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Public and Private Prayer (#52752)
Public and Private Prayer
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Christian Truth: Volume 16
• 8 min. read • grade level: 8
Man's proper place is one of dependence upon God, and this the Lord, though God as well as man, frequently manifested in His own life on earth. He prayed; He spent a whole night in prayer; He prayed earnestly; He prayed in secret; He prayed openly. In the wilderness, on the mount, on Jordan's brink, and in the gar-den of Gethsemane the Lord Jesus Christ poured out His soul in prayer to God.
Prayer too, public and private, characterized the early Christians. Of the first converts we read, "They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doc-trine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in
Acts 2:42
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:42)
. Their enjoyment of the grace of God did not lead to forgetfulness of their dependence upon God; nor in the hour of God's interposition on their behalf did they fail to remember how all their resources were in Him. For when Peter and John, who had been taken before the council_ were restored to their own company, the hostility of the ecclesiastical rulers to the spread of the truth having now become manifest, the whole company, to whom the two apostles reported all that the chief priests an rulers had said to them, lifted up their voice with one accord to God for the continued successful prosecution of the work (Act., 4:24).
Again, when Peter was in prison, arrested by the political power which at that time had sway at Jerusalem, and his martyrdom was determined upon for the morrow, fervent prayer was made on his be-half; and a prayer meeting was held for that purpose in the house of Mary the mother of John, surnamed Mark (Acts 12). And that meeting had not broken up, though it was past the hour of midnight when Peter in person announced to them how their prayer had been heard and his release had been effected.
Nor was it only in Jerusalem that meetings for prayer were held; for when the Holy Ghost had marked out Barnabas and Paul at Antioch for the work to which He had called them, many prophets and teachers there assembled laid their hands on them, after fasting and prayer, recommending them to the grace of God for the work they had been called on to undertake (
Acts 13:3; 14:26
And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. (Acts 13:3)
And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled. (Acts 14:26)
). On another occasion, at Tire, when Paul was on his way to Jerusalem for his last visit there of which we have any record, the whole assembly, including the wives and children, knelt down in prayer outside the city, on the seashore, with those of Paul's company (
Acts 21:5
And when we had accomplished those days, we departed and went our way; and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed. (Acts 21:5)
). A refreshment, doubtless, this must have been to the Apostle's heart—a service, too, well-pleasing to God.
Besides these instances of common prayer in which the whole company took part, we learn from Scripture how repeatedly saints were wont to resort to it. The twelve, when exercising their apostolic powers in appointing the seven deacons, engaged in prayer before they laid their hands upon them (
Acts 6:6
Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. (Acts 6:6)
). Similarly, Paul and Barnabas, when appointing elders in every city, prayed with fasting, and commended them to the Lord on whom they had believed (
Acts 14:23
And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed. (Acts 14:23)
). And Peter and John, in Samaria, prayed that the converts might receive the Holy Ghost (
Acts 8:15
Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (Acts 8:15)
). Peter, too, when raising up Dorcas from the dead (
Acts 9:40
But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. (Acts 9:40)
), and Paul, when about to heal the father of Publius (
Acts 28:8
And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to whom Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him. (Acts 28:8)
), alike confessed their entire dependence upon God for the exercise of such powers on man's behalf. Of Stephen we read that his latest utterance was one of intercession for his murderers (
Acts 7:60
And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:60)
Of Paul we learn that, though the character of his future work was told him at his conversion ere he rose up from the ground (
Acts 26:17, 18
Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Acts 26:17‑18)
), yet it was when engaged in prayer in the temple at Jerusalem that he received his directions to depart to the Gentiles (
Acts 22:17-21
And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance;
And saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee:
And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him.
And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles. (Acts 22:17‑21)
). In the house which was left desolate to the Jews, for the presence of the Lord was not there, the divine command to depart to the Gentiles was communicated directly to the vessel fitted for the service.
On another occasion, in a place and under circumstances very different from the last, Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi with their feet made fast in the stocks, at midnight prayed and sang praises to God. Their bodies were subjected to the power and malice of man. Their spirits were free and unfettered. They prayed and they sang praises to God (
Acts 16:25
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. (Acts 16:25)
), and an answer came. God acted in power and in grace. An earthquake shook the prison, opened its doors, and set the prisoners free; and the word of God by Paul and Silas converted the jailer and his household. Again, at Miletus, the Apostle did not bring to a close his farewell interview with the Ephesian elders until he had prayed with them (
Acts 20
And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more. (Acts 20:25)
). Prayer characterized him, as his epistles demonstrate (
Rom. 1:9, 10
For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;
Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. (Romans 1:9‑10)
Eph. 1:16; 3:14
Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; (Ephesians 1:16)
For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, (Ephesians 3:14)
Phil. 1:4
Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, (Philippians 1:4)
Col. 1:3
We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, (Colossians 1:3)
1 Thess. 1:2; 2
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; (1 Thessalonians 1:2)
But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention. (1 Thessalonians 2:2)
Tim. 1:3;
Philem. 1:4
I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers, (Philemon 4)
Paul valued the prayers of others, and counted on them, as his epistles also teach us (
Rom. 15:30
Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me; (Romans 15:30)
Eph. 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)
Phil. 1:7
Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace. (Philippians 1:7)
Col. 4:3
Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: (Colossians 4:3)
1 Thess. 5:25; 2
Brethren, pray for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:25)
For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labor be in vain. (1 Thessalonians 3:5)
Thess. 3:1;
Philem. 1:22
But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you. (Philemon 22)
Heb. 13:18
Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. (Hebrews 13:18)
). But he seems not to have asked the prayers of any who were walking in ways that he had to reprove. To the Galatians he made no request for their fellowship with him in prayer, though we cannot doubt from the tone of his letter that he prayed for them (
Gal. 4:19
My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (Galatians 4:19)
). Nor did he solicit the prayers of the Corinthians till Titus had assured him of their godly sorrow. A silence of this kind on the part of the
Apostle surely has a voice for us. To ask for the prayers of others should never be a matter of form on our part.
Prayer for oneself (
Jas. 5:13
Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. (James 5:13)
); prayer for others, for saints (
Eph. 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)
), and for all men (
1 Tim. 2:1
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (1 Timothy 2:1)
); prayer too for the work of God upon earth (
Col. 4:3, 4
Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:
That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. (Colossians 4:3‑4)
)—with such requests are we permitted to approach God. Nor is this anything new; for saints in Old Testament times addressed Him, and in accordance with the revelation of their day drew nigh to God as the Almighty (
Job 8:5
If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the Almighty; (Job 8:5)
), or as Jehovah God of Israel (
1 Kings 8:23
And he said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart: (1 Kings 8:23)
) who dwells between the cherubim (
2 Kings 19:15
And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and said, O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. (2 Kings 19:15)
). As seated on His earthly throne, Israel addressed to Him their supplications. Christians, however, are privileged to call on God as their Father who is in the heavens, and to pray likewise to the Lord Jesus Christ (
2 Cor. 12:8
For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. (2 Corinthians 12:8)
); but nowhere are they authorized in Scripture to pray to the Holy Ghost. Praying
the Holy Ghost (
Jude 20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, (Jude 20)
Eph. 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)
) is what Christians are exhorted to do; but never are they told to pray
Him. Praying in the Holy Ghost, we shall express the desires which the Spirit of God has formed in our hearts, and as the Spirit would lead us to present them; and, as having access to the heavenly sanctuary, we pray to Him who is in the heavens. Prayer then should ever be in accordance with the revelation vouchsafed to God's saints. What was suited to Solomon and Hezekiah would not be fitting for us. We should not address God as the God of Israel, nor speak to Him as dwelling between the cherubim.
The old Jewish form of prayer clearly no longer suited the disciples of Christ. The prayer, or prayers, John taught his disciples ceased to be the proper expression of the hearts of Christ's disciples when they had learned from the Son about the Father. It is plain, then, that prayer should always be in harmony with, and based upon, the revelation of God which has been vouchsafed us. Souls in those days felt that. The Lord then endorsed the thought as correct, and afterward abundantly confirmed it; for just before His departure, on the night previous to His crucifixion, unasked by the eleven, He discoursed in a marked way on this important subject. Of the power of prayer, when offered up in faith, He had taught them only a few days before (
Matt. 21:21, 22
Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:21‑22)
Mark 11:22-24
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:22‑24)
). Now, in the immediate prospect of His departure, He teaches them a good deal more. He was about to leave them to go to the Father, henceforth to be hidden from their sight. They should, however, have a clear proof that He was where He had told them that He was going; for they should do greater works than He had done, and whatsoever they should ask in His name, that He would do, that the Father might be glorified in the Son, adding, "If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it." (
John 14:12-14
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. (John 14:12‑14)
.) The world, the Jews, might taunt them with trusting to a crucified man; but as answers came to prayers offered up in His name, they would have abundant proof, both that He was with the Father, accepted on high, though rejected on earth, and also that He was caring for His own.
Now here for the first time we read of prayer to be offered up in His name. When He gave the disciples the prayer of Matt. 6, He did not tell them to present their petitions in His name; and in
John 16:24
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24)
we distinctly learn from His own lips that this was something quite new. "Hitherto," He said, "have ye asked nothing in My name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."
"Because ye have me in your heart," not "because I have you in my heart," is what the Apostle really expressed.
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