(With several original.) By the Rev. J.Kelly, M.A., &c.
Bath Binns & Goodwin. London: Nisbet & Co.
THE compiler well observes how important it is that testimony on such subjects as the coming and glory of the Lord Jesus should not be counteracted, but assisted by the hymns which are simultaneously employed. " Other considerations, however," says he in his preface, " have not been neglected; for instance, the recognition of the standing of all real worshippers as already accepted in the beloved,' and children of God—and if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.' This assured sonship of the believer thus evoking from the heart joyful anticipations of the future; and, again, the increasing contemplation of the shedding of the precious blood, as the basis of all blessedness to himself and others: these important elements of acceptable praise will also be found, I trust, to have been attended to." The selection, on the whole, forms a good and satisfactory little volume, though one may be permitted to wonder that love for poetry overpowered love of truth in admitting so pretty but mistaken is strain as Heber's well known missionary song, "From Greenland's icy mountains," the doctrine of which Mr. J. Kelly heartily repudiates.