
Duration: 59min
Gospel—Wally Dear
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Good evening.
Welcome to the Gospel meeting.
So nice to see.
All here tonight, we've got a wonderful message to proclaim.
No, I was just thinking.
Had a remedy, a surefire remedy for cancer, and you had it in your pocket.
And you knew all about it.
And you never said a word about it to anybody. That wouldn't be very nice, would it? You know, people in the world tonight are looking for a remedy for cancer. It hasn't been discovered yet, but I want to tell you something.
We have a remedy.
For a far worse disease than cancer. And it is.
The disease of sin.
And we have a surefire remedy for sin.
And so the message that we have tonight, I do believe, is even more wonderful than proclaiming a remedy for cancer.
So we're gonna talk about.
This. I'm gonna sing a couple of hymns for my hymn sheet. Hopefully everybody has a hymn sheet.
And the two hymns that we're going to sing have questions. In fact, every.
Verse begins with a question. Question.
So we're gonna talk about questions here tonight. You know, when questions are good, because I think questions make the message personal.
And I would really like to be able to talk with each of you here tonight, one-on-one.
You know, it's just.
As important to talk one-on-one as it is to stand up before a crowd of hundreds or thousands.
One-on-one. Now you know God. He tonight makes the message of the gospel very simple and he makes it personal. Personal. So we're gonna sing some questions, and these are personal questions. The first him I'd like to sing is number 11.
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
When the clouds unfold their wings of strike, When the strong tides lift, when the cable strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain #11 Perhaps we could stand as we sing #11.
And you have an auto. I'm like, oh.
We hide everybody.
Now we have another him #14 #14 Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the land?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb #14? Perhaps we could remain seated as we sing 14.
Umm, I don't hear you all in the world.
You know, I don't have to do a lot in the water. I am.
I'm reading a lot.
Of time.
I'd like to talk tonight.
About four questions.
And we're gonna call two of the questions.
Sin Questions.
And we're gonna call two of the questions.
Son questions.
Send questions, son. Questions like to turn, first of all, to Genesis chapter 3.
And we'll begin reading.
That verse.
Genesis chapter 3 and verse 8.
And they heard.
The voice of the Lord God.
Most of us know who the day referred to, the first man, first woman, Adam and Eve. They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees.
Of the garden.
And the Lord God called.
Onto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou?
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden. I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself. And he said, Who told thee that thou was naked, passed out, eaten up the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gave us to be with me, she gave me of the tree.
And I did eat in the Lord. God said unto the woman, What is this that thou has done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me.
And I did it. Now most of us, I believe, are familiar with this story. Now, this is a true story because it comes from the Word of God, the Bible, this book that I hold in my hands.
Was not written by men, it was written by God.
He is the author of the Bible. And somebody says, how do you know that? I think this book was written by men. I don't think it was written by God now.
If it was written by men or angels.
They would have to be.
Bad man or bad angels that write the book? Or they would have to be good men or good angels that write the book. Well, think about it. It wouldn't be bad men or bad angels that write this book because this book condemns the evil.
This book opposes the bad.
This book promotes holiness. In fact, the name on the front of the book is Holy Bible Holy.
Means to.
Hate the evil.
And love the good.
Bad men, bad angels aren't like that. So what about?
Good thing and good angels.
Possibly. Would it be them that write this book? Well, you know, it wouldn't be good men or good angels because.
In the Bible it is written. This book is given by inspiration of God. God is the author, and so good men or good angels would forfeit their goodness by saying that they wrote the book.
Who does that leave to be the author of this book?
God himself, God.
Wrote the book It's true he used.
Men of all different walks of life.
Some are shepherds, some are kings, some are fishermen, all different walks of life. Men were used to write God's book, but they were like the pen that writes the note. You know if I write a note and I give it to you.
I see. Here's a note.
And they say, well, who wrote this note? I'm not gonna say the pen wrote the note.
They are the food.
No, I wrote the note.
There was tonight God has given us.
His book.
Written by 40 different men.
Over a period of about 1600 years.
And this book is a mine of wealth.
It's like a gold mine.
In fact, it's.
More to be desired than gold than much fine gold. It is the word of the living God. God is speaking to you and to me through this book. And as we read the book, we get better to clean it with the Lord Himself. And it thrills our souls that we have this opportunity.
To become personally acquainted.
With the God who made the universe is marvelous.
A man asked me one time. He said you know God.
I said I know God. He looked me up and down.
You wonder, do I know what I'm talking about?
I told this dear man, I come to know God.
Through the Bible.
To accepting God's own dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. And so as I look into the Bible.
Somebody said, you know, we need to put our face in the book. And when I look into the Bible.
I become acquainted with God, he said. Well.
I go to a place and they tell me that God is spelled God and it stands for good orderly direction.
You know God is good.
And God is a God of order.
And God does give direction, but he is infinitely more than good orderly.
Yeah, direction.
Good opportunity to speak with this man.
We pray for him that he might come to Christ, but here we find the first sin quest.
Did you notice the question? It's found in verse nine. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
Where are you, Adam?
Why is that? Umm not?
They're in the presence of God. God was looking to enjoy fellowship, companionship.
With his creature, he made Adam in his own image, and now Adam is nowhere to be seen. He's hiding. Why? It's because of.
C sin is awful.
It is.
Absolutely horrendous sin.
And it's far worse than the sight of God that it is in your sight or mine.
I believe it was Mr. Darby, he said something to the effect that.
One sin in the sight of God is worse than 10,000 sins put together would be in your sight or mine, because God is holy, holy, holy.
He is a pure eyes, pure eyes, and behold iniquity. You cannot look upon evil.
And so sin has separated.
Adam from his God.
And that's what's happening today, dear ones. I wanna say seeing is in this world. It's the root of the problem.
In this world, whether it be social, political or whatever.
SIM sin separates. It separates couples, it separates families, it separates neighbors.
It separates.
And somebody said that sin.
In Prospect.
Is attractive.
But sin in retrospect.
Bible says that there's pleasures in sin for a season.
Four Seasons for a short time.
And so we find that sin has entered.
Into the world, and this tells us how it came about.
And Adam?
He says in verse 10, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid. He is afraid of the voice of the Lord.
In fact, I think Adam was terrified.
As God came into the garden.
In the cool of the day, looking.
To commute with Adam and Eve.
Well, how is it with your soul tonight, dear one?
I'm gonna put the questions to you tonight. Where are you?
Where are you?
Are you hiding from God?
When we speak, the word of God is at that which is terrifying to your soul.
Or are you enjoying the presence of the Lord and His Word? And as I look around here tonight, I can see that most are here in this conference because.
They are attracted to God and His Word.
You're here because you want to hear the word of the Lord. It's not a terrifying experience. It's a very pleasant and wonderful experience to hear God speaking to us.
But we find that Adam is hiding and Eve is hiding, and they sought to cover their nakedness with clothes of their own making. They sold fig leaves together. Certainly doesn't sound to me like a very durable garment. I would have think that you'd have to be kind of careful about your movements.
If you're clothing freely, but such was the case.
But it didn't.
Yield any comfort to Adam and Eve, this fig leaf diamond they were still hiding.
So today, you know people, they tried to deal with the same problem on their own.
So yes, we're so together. Fig leaves and they attempt.
2 preps.
Clean up your life and give up this bad habit, that bad habit and.
Go to church and so on and so forth.
But you know God requires that which is past, and the fact is one sin.
Will disqualify a person from the presence of God. It will disqualify a person from the Father's house because God will not tolerate 1 scene in his happy home above.
He's holy.
And we find that in this account, it was God who provided a covering for Adam and Eve. Let him know the story. And it's a beautiful story it tells us later on.
In verse.
Unto Adam also, and to his wife, did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them.
Now that was a good cover.
That was a covering that would last, a durable cover. Who made it? God. God clothed the Adam, and he provided the cover.
Until once tonight, if you think you can make yourself presentable to a holy God through your own effort, through your own good works, forget it. It doesn't work.
All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Filthy rags.
I got a box in my garage and it is filled with rags that are dirty grimy.
Oily, They smell and they're dirty and there they are. And I wouldn't even think about taking those into my wife and asking her to make a suit. How it goes, Rags. What would she say if I do such a thing? She would think I'm going out of my mind.
Do once tonight.
We're not trying to be funny, but we're trying to impress on you the fact that it's God who provides the cover. And if you turn over to Isaiah, in contrast to the filthy rags you find.
The Prophet speaks about how he rejoices because he has.
Clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has done it, the garments of salvation. He's covered me with the robe of righteousness. Oh, how wonderful to be covered God's way and to enjoy his presence.
Not only for time, but for eternity to know that all is well.
God has provided.
The remedy. I'm gonna talk more about the remedy.
No, that's one same question. Where art thou?
Very important question.
No, I got a little GPS.
Yeah, I noticed on the GPS.
You're programming.
Where you wanna go?
The destination, the first question that comes up, where are you?
Can you give your location?
Then if I can't give the location.
Forget it.
That GPS is of no use to me.
Well sometimes it says will you allow the GPS?
To give you location. And so I said yeah, So then the GPS does it somehow determines where I'm at and then?
We can go to the destination because we know where we're at. Well, there once the night.
This is so important. Where are you?
Many people don't realize where they're at, that they are in their sins, that they are covered.
From head to foot.
Because it we're with leprosy.
You know, there was a man, we read about him in Luke's gospel. I believe it's chapter five. He was full of lepers, full of it.
And he knew it and he came to Jesus. He came to the right person, and he said to the Lord Jesus, If thou wilt thou kids, make me clean.
The Lord Jesus said I will.
Reaches out and touches the man immediately. He's cleanse.
From his leprosy. Well, there's a man that knew where he was at that he was a leopard. Do you know tonight that you are a Sinner?
Do you know that?
You are bad.
It's not a popular message.
But the fact is that it tells us the Lord looked down from heaven on the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God.
And what did the Lord observe?
They are all together, become filthy all together.
There is none at 2 is good. No not.
And I like what Mr. Darby? Yeah, it's one little word even. Not even one.
Not even one good person in this whole world. No, that's God's viewpoint. You say, well, I don't think I'm all that bad. I think I'm a pretty decent person.
Yeah, I don't do what he does.
He goes out and he gets drunk and he's running around and doing all kinds of bad things.
And here's a man here, he's behind bars. He deserves to be there. He's committed crimes. I'm not like that.
But you know what? God says there's no difference.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But people don't realize how bad it seems really is. You know, back in, I believe it was the 19th century, about the middle of the century.
There was a Hungarian physician, his name was Ignas Semmelweis.
And this position noticed that.
Sad to say, many.
Mothers were dying.
After childbirth. In fact, I believe it was like one out of six.
And he began to wonder, why is this happening?
So somewhat he comes to the conclusion that maybe we should be washing our hands before doing examinations.
Because I understand the practice was to come from the dissecting room working with autopsy and the physicians hands would be kicked with blood and perhaps even grind and they would continue to.
Through the physical examinations and so on through the day, no thought of any gloves or washing hands.
Semmelweis said I think we need to wash our hands, and he began to wash his hands.
The mortality rate among.
Those mothers went like from one out of six to one out of 50.
Now symbolized. Didn't exactly know why this was happening.
What they really needed, I think, was a microscope.
And it wasn't until sometime later that Lewis pastor the other.
Then they uh.
Come to realize the importance of antiseptic.
And you know some of ice even though.
They could see results as a result of this hand washing. He took a lot of persecution. Most of the medical profession said we've been doing this.
Procedure this way for years and years and we don't subscribe to your thinking. And you know, this man actually died early. I understand he died in the same asylum. I just could hardly believe the opposition to what this man was introducing, which was so good. The problem was deadly bacteria.
And the medical profession didn't realize.
How deadly bacteria was, if they knew about it, they knew about that theory. Well, I just thought of this in connection with sin. Many people today, they have no inclination, they have no understanding of how deadly sin is, and so they don't do anything about it.
Well, tonight our desire is that you might feel the weight of your seats.
That you might indeed.
Come to the one who can meet your need, and His name is Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one who on the cross of Calvary, shed His blood in order to put away sin. By the sacrifice of himself He gave himself.
In love for you and for me, and tonight.
We can stand here with the wonderful message of the Gospel.
And we can rejoice as we tell it out.
The glad tidings of great joy said unto you, and unto me, his born Savior, which is Christ Jesus the Lord, the Lord Jesus came into this world.
Knowing what would befall him.
As he came into this world, he tells us that he was afflicted and ready to die from his youth.
He had to cross before him.
We don't know what's going to take place in our lives.
Next week, next month, years. The Lord Jesus knew exactly, but he came anyway because He came to seek and to say that which was lost.
The Lord Jesus could say I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He could say I came not.
To be ministered unto or to be served, but to minister or to serve, and to give my life a ransom for many. That's why He came. He came in love.
And you know, it tells us that God spared, not his Son.
He delivered him up for us all. Well, how wonderful to talk about the message of the gospel because it concerns.
The Son of God.
It concerns Jesus Christ our Lord.
It concerns God himself. You know, the heart of God is told out in the gospel. The message of love has come down from above to cheer your heart and mind. And that precious Savior went, and he suffered there on that cruel cross.
You know, I thought.
How they spit in his face.
We're seeing it here, don't we? Lamb of God, our souls, authority while upon thy face. Quick case.
They're the Father's love and glory shine in all their brightest rings. Can you imagine the glory of God the Father just shining out in brightest rays from the face?
Oh, Jesus.
But what do we read in Matthew chapter 26? It tells us that.
They spit in his face. He had no appreciation for who he was.
Yeah, he was the Son of God. Yeah, he was the one who was the perfect expression of what was in the heart of the Father. And they spit right into his face, and then they punched him in the face.
I saw a man the other day, he been in a fight.
And his eye was puffed out.
I'm not exaggerating. It was put, uh, you couldn't even see his eye.
You can hit in the eye.
The Lord Jesus, it tells us, was buffeted.
They smote him with their hands, and the Lord Jesus submitted to it.
He says I gave my back to.
And my cheeks to those that plucked off their hairs, I hear not my face from shame and spitting.
He tolerated this dear once.
And that wasn't the end of it. You know the story. It was marked with crown thorns.
Ultimately taken out to the C Calvary and they're on the cross crucified.
He could say they pierced my hands and my feet.
Blessed Savior.
Why love for you and for me?
There's a.
A believer.
And I think she has faith, but she drives around in a vehicle and sometimes she puts on the vehicle little stains. And this one kind of caught my eye. It said the crown of thorns.
Was on his head.
The cross was on his back.
And you?
Were on his mind.
Yes, he was thinking about you and me and nothing would deter him. He went all the way, having loved his own. It tells us he loved them to the end and so he was crucified.
And you know.
The climax of His supper, I believe, was not at the hands of wicked men, but it was at the hands of a holy God for your sin and mind. During those hours of darkness the Lord Jesus suffered. Yes, the sun was darkened, and from 12:00 noon till 3:00 in the afternoon, the Lord Jesus took my sins.
And yours too, if you trust him upon himself. He made them his own, He could say prophetically. Psalm 69 Thou knowest my foolishness.
My sins are not here from thee.
Who seems He made my sins his sins. He became the substitute. And God's holy anger, His fierce wrath, came down upon His Son in judgment, one stroke after another after another after another.
Until the Lord Jesus had answered to God for each and everyone of those transgressions, those sins or iniquities, He was wounded for my transgressions.
He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon him, and with his stripes I am healed. You can say the very same thing. You trust him? He took him down from the cross, but before they did there was a soldier who in.
I believe bitter hatred, enmity. He took his spear and he pierced the side of Jesus, and of course with immediately came out blood and water. We spoke about that today.
The blood cleansing from sins, and you know, the water is that which cleanses or washes from moral defilement.
The salvation that God has for us, it is absolutely complete.
God through the death.
In resurrection of the Word, Jesus has met our needs totally.
And you know, somebody said it's the death of Christ that puts me away.
And there's something actually worse than Sims. It's the root of the problem. It's just me, but the death of Christ deals with that, with the root. Now the blood of Christ deals with the fruit, the sins themselves. Washington away. We know how that the Lord says, come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord, so your sins be.
Is scarlet, it shall be white as snow. So they be red like Crimson. They shall be as wool.
The Lord Jesus can wash you white as snow. Well see, our time is running out here.
Chapter 4 There's another same question and this has to do with King. Now King slew his brother Abel.
Because God accepted Abel's sacrifice, but Cain had the opportunity to repent and come God's way and offer.
A sacrifice like his brother people.
He was mad. He was angry, not doing that.
And what did he do? He murders his brother.
He was opposed to his brother, but really opposed to God.
And here in verse nine it says, And the Lord said unto King, where is Abel thy brother? He said, I know not.
Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood cries unto me from the ground.
Not only was.
King a murderer. He was a liar.
But God puts the sin question to him.
He says, What hast thou done?
King didn't want to admit it.
What has that done? What have you done?
We need to be honest, you know, We can't hide anything from God.
God saw evil's body there in the ground, and God looks down tonight and he looks right into our heart, and he knows.
The state of your heart, whether it's been cleansed in the blood of Christ or it is still.
Stained with sin he knows.
So don't try to cover up anything somebody said one time.
We can pull.
Some of the people all the time.
And we can fool all the people some of the time, but we cannot fool God any of the time.
All things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Let's go to the Sun question, Matthew, chapter 23.
Matthew, Chapter 23.
Ten first.
May I ask you?
I'm sorry, 22 Matthew 22 verse 41. Well, the Pharisees were gathered together. Jesus asked them same what thinking of Christ? Whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David and so on. I don't have time to read it all. This is the question, what?
Think he of Christ.
And son question, what do you think about him?
It's a five word question. I enjoy A5 word answer that you find in Song of Solomon chapter 5.
Yeah, he is altogether lovely. Is that how you view the Lord Jesus Christ?
He is.
All together lovely.
He's the one who here on earth perfectly fulfilled the will of his father. You could say I do always those things that please the father, and he went about doing such good.
Healing the sick, Opening the eyes of the blind.
Opening years.
Feeling those that were lame.
And you went to the cross.
And there he suffered the chest for the unchest.
Suffer for sins just for the unjust to bring us to God.
Now, you know, we spoke of the cross and what transpired there, but we want to make it plain that the Lord Jesus, he was taken down, He was buried, He was with the rich and his dead.
Rich man's too.
But he rose again the third day.
That's what we believe.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
He was buried and he rose again the third day, according to the description. Now the best thing you could do is take God. That is worth That's faith. Believe it.
Somebody went into a blacksmith shop one time, saw all these hammers and they were all worn out. And he said to the blacksmith, now how many anvils did it take to wear out all of these hammers?
And Blacksmith said just one. Dear Ones, tonight I'm gonna tell you something. There's an attack on this book.
And we have skeptics, agnostics, atheists, so to speak, and they're hammering away at this book. But those hammers are all getting worn out. And the Bible stands because it's God's book and we need to take God at his Word hearing.
Believing, you know, it tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Now there's another some question in Matthew chapter.
And we'll just finish with this question.
Matthew, Chapter 27.
And verse 22.
Pilots saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?
They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
And that's a question I'm gonna put to you tonight there once. What will you do with Jesus?
You're gonna reject them, you're gonna say no and end up in a lost eternity.
In hell, you know this world is a ticking time bomb, and this world is coming under the judgment of God.
God is a point of the day in which he will judge this world in righteousness by that man who He has ordained, wherein He has given assurance unto all men, and that he has raised him from the dead. And that man is Jesus. And the Lord Jesus is coming back to reign. But before he does, He's gonna eliminate all the opposition. He's gonna be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels inflaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know that God.
And that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. You're gonna be on earth at that time. It makes me shudder to think maybe there's somebody in this hall here tonight. You're saying no to Jesus.
And you're gonna find yourself.
Under the judgment of God.
Tonight, why not come to Jesus, except Him? It's so simple. The Lord Jesus could say, Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believes him that sent Me shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life.
How simple do you hear tonight?
Oh, with the God you're here, the message, the Lord Jesus said over and over. He that has ears to hear, hear. Let him hear. Let her hear.
Do you believe? Believe is to take out of this word. I think if you look up a definition for faith or believe, it is to put.
Trust or confidence in somebody or something completely.
Complete confidence. Well, tonight the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of your confidence.
He alone is worthy, neither is there salvation any other none other name under heaven give him a man whereby we must be saved. There was a woman that.
On the plane and I was talking to her. She's telling me, you know, I live in California. I'm heading back home, but I really don't want to go there.
So why do you live close to the fires? No she's I live about 3 hours away but the air quality is terrible.
I don't really wanna go back.
And so we're acquainted with these fires. They're terrible fires. It just burned and burned and burned. And there's one community by name of paradise. It's not a paradise any longer. It's smoldering ruins.
This I said to this woman and I gave her a little gospel calendar card and he's still calendar beautiful to pass out and spread the good news. And I gave her one. I said, you see this first right here. Look at that word perish. That word perish.
The network.
PERISH. It stands for pass Internally ruined into sinner's health. This is a fire that will never be put out. It's eternal, eternal punishment. But God doesn't want you to perish. And so then I went over the first word by word.
Can she listen? I said. You see what it says here? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. See what it says. Whosoever believeth.
In him should not perish.
**** it's so simple.
And you know what she said.
If it were only that simple.
In other words, she didn't believe it could be so simple. Well, I wanna tell you tonight there was gospel. It is simple.
God's desire is that we might be saved. He's reaching out to the little children, the three-year olds. That's why he's made it simple. The four year olds, the five year olds, and he reaches out to whosoever will may come.
That takes in you, but the question tonight is where are you?
What have you done?
What do you think of Christ?
What shall I do then with Jesus?
Which is called Christ.
That's great, our godfather turn.