a past that does not deny his name.
A path where Christ is all.
A path that resents the least thing that infringes on the glories that attach to him. I believe there is such a path.
Well, are you seeking that?
Or are you avoiding it?
You say you're a Christian. You've been born again. You know you're on the road to heaven. You know you're saved. Are you gathered to the Lord's name?
Are you? I heard of a mother once. I can't vouch for the truth of the truth of this. It's only hearsay.
His mother had several children.
The mother was in a meeting.
And her advice to her children was this Don't take your place at the Lord's table before you're through high school.
Because if you do, the brothers will be able to.
Criticize you about your life, but if you wait until you're through high school, you won't be bothered with brothers talking to you about your your manner of life.
Well, I don't know whether that actually took place or not, but that's the way it was reported to me.
Well, what a solemn thing for that mother, if such were true.
But oh, what a sound thing for you if you are deliberately sidestepping the responsibility that goes with being identified with those gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In order that you may have more free reign for the lust of your heart and the things of this world.
That I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple to the things of Christ interest you. Are you at this meeting because you want to be?
Is your soul captivated by the truth is to Christ as it is unfolded to you through the various meetings.
Do you really want to inquire in his temple? Do you want to know these things?
It's possible to sit in a meeting like this. It's possible to be here, bodily present, and the mind wandering far off with the things of this work. It's possible to sit with your eyes glued upon the speaker, and yet the mind wandering off to the things of this world. Well, the Psalmist here says that he wanted to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire.
In his temple. Well, you may be sure that the inquiring that he did in his temple.
Would have to do with the things of God. It would have to do with the honor and glory of God himself.
What was the result of that inquiry?
Or established his soul. For in the fifth verse he says in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his civilian life. Looks so fair and promising to young folks, but you know, you don't have to go very far.
And the trouble starts. All I need to do they lie on the pathway. There's no rosy path through this scene for the Christian, but in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion. I've never yet seen a Christian in such deep sorrow and trouble that the Lord Jesus could not be sufficient for it. I've seen Saints rise above.
Such awful calamities as it seemed, had I faced them, I must have gone down in despair. And yet when that state of God found himself in that situation.
He cast himself upon the Lord, and he received that wholesome strength, that sustaining power, that enabled him to triumph. In the midst of that disappointment, that trial, that sorrow, that pain, that bereavement, whatever the nature of it might be, the time of trouble, he shall hide in his pavilion in the secret of his Tabernacle. Shall he hide me? He shall set me up on a rock. Oh, don't build your life on sand.
Don't do it, young folks.
All the shifting opinions of men, You can look through the textbooks that are written for your instruction in school.
You'll find many of them contain statements that you know. If you if you know your Bible, you know or not true, you know they're false.
But these men are writing in the light of what they know. They don't know the word. They don't know the Lord. They haven't been in touch with Him, and they're to be pity. But all for those of us that know the Lord will never have to shift our foundation.
That rock was Christ and the man that's taken his stand upon Christ.
For Time and Eternity has never been disappointed in the history of the world.
No, don't fear that rock will stand. We talk about the Rock of Gibraltar, but no doubt the Rock of Gibraltar has lost much of its massiveness through the years as the sea has beat up on it. But all this rock, this rock with Christ, never can anything affect that sound and solid foundation.
Well, don't deserve it. Commit yourself to him absolutely unqualifiedly. Someday you'll praise him forever and ever. Our Father, we thank thee for the Lord Jesus.
Following is a transcription of irregular young people's meeting in Montreal taken by our brother Chapter Brown and his subject was Old Testament Teachings.
What I said You.
Know. Oh great. One more day.
Well, I have in mind I have a little chocolatey tonight on the passage of the Old Testament.
I think it might be well for us before we read it.
To assure ourselves.
We're not off the track and going to the Old Testament.
I wonder, are we?
In the Old Testament, off limits for us as Christians.
We have a warranty over there for a lesson.
I want you young people to feel very free to speak up tonight.
I like to hear your voices, so I wonder if someone of it would have volunteered to tell me some verse in the New Testament that assures us that we have a right to go over the Old Testament for lessons for the critical.
So we have to speak right out. Girls or boys, speak up. Find your voice. It will frighten me because I'm used to meetings like this. We have them in the morning every two weeks from September till May. We love them too.
That's a good one. Exactly. It's.
Second Timothy. Right to the point, isn't it? Now read it, please.
Concert sites are inspiration across and it's talked about the dolphins or food. But corrections don't trust me, right? Because the man of fraud made it perfect. It'll be furnished and rolled with work. So that's that's right to the point, isn't it? You can't back down from Old Testament now can you? And you read a verse like that.
In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Let's have a second list.
I'm learning something.
Should we have that third witness now before we go?
Very good. Our missionary friend here must have read her Bible.
All right, now anything happened on the day, for example, and they are the interactions upon whom the ends of the world are coming.
Very good. I don't think we can do it this well in Des Moines.
I think the opposition.
Well, maybe they've been more diligent with their Bibles, their boys be able to cycle them.
Probably thinking of second Peter, I don't know.
I can see the chapter one, verse 2021.
Knowing that first, there's no property of her picture is of any private interpretation. But the prophecy cannot know time by the will of man. The holy man of God is taken one of those pictures 7.
Anyone have something that's burning? Any spirits he wants to tell us about?
I know if you don't take opportunity, take advantage of your opportunity, I'm going to call in some of these little veterans.
How about it? One more time. No harm in repetition.
Ah, that's the one I've been waiting for.
Now, is that your own thinking? Good, I thought. Maybe you've been prompted.
So you read it. So what's the other things you've written four times? We've written a couple.
Now that certainly covers it, doesn't That word whatsoever is a big one, isn't it?
What's so everything's written, abortion written for our learning that we do patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Well, I think we have pretty definite assurance we can go over to.
A supposedly dry old books like Deuteronomy, Second giving of the law and find something.
So let's go over to Deuteronomy.
What does Deuteronomy mean?
Pardon me?
Second. Last 22nd.
It's it's interesting and touching if you read the Autonomy too carefully to.
Find the care that God took them, even animals, creatures such as that.
But a tender party had.
God is tender pardon.
He's not cruel. He's never rude.
So you take a scripture is also not see the kid and it's mother's milk.
Well, the kid certainly wouldn't know anything about it, would it?
Even even heard it any worse, to cook it in its mother's milk and to cook it in the mouth of some other animals. Why did God say that?
Where do you think you put that in the mall?
Just give me your idea.
Can you come to concrete and make it? Yes, It's there's something you you sort of shrink. You shudder the thing like that, feeding a kid in its mother's milk.
Not that intrinsically there's anything anyone hurt. That kid is a bit more worse to cook at this mother's milk than the milk of another animal. But God has, or at least wants us to have, a tender sense of life becomes thus not even nature itself teach you. I think that's the principle.
Well, God thinks about a lot of things, so let's read from the eighth verse of Deuteronomy 22.
Through the 12Th version of this young man here will start read the ninth verse and then verse around until we have read the 12Th verse.
That are not so Virginia wait a fake first reason I was thinking I'm wrong now build this new house then that'll make your and that's I'll make a bathroom before thyroid and.
And go when our blood upon the house, if any man saw consent.
I shall make these fringes upon the four doors of divestiture. Where willst thou covers myself? Yes, so we have stuff there.
Now it's self-evident as we look around the circle that we're not trying to follow these verses literally. That's self-evident, isn't it?
I presume that most of us here are wearing garments of various materials and we have no conscience about it. Perhaps your suit is part full and part rayon, or whatever it may be. So we're not talking about the thing literally, we just want to see if God doesn't have some spiritual lessons for us.
Well, when I build this the new house.
I trust everybody here is building a new house.
Hope you're not working on the old one yet.
You're wasting your time if you are.
You just just better forget it and quit and I'll be able to see new house.
You know we're new preachers in Christ Jesus when we are born of God.
And we left their own life, though we were in a new circumstance, A new life, new surroundings, new hosts, aspirations.
We have new motives. We're new inside and outside this new man.
So the house that we build ought to be in accordance with the man that's going to inhabit it new house.
You know, we're all building. We're all building.
How many males did you drive today?
Everyone of us throwing some nails in that new house, we're building it every day. We're all builders.
This house that we're building, you know, we're going to inhabit for all eternity.
Building for eternity.
Every act contributes to the character of that house we're building.
Where engineers, structural engineers.
We're building for eternity.
Well, how important it is then to be concerned how we build?
Sure, it's a new house you're working on.
We're now building the new house.
Does it make a battlement for Irish?
Some of you young people may be thinking about the time when you're going to have a home of your own. Or maybe you are in a home of your own, perhaps recently, not too long ago.
I can't call you by name. I'm not well enough acquainted with you for that. I don't know the circumstances of you all.
But in the course of time, perhaps you'll be confronted with the responsibility.
Of literally setting up a new home.
Now of course.
The the ones that inhabit that home are going to be believers. They're going to be new creatures in Christ Jesus. We take that for granted.
But when you build a new home.
Now I don't make a battlement for thyroid.
Have you only thought as to why that is necessary? Why have a battlement on the river?
I would like to have you answer that question before I develop it.
Could I ask a question? Sure. What is the battle with this?
Well, I'll pass that on.
I think it would be a railing, yeah, that's exactly what it is. It's a railing. You going to have a railing on your roof?
If so, what do you have it for? What's it for?
People from falling off. Why? Certainly we need a railing to keep people from falling off. When you build a house, be sure you have a railing on the roof.
Well, not physically, literally. We don't build houses like that now. At least we don't know our part of the country.
What we've read four or five verses in the New Testament tell us there must be something here for us.
Oh, how important it is, young folks, and I hope you'll never forget.
You'll be sure.
When you establish your home, that you have a battlement on the roof, that your home is not a place, see what it says, that thou bring not blood upon thy house.
Well, when you feel grateful, if you opened up that home, established that home.
And then you've heard that someone went off the roof, down onto the pavement, was either badly injured or fatally injured, and you had to call and have the body taken to the morn. It feels terrible. Why didn't I put a bathroom on my roof? Why didn't I? I knew better than that. Why did I leave that railing off?
Well, there are more serious things than falling down and breaking an arm or breaking your neck. That's only physical.
But it's a far more thing to recognize in a spiritual way, by having a home that's inconsistent with a new man.
When you establish a whole.
Is it going to be a home where those who visit you, who are your guests? Where they have a right to feel reasonably assured that they're going to find nothing there that will hinder their Christian life, or stumble them, or invite them into a simple course?
Oh, I think its something to be deeply concerned about.
I have been in homes of things.
Where I definitely sensed an atmosphere of the world.
Apparent in various ways.
There may have been some material things that showed which way the wind was blowing, but the very atmosphere of the places such that.
Yourself. This is surely A worldly home. You felt that.
And if you were a young Christian, if you were one of tender years.
You could easily be discouraged and stumbled if you fell in step and followed those who occupied that home, you'd soon be unhappy in your soul and you might begin to drift.
And who knows how far you might drift a home that's a citadel and you're in command.
You're responsible.
What do you have in that hole? Do you have those things that will be a help or a hindrance?
There are two questions that are asked in the Old Testament.
That I think are pertinent here.
Second King Four and the second verse.
The Brother Stanton, would you read that for Second Kings 4 verse 2?
What shall I do for these? Tell me.
What have we learned Anything about hosts?
And she said.
My handmade has not anything in the house.
Save the pot of oil. Thank you.
What passed out in the house?
That's a good searching question, is it?
What had found the house?
Well, sometimes we don't tell everybody what we have in the house.
But here's the Spirit of God asking, asking us, what hast thou in the house?
Hi, You're a taste of this young girl whose father was a servant of the Lord.
She had some books in the house that she didn't want Father to know about.
So she had them well hidden in her bedroom, where her father didn't know anything about them. She read them on the quiet. Now, I don't say that they were bad books, I don't mean that, but they were books that she knew that her father wouldn't approve of, so she had them in the house.
Well, regardless of the character of the books, that was wrong. Wasn't it to be deceiving your father in that way?
Well, what has that in the house?
You have a perfectly clear conscience before God. That's what you have in house.
If others come there, will it be assembling to them? Will there be a fall from the roof of your house?
Would you would you like in the days to come to have that person say, you know, I I didn't used to do this.
I had a better standard than this, but this is what I learned in your house. That'd be a pretty solemn responsibility, wouldn't it? What has found the house?
Well, in connection with that, look at Isaiah 39 for a verse there. And Richard, when you read it the fourth verse and said he What have What have they seen? And I have, I have to try and answer it all right in my house. Have they seen there's nothing, one of my treasure that I have not showed them?
Now that's the searching question. What have they seen in my house?
What happened? What have they seen in main house?
Well, I don't know how it is up here, but, you know, down our way.
I live in Des Moines, IA.
You know you can go in the homes of some of the Saints and if you arrive at the right time of day.
You can see anything from a Wild West show to.
Dance on the Bowery or.
You can see the horse races, or you can see a prize fight, or you can see just about anything you want to see that's going on in the world.
What have I seen in my house?
That's the sound question, isn't it? What have they seen in their house?
I went into a home to see your sister once.
She was in a nursing home. She was in no way responsible for what went on in that home.
The man of the place said. My wife is not quite ready when you sit down here.
And very, very kindly and thoughtfully on his part, he said. Now you can sit here and wait. And he he flicked the switch.
Then, magically, I found myself in a Barry saloon.
With the typical sights and sounds, no, I'm not accustomed to frequent flowers alone.
But that's where I found myself.
Strange place, wasn't it?
I didn't find it comfortable to stay there, so I got it walked out of the room. What have they seen in that house?
Is that a pertinent question?
You think someone might come into your home and get a fall and break an arm because of lack of a battle with their.
Now in regard to that question that was asked for half hour in the House, that woman said I've got a pot of oil.
You know, that was something God could use, and he did use it. He took that pot of oil and he increased it and increased it and increased it as long as there were any vessels to hold it. And that woman was able to take that oil and live off of it the rest of her days.
But she had something that she was very glad and happy to tell about. It wasn't something she had hid in the closet or under the bed.
I have so in the house, no hesitation. I have a pot of oil that was good, all the type or a picture of the spirit of God. She had that in her home that answered to the mind of the spirit of God. And the man of God was able to take it and use it for the glory of God. That was very happy. Occasionally everybody rejoiced over it. And the very man that asked the question, this man of God had asked it. He was happy about it. So he says I can use that.
Let you know if you might have mentioned something she had in the house that's been, and in place of blessing her, he might have had to pronounce the judgment of God upon her.
When I'll build us a new house, then make the battlements for thy roof.
Stop bring not blood upon thine house, if any man's fall from sense.
For this long history that I've had among gathered think.
I've seen them sad capacities, those that were stumbled in the homes of Saints, because the battle that wasn't there, and it is, it has followed them down to their lives and they've gotten away from the Lord and they've lived lives of worldliness, lives that if they do get to heaven, I'm not passing on that.
But if they do, it's going to be to their eternal loss.
And they got their stark, their stumbling right in the home of some of the things. That's very sad. Oh, let's be good. We have a Batman on the roof, shall we? Shall we be exercise about it? Don't you think that would be something to be concerned about?
Well, what about the ninth verse?
Not so thy vineyard with diversity, but the fruit of thy feet without his soul, and the fruit of thy vineyard be defiled.
Now back there in Iowa.
We oftentimes.
Know different kinds of.
Brain together properly to do it.
We don't think anything of mixing different seeds together and sewing them. So we're not talking about the thing literally, we're talking about the lesson that we've learned from it.
Thou shalt not so thy vineyard, with diversity different seeds. Let the fruit of thy feet, which thou hast, thorn in the fruit of our vineyard, be defiled.
God wants us in our work for Him.
To stand by the truth of God as we find it in the world he doesn't want us to introduce.
Foreign untried material into our work. Sometimes people get the idea that we are responsible to get results and so in order to get results.
We are to speak to various carnal means to bring it about.
I suppose you have up here a movement I'm sure you do, called Youth for Christ. I believe when it started it was a fairly sound, but it is steadily veered in the direction of Hollywood.
Until the meetings are not worth going to unless they can produce something that savers of a lot of them and noise and excitement and that that's going to.
Appeal to the natural mind that is going to capture the imagination.
Of youth at any price.
And it's all connected with the proclamation, supposedly, of the gospel.
All sorts of things are introduced.
I don't need to enlarge on it, you know what I mean?
Well, what's the idea? The idea is that if we do not do these things, we can't hold the young people, we can't get them to come, we can't get results.
Now that I make this statement.
And I hope you young folks remember God does not hold you responsible to get results.
I hope our young sister lives with us tonight. Will remember that as she goes to the foreign field, God does not hold us responsible to get results.
Am I right? Now you could back that with a principle in Scripture. Yes, I can.
That'd be helpful. 5th chapter.
That's the so the 10th chapter, Second Corinthians and the fourth verse.
I'll read the third word.
I don't think we better start the second verse with 10th chapter second Corinthians.
I have to teach you that I may not be bold when I'm present. With that countless we're in, I think, to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh.
Although we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
But mighty through God.
To the pulling down the stronghold.
Casting down reasoning.
And every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Now those verses rule out positively all carnal weapons in trying to go to battle for the Lord.
To the law and to the testimony. If they speak not according to this word, there's no light in them. What does God hold you responsible to do?
To live Christ.
To live Christ and preach Christ. To live Christ and to preach Christ. God takes care of the results.
God takes care of the results.
Our Lord Jesus Christ spent three years and a half ministry up and down.
At the end of that time, three years and a half of ministry.
How many people did you have in Jerusalem?
Waiting for the coming spirits off after three years and a half a minute come in yet?
I mean.
Under 100 and 2000. Two years and a half 120.
Why, what? What? What chance would an evangelist of the present day?
The sound of being accepted if he could only produce an average of 40 converts a year.
And yet here we're 120 in Jerusalem, waiting for the prompt.
It's it's pathetic when you compare that with the results. Assembly line, production, we've got to get results and so we beat everything up according to the pattern of the times and we just roll them off the line with 1000.
Yeah, that's the way we do it today.
Well, how do we produce it? So it's so a diversity.
We use all manner of carnal health.
We we have. The thing is highly organized.
One can't fail. It's absolutely got to be success. So much dynamic about it, it's going to get results it must.
Well, does that does that favor the pattern that you find in scripture?
Did you find anything, anything like that? Let's hear about it. If you do, what is it? Where do you find it?
And yet when God chose to get results, when God chose to get the results, he had a a poor illiterate fisherman not too long converted. If I ask you well how long you've been saved and you say, well, I would say three or four years ago, what do I say? Well, you have many Christian barrel, have you? Well, here was an illiterate fisherman got up and preached the service.
And he stepped right to the truth of God. Right to the word of God. He didn't have any choir to back him up.
There was there was no beautiful, moving music.
Did he get any results? Did he?
How about Kingdom?
Who Johnny?
What results did he get?
How many?
Nobody answered that question. 3000 converts.
Did you ever hear anything? Nicole left you? Never heard of anything like that? Why, even the the wildest planes of these men, they don't come up to that, do they? 3001 sermon.
Well, who got the results for the results coming up?
Using that core illiterate.
Man, why they could acknowledge them. They were unlearned and ignorant. Man 3000 converts to one service.
What do you think of that brother then? It's wonderful. And they were real, isn't it? They were real. They were real good. 100% reality. No false material at all.
All let us never forget that God doesn't hold us responsible to get this up. The hold us responsible to live Christ and to preach Christ.
No May 10th of our stuff. And that's all with an oxygen and ants together.
Well, I think I've never seen an ox and an *** plowing together. But certainly see, when I was a boy, and if I might have seen a horse and a donkey yoked up, that was common in our part of the country. And I was a boy. I just live on a farm, you know, there's a boy long time ago.
So we're not going to talk about it literally. We don't, we're not going to raise the coral because anybody does that now.
We're not under the law. We're under race.
But what is the fundamental difference?
In a ritualistic way, according to the Old Testament standard, what was the fundamental difference between the ox and the earth?
They think they're not worth it, you know.
Yeah, that's true, yes.
You're thinking the 11Th of Limited now, yes?
So I tell you anyone tell me one was.
A clean animal trying to go outstanding. And the other was a fun cleaner. Now the brothers have given us one of the details that we read about in the 11Th of the Leviticus that gives us all the distinction between the clean, the unclean.
So God says that the *** is unclean, and he says that the ox is clean.
That was ceremonial, alright. God should not plow and oxen and that, yeah.
You just can't see yoke up.
The Christian and the unsaved man, and expect them to go on together in the things of God.
That's an unequal yoke.
Thou shalt not flower and oxygen as together and you know the nicest person in the world.
If he doesn't say that, he isn't converted.
He's unclean. He belongs in the class of the unclean. He needs to be born again and for save people and unsaved people to yoke up in any capacity whatever.
Is to violate the principle of this verse older so many different kinds of the ocean?
I visit it. My wife and I visit the homeless.
Talk to me sister, me in a home, she was all related, most of my husband, and going into business where we've got a wonderful opportunity, says there's a man going to put up the money and my husband has a trade. He'll furnish the capital, my husband will do the work and we're going to have a nice business of our own.
I said, is this man safe that your husband's going to work with? Well, since I don't know about that, but you know, awfully nice man. He just they just can't find a nicer man.
Well, I said. That may leave it. I don't know, like some of it. So we visited a violin president. The husband came home from work.
We've had a bit less than what your wife tells me. You're going into business. Yes, it could be some nice opportunity.
I said tell me a little about it. So he told me much the same story she had. I said, by the way, is this man you're going to Vince with his furnishing the capital? If he, if he.
Safe is he saved.
Well, no, he's not safe. But he's he's very nice, he's upright and honourable.
So I said, well, what does the word of God say? Doesn't the word of God say be and not unequally yoked together with unbelievers? What fellowship has Christ revealed Belial or he the believers with an infidel?
I said, Brother, how can you go into a thing like that with a plain word of God saying, be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers?
We thought a minute, he said. I'm not going into it.
I'm not thinking. I'm not going into it. I'm on that night. Thank you.
He yielded immediately to the words what was brought before.
If we do that, we'll make progress in the things of God, but all the sorrow we've known in our lifetime from believers getting into these unequal yields.
And I suppose that one of the saddest things that ever happens is when a Christian gets yoked up and married with an unbeliever.
That is an impossible situation.
Some of you young folks are here tonight are very young.
You're comparatively tender years. This may sound a little premature talking about this to you, but I want to give you this simple little.
Formula that will protect you all your life from ever getting into one of those miserable, unequal yokes.
Don't ever go with an unsaved person the first time and you'll never marry.
Now that that'll stand the test, don't ever go with an unsaved person the first time. You'll never marry.
All I want keep away from it, shun it like a plague.
What's important to me? To be married to someone. And regardless of how nice and loving and lovely they were, you could never have one little tiny bit of fellowship about the fingerprint.
If a person isn't born again, they don't have a new life. They can't enjoy these things.
They're bored to them. They're unpleasant to be around. They're glad when the Bible goes shut.
All let's turn on the TV. Let's anything but this religious thought. Oh, let's get away from it. Oh, don't ever get yourself into a mess like that. I'm begging. Take some warning. Don't plow with an oxen and ask together. The word of God is full of warnings against the unequal youth.
Doesn't not wear a garment of diverse socks as woolens and linen together.
Now that speaks of our personal habits and associations.
Let's speak to it that our conduct, our habits, our associations.
Are such as shall speak of the limit.
God says he doesn't want us to wear garments of woman and lemon together, and it will turn to the 44th chapter of Ezekiel. We'll see why he didn't want them to wear.
A garment of woolen and women.
Ezekiel 44 and verse 17.
They came to pass it when they entered in at the gates of the Inner Court. They shall be clothed with linen garments, and no wool shall come upon them whilst they minister in the gates of the Inner Court. And within they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins. They shall not gird themselves with anything that causes sweat.
What type of?
Yes, exactly.
It brings into action the flesh. So that is the reason here thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sources of woolen and linen together.
There was not to be no allowance of the flesh.
Now the 12Th verse, our time is almost up. The 12Th verse thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of Lyvester, where without covers thyself.
Delegate numbers 15.
1537 And the Lord senator Moses taken to Moses, saying, Speaking of children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribbon of blue by blue. Tell me why blue?
Good the Catholic, the heavenly colour, the heavenly calling.
And it shall be unto you for a friend, that she may look upon it.
And remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them that you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you used to go a horn that you remain, remember and do.
All my commandments and the holy unto your God.
Now notice that that fringe was to be in their garments of all their generations, fathers and sons and grandson, right on down the line. They were all to have that garment.
And it was to be on the four quarters of their vegetables. What does that thing about?
Hold on, hold on me four quarters of it. Let's hear.
In whatever direction they look, yes. Yeah. There's no place where you can escape it. They're taking vacation from.
If you looked, if you looked at your your garment from any direction, there was that garment of blue. There was never a time to take a vacation, from godliness, from the heavenly calling, from realizing that you're not in this world.
What is the measure of our separation from the world? Can you give me the measure of it in the verse of scripture?
But here the measure of our separation. Come on, let's have it.
We don't want to make two separate, you know.
So let's get the major of a subscription. Alright, speak right up.
Why we? How separate should we be? What's the major? What's the standard of?
Other thing that was precious young. Well, let's hear the verse. Walking off the world. None of the things that are in the world. And many nine love the world. The love of the Father is not in but all that is in the world. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the ice. And the tide of life is not of a father. But it does the world good. Yeah. Richard, did you have did you anniversary? Well, I thought you did someone else have a birthday.
Read it please.
Good. Did someone else have another?
John 1716 Health. That's the one I was thinking of being. They are not of the world. Even I am not of the world. Now. There is a standard, young folks. That's the standard. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
So could we go into something?
Or do something or read something.
But we couldn't share with the Lord.
Wouldn't it be well to have the friends?
Friends, the heavenly color the border of blue always before it was to be in all four quarters, never time to land aside.
Well, if we can do these things now, I am frank to own together. We're poor failures, all of us. I own that.
And I certainly wouldn't want to sit here and think that you thought that I was presenting myself as having gotten into the good of all this. But we mustn't weaken the truth of God. They mustn't watered down. God has given us extent, and He wants us, wants us to walk in the light of all the truth that He gives. May the Lord bless His little meditation to offer.
Lamb of God.
Following is an address by brother Ch. Brown.
On the apostles, doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer.
Thing #217.
The second chapter of Acts Acts 2 verse 41.
Then they that received his word will omit that word gladly.
They have received his Word, were baptized.
The same day they were added unto them about 3000 souls.
And they continued steadfastly.
In the apostles doctrine and fellowship.
And in breaking of bread and in prayers.
This is the first sermon that was preached.
After the church's birthday.
And it had a remarkable effect. There were 3000 souls saved.
The first day that the law came down from Sinai into the camp of Israel.
It resulted in 3000 souls being destroyed. What a contrast.
The law brought death.
The gospel brought life.
I doubt if in the history.
Of the Church of God on earth from the day that Peter preached this Pentecostal sermon.
Down to the present time. If there's ever been another sermon preached that ever drew 3000 people to Christ, it was a marvelous event.
God was indicting that new economy with his blessing.
And three 3000 precious souls were swept into the Kingdom of God.
Now to read about them.
That they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.
We'll talk a little about that 42nd verse.
They continued steadfastly.
That's a good model for us all.
It's a great thing, dear Saints of God, to just go on steadily in the path of faith.
Not be so much noted for.
We're getting sudden inspirations and being very faithful for a while and then lapsing.
It's far more important to go on steadily.
Those that are a help in your meeting here in Montreal.
Are not the skyrocket time.
But they're the kind that just go on day after day, year after year. You find them in their place, seeking to bear their share of the burden.
Or how What a wonderful thing it is if we can be steady.
They continued steadfastly.
You know, in our meeting in the morning we don't have as large a meeting as you have here. Not quite at least.
Sometimes when we've had an agent, one in our home that wasn't able to get out to meeting, some of us would have to stay home from meeting, we'll say a prayer meeting.
And when the ones who do go come back, we say, well, who were at prayer meeting tonight?
I did get an answer something like this. Well, the regulars were all there except.
Oh, perhaps Brother Rock didn't show up tonight. Well, we understand that because brother artists pull in body and sometimes he can't make it. Yes, the regulars were all there except Brother Rock. And then, you know if somebody else is there.
And they name someone in the meeting. But the very fact that he was there caused a bit of a sensation. Now wouldn't it be nice?
To join the regulars.
Would it be nice to be rated among those that are always at the meetings? And if they're not there, you know there's a good reason?