If we love Jesus, we should never be ashamed to show our colors, and let it be known that we are Christ’s followers.
A worker among the sailors tells the story of a young man who, having accepted Christ as his Saviour a few nights before, came to him and asked him to write some words for him on a card.
“You will do it more plainly than I can,” he said.
“What shall I write?” was the question.
“Write these words, sir: ‘I LOVE JESUS: DO YOU?’” was the answer.
The gentleman wrote them, and then said to the sailor,
“What are you going to do with the card?”
The sailor replied, “I am going to sea to-morrow, and I am afraid if I do not take a stand for the Lord at once, I may begin to be ashamed of my religion, and let myself be laughed out of it altogether. Now, as soon as I walk on board ship again, I shall go straight to my bunk and nail this card on it, that everyone may know that I am a Christian, and they may give up all hope of making me ashamed, or afraid of standing up for Him.”
ML 02/01/1931