Rejoicing in Hope, Patient in Tribulation

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Hope scatters radiant beams of light,
And earth’s dark shadows flee,
As through the vista here I look,
My loving Lord, for thee.
Thee to behold! what glories meet,
Beloved Lord, in thee!
Glories which ne’er shall dim nor fade
Through vast eternity.
What deep unmingled joy to see
Thy once-thorned, bleeding brow,
With circling diadems adorned,
The Lord of glory thou!
Thy beauty soon its brightest rays
Unveiled these eyes shall see;
And while the age of ages rolls,
Still undiminished be.
Thy perfect, thy unmeasured love,
Its fullness shall explore;
My theme of rapturous delight,
My song for evermore.
The Father’s house, the mansions there,
All, all shall I behold!
But ah! the thought of seeing thee
In ecstasy untold.
Thyself the glory and the light,
Thou spotless Lamb, once slain;
Where all in adoration bow,
Thy worthiness proclaim.
Heaven’s sweet, melodious note shall soon
Pain, grief, and tears dispel;
No cloud of sorrow there shall mar
The one responsive swell.
In fellowship I’d walk with thee,
Thy sufferings, Lord, to share;
Would know thy resurrection power,
Daily thy cross to bear.
Nailed to the cross ‘tis there I learn
Thy quenchless love to me;
And in the value of thy blood,
Peace, shelter, victory.
Here, in thy steps I’d follow on,
The world’s vain show despise;
Would press with vigor forth to reach
The bright, unfading prize.
Then help me while I’m waiting here,
Through scorn, reproach, and shame,
To live for thee, beloved Lord,
And magnify thy name.