Psalm 9: Translation and Notes

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
Psalm 9
1 To the chief musician upon Muth-labben,1 a Psalm of David.
2 I will praise Jehovah with all my heart, I will tell all thy marvellous works.
3 I will be glad and exult in thee, I will sing praises to thy name, O most High.
4 When mine enemies turn back, they stumble and perish from before thee.
5 For thou hast maintained my cause and my right; thou satest upon the throne, judging righteously.2
6 Thou hast rebuked the Gentiles, thou hast destroyed the wicked, their name hast thou blotted out for ever and ever.
7 O enemy, the desolations are completed for ever, and thou hast destroyed cities; the remembrance of them hath perished.
8 But Jehovah sitteth for ever; be hath established his throne for judgment.
9 And he, even he, will judge the world in righteousness; he will judge the nations in righteousness
10 And Jehovah will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of distress.
11 And they who know thy name will trust in thee; for thou hast not forsaken those who seek thee, O Jehovah.
12 Sing praises unto Jehovah, who inhabiteth Zion; declare ye among the peoples his deeds.
13 For he who inquireth after bloodshed hath remembered them; he hath not forgotten the cry of the afflicted.
14 Be merciful unto me, O Jehovah; look upon mine affliction from those who hate me, lifting me up from the gates of death;
15 In order that I may recount all thy praises in the gates of the daughter of Zion, [that] I may rejoice in thy salvation.
16 The Gentiles have sunk into the pit [which] they made; in the very net [which] they hid is their foot taken.
17 Jehovah is become known; he hath executed judgment: in the work of his own hands the wicked [man] is ensnared. Higgayon.3 Selah.
18 The wicked shall turn back into Sheol4 all [the] Gentiles [that are] forgetful of God.
19 For not for ever shall the poor be forgotten, nor shall the expectation of the humble perish everlastingly.
20 Arise, O Jehovah: let not man5 become strong; let the Gentiles be judged before thy face.
21 Put thou fear into them, O Jehovah; the Gentiles shall know that they are but men.6 Selah.
Notes on Psalm 9
The title is “To the chief musician on Muthlabben (or, death to the son): a psalm of David.” This singular term is supposed to be the name of an air.
It is a striking distinction from the New Testament and its links of truth, that the glorification of the rejected Messiah is there followed by the formation of the church, His body. Here it instantly brings in the troubles, at the end of the age, which lead to His setting up His throne in Zion. Jehovah is the covenant name for Israel, Most High that indicative of the Kingdom in power when heaven and earth are displayed as His. It is earthly righteousness in manifest contrast with that heavenly righteousness, which sets Christ with the Father, and makes Christians God’s righteousness in Him. Christ identifies Himself with the righteous remnant to make His cause and His right theirs (ver. 4). Whatever the mischief from the enemy Jehovah sits for ever. And meanwhile He is a refuge for an oppressed one in times of trouble. But Zion is His eventual dwelling, and judgment (not the gospel) settles all questions.
Any one acquainted with O. T. prophecy will recognize the allusions to its predictions, especially when the rod of Messiah’s strength shall be sent by Jehovah out of Zion, and He strikes through kings in the day of His wrath, and judges too among the nations. What a change from His sitting at God’s right hand waiting to crush His foes, and meanwhile gathering His friends and joint-heirs!
1. Or, the death of the son.
2. Or, a judge of righteousness.
3. Meditation.
4. Hades
5. Enosh, frail man, mortal.
6. Enosh, frail man, mortal.