Question and Answer

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We also wanted to have a question and answer period.
You have four questions. We don't obviously have to take the whole time, but we do not want to dwell too long in any one particular question.
So we'll probably have probably around 10 minutes per question at the goals. The first question, can everybody hear me okay?
First question is, is giving money to a charity of good idea?
Is giving money to a charity of good idea?
Having the privilege of knowing some of the questions ahead of time, when my brother would consider it, I would just say a few things.
We learn in Acts chapter 5 that the money that we have is ours. You know when Peter is talking to Ananias and fire, the things that Lord has given you, they're yours. We also have in 2nd Corinthians 8 that God loves a cheerful giver.
We have in Mark 14.
Where the disciples were upset because the ointment was wasted on the Lord, and the Lord tells them, says you know the poor you'll have with you always and and as you have opportunity, you may do them good for me. You have my office.
In another place we have do good unto all, especially day of the household of God.
And so kind of that thought is that we clearly have the responsibility for us as individually and what do we do with the funds for time, whatever the resources we have as to what to do with that for the Lord and in accordance with his word.
It's not as though we're going to wipe out poverty. As Lord said, you'll have poverty always.
But the other overarching thing is whatever we do, we do for the glory of God.
And so while we have a compassion and sympathy for those in troubled times, and we often, and we ought to, you know, seek out the Lord as to how to use our funds in time and other resources, we also want to understand that when you give to charitable organizations, and I'll pick on the Red Cross because everybody knows it.
You ought to consider who is getting the glory of that. You know you give money and the Red Cross goes in and people are praising and looking for the Red Cross.
Believe the Lord is not necessarily getting the glory of that.
So I guess for I would say that you can't say it's a sin.
Ought to be an exercise about what we have fellowship with. There are also those organizations that you know are really anti Christ, you know, and they really we haven't and John you know you don't even people Godspeed that they don't bring the document express and so we have to consider.
You know, when we give to those in need, how we do it. And while these charitable organizations are convenient, it's not necessarily that which would really promote Christ.
For the glory of God.
Other spots?
I guess just one verse comes to mind at First Timothy 6.
Verse 17 Charge them that are rich in this world, they be not high minded or trusted on certain riches, but in the living. God will give us virtually all things to enjoy. That they do good, that they be rich in good work, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.
I think distribute would be given to the poor, I think.
So have that thought.
So I think it's clear that we should give to the poor.
But do we do it by means of charities? I guess that's another question.
That was question money to a charity.
I remember, you know, one of the things that was very helpful to me as a young brother was going to.
Otter Lake, I've only worked. There's only one when we were able to go.
But I remember, you know, Gordon and Pearl had an exercise.
To invite young people initially, I think their exercise for was really for for young people that did not grow up in in Christian homes, but it, it sort of morphed over the years into a more of a.
Included many that were grown, grew up in the assemblies, but.
We would have these types of questions and answer sessions periodically through the week and these types of questions would come up and I remember one thing that when answering a question like this, Gordon would say almost consistently, have thou faith, have it to thyself before God believe. That's from Romans show exactly.
References. So there a lot of these questions really are and I think all you.
You prefaced it well, I mean.
The money is ours. We have it in our care as we've worked, we've earned it. We know on, you know, we know ultimately everything comes from the water. But you know, we, we certainly have this money that we have custody of. And some of these questions aren't.
Black and white answers, but we do have principles to follow, and I think one principle in giving.
Is is the principle of fellowship?
So there are times where you just give simply.
You give. You don't even ask the questions. What's behind it? You see something, you respond to what you give.
There are times where you have to some some giving. You actually have to. They want you to become a member to give.
And I've been exercised about that because I think when you become a member of something, that's a little more than just giving a.
So I think there's a lot of exercise in that. I think that's a, that's a good principle to understand is that principle of fellowship.
You know, to become a member, to become a part of an association.
Is different than just, you know, someone on the street says, you know, hey, you know, can you spare a dollar? You know, I could interview the guy and try to discern everything he's connected with and what he's going to do with the money. Or sometimes I may the Lord just may say give him a dollar. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not going to go there. So sometimes when we give him in a formal way to a charity as the question was.
It may, it may be you're actually as a member, you're, you're becoming part of that in a sense, you're becoming part of that organization as a giver and that brings you to a, you know, a very.
Personally, I feel very exercised about that so.
You know, there are definitely charities today that are able to help out in situations some.
That maybe we would not be able to help in and we maybe feel burdens for the situation and that may be a vehicle to be able to.
Use some of our resources to help. But it is exercising in terms of. Does that put me in a place of?
Association with that organization per se, in a formal way. It's it's an exercise.
And there's definitely our chairs that are in Jesus name, that give in Jesus name. They there are good charities. I think this is.
As bad, one of the things to consider is.
What's the overhead of that charity? What percentage of the money you give actually goes to the need?
There are some charities that it's a very low percentage that goes to needs because.
They're they're the wages of their those who administer these funds are so high. I know of a case where.
The president of such an organization makes us much or more than the president of the United States. So, you know, it's those are things you need to consider.
Is that a profitable use?
Of the Lord's Ponds is money.
And it's good to consider too, that.
There are likely.
Sufficient need just round about you without going to an organization and the Lord can lay these things on your heart and from that I believe the Lord will get get the glory more than if you give it to our normal organization, which is them getting the warrior.
Just on that line, you know, talking with Fred last night.
He there's a man that doesn't have a lot, but he he knows the situations of individuals and he has a desire to help them.
And you whatever funds you have so kind of along the line with our brother was just bringing out, you know do good on the wall and so to be engaged with those around you might very well lead you to a exposure will probably have you to help out in some situation.
If there's nothing else.
Go on to the next question. What is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?
Was blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
I believe when that's referred to its.
If it's in the gospel, I believe and perhaps.
That but it's right after the Lord basically says all sins be forgiven except against the Holy Ghost Spirit and it is when they were ascribing the works of God Satan.
Such and I believe that's generally, you know, the blasphemers speak skill or or badly to defame or discredit something and so.
To not recognize that you know what the Lord was doing. This was of God publicly.
I believe is the context of that verse. So I would tend to think it's along that line that it's ascribing, you know, God's work to think.
It's Matthew 1224.
And 32.
I think this question comes up a lot of times because people are worried that they can lose their salvation if they, you know, commit this sin. And I guess I would just say that, you know, there's very clear versus.
Scattered all throughout the Bible and the New Testament. I mean done shall **** them out of my hand. This is a common one that's used.
To deal with that idea that you could lose your salvation.
To even include one work, it's, you know, in my salvation meeting, I was saved because the Lord died for me and I never did. This sin is in a way blasphemy against the Lord is defaming the work that he did. So I know that's a reason that question tends to come up is because we may think, well, maybe I could lose my salvation if I do this certain thing.
That's not true.
Yeah, that's, I mean the principle there is, is a verse like this, which may be difficult.
We we don't want to make things that we do know will never overturn one that we are struggling to understand. So the concept of we are our salvation is based upon the blood of Christ and it's able to wash away.
You know, since I mean I where I was saved.
Terrible things. Not even knowing what I said, I was just stupid. Foolish things came out of my mouth.
About things that were holy and.
Thank God that he.
Hooked me up as a Sinner and.
Saved me, but you know the real sin that the.
Pharisees and Judas really was guilty of doing was.
Sort of.
Almost knowingly, as the Spirit of God was so clearly manifesting one thing, They were, you know, Judas.
Turn against it.
There's nothing. There's nothing left for the Lord. There is nothing beyond that. So this is a challenging verse, but definitely it does not undermine the truth that whosoever will make common.
But to ascribe you know to you cannot, there has to be attorney to the Lord or judgment.
Falling down before.
Before him.
Never judge that.
No Sellers said that this is a national sin because of where it's placed in Matthew.
Maybe that's true very knowledgeable brother instead of taught that so I hesitate to disagree, but I think you could go down that road and say it's a national sin that you're going to step away from covenant theology and is really done for things they committed to sin. I think it's a very dangerous idea. I understand why people would think that. I guess I I tend to think that just personally.
Clear on it, but I tend to think that this is the sin of someone rejecting the gospel, that the Spirit of God brings things before the soul and.
True means of preaching or through events or signs, whatever it is, and if somebody takes that.
And just pushes it away and just says, you know what? That's not you know, I don't believe that. I think that's just of the devil or it's just just some some man's religion. I.
I guess I think that what this is but.
That could be relative.
Yeah, it's also fine, Luke and.
And you know, I to that point, I mean, I did that. I mean, I literally said, I mean, I mean, someone came to my dorm room and preached me the gospel. My roommate and I locked it afterwards. And you know, it's like this isn't for me. I did that. But I'm saying right, but but to not turn from that, there is no, there is nothing else the Lord has to offer. There is no forgiveness beyond it. There must be.
A bowing to the Lord, and a recognition of the Spirit of God avowing to that work in the soul.
So, you know, I thought I thought the same in the sense, yeah, it is a rejection. You cannot reject what the Spirit of God brings. He brings us Christ. You cannot reject that.
And not.
End up in hell. To be honest, you cannot, and yet the Lord is.
Gracious. And he doesn't give up, you know he.
Some of us, He comes at us again, the Spirit of God.
Strives, you know.
These people witness.
It work by the Holy Spirit.
With they saw it.
And they called it work itself.
The work of the Holy Spirit is a direct work of God.
They witnessed it.
All that the work of the bell.
That's the context.
How you apply that?
But as Alex said, you know it's.
Person who has eternal life have an internal life. End of story. And if the person who asked that question is concerned about whether a person can be prevented from ever being saved, I don't think that you need to go there.
If the person is living is breathing, you have to believe that they can keep safe.
And if you're saved and you're a believer, I don't think that.
You can be unsaved by committing sin of anything.
May be wrong, but that's the process and in order to call something the work of the devil, you have to believe yourself. So these were not just unbelievable, these were religious people that were envious.
They worship college image, but when they witnessed him directly, they hated him and called him the devil. That's essentially what he did.
I guess I was just going to say one more thing.
That is that like if you read the story you've mentioned a few times in the Seeking Allah Finding Jesus, read that story. He goes through how he investigates the Lord Jesus and he comes to a point where he is able to look back and see he has basically interesting incontrovertible evidence that these things actually did happen, that there was a man Jesus, that he gave him miracles, that he lived on the earth and was crucified and rose again.
And it kind of stops in the book. He says at this point I had to make a decision. And in a sense, I think the decision he had to make was the other has to ascribe that power that hit all those things to the devil, in which case he can reject it, or to God, in which case he can accept it. And of course, Nabil accepted the Lord and was saved. So we had that beautiful book. That is. I wonder if that would tie in this game.
Yeah, I thought of that. I'm trying to find. There's a verse that speaks about the moment of the.
Moment or the time of visitation that all men have. And I think that just as God is, you know, God is.
Righteous and.
You know, in the sense each man.
They're going to have that moment.
Where the Spirit of God is.
They're either gonna say yay or they're gonna say that.
Say nay to the to the Lord when he brings you to that point. You know the apostle Paul resisted.
Vigorously the work of the Spirit of God and attributed it to he was, you know, it was it was an enemy, it was against God in his mind, but when he saw the Lord.
So you know, it's true. This is a this is an interesting verse, but there is no forgiveness if this if the work of the Spirit of God as it goes to a man's conscious or persons conscience reveals it is revealed and they say no, there is no forgiveness beyond that, they're just God has nothing more he can offer. There is no forgiveness.
If anybody else has anything to add.
Go on to the next one and I think it's understood that, you know, these are.
Questions which are only partially being answered. You know, our brethren, brothers and sisters, but you know.
Consider more, you know, once these come out, so it's not like this is the end all of an answer all the questions 100% the next question.
How does someone deal with the sin which so easily besets us? Set them step by step with scriptural references.
How does someone deal with the sandwich so easily resets them?
Step by step spiritual references scriptural.
You look at that verse similar so easily.
There's 12/1.
There's some no prescriptions that we have.
Collections of hundreds of manuscripts, parchments, Dragons of old writings and so.
Many of which don't have the death of.
So Mr. Garvey says he leaves it out. He says sin.
And if you think about it.
If it's not sin, but God has left us with a big question.
And I have to Object to that.
God's not going to leave us with big question mark in his work. And it would have to be if it's not saying what sin, which sin? Do we all have a deceiving sin? Is that what it's teaching? Then we all have to ask ourselves what it is.
So I believe what it's saying here is it's sin which so easily and we all should know what to do with that and it's not a step by step process.
We understand that our sin has been washed away.
You don't deal with it at all.
You walk by the Spirit.
That's what you do. That's the answer. You walk by the city.
If one sins.
The blood of Jesus Christ, the Sun.
That's not a cleansing that takes place.
When we send or after we send, it's a cleansing that took place when he walked away our sins on the cross.
Well, that's going to stay after before we were even born.
So patient with sin, struggling with sin and battling against it and so on. Just.
Is a way not to go on.
To way to go on to drop it, move on, walk in the spirit.
Because the sin has been twice.
When we sent it so we're not walking in the spirit.
Yeah, I think that's that's well put and.
Old brother, I used to talk about the lettuces and scripture. This is one of the lettuce. And to, to to let to start with the phrase, let us, it implies that we have the ability to do so. And so when somebody is struggling, when you know, many of us have had those conversations or maybe have been in that place ourselves where it's hard and we don't know what to do, there is no substitute for what Ted just said.
Walking in faith, you can't say, well, I don't want to hear the script, I know the scripture. Don't call the scriptures. There is nothing else.
This is what it is. It is walking in faith. And if you have faith, if you have relationship with the Lord, if you washed in the blood of Christ, you have the ability to do it. And the fact that it's hard doesn't mean you don't have the ability. I remember.
Learning how to downhill ski when I was 38 years old and.
At one point I was ready to give up. It's like I can't do it and you can't say you can't. And I did. You know it went the minute you say you can't, then you then you're not believing you can't. And so the Scripture gives us everything we need to encourage us. If we have new life, we respond to those things in faith. For someone that does not have new life, they can do it.
They really can't. They do not have that liberty. They have not been free. And sometimes somebody, maybe they think themselves as a Christian, or we think they're a Christian and maybe they it becomes manifest that there's something more.
There's enough. There's a greater need than overcoming the physical sin they need. They need to get saved. That's the real group issue. Don't have life.
In Ephesians chapter 5.
Familiar scriptures, but.
If the first asked this question, I would really directly here.
It says be filled with the Spirit.
Thinking to yourselves.
To you as an individual, that means speaking to yourself.
The psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing.
And making melody in your heart.
To the Lord.
Now, if you're struggling with sin, maybe you should himself.
That's your way of life comes out in the morning to start singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
This is the scriptures where God and this is how you film with the Spirit.
Because it all starts with your mind, wherever your mind is. And This is why we can get those tripped up that we can get a thought. Thought can just come, or thought can come because of the situation or thoughts and time can come through because of something somebody says to us.
These thoughts take our mind off the Lord and start directing us somewhere else. Now you're you're allowed to get tripped up. So This is why it says set your mind on things above and not on things of the earth. And then in the context specifically talking about religious things, because people get occupied with religious, earthly, religious things and now they're going to get tripped up. So set your mind on things above what's above.
So it's really where your mind is stuck.
Singing, making melody in your hearts. I'm sure you know when you're thinking about the Lord and joining Him as you do your work and so on. You filled with the Spirit.
It's not a nice little, you know, Scripture here. This is serious stuff really, to be singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. That's the way to be told with the Spirit, and that's the way not to be beset by sinners.
I know our time on that question dropped, but without.
Without taking away from any of the answers given.
I I don't know who asked the question, I don't know what their intention was, but.
It's perhaps the one who asked the question has a specific sin that they seem to struggle with often.
I think the best advice.
Beyond beyond what's already been said is.
Help from someone who is someone of some brother or sister who you can speak.
Don't you know we're not alone? We have each other as resources as well.
I guess that was sort of the same thought I had when I read the question. I'm sorry. I heard the question was just that, you know, I can think of times in my life when there was just some sin that you, you know, you just couldn't seem to beat, right? You just seem to keep coming up over and over and over again. It seemed like it just was no ability or power to resist and it was just like it just.
What can you do? You start to feel a little helpless about it and just start to feel like, you know, this thing is just my master and.
I guess I was thinking of the same thing as Mr. Porter, that that thought of a of a master is actually presented in Romans chapter 6.
And I guess maybe there's so much to this question, I don't have time, but.
It just in verse 12 it says let not sin therefore reign.
In your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lust thereof. Now they yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield yourself unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace. And then verse 16 Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourself service to obey his servant, ye are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience of the righteousness toward a very real sense.
Labor can become a slave to sin. And they can, you know, send calls if you will. They come knocking and say do this. And it's like you just have to do it. And it can feel that way. But the principle that's presented here is that we do not deal with that by legal means. We do not get up in the morning and say, I'm going to try extra hard this time. I won't do it. I won't do it today. I just, I promise I won't do it and just try to work up some courage or some nerve or something.
By legal means his bikes race. We are not under law but under grace. So we seek for the Lords help and like Mr. Porter was saying we get up and we just seek to spend our day depending on the Lord and leaning on His strength and his grace. Illustration.
Because this was always helpful to me if you're, if you're associating a strange thing in a canoe, right, the big rock in the stream.
If the water is low, you're going to hit the rock, right?
But if the flow is high.
It's still right over, like it's not there.
OK, think of the level of the Florida River as you're enjoying it with Christ.
Your enjoyment of communion with the Lord during the day. If it's low, you're going to hit that besetting sand.
If it's high, you're just even sail on through like it's not even there, but it's still there. And we know that that's the flesh, right? The flesh doesn't change. Your flesh isn't going to change. You're not going to get stronger against that sin in that way. But every day we have to try to get our level of enjoyment of the war.
So that we can sail over.
Those are rocks that are still there, but because the level of your enjoyment of communion with God is so high, it's almost as if it's not even Him. And that's really what walking in the spirit of technology. I would just mention that in Hebrews 12.
After that is noted about the sin or sin, it says looking under Jesus and also says consider you know him. That endures his contradiction. Those are two things which have really been being mentioned. You know, looking at him, consider him. What's it say lest you be worried and faint in your minds. This is a thing. And then when we look at Philippians 4.
Verse seven says peace of God, which path is all understanding shall keep your heart and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brother, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just what sort of things are Pure? What sort of things are lovely? What sort of things are looking for?
To be any praise, think on these things.
So really, you know the scripture gives us an Object to think about inside our own question love and such is generally, you know, the manifestation through sin Saxon has been brought out. You know, walking is very won't fulfill the last.
So when we, as we mentioned, we want to work step by step, think about it, consider Him, think on the things which are Pure, good and all those other things, and the peace of God will keep us.
First thing is confess your sin and he's faithful and just to forgive it and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. The second thing is now to occupy ourselves for the things of the Lord.
Yeah, time is gone, so we won't have time for the last question.
Our meal isn't ready anyway, so.
That's the last one. This is the last one, but not the least one. You have one, it's a. It's a long one.
And we probably will have to cut ourselves short.
Oh oh, we need a couple of times here.
How should Christians interact with politics? Should we listen to the news or talk show host or talk about politics amongst ourselves?
Should we vote when key issues like abortion come out? What versus specifically there were these questions.
So again.
How should Christians interact with politics? Should we listen to news or talk show host or talk about politics amongst ourselves? Should we vote when key issues like abortion come out? What versus specifically deal with these questions?
Set your mind on things above.
Right whatsoever is lovely. What if it is the scriptures that?
The series is talking about politics conducive to that.
This is the problem.
And our brother Tim Rose gave a word in Michigan which he said that democracy, politics, divides the Saints.
Where does it put your mind?
Where do those discussions put your mind?
Where does it take their mind? Because where your mind goes is where the rest of your being is going to go.
You know, Verse I.
Spoken up before but Second Corinthians 520 now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us and we pray you in Christ dead be reconciled to God. So really as an ambassador we represent the country that sent us we are sent here to represent Christ. His interest is with soul be reconciled with God. Does that mean that we are you know that we we are oblivious to what's going around us No I mean we're we're we're people that think and.
And, and certainly we, we make judgments and we react to things, but that's different than understanding that, than losing a sense of what our role is here. And an ambassador is not allowed to get involved with the politics of the country they're in. They're going to get withdrawn. They can't. It's against the law. And yet they're going to, they live in that country and they send their kids to the schools and they drive on the roads. They obey the laws in the country, but then they're not. Their job is not to try to influence those laws.
At all. It's to represent their country. I think that verse is so helpful in this matter of at the level which we participate in, you know, in the politics of this country.
We're in it and we're affected by it. We should pray about it. We're told to pray about it. We're definitely told to pray about it so.
Oh OK I know like this is a verse in first John 519 it says when we know that we are of God and the whole world lies in wickedness and I know personally several who like when.
Gay marriage was being legalized here in Maine. It was a big like idea of a few that will like, well, I want to go and vote against that just to make it kind of like a stand. I keep my flag in the soil, if you will say I stand against this and.
I just, I mean you can see how someone would think that you don't want to.
You know, we struggle to say that, that, that that sentiment of wanting to resist evil is, is wrong. But but the but the principle that's given there is that the whole world lies in wickedness. And So what are you going to do? I mean, you go, it's certainly someone described as if you go to a condemned house.
And then you try to like paint some, some boards on the side. Well, I just wanted to look a little better. You know, I just want, and I do know that some people feel very strongly about abortion specifically because it results in death, you know, and they feel very strongly about that one specifically. And I think that one's much harder to, to.
I don't know. You know, it's a much harder question because it's not just wickedness. It does result in death for people, innocent people.
But but again, it's not under our purview and I guess it's just a hard thing to to say that, but you have to leave it with the Lord.
You know, it says we condemn, we reduce their unrighteous works, and we're to stand against it.
And to mute it but.
I guess that's all.
I think personally, just the most important thing to remember, regardless of whether you're talking about.
A specific law or a specific leader or anything else is to remember that God's in control and whether or not we vote or don't vote for anything else, God's going to have the outcome is going to be how who chooses, not how we think it should be or how we vote it should be, or anything else.
We believe a lot of points the the, the rule, the authority.
That isn't it true that whether I vote or not is not going to change that? OK? Why would I waste my energy?
I mean, to me it's an active vanity.
At that's it is an active annex, you can't change the outcome.
God points and the story, I just put that out there and I'm not going to judge others, but to me it's just patently an act of unbelief. God either it does or he doesn't, and he puts the basis of men in power.
He shows in the scripture with numbers and others that no matter who's in power, he can put a hook in their nose and leave them wherever he wants. And it also shows that he can change the heart of an entire group of people. He has armies that turn on each other.
To kill each other, that's the power of our job. So even in a democracy, God is able to put in the position of army goes he wants air. And if you even begin to know that you're going to find that your mind is now going in the wrong direction, right?
The issue following which is I think what Alex is doing.
Scripture does say do good to all men as much as is within your power.
And the people that the Lord were in the land that the Lord was taking the Israelites to would sacrifice their children.
I don't want to frighten little ones, but they would. They would cause their little ones to walk through the fire.
And God said this never entered into my mind. It never came up in my mind for someone to sacrifice their child. And he was so hated that what did he do? He he wanted his people going to wipe those people out because we do that.
That's not our mission, but as far as this whole abortion thing goes.
He's going to deal with it, but it's not for us.
That's just not for us to do.
Not one still strongly thought.
You know, it's the the taking of an innocent life that's murder.
And I wouldn't hesitate to say that and I don't hesitate to say.
But I don't think it's my business to go and decide whether it be that's that's just not like we really like those ones that Alex mentioned in Ezekiel. We saw him cry for the abominations being done and such. And you know, we often talk about a lot of how he was a righteous man. He went down and and he was in that that city of ****** Moore, which God had purpose to judge.
As almost a shining example of his judgment and you know the response was this is this man came into sojourning be a judge amongst us.
We're told plainly in Scripture, you know, first of all in first Corinthians 5, that we judge that which is within God, judges that which without, and that we are also pro at the end of the court. Disciples were told the end of the gospel. Don't preach the gospel, teaching them the commandments of the Lord. That's in a certain sense our mission not to. You know, we need to change parts as we're ready to look in the heart. I can say, you know, not that we're going to somehow.
As well put it, dress up the old man and make him work, Richard.
Are you OK now?
If there's nothing else.
And we'll just close the prayer.
Blessing the loving godving Father, we should thank Thee that we've had this time together. Both You have these lovely hymns that would remind us of thyself and I finished work, Lord, and we do thank you to proportions that have been wrenching to our ears and to our minds. And just pray we realize that there is much more to consider. These questions have been raised and just pray that each one might be satisfied and at peace. And just look to me that we might.
Endeavor to dig more into Thy Word to truly understand how to address each of these matters. Do thank you for this day, for the much thought we've had of myself before us. We thank you for that blessing and wondrous work Word of our Lord Jesus Christ.