Ready to Go

Narrator: Chris Genthree
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Some boys and girls take a very long time to get up and get dressed in the morning. I think these boys and girls are a bit lazy, don’t you? I remember visiting a big building one day with my little boy, and there we saw a group of men who could get dressed faster than anyone I ever saw. They could bounce right out of bed and pull on their great boots and hats so quickly. They were in such a rush that they didn’t even bother to run down the stairs; they just jumped through a hole in the floor and slid down a great brass pole. Perhaps you have already guessed that these men were firemen.
Yes, all the time that these men are in this building and on duty they must be ready to go. Whenever the fire alarm sounds, they must drop immediately whatever they are doing and get aboard the trucks just as quickly as they can. Then away they go down the street, with the sirens and whistles blowing.
Some day many of us are going to be called upon to stop whatever we are doing, and to leave in a great hurry too. Yes, we are going to be called to leave this world altogether and never again to return. Are you ready to go? If you read the 25th chapter of Matthew, you will find the story of ten virgins, five of whom were wise and five of whom were foolish. The wise were those who were ready to go, and the foolish were those who were not ready. The Word of God plainly tells us that the Lord Jesus will soon come from heaven with a shout, and all those who are sheltered by His precious blood are ready to go and will be caught up to be with Him forever in heaven. But those who have not accepted Him as their Saviour, and are still in their sins, will be left behind to be cast into outer darkness forever. Are you ready to go?
“BE YE ALSO READY: FOR IN SUCH AN HOUR AS YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH.” Matthew 24:4444Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 24:44).
ML 12/16/1956