1. What was the substance of Nehemiah's prayer?
1. Why was Nehemiah sad?
2. Who were displeased at the king's kindness to Nehemiah?
3. What did Nehemiah go out at night to do?
4. What nations did his enemies belong to?
1. Who worked well, and who did not work?
1. What did the Ammonite say about their work?
2. How did this affect Nehemiah?
3. Why was Judah discouraged?
4. Why did Nehemiah tell them not to fear?
5. What did one half of the people do, while the other half were working?
6. How were the builders equipped?
7. What was the trumpeter for?
8. Why did they not undress at night?
1. What had the rich Jews done to their poorer brethren?
2. How did Nehemiah deal with them?
3. How had he acted himself?
4. How long had he been ruling in Jerusalem?
5. By whom did Nehemiah expect to be rewarded?
1. Why did the enemies of Nehemiah ask him to go down and meet them?
2. Why would Nehemiah not flee?
3. When was the wall finished?
4. What did their enemies perceive?
5. What wrong did the princes of Judah do?
1. What did God put into Nehemiah's heart to do?
2. Why do you think God did this?
3. Name the different classes of men whom Nehemiah numbered?
4. What was done to those priests who could not shew their genealogy?
5. What was remarkable about the seventh month?
1. What did the people come together as one man for?
2. Who stood on a pulpit of wood, and for what purpose?
3. How did the people answer when Ezra blessed the Lord?
4. Why did the Levites tell the people not to weep?
5. What did they discern in this law of God?
6. Since when had they omitted to keep the feast of tabernacles in the way that Moses commanded?
1. For what did the children of Israel come together in this chapter?
2. What did they say of God and what did they say of the people?
3. Why were they in great distress?
4. What did they put their seal to?
1. What did all they that had knowledge and understanding do?
2. What did they say about the sabbath day?
3 What tax did they put upon themselves and for what purpose?
4. What were they to do with their first-fruits, and with the firstborn of their sons and their cattle?
5. What were these firstfruits called?
6. What would they not forsake?
1. What did they cast lots for?
2. Why were these men blessed?
3. What sort of men were the sons of Perez?
1. What did Nehemiah appoint two great companies to do?
2. How did the wives and children join in?
3. What two men of God had given them these songs of praise?
1. What did they learn by reading the word of God?
2. When had Moab and Ammon tried to hinder the people of God?
3. What was the mixed multitude from whom they separated?
4. What grievous thing had Eliashib done?
5. Where was Nehemiah at that time?
6. How did he deal with Tobiah?
7. How had the people neglected the service of the Lord in his absence?
8. What did he set faithful men to do?
9. What were they doing on the sabbath day?
10. How did Nehemiah stop it?
11. Why did some of the children speak a strange language?
12. Why was that wrong?
13. What did the history of Solomon teach?
14. Why would Nehemiah not allow the son-in-law of Sanballat to be with him?
15. What did Nehemiah succeed in doing?
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