Children of all ages love to play with dolls. Both boys and girls have played with and collected various kinds of dolls for thousands of years. Queen Victoria of England played with dolls until she was 14 years old. She owned dozens and dozens of dolls and had made clothes for more than thirty of them. She especially liked small wooden dolls, 1 to 12 inches high with jointed arms and legs, called “penny dolls.” She collected more than 100 of these. She also had a dollhouse where she kept many of the smaller ones.
Queen Victoria became queen at the age of 17, but she still loved her dolls and dollhouses. Since the queen was so fond of them, thousands of other people wanted dolls and dollhouses too. Toymakers were kept busy making them. If the queen liked something, then other people liked it too and wanted it. It is strange but true that whatever a king or queen or any important person does, other people want to follow their example.
As a Christian boy or girl, are you setting a good example for others to follow? What we do and say affects others, even if we don’t realize it. We can’t try to please the Lord Jesus by ourselves; we must ask Him to help us each day to shine for Him. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:1313I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)).
If you are not a Christian, then you cannot please the Lord Jesus and set a good example. Have you come to Him as a poor, lost sinner and believed that His precious blood washes away all your sins? If you haven’t, do it today, and then with His help you can shine for Him in this dark world.