Luke 22:7

Luke 22:7
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22nd chapter of Luke, verse 24.
And there was also a strike among them. Which of them should be accounted the greatest? How do you settle to them? The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and they would exercise authority. From them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so. But he is greatest among you. Let him be as the younger, and he that is chief as he that does serve.
For whether is greater.
Either chatteth at me, or he the servant. Is not he the sitteth of me?
But I have a money that he that serveth ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations.
Can I point out of your Kingdom, as My Father has appointed unto me, that She may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and sit on Thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel?
The Lord said Simon, Simon, behold Satan, that desire to have you, that it may sift you as wheat. And I have prayed for thee that I fail not. And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren, thy brethren.
He said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both in the prison and to death. And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the Crocs, the cop shall not crawl this day before thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me. And he said unto them, What I sent you without hurt. And script and shoes lacked anything, and they said nothing.
Then to the under them. But now he did have a purse. Let him take it.
And likewise his strip. And he that no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me. And he was reckoned among the transgressors, For the things concerning me have an end. And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.
And he came out and went, as he was walked to the mountain walls. And the disciples also called him. And when he was at the plate, he said unto them, Pray that you enter not into temptation.
And he was withdrawn from the motor stones cast and kneel down and pray it, saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will but thine be done. And there appeared an Angel of the hidden from heaven.
Strengthening him, and being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his swift was as were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto them, Why sleep ye rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. If man were, If this book were from man.
There are a number of items that would have been omitted.
I would dare say that 24th verse would have been one of them.
As no attempt.
When God gives us his word.
Through the White marsh anything he tells us the truth.
And it's certainly humbling to read a verse like that.
When we realize the background of the situation.
The Lord has just finished telling them of His sufferings, His death.
And immediately, this squabble among them, who's to be the greatest?
Brethren, it's a humbling thing to look into God's mirror and see the lineaments of our own hearts. It's a humbling thing, but it's wholesome.
It it reveals to us the kind of hearts we have.
I knew a situation once.
Where the Saints were rotating.
The brothers were rotating the gospel.
Among three or four brothers qualified on on large the evening.
And this particular night, this brother didn't get his turn.
And he was so incensed.
He he raised real trouble about it because he'd been overlooked.
Or how? How wretched are these hearts? And may we not take warning when we see such a blatant case brought before us as we have here. Brandon is what our hearts are, apart from the grace of God.
And let us acknowledge it and take warning.
We need a verse like this and cover.
Reminders of these things.
27 verse 19.
As in water, they answered the faith.
For the heart of man to man might say, well that was an awful thing to be doing. Then this person says, if I actually doesn't say.
One time the brother came to me about some.
Strides that had come in.
And he said when did it start? I.
And on the Passover night.
The strife among them, which should be the great.
Our thinking and what you were saying about whether the infants because he hadn't had his parents creep to the way followed that a situation when he was at home and he tells about in the first chapter of Philippians.
Now that was very fast, because he tells us some 15 first comes indeed preach Christ, even of envious Christ.
I'm also goodwill one greet Christ of content and not sincerely supposing that affliction to my bond, but the other of love, knowing that I'm set with the defense of the gospel. Here's the way Paul met this week. What's this?
I was standing every way, whether in Freetown or in truth. Christ is free, and thy therein due. Rejoice. Yeah, and will rejoice.
Oh all rejoice, the gospel was preached regardless of who preached it, and I'm sure that would be a cure for anyone that got into a state like that. It was Thanksgiving at the top of the street, regardless of who the serpent may be with God.
Preach the Word, The sequel of that case I gave is that that brother's out of the meeting today.
And is lined up for the group who deny much fundamental truth.
Much fundamental truth. Oh, the Lord answers that. There are squabbling so beautifully, doesn't it?
25th verse.
On the 28th verse is what I had in mind. He leads up to it.
Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptation.
And I appoint unto you a king.
I don't suppose.
We would have spoken that way.
So show them that when they were quarreling, who should be the greatest?
Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptation.
What a place he gives them.
He said I'm among you as he, that servant always taking the low place. Think of it, the Lord of glory.
I believe I'm stopping in the brother's home the other day.
While I was having a little rest, I got up to put on my shoes.
And here this brother had slipped them out while I was asleep and had given them a nice shine.
It was a courtesy, but I thought of the spirit behind it all, that we might have more of that spirit.
To get down at one another's feet, brethren in place of striving for the for the first place in place of striving to get ourselves into the limelight or how different was our blessed Lord. I am among you as he that doth serve we we hear you know in the world around us there's.
There's lots of room at the top. Yes, brethren, there's lots of room at the bottom.
And may there be more of a desire with us, that spirit of Christ, I am among you as he that does serve.
First Peter 5-6.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hands of God, that He may excult you in good time.
Not as in that 26th bird, but he shall not be so. But he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger. But he that is cheap, and he that disturbs, that is the the lower one goes.
Or the higher he goes and odd destination to get the same thing in the 20th 1St Matthew after 20.
And the 20 and the 26th, 1St.
But it shall not be so among you. But whosoever will be straight among you, let him be their administer a ministry.
But whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. That's the farm place.
On one who has spoken out here.
Reign among you and he just is the minister, but the one who is chief has the highest place of all by his spoken out of justice bomb space.
And the Lord took that place, didn't he? And the farm place that's 28th of the same chapter that you just read through the marriage, it's a wonderful person.
Party, even as the Son of Man, came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. And then He did the greatest thing that anyone ever did, but he gave his life and granted money. For an example we have an example.
Isn't there a burst brother that speaks about Master Lord serving all through eternity, serving us?
Yeah, that's 12.
And get the principle of it in the servant that had his ear pierced through with an awe.
But he should become a servant forever because he loved his wife and his children and he wouldn't go out free.
Beautiful, beautiful.
Type of shadow of our Lord, thinking that place voluntarily because he loved his wife and his children.
This past conversation.
Person. Is it Leviticus that I'm referring to?
Thank you.
What is the verse of the New Testament? Luke 12? Exodus 21/5.
Servant shall say plainly, I love my master, my wife and my children. I will not go out and pray.
That is, master shall bring him under the judges, He shall also bring him to the door front of the doorpost, and his master shall bore his gear through with an awl, and he shall serve him.
I'd like to think of that Brother Brown.
In connection with the 13th of Matthew.
The time to come for the Lord to depart out of this world unto the Father.
His time of servitude as a man was up.
Time to go back.
Albany says I will not go out free.
So right there in John 13 it is.
The next thing is he loved his palm, which were in the world. He loved them unto the end. And I don't think that word end there means that he'll never stop loving us. I think that word and there involves just what you have in Luke in Exodus 21.
He wouldn't go out free.
It's as broad as it is long, said one Expos.
Entail all the sufferings of Calvary's cross, the time and comfort to depart out of this world.
Having loved his own, he would not go out for it. He went down to all the depths of Calvary.
And then the chapter tells us of his present office is serving us now as our great high Priest, as our advocate above excuse.
Is our advocate cleansing us from the defilement that we contact and then?
The first in our brother Whitaker has just referred to in Luke 12.
Friends Before us is serving us in the glory. And so he served God in his pathway as a man He served.
The disciples and others as a man, but he served God, but he wouldn't go back without going to the crops.
So his ear was bored through with an awe buried in his body, the marks of that servitude.
And John 13 shows us where how He serves us now, Luke 12 how He will serve as an eternity. But we wouldn't think of Speaking of Him as our servant would, but if in grace He has chosen to make himself the servant of our necessity.
What? Great, great.
Badly they failed her. How they fall among each other. Still, that love went right off through everything.
It is and how it is in the glory of you is exercising that love and connection with his service for his own up there. Our love and affection for someone. Our friends may be easily disturbed, but this is not disturbed. All the ones that went to law.
One that occupied the highest place the whole universe is gone. No one ever still so low of our blessed heart to get his humiliation training in the second chapter lithium philosophy down to the death and that but that was the cause no one ever went as low as.
Lauren did and conquering and humiliating all that. One who's built in great full laws give them the very highest place.
And they all created things, and he held that place for all eternity.
I'm not the subject where you get the humiliation of Christ and the second of Philippians is prevented to us as.
Pattern for ourselves. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. That's why the apostle speaks with the humiliation of Christ that we should be imitators of him. That is that he was willing to pursue the law and to always take the Lord lowest place. So there's the pattern for us to pattern our lives by, nor are we willing to do it at the moment.
Are we willing to always step down? A little roar and aid presents itself. He took one step down, and then he was willing to take another step and another step down. Always willing to go down a little lower. That's the that's the pattern.
The land was now the glorified one on high. Do we want to be like him? If we do, or that's the pattern we will follow in the 17th chapter of Luke, I got to work.
You see in our chapter here, he says here they which have continued with me in my temptations.
That's the Lord's evaluation, his his commendation, his recognition.
Of the major faithfulness there was there.
That's from his side. He can, he can say that, but now from our side.
Let us look at Luke 17 and verse 10.
So like like likewise ye when ye shall have done.
All those things which are commanded, you say we are unprofitable service. We have done that which was our duty to do.
Well, the point there is this, that if you have a servant working for you, perhaps a household servant.
And you're gone for the day, and you come home at night. And this servant presents herself and says, now I, I swept the floor.
I dusted and I cleaned things up. I've been busy all day.
Even so, whatever that's what she's paid for, that's what she's expected to do. So our Lord here in order to cure the spirit of self congratulation on the part of his disciples, He said when you've done all that was commanded you.
Not supposing that were true, did anybody ever do that?
Outside of the Lord himself, no one ever did that all that was commanded.
But supposing he had.
Well, what are they? It was expected of you. That was your duty. So, brethren, there's never a time to boast. If we've done anything for the Lord, it was our duty. Nothing to glory in. And yet when He looks at us from His side.
He said, Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations, and I point to a Kingdom.
Well, it's it's nice to get both viewpoints, his viewpoint and then what becomes us?
And it was the Lord fascination of their kids and as well.
You might think to read the account ourselves, that they had been most unfaithful and they hadn't continued with him in any way that was becoming at all because.
The one who made a short time before the office. So let's how gracious the Lord is. Look right into the heart, where there has been any devotion, any willingness to go on with himself, make any sacrifice.
He had service walking his way. The Lord doesn't forget that. The Lord remembers that. The Lord will surely reward that. Maybe it doesn't want our brothers be, but the Lord can see deeper.
Than any.
Look on connection with The Walking waves of His people. Marvelous racism. See the Lord.
Valuing what feasting they were so little in connection with faithfulness to himself.
When you find the Lord in connection with Mary's anointing him.
It's doubtful that she entered into all he gave her credit for.
So she came beforehand to anoint his body for the very, but he gives her credit for an intelligence that perhaps was beyond her. But there was the affection there that he valued, and intuitively she did that which was the right thing because her heart was right. Would you be with her? I think so, brother.
And sometimes when we're.
When we appreciate the Lord.
If we're seeking to go on with him.
He gives us an intelligence that we couldn't possibly otherwise have.
The case of Martha.
She came to the Lord and.
Martha came to her sister and said, The Lord calleth for thee. Don't know that I'm putting that exactly right.
Masters come and call it for me. Thank you. Well.
I sometimes wondered, you know, if he had expressed that in so many words, or if Martha was reading his heart.
And she realized that here was one that could enter into the master situations in a way that she could not. At least I've enjoyed the thought from my own soul.
She more or less said, well, I can't enter into it, but Mary can't. That's the point I'm trying to make.
Not that she was bearable.
False message, but just as you say that she's found that she was not in a spiritual state to really meet the Lord and let her more spiritually mind assistant was.
In the state where she could make the Lord.
So well, just whisperers who are the master is coming all of the department Mary was once who could enter into the Lord's mind.
Because Martha must have known from experience, because at another time, in all married, satisfied, Jesus heard His word, and that must have committed itself to Mars. Or she knew her sister was one who hadn't had a subpoena. Jesus.
But understand and enter into his mind.
He appropriated the deadly Brother Petty.
It wasn't that the Lord loved him more than he did. The others wasn't.
But he appropriated it. One of the apostles appropriated the Lord's love to him in a special way.
Another one boasted of his love to the Lord.
One that talked about his love to the Lord had a terrible tumble.
That he might know that he, his love, didn't exceed that of the rest.
No, it won't do for us to boast of our love to the Lord.
Many Christians may sing My Jesus, I love thee, but oh how much better to revel in the thought of His love to us and not that we would make light of.
Intelligence and divine things entering into the mind of God is revealed in these words.
But many times those with deep learning in the Scriptures and the truth may miss the point that one with an ardent affection for Christ makes sense.
See that, Mary? Thank you.
Yes, there wasn't much intelligence.
If there had been, she wouldn't been out there at the cemetery, She wouldn't been out there at the tomb.
But she her affection is so great, she says to the one she thinks is the keeper. Tell me what I was laid him and I will bury him away. She didn't even calculate on her strength, she just wanted it.
I enjoyed the remark by Jay Denham Smith on that.
He said you might have a loved one away on a trip.
They've become very ill.
You manage to bring them home.
And you're so happy, so glad to have them home, that you just rejoice in the fact, although they may be so ill that they can't take it in, that they're there. But how? What a satisfaction it is to be just to have them there.
Well, that was somewhat of Mary Magdalene's attitude.
Sadness, the love, Lion, the Lord.
Values ignorant affection. He is not satisfied with it, but we can be sure of this. No matter how much ignorant affection there is, this, this real and genuine, the Lord is going to lead that one on into a deeper intelligence. That's what you find in connection with Mary Magdalene.
You were digging the living among the dead, the need of being the grave. Clothes, late as they were, didn't reveal the hurdles. The Lord was written as it did to John, and yet.
What else we?
See in the Beloved Disciple of John. That was commendable.
Yet from that resurrection more that were hidden soul in my faith, that one who had so little apprehension.
It was a deeper love and even John, and it was very magazine the Lord first appeared and gave away most marvelous message that was ever communicated to His people down here.
And Mary affair of that message. I understand my Father, and your fault, my God and your.
Mary wasn't. You might say I'm selfish, Lord. Give her this message before she doesn't say. I want to stay with you, Lord.
Well, carried out exactly what it tells, but the two disciples, Peter and John, could go away to their own home.
There's a disposition today among among many Christians.
Who put so much emphasis on the subjective side of Christianity?
On their own happiness and their own joy in the Lord.
But they absolutely refused to be instructed as to further truth. They resented. They don't want to hear it. I'm so happy. And the Lord, I don't want to hear those things. You've met them. We've all met them.
Oh, that's.
Selfish joy, if I can call it that, that shuts out further light from the Word of God.
Is not the joy that comes from him. It has degenerated into a fleshly thing.
For true joy in the Lord, true joy in the Lord would welcome further light. So they must never let our own personal happiness be a substitute for a willingness to learn more perfectly the will of the Lord.
It becomes just another form of self occupation.
What you were Speaking of, Yes.
As the Father hath taught me, so have I loved you continuously in my mouth.
Listen, there's something greater than what was held out to the apostles here for us You shall sit upon, ye shall eat and drink at my table and sit on Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throat?
In law, ours we look for it is in association with Himself in in his glory.
I believe that this particularly belongs to the 12 apostles, does it not?
And that's the reason.
It was necessary that one be appointed to take Judas place, the first of Acts. There must be the 12 Many Christians and all have assumed that they made a mistake in the first of Acts, and that Paul should have had that place all the wrong. Paul has entirely different place. He had a place all his own.
He brought the truth of His glory of Christ.
But the 12 will have their place in the coming Kingdom.
Referred to in Revelation 21 and 12/1 and 12. Revelation 21 and 12.
And connection was the description of the Heavenly University.
And that person hasn't had a wall great and high and have 12 gig after gates, 12 angels and names lifted their arms, which are the names of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel.
So in connection with the administration.
Of the coming Kingdom from the heavenly Jerusalem, you find the names of the 12 tribes, the tribes on those gates.
The place of government. And then you get an enforcement first, and the wall of the city has 12 foundations, and in them the name of the 12 apostles of the Lamb, and their names are in that foundation of that city. I thought of it this way, Brother Barry that.
Our Lord.
I stand to be corrected in this, but I just give this thought I've had that.
You may eat and drink at my table.
My Kingdom sit on Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
It isn't that the 12 apostles are going to be remanded to the earth and have a have a court down here on this earth.
But from their position in heaven, they are in oversight, administrative oversight of what is taking place down here on the earth.
Just as you have in Ezekiel in connection with the Lord himself.
You have the the temple rebuilt.
And you have one of the seed of David sitting on the throne, the Prince, and he is actually literally in charge down here.
But he is the vice chairman or the representative of Christ himself, so that the 12 apostles have this place of administrative judgment, but of a judge that the actual hearing out of the thing.
Literally here below is in the hands of those that are under their oversight and direction. Now does that commend itself?
I I thought that myself.
That those 12 apostles will exercise the oversight.
Of the 12 tribes on earth, but from the heavenly truth and the government of the earth will be carried out by the 12 sides from the earthly Jerusalem. So that's the thought I had. By the way, was that corpom brother Wilson was the 7th of Daniel where the Kingdom is given to the strength of the high place. I mean that's the correct question.
Well, it's something for us all to consider.
And if we suffer with him, we shall also reign together with him.
While the 12 houses will have faithful honors and connections for the coming Kingdom, that doesn't exclude any pain of God from having a special reward.
And try to mess up his Kingdom, for all are the reign with him and everyone will be given a special reward and that that coming Kingdom.
That right doesn't say if we suffer for him, we shall ramp.
The difference, brother? Well, if we suffer with him, and I believe every Christian in these measures suffers with Christ, he cannot help but feel something of the world.
And and the whole nature of it that's contrary to Christ.
You think so?
Yeah, just a little deeper character and suffering, and suffering for it. Isn't there a special reward in connection with Philadelphia? You get it in the third of Revelation, the thing that marks them.
The three things that mark them are they have little strength. I believe someone called our attention to the fact that A is not there. Is that right, Brother Wilson? Yes, they have little strength.
But they've kept these words.
And they haven't denied his name.
Now, in contrast to that.
There are those that have cut the eyes.
Brave mass of Judaize, but at the end they will own the truth of the Philadelphia position of testimony.
Then in the 10th verse, Because thou hast kept the word of my patients.
Well, why is it called the word of his patience?
Because they have absolutely refused to settle down in the world, they refuse to become Judaized. They have insisted that their pilgrims and strangers waiting any moment for the Lord to appear.
They have gone on satisfied with a little strength. They tried by His grace to keep His word.
I'm not denying his name.
Well, in the 11Th verse he says, Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast.
That thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
I believe that is the special crown, the special acknowledgement for those who refuse to accept the degenerate pattern of Christianity.
And go on willing to bear his reproach, to be of little strength, to keep his word, and not deny his name, But then in connection with the overcomers.
To get that precious word in the 12Th verse.
My my thought.
He he repeats that.
My God, my God, my God, my God, my new name. That's the 12Th verse, that intimate word.
Mine is associated with those that were faithful to that little testimony in the closing days of the church's history and refused to be juved.
And I've had the little word about that exhortation there that no man faced by crown.
It doesn't say unless you lose your crop.
To me, the importance of that is this.
The Lord is going to have a testimony till the end.
And if you give up, I give up.
We'll lose the reward of faithfulness in that place, but he himself will have another.
That no man take thy crown. He'll tend to his own testimony. But if we give up, he'll have a He will have another take our place.
And you can look back over the history of those gathered through the Lords name and see some gatherings where one after another turned aside. And yet the testimony goes on. Well they've they've lost their crown. That is the special reward.
Cocaine faithful in that position.
You do whatever all know, Timothy continued about.
Leave exclamation, we all of you, you say. Everybody turning back. You say it's a hard day and people are giving up. But you never can describe anything that will go away with that one clause. But continue now.
You go on any.
At support I have enjoyed in connection with that, with those that call on the Lord out of a pure heart, that when the golden calf had corrupted the camp of Israel.
Moses pitched a tent outside of the camp, and everyone that thought the Lord went out there, he went out there individually, he went out on his own. But when he got there he found himself uncompany with all who were like minds.
So expectation is personal in Timothy in the day of ruin, but yet there there are others that are going on too and we can't pretend to be faithful and walk the path alone. Many would like to do that. Many have walked outside of everything and they just go on a walk.
Let's contrary to the verse you just quoted, him has no such thing provided for in the word of God is the path of independency.
It isn't there.
It's always with them.
They continued in the apostles doctrine and fellowship. Well, you can't have fellowship with yourself.
It continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship, and that descriptive possessive there limits the fellowship just as much as it does with doctrine. Is that right for the Gladding?
All about saying.
Sister, my wife is like one that was nice yesterday. You know, some are even more isolated. Not sisters. Disappointed in the state of Maine going on the world.
Her husband doesn't agree with her. There she is.
And drinking in the truth, she thinks she can't go off with sex surrounders and see what they can, what their their principles and their ways are contrary to the word of God.
Go on.
I think you can answer that just as well as I, brother Barry.
Or 10 windows that you can I came to rid of those deer heart and furniture and she is conscious that she is one of the company that are seeking to belong for God and maintain the truth. She's keenly conscious of it and there is there are means of communication.
God has graciously provided.
There's a constant exchange of letters.
More frequently now even than in the apostles day, but they were letter writing all the time in his day. So they certainly didn't get them there as prompt, as prompt promptly or with great ease as we do. But they were in communication that way. And so these that seem to be in isolation may be enjoying in a very sweet and precious way.
The sense of fellowship with others of the same mind.
Now we've been reminded of that recently, those two faithful sinners as sisters over there in Hawaii that carried on for years. No brother there.
Well, now God in his way has provided a brother to carry on to breaking the bread.
Well, they didn't lose the sense of fellowship those years. They were isolated. They realized they were part of that testimony.
And they were faithful. Now God has rewarded that faithfulness. The table is again spread and they're going on with an active testimony. Well, I think that's precious and don't think if you find yourself isolated by no fault of your own. I'm not talking about people that just deliberately go off and.
Leave the meeting because of some earthly advantage.
But if you find yourself isolated, I know fault of your own. Remember, your engulf has to be the loser. The Lord will make up to it.
In your soul, make up for it. And many of these isolated ones have manifested the far greater measure of spirituality and separation and testimony than some of us were in large driving meetings.
Everything gets damaged upon how we get our how we get into circumstances.
Abraham went down into Egypt and he got into trouble there, and he brought out of Egypt an Egyptian major plague, his house. Joseph was taken down to Egypt and he was a prosperous man there.
He not only fostered him out of for his house, but he prospered in the dungeon.
Farm isn't getting any change, but that's going to live somewhere else.
Should we first of all make it a matter of asking coordinates?
For the morning, she goes direct. For sure it's not possible, right? Like if we are subject to goodwill, not too often. We're like watching, always look first.
You saw the well watered plains and they attracted.
Yes, but let's not forget that the Lord told him to go out.
And they didn't go, and they had to go. I'm Speaking of the apostles. The disciples there were to give that testimony beginning at Jerusalem.
Part of the person to get them out.
To sometimes.
Wrongly. Just notice.
Very often.
There are two things we do not know. We do not know the motive of the heart, and we do not know what they do that we don't see.
No judge, nothing before the time before the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, the things we don't see, and make manifest the councils of arts, two things that we lack that make us poor judges, and we can't even.
Trust ourselves too far in that, because the apostles himself said I don't know anything against myself.
I'm trying to go on with a good conscience, but that doesn't justify me.
Either judges means the Lord. Maybe he sees something underneath it. I haven't found out yet, so there's never a time to congratulate ourselves.
Say, well, I'm really doing.
Just what the Lord wants me to do, go over the case of not home. Yes, that brings us to the 22nd, the 31St verse of our chapter.
There is a man that was congratulating himself.
Lord says.
Simon to Simon, behold, Satan have desired to have you, that he may sift you with sweet.
He didn't say. I'm praying that he won't get to sift you.
Oh, and he didn't say I want to keep you out of his sieve. No, let him get into the sift. But he told him before he's going to sift to his feet. Not Chef.
And I have played Brazil, that I faithful not.
All the Lord saw the faith that was there, but it was there was too much rubbish on top of it.
Go your way and tell his disciples and Peter, and he goes before you, the Galilee.
There should see him as he is said unto you.
Well, that's very much to the point.
Peter had two sessions of the Lord.
The Lord appeared to Peter.
Now, we have no historical account of that interview that took place with Peter. We just have the fact that it did take place. Here's Peter.
But we judge that that was.
A personal restoration of Peter.
That was the Green Peter and the Lord.
But Peter's sins have been a public sin.
It has been public he denied the Lord before the law.
So his restoration has to be public.
So we find in that wonderful chapter of John's Gospel, the last chapter there.
We find the restoration of theater. It's a public restoration.
But this personal interview with Peter has preceded. Do I believe that our brother McGuire is right in calling our attention?
Would tell Peter.
I was probably before the private interview was yes.
Just a little bit extra word of encouragement to Peter was no doubt very downhearted.
Another round of we consider like sometimes we don't like to see people weak, but it hasn't might be.
All I mean it does in fact.
There are certain situations.
That if there isn't the equivalent of that.
Wouldn't tie it down to a literal thing necessarily, but if there isn't the equivalent of that, you question whether or not there's been real rest of it.
Some seem to want to seek an easy cushion way back when they beously failed. They wanted at least.
Way respectable. There is such a thing, you know as Saul saying.
I've sinned. I've played the fool.
And then came right around and say honor me before the people.
There's nothing genuine.
In a in a confession like that, not a not a thing genuine about it.
And yet some people.
Can easily.
And tears might not necessarily be an evidence of true repentance.
I see William because he doesn't have his own way.
Left the floor with his parents. He can't ride around.
And plus all kinds of trouble and everything and today.
And sometimes.
Might feel bad with you.
'Re not necessarily the expression of a deep working. And so out of going out of that, he would help me.
Play the male loudly and that's a true thing. That was true.
Now Dope says he puts our tears in his bottle.
So I have in this city or nearby here.
Without a book.
And he has a chapter in it, The Chemistry of Tears.
Somebody handed to that chapter to me to read one time.
And it was thoroughly disgusting.
I read that, nothing else. I would decide that if you didn't have enough tears, you weren't safe.
Excuse me, not prove a thing, but human emotion.
Lord, senses of women that were weeping, weep not for me, but for yourself.
Mere sentiment was moving those government watching go forth very strong.