Psalm 19

Psalm 19
Address—H. Hayhoe
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Damoyne May 1957. Addressed by Brother Hayhoe.
We sing together the 141St singles in the middle class.
In deep eternal councils, before the world was made, before its deep foundations on happiness were late.
God purposed us for blessing, showed us in Isa for him to be conformant when here our force was round 141.
I'm going to talk to you all tonight as Christian.
And I often think it's nice to have a little heart to heart problem.
You know, there was a remark made in the meeting and it was this.
That the heart and will of God.
Is the source of every blessing.
The heart and will of God is the source of every pleasure.
I never met a person that didn't want to be happy. Did you? Did you ever meet a person that didn't want to be happy?
On how they pursue asterisks only to find disappointment.
But suppose we turn to a verse in Psalm 34 verse 10.
It's not what we know that makes us happy, you know. It's what we enjoy.
Over is the fruit.
Of what we think about and pursue after as an object.
You cannot live without an object.
Well, what does this verse say? Verse 10.
The young 34th Psalm, verse 10. The Young Lions do last. The lion is a symbol of strength.
Young lad is super strength.
The Young Lions do lack and suffer hunger.
But they that seek the Lord.
Shall not want any good thing.
Isn't that love? Isn't that isn't that lovely? They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Now connect that with a verse in 2nd Corinthians 8.
For Second Corinthians 9 I should say verse 8.
And God is able to make all grace.
Abound toward you.
Don't forget the language of Scripture.
Grace is the unmerited favor of God.
All you say I don't deserve it. Of course you don't. I don't bother.
God is able to make.
All reason bound toward you, that ye, having all sufficiency in all things, may have found to every goodness. Isn't it lovely to have a father like that?
You know, are you a Christian? You've got a father like that.
God is able to make all grace abound toward you.
The key having all sufficiency in all things may have done to every good person.
How lovely, that.
It's unbelievable. Of the goodness that's in the heart of God, that is the root of all our coldness, carelessness.
And lack of earnestness in the things of the Lord.
We each get as much of Christ as we want.
And our lives show how much we want.
Where God is a large giver.
And he delights in the blessing of his people.
Now when we turn back to the chapter that I'm going to talk about, the 19th Psalm.
The first book of the Psalms begins at chapter one.
And ends at chapter 41.
And the first book in the Psalms is Judah and Benjamin.
Back in the land of Israel.
In the first half of the last prophetic week of scripture that used the 1St 3 1/2 years after the Church is gone.
Holy Spirit that now hinders the full manifestation, manifestation of evil is gone.
So that evil rises.
And the godly ones will feel it rising. It will increase.
And if some of us older things are taken before you younger ones, you'll find that the shadow of that coming apostrophe.
Will be more and more manifest.
I mean your school life and home life.
The whole effort of the enemy is to rob this world.
Of every bit of truth possible.
Thank God in a prayer. In this country, there's an open Bible.
Notwithstanding that fact.
Blindness often happens when there is willfulness of spirit.
Perhaps before reading.
This I'll turn to a verse that explains what was on my mind in Jeremiah.
13th of Jeremiah.
And the 15 first.
Hear ye and give ear. Be not proud, for the Lord has give glory to the Lord your God.
Before he calls darkness.
Then before your peak, stumble upon the dark mountains, and while they look for light, he turned it into the shadow of death and make it gross darkness.
Oh, dearly beloved in the Lord, especially you young people.
If God has shown you through these three days meetings or through any past meetings, the.
Light and He has revealed the preciousness of Christ to your heart.
You seek grace to walk in that path if you close your eyes to it.
And your will is opposed to it.
Then there is a judicial darkness coming over this world. You find it raising that journal 13 before he calls darkness.
You say, Will God cause darkness? Yes, He will.
God will send them a strong delusion that they will believe a lie that they all might be cast.
And it is a serious thing to resist life, some of the children of the Saints, you know.
Isn't that lovely often to see them when they're at 7:00 or 8:00 or 9 or 10 years old, and you'll see them enjoying the things of God that they've learned in Sunday school and they've learned in their battle class. And then they go to school and the pressure is brought upon them to see great things in this world and to get on in the world and make a name for themselves in the world. And although conscience tells them.
That they should follow the Lord.
They do not heed the voice of conscience reached by the light of God's word, and turn aside. And how many one has seen that have made a wreck of their lives by doing?
Oh, you know, I love children. I love boys and girls.
And it is a joy to see them grow in the things of God. It's a joy.
Do you want a happy life? Don't forget Psalm 34 and 10.
They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing, and God is able to make all grace abound towards you.
Isn't it lovely? Well now notice this 19th song, the 1St 6 verses. The eye is turned upward to the heavens and I'll tell you why.
Because darkness will have increased over the earth after the church is gone, and this is a picture of what will take place in the Book of the Psalm.
Darkness will cover the earth and the eye is turned upward.
For men cannot interfere with the course of the heavenly bodies.
He has ruined this heaven creation down here. He has corrupted himself and ruined it, and it's under judgment, but he cannot interfere with the heavenly body.
And so the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork, Day on the day of earth Speech, and night unto night show of Knowledge.
The wisdom of God that has provided so abundantly.
For the source of light.
And heat is from above.
Life, and every bit of moral life that's in this world comes from above, from God.
Every bit of moral length.
That in this world comes from above, from God.
And every bit of heat.
You see that unconverted mother loving her little baby who put love into our heart.
She's a long, confident woman. No? Put love into our heart. Was it the devil? Not a bit of it.
Who put the warmth of affection into her heart.
Why every good gift and every prepping gift cometh down from above.
From the bottom of the lakes. Why didn't say Father of Lakes? Because God sees every need.
Sometimes you'll hear as your sister at the table will say, I didn't notice the butter was missing. Missing.
I didn't notice this was missing or that, but God has provided and his eyes sees.
And his power supplies and his love.
Is manifested in all his works. You can't think of a good gift, whether you're seeing it or not. You can't think of a good gift you ever enjoyed since you were born that didn't come from God.
You can't take a while.
Oh, the source of all blessing.
He is the heart and will of God even to be unsafe, even to be unsafe.
I'm so here. There is no speech in our language where our voice is not heard. Their line has gone up through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
He never set the Tabernacle for the sun, which uses a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoice as a strong man to run a race.
He's going forward from the end of the heaven and he's seconded to the end of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereon.
How good it is to look above?
Isn't it grand and blessed?
You know all the promises of God in him are yeah. And in him Amen. Under the glory of God by us. God is never frustrated in these purposes. Never.
And so here the eye of the of the believing ones in that day is turned upward, upward. And when you have a trial in your life, do you turn your eye upwards when downloaded in this book of the song, we turn you over to the 27th chapter.
And the 13th verse.
Psalm 27 verse 13.
Remember, it's the same period.
I have painted, unless I had believed to see, the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Of course, for them it is the coming of the Messiah to set up the Kingdom on earth, but the evil will increase.
So that those who have no upward look will be utterly crushed under the darkness of that day.
And so the Psalmist says, I have fainted, unless I have believed to see the goodness of the Lord and the land of the living.
We'll turn over to the 42nd song.
Now this is the first chapter in the second book of the Psalms.
At this time, evil is going to step fire.
A stepfather, the godly ones are cast out of Jerusalem.
They've had to flee.
And in the fifth verse he says, Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and why art thou be squared in me? Hope thou in God.
For I shall yet praise him for the health of his countenance, for the help of his countenance. Doesn't it make you think of Colossians 3.
Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. When you got up this morning, who did you turn to as soon as you got out of bed? Did you turn to the Lord?
Did you lift your eye up? And when difficulties came, did you remember that there's a God that rules in the heavens?
And nothing happens by chance.
God is the owner of all the circumstances.
Whether it be a nation.
Or an individual.
God is the order of all circumstances.
Always remember to take your circumstances from the Lord.
And your difficulties to the Lord.
For he rules in the heavens.
And as we learn in Ephesians 1.
He has head over all things to the church, which is his body, I believe Brennan when we get home to blog.
That all the circumstances.
History of this world will will manifest.
The wonderful patience and wisdom and goodness of God.
That whether individually are collectively, he has ordered the circumstances with a view to the blessing of the individual and the blessing of the church. As Israel, he is head over all things to the trip, which is his life.
All at peace that gives turning to another verse in First Peter 3.
In the last verse.
Who is gone into heaven and he's on the right hand of God. When you get God in Scripture, always remember.
That it's either nature or power, sometimes both.
Grandfather, the thought is relationship.
But when it is God, the thought is power and nature.
Is gone the right hand of God, the place of power?
Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
All the peace of going through this world.
In the conscious enjoyment of it in one soul.
I've always been lovely to hear the Lord saying in the Gospel of John, Peace, I leave with you.
My peace I give unto you.
There wouldn't be so many nervous breakdowns if we lived in the good of that would their brother.
If we lived in the good of that, you think that there are many nervous breakdowns and all, what troubles we get when we allow human thoughts to occupy our minds?
The little rubs of criticisms.
As we remember that the Lord allowed it all.
But for to do us good at our latter end, at our latter end.
Always seek to take all your circumstances from his hand.
Well, I must get on with his 19. Samurai won't get through it at all.
This is so lovely, which is a bright green coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth of the strong matter on the ring.
Quiet is such language.
There's going to be a wedding take place.
There will be the church and the wedding in glory, and Israel the bride of Christ on earth.
And he's rejoicing as a strongman to run a race.
Why? Because man, nothing that man can do will ever frustrate the purposes of God.
No hand can stay his power or frustrate his purposes. They'll all be fulfilled. And another thought he's rejoicing as the bridegroom.
Oh, it makes me ashamed of myself because I so often think of my own individual blessing and forget the joy of the Lord. There's a bright room of the church.
What a joy it will be to him to welcome his bride home.
And are you a believer? You're a member of that one body. You're part of that brain.
And when it's the bride, it's her beauty.
Her beauty.
It's the beauty that he has put upon her.
I'll think of it. I'll try to illustrate sometimes and say, supposing I was invited to the evening dinner at Buckingham Palace, Well, I haven't been brought up in royalty, and I'd be afraid I wasn't attired correctly and that my manner might not be suited to such surroundings. But the moment we meet the Lord in the air, we're going to be exactly like him, morally and physically.
You know, brethren, get the habit of meditation. It's not what you eat that ever nourishes your body, it's what you digest.
Get the habit of meditation.
Ah, if we meditated upon these things, the heart would burst into frames, burst into phrase, one is often said.
Every Christian blessing is an apex, an altitude beyond which God could bless.
And if you were chosen, had to choose the time you should be born and live in the world, you couldn't have chosen a more blessed time than right now.
Therefore, we ought to be the happiest Christians that ever lived on the face of the earth.
But in these last days God has recovered to us the truth of the Church as the body and bride of Crest.
Justice and we are at the end.
To expect him anymore.
And you know what he'll be doing the first time we meet him in the air?
We'll be singing.
He'll stop the singing and a Scottish home to the father's house, a singing, triumphant, glorified company, and introduce us to the Father's house with these words. Behold, I and the children which God had given them.
You ought to read the word of God.
Till these things get bolded, your soul. For we're to walk by faith, not by sight.
I said to a lady on the train. I spoke to her about the Lord, you know, and I Afterwards she picked up a magazine and was reading it. I looked at her and I said lady.
Every one of those magazines will make the horizon of all your thoughts the world in which you live.
Lady, there's only one book in the world that will give you a vision of coming blood and tell you to lay up your treasures in heaven.
Where do you lay up your treasure? Where am I laying up my treasure?
Well, let's go on with our chapter and see some practical things brought out here in the 19th Psalm.
The law of the Lord is prepping. Now the law in the book of the Psalms doesn't refer to the 10 commandments.
The law is the revealed mind of God in the world.
It becomes a bar to the heart of the learning Crest.
It's not the 10 commandments, but the law of the Lord is static. Isn't that lovely?
It's perfect.
God has, in his word, given us instruction for every step of our path and I've often said to the young people in Ottawa.
Never take a step in your life.
Without consulting the word of God and getting on their knees that he may guide you.
Now we used to say to our children that went to when they went to school children, take your arithmetic and algebra and you could from your school teacher.
But remember.
That every unconverted school teacher, no matter how brilliant their mind, will make the horizon of all your thoughts the world in which you live.
The Bible is the only book in the world.
That is a revelation of coming blood, and the only book that will tell you to lay out your treasure in heaven. Are you doing it?
Are you doing this? Are you laying up your treasure in heaven?
Well, the law of the Lord is traffic and breaking the soul. Now, the thought is hardly right here in the word converting in the way in which people generally take it. They think of it as being saved, you know, accepting Christ through through the gospel. But that's not the thought primarily in this passage.
The soul is the seat of appetite and desire.
And so it is. I've got an old nature within me. You have to.
Look what will convert or restore the soul? What will lead me to seek after the things of God?
Really. Homework. A virtual or Demosthenes or Aristotle? Will that do it? Oh no. What will do it? The law of the Lord.
We ought to read the word of God.
Till we're so saturated with it that instead of thinking as the man of the world thinks.
We think in governance.
We think as instructed through the light and wisdom of the Word of God, and do everything in that light.
Restores the soul. That's what that's what's meant.
That restores the soul for naturally the moment you get out of bed in the morning.
Everything you contact has the tendency to put the world into your heart.
The tenants were our I just can't prepare telling you a little thing I remember, if you're a Christian, saying to me.
Mr. Hale, as you go about, I would invite you to watch how this.
Houses are decorated where you stay and it will give you some very nice thoughts how to decorate your own house. Was that right, Council when I come here? Now that was a Christian breaking red blood school. The dominant.
She needed her soul restored, didn't she? Oh, it wasn't a question of conversion.
Oh, should we not in every way live to please the Lord Jesus?
I trust as I go about I won't watch decorations in order to get my house decorated to the point where it is attractive to everybody. Oh no, let us walk to please God in everything.
I'm practical in a month like that, Brennan, but it's it's necessary sometimes to be practical, otherwise people don't get it.
Restoring the soul. Isn't it lovely to see a young boy or a young girl setting up to live and address and to act and to speak to please the Lord Jesus?
Isn't it lovely? Oh, when I see you, all of you young people, and I think of some of you that I do see something of that in here.
I see it just ruptures my soul. To see it delights my heart. And if it delights my heart, don't you think it delights the heart of the Lord Jesus?
Oh, listen.
They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
They seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.
You can't walk to live to please him without the blessing of the Lord.
Supposing you had it born, it came to you and said, Father, you tell me what you want me to do today, and I'll try and do it to please you.
That father's heart could go up to that boy.
And do you think the father would withhold any good thing from a son like that?
May there are hearts be true to the precious Savior. May we long to live to please Him.
In all things, it's the path of happiness. That's why I tried in in your general meetings here.
While Speaking of suffering, suffering can be better. Suffering can be pleasure if it's for somebody that you love.
Suffering can be pleasure. Here's your young lady. She's going to be married.
Will there may be children?
Around the children may get scarlet fever, whooping cough, whatnot, and she may lose a good deal of sleep afterwards and nursing those children.
But the pleasure, the joy, the happiness of having children that love you and they the affection of that mother's heart, she wouldn't choose any other hat. Oh, you dear young people, don't. Do not look at the suffering. But remember, if you follow the Lord, suffering will be joy if it is suffering for him.
And I got scripture to to support such a statement.
Of course I have first Peter 4 verse 14.
If he be reproached by the name of Christ, happy are you?
Isn't that lovely? Happy, are you?
I've often said that I think it was remarked in our meeting. You never met a man, walked with God, and then at the end of his life said I wish I hadn't done it.
All dear young people, let us cleave to the Lord with the purpose of happening well, restoring the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise and simple. In other words, simple.
Means uninstructed.
Not the lack of love.
Intelligence, but uninstructed. And we're we're all uninstructed in the things of God. There isn't a brother or a sister in this room with what has had to learn wisdom from God. You weren't born with it. Where did you get it? You got it from God. Well, the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple. Well, that's just in keeping with what I've been saying.
What's the testimony of the Lord?
Well, I will give you a very striking verse in the book of George the Rotagonist. A very striking version.
First job 28.
And verse 12.
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the place that ought, neither is it found in the land of the living. The deaf says it is not in me, and the sea says it is not with me. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be waiting for the price there are.
It cannot be valued with the gold of offer, with the precious Onyx, or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it, and the exchange of it shall not be for duels of fango. No mention shall be made of Carlo or pearls, for the price of wisdom is above rubies.
The top as of Ethiopia, Jonathan. Neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Whence then cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding, seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the thongs of the air. Now notice the next verse.
Death or destruction and death say we have heard the thing thereof with our ears. You know what that verse means?
Well, I said. It says means destruction of death. Tell you of the folly of laying up your treasure down here.
That's what it means.
Destruction and death.
Were this world will be a heap of rubble someday.
It's going to be destroyed.
And when you die, what do you leave behind? Everything. Destruction and Death Day. We've heard the fame thereof with our ears.
Is just telling you that wisdom.
Will lead you to lay up your treasure where destruction and death cannot come.
Cannot come.
Oh, how lovely it is to have the word of God, then.
Now the verse of the 19 Psalm. The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart.
A statute is a decreed limitation.
Such as you have up on the road when you're driving with your car. I've seen 30 mph, 50 mph. That's a government statute. That's a statute. It's a decreed limitation.
Will the statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing enough?
Oh yes, God knows all about your meat down here. Never be an extremist. It's perfectly right to have a host to live in.
It's perfectly right to have it tidy too, but God would have our hearts set on things above, not on things on the earth.
And the decreased limitations of scripture, whatever they may be.
For scripture says.
To be temperate in all things. Never be an extremist. An extremist will always go wrong. God has given us all things richly to enjoy.
But he has told us to be temperate in all things, and the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure.
Enlightening the eyes.
Because when God expresses His mind in His word, it gives us that wisdom that enlightens the eyes.
And the folly of pursuing after anything that the Word of God condemned.
It enlightens the eyes. Turn to the 6th of proverbs.
In connection with.
And the 23rd verse.
Proverbs 623.
For the commandment is a land, and the law is life.
The difference between life and life is this. In scripture, a lamp shows you the next step To take. Light shows you where the path ends. That's the difference.
I say that again if you didn't get.
A laugh showed you the next step to take.
The light shows you where the path end.
And the recruits of instruction are the way of life.
Or don't get annoyed when some brother is approved.
I've been helped by the reproof of my brother.
I hope I'll never be a brother.
That my brethren can't reprove.
I hope I'll never be abroad.
That my brethren can't recruit.
You turn to Ecclesiastes 4 and verse 13.
These are very important words to it. Ecclesiastes 4, verse 13. Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king who will no more be admired.
Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king who will no more Vietnam.
Ah, dear young people, when your father admonishes your life, When your mother admonishes you.
Seek to be exercised by it and profit by it. Don't let that stubborn will of yours rise up in opposition.
Better is a poor and wise child.
Than an old and foolish king. He's an authority who's going to stop him.
He's a king in those days was supreme. He had supreme power.
Democracy was known in the days when they said vote was written. A king had supreme power, but who will no more be at mind?
Ah, there's something in every one of us that needs corrections. There was only one perfect man in this world.
Every child of God, even the servant of the Lord, needs to learn to take correction from his prayer.
Get that habit. Are you a boy or a girl? As somebody admonished it? Well, it reviews, even though they did it, perhaps in a wrong spirit. Seek to prophecy.
God will bless you for us. Well, going back to this 19th song.
The ninth verse, the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
The fear of the law.
Ah, that's the fear begotten.
From the knowledge of his glory and what speaks to me.
Oh, how blessed then the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
For the fear of the Lord means this.
The setting aside of will and subjection to his will.
The setting aside of will.
Armed subjection to his will.
And he was keen. And during forever the Lord knows your circumstances and mine. Nothing is hatred in his eyes.
And he's perfect in his ways. Sometimes we misjudge one another. God never misjudges any of his children. He never makes any mistakes.
I've often said this, A teacher at school gives the same.
The same problem to all the scholars in the class.
But God has a separate tuition for everyone of his children, and no two children of God pass through the same trial or difficulties. God understands every one of his children, and he knows exactly what's suited to each one of us, and he makes no mistakes. Or As for God, his way is perfect. Isn't it lovely to have a God like that?
I want to love you. That seeks to do you good at your latter end.
Oh, how blessed it is.
Now notice the judgments of the of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
Is are you misunderstood from a certain matter?
You can leave it with the Lord.
We like turned into another verse in the later on in the Psalm. I think it's the 62nd Psalm.
Yes, the 62nd sign.
In the fifth verse.
My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from his.
He only is my rock and my salvation. He is my defense. I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory. The rock of my strength and my refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times. He people, pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us. See not. Isn't that lovely?
That fifth verse of the 62nd Psalm has been a great help to me all through my Christian life, my soul with thou only upon God.
From my expectation is from his.
Will I pass on to your little remarks? That was helpful, some of these old brethren and some of us knew.
Make some very wise remarks.
I remember walking along Bank Street with dear old brother William Prosper.
There was a matter in the Ottawa meeting.
That we're in there was very much difference of opinion about this brother and that brother.
And I was telling Brother Crossley.
And those of you who know him know what a quiet brother he was and a godly man. And as he walked along, he just said, Brother Hale, when the Saints misunderstand, you just go on quietly with God and they'll change their minds.
I never forgot it. I never forgot it. I pass it on to you.
It's been a help to me.
Oh, you may be misjudged. The Lord allows that.
Too I'll never know how close you walk with the Lord till I see how you act in the day of trial.
Knowledge of the love and I have known those that could expound the word of God with an accuracy that was positively astonishing. But the moment.
Something came into their lives there was adverse to their temperament.
The old nature showed itself.
So I will pass on to you another remark that has been helpful to me all my life.
And it is this. Never take a step in the heart.
My soul, without all men of God, never in your life take a step in a hurry.
Wait upon God and never take that step and you're sure you have the mind of the Lord?
With a lot of him, he'll make manifest in his own time and way. I've lived long enough in the brethren to know many dear Brethren that took a step in a hurdle.
And afterwards we're in felt that they made a mistake but there was too much crime to retrace themselves.
Too much pride. Oh you dear young people.
And the older ones too.
Never allow yourself to take a step in a hurry. Wait upon God.
Now he says more to be desired today than gold.
Than gold.
Yeah, isn't much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
There's no sweetness.
No peace like the peace of God that passeth all understanding.
You know where Paul writes that in the 4th of Philippines? And where was Paul when he wrote it? Where was he he was engaged?
He was engaged.
And he talks about the peace of God that passeth all understanding.
Why? He just submitted to the ways of God with him and the sweetest ministry in that whole book.
The richest ministry in that whole book comes from that pen and Paul when he was in prison.
The sweetest ministry comes from the head of Paul when he was in prison.
God doesn't train his servants in in colleges built of bricks and stone, God trains his servants in the school of adversity.
And so Paul learned the blessedness of having the approval of the precious Savior. And so we met. Prison. The Lord stood by him.
And Paul will never forget in all eternity the blessedness of that kind, when the Lord stood with him. The peace of God that passeth all understanding should keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Isn't that a blessing? And so he is in the things of God. Let me give you a little for a moment in Timothy along that same line.
Where the moral principles of the weight of God do not change.
With dispensation.
Do you want to be a help in the Des Moines meeting or any other meeting where you happen to be?
The Trump verse of First Timothy 4. Let no man despise him, but be thou an example that word his mother of the believers in Word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit.
In Faith in Purity. Now notice the last verse of the same chapter.
Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine Continue in them.
But in doing this.
Thou shall both save thyself, And then appeared.
Take feed unto thyself, and under the doctrine But he says, take heed unto thyself first.
Then he says none of the doctrine continue in them. But in doing this thou sort of both save thyself and them. But here wasn't Timothy already saved? Yes, and he had soul of salvation.
Save thyself.
That his manner of life would come out of the judgment seat of Christ.
And only what words of God would be saved in that day? The rest would be burnt up.
And see thyself, and then the tear thee.
Man makes elephants the power in preaching.
God never does in his work. God never makes eloquence the power implication.
The power in the things of God comes from Godless.
I have forgotten much of the elephants that I have heard in my day, but the impression that has been made-up of my mind by the godly men that I have known has stayed with me.
Has comforted me, has encouraged me. Has been a blessing to me all. You say I have no gift. I backed it up. I remember a brother in chattering. Oh, this is so many years ago. None of you except the grey Heads would know who he was.
He said. Oh, he said. I wish I had a gift that could move multitudes.
I said to him, And supposing you had it, it would puff you up, and then God would have to puff you down.
No, take heed unto thyself, Continue in them, and under the doctrine continue in them. For doing this out of all save thyself and them are here.
Notice moreover by them as I servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Who can understand his errors? I'm sure there's something in me.
That I do not perceive myself.
Who can understand these errors? Cleanse out me from secret faults? Isn't that a good prayer and a desire?
And God may use an instrument to do it that may hurt the flesh.
I remember that some sisters are a great help.
And a mixture, although they never push.
I remember of your sister sending to me in Ottawa.
I was kind of hurt at one time by criticism and she just sent me in a letter, one verse that I've never forgotten.
It's in the 119th song. Great peace of they which love thy law and nothing shall offend me. She sent me that in a letter. Dear sister, I thank her for her. She's gone to be with the Lord now. I was a young man at the time when she was an elderly sister. She couldn't get up on the platform and but she just sent me that in the in the letter she signed her name. It wasn't anonymous.
Great peace of they which love thy law.
Love, thy law, is love, the Word of God.
Well, why get offended?
We ought to defend the glory of Christ, but never defend yourself. We ought to defend the word of God, but never defend yourself. Great peace of that you would love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.
Why? What should grieve your heart and lead you to prayer?
Is the spiritual blessing of the Saints. How much did you pay for it today?
How much did you pray for the spiritual blessing of your brethren today? You ought to. You say, I can't preach, but you can pray attention.
Pray for the spiritual blessing of the Saints if everybody in Des Moines, every Christian in the meeting would praying for the spiritual blessing of this assembly.
I think I want to move to the moment.
Great peace of day, which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.
How good it is, what peace there is, when the heart cares only for the glory of Christ. But the moment self comes in any form, it spoils the blessing.
So who can understand these earth?
Cleans only from secret force. Keep that thy servant also from presumptuous sins. The presumptuous sin and the psalms, of course, will be.
The worship of the Antichrist.
I expect most of you know that under the law there was no sacrifice for the sin of presumption.
There was no factor base for it. That's why in the 51St Psalm, the psalmist says.
That he wouldn't offer sacrifice.
But He cast himself upon the Lord in contrition of heart, because when they crucified their Messiah.
Whether there could be no blessing for them, but on the ground of pure grace.
Let them not have dominion over me now remember?
If you are or myself.
Allowed in our life.
Any unjust fault or failure as we grow older, it will have dominion over you in your life.
Are unrebuilt an unjudged bad habit?
Will have dominion over you.
The moment you discover that something in your life is not preaching to the Lord, get on your knees and ask the Lord for grace. To give it up let them not have dominion over me is a good prayer.
Then shall I be upright? Upright means never covering up faith.
And I shall be innocent to the great transgression. The great transgression is the apostasy and the worshiping of the Antichrist.
Let the words of my mouth from the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thyself. Oh Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer in that lovely.
You know, I've often said Peter walked on the water, that he could never boast the other disciples had saved. But you sang, and you and I have never gained the victory in our Christian life that we could do any boasting about. If we were honest before God, we know that it was only his grace and strength enabled us.
It's only His grace and strength enabled us. And when we get home to glory, we'll realize it too. We'll realize it, that there is nothing but his grace and strength. And what do we do, brethren? We've perched out into a doxology.
When we pushed out into a doxology, the purpose of God is the glorious Christ and the heart that knows the blessed Savior.
Saith O Lord thou artwork.
Show me some rising singing #8.