Psalms 98

Psalm 98  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
The intervention on behalf of Israel calls for a new song of praise to Jehovah, and becomes a witness of Jehovah to “all the ends of the earth.”
(vv. 1-3) Once in their past Israel had raised a song to Jehovah for having delivered them from the Egyptians and destroyed their enemies (Ex. 15:11Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. (Exodus 15:1)). Now the nation is called to raise a new song unto the Lord for this fresh and final intervention on their behalf. By power, and holiness― “his right hand, and his holy arm”―He has triumphed victoriously over all His enemies. Moreover the deliverance of Israel from all their enemies becomes a witness to the heathen even to the ends of the earth of the salvation, righteousness, mercy and faithfulness of God.
(vv. 4-6) Israel and the land called to lead the praise to the Lord, the King for His intervention on their behalf. (“all the earth” can, and probably should, be translated “all the land”).
(vv. 7-9) The world and all that dwell therein called to praise the Lord. No longer will the floods lift up their waves in rebellion against Jehovah’s throne, nor “the mighty breakers of the sea” oppose His power, as in Psalms 93. Earth’s multitudes, free and happy―set forth by the sea and the floods―will swell the chorus of praise to Jehovah. The authorities of the earth―set forth by the mountains―will be united in their common joy in the Lord; for, at last, One will have arisen whose worldwide sway will bring righteousness and equity to the peoples.