Relationship With Our In-Laws

Duration: 55min
Address—David Mearns
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Maybe just before we pray, we can turn in our Bibles.
To so actually the last comment that Vern Clark made in the last reading Philippians chapter 4.
The Philippians chapter 4.
He read to us.
In the 12Th verse, I know how to be a based. I know how to abound everywhere and in all things. I am structured both to be filling, to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
I sure appreciated that comment being made.
I'd like to look at the previous verse though.
In verse 11. Not that I speak in respect of want, for I've learned in whatsoever state I am.
Therewith to be content.
The Apostle Paul didn't come equipped.
With what we have here in these verses, it was something he had to learn.
And it's something that we have to learn too, don't we? We don't come equipped with it. He didn't. And it's marvelous to see this. Well, let's just look to the Lord now.
Our God and our Father.
We thank thee for the Lord Jesus.
We thank thee that it's our privilege to be here and to have been under the sound of our precious word.
This yesterday and today and we just would ask now as we would open it yet again.
That would be mindful of thy purposes in our lives and how to help us work things according to my gracious will. And there are those things in our life, our God, that sometimes is difficult for us to comprehend. And yet we know that our overall And so as life purposes ripen in our lives, we just would pray for special grace. The last few steps that we have before we hear that showed and we're called home or Jesus to be with thyself.
And so in the next little while, our God, we will just ask for special help that we would be found hearing by voice. We'd ask this our God as we give thanks and the worthy and the precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus. Amen.
There were two portions of scripture that were read that.
Directed my heart to the thoughts that I have before me this afternoon.
I say that because I had anticipated him taking something up entirely different.
But Brother Jim read to us from the Psalms this morning and Psalm 107, and I'd like to look at that just for a moment before I turn to the portion that was brought before us yesterday at the prayer meeting, Psalm 107.
And so this morning we had the sixth verse read to us. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. He led them forth by the right way that they might go to a city of habitation. All that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, for his wonderful works, to the children of men. You know we have that sixth verse, don't we?
Repeated in the 13th verse.
We have a repeated again in the 19th verse.
And we have her repeated again in the 28th verse. But I was thinking of that which just came before the 28th verse. And I understand the prophetic thought here, but I just like to look at.
For our sakes this afternoon in our practical lives in in verse 24.
These see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep, for he commandeth and raiseth the stormy wind, and lifteth up the waves thereof.
They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the to the depths, and their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man and are at their wits end. Now that's an interesting portion. And I'm not from here. I'm not even from close to here.
So I don't know the folks here. Yes, I touch in with folks here. I know Jim because he lives close by, and I know Bill because he's in our own assembly, but everybody else is from a piece away. So I don't know the circumstances in anybody's lives.
So I have no agenda as to what I'm taking up tonight. I just this afternoon just trust that we would be able to look at what the Lord has laid on my heart and be able to profit from it. As I read read this portion this morning in the in the prayer meeting, I thought of these ones that are at their wits end and you know.
I'd be a fool to think that there's not a large percentage of people here that have found themselves in that kind of a condition at some time in your life, and perhaps even now.
Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble. He bringeth them Out of their distresses. He maketh the storm a calm.
And the waves thereof are still.
Then are they glad because they be quiet? So he bringeth them under their desire to have an oath that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, for his wonderful works to the children.
Of men.
Now turn with me to the book of Exodus.
Brother Jerry brought this portion before us which has given birth to which is to follow in the next little while if the Lord should tarry.
He brought before us this discourse between.
Jethro, Moses, father-in-law and Moses.
In the 18th chapter of Exodus.
And Jethro, the priest of Midian Moses, father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses.
And in.
Verse six he said unto Moses, I thy father-in-law, Jethro, and come to thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her. And Moses went out to greet his father-in-law, and did obey his sense, and kissed him.
And they asked each other.
Of their welfare.
They came into the tent. Well, not just a sweet little discourse that was given to us as we embarked on our prayer meeting yesterday.
Just to have that characteristic where we could together discuss each other's welfare. I I just love this and and they came into the tent and Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done.
I love that too, to see these two coming together, and to see them having this sweet fellowship, and to see that Moses relays all that the Lord of Daniel wilderness journey was still before them. But he relays all that the Lord have done. And he says here under Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel sake, and all the travail that had come upon them by the way.
How the Lord?
Delivered them, and Jethro rejoiced for the goodness which the Lord had done to Israel, whom he had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. And Jethro said, Blessed.
Be the Lord who hath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh, who have delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians.
I know that the Lord is greater than all gods from the thing wherein they dealt proudly. He's above them.
Jethro, Moses, father-in-law, took a burnt offering sacrifices for God, and Aaron came and all the elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses, father-in-law before God.
I really love this.
And ask a question now, though it's been interesting to me.
This beautiful scene between.
Moses and his father-in-law.
What I want to have before us in the next little while is what is.
The relationship we have with our in-laws.
That's rather a different subject to take up in a setting like this.
I've been impressed with a family line of things. There's so many things we can take up with regards to the family. There's fathers, there's mothers, there's sisters, there's brothers, there's aunts, uncles.
What about our in laws?
This is a beautiful scene here.
This here.
On our little sheet says it's an address to young Christians.
I was impressed. This morning I was talking to a young man and he was telling me about his sister-in-law and I thought, he can't even be old enough to have a sister-in-law and.
I was talking to another young man who wasn't married yet, little nephew on his shoulder and I thought.
You know the the the subject of in laws.
Effects almost all of us.
Some of us their father-in-law.
Son of her brother in laws.
Some of us are sons in laws.
Some of us are all three.
Some of us are mother in laws.
Some of us are sister in laws.
Some of us are daughter in laws.
Some of us are all three.
What does the scripture say?
As to our relationship with our in laws.
I'm pretty safe here, I think I only have one that's here.
But I have lots of them.
And I stand before you here.
Having conducted myself in a way where I have spoke unadvisedly with my lips.
With regards particularly.
Some of my sister in laws and I have offended them.
And I'm thankful that they've been very gracious. I have a couple of brothers, I have a couple sisters, my wife has brothers and sisters. I have lots of in laws.
As does most people here.
What does the Scripture have to say about this subject? Let's turn to First Samuel.
First Samuel.
First Samuel, Chapter 18.
I know there's young men and there's young women here.
Perhaps anticipating to be married.
You know the very last thing in your mind is the concept of your in laws.
The very last thing.
It was with me, but I know too that there's a lot of young families here.
There are those here who have just been married. You've just been introduced to the subject, perhaps not having entertained thoughts at all.
But those of you who have young children?
You know.
That there's a manner into which we conduct ourselves.
As in laws, That's for good.
Sports for bat?
So here in First Samuel 18 we read this.
It's interesting. In the 12Th verse, it says Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him. You know, we were to look back and we were to look at this verse. We would say, you know, we really should be reading that verse, that David was afraid of Saul because David has just had two javelins thrown at him. You'd think after 2-2 javelin throws that David would be the one that's afraid. But no, it's Saul.
Was afraid of David because the Lord was with him.
Now, as we embark on this subject, it's my purpose to look at the features of some of those who are in laws that are beautiful features that if you young people.
In your early years.
Are conscious of these features.
It would be for tremendous profit in your life, should the Lord carry.
So here in First Samuel 18.
And we read in the 23rd verse.
And Saul's servants.
Spake, Let's go down to the 22nd verse rather. And Saul commanded his servants, saying, Commune with David secretly, and say, Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants love thee. Now therefore be the King's son-in-law.
And Saul's servants spake those words in the ears of David, And David said, Seemeth it.
To you, a light thing to be.
A King's son-in-law.
I dare say.
It's not a light thing for any of us.
To be it in law of any sort.
And David didn't look at it as a light thing.
He took it very, very seriously. And if we were to go on down the passage, we won't. Let's go down to the.
Well, let's look at verse 28.
And Saul saw and knew that the Lord was with David. That's what he was afraid of in the 12Th verse. And Saul became Davidde enemy continually. Then the Princess of the Philistines went forth, and it came to pass after they went forth, that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul. And his name was, if we could read the marginal reading on Mr. Darby's translation.
His name was very precious. This thing was very precious. I would just like to suggest that, David.
At this point in time, he's already taken Michael for his wife. He is now the King's son-in-law. He does not look at it in a like manner. And the feature that we see here in connection with David, it says he behaved himself wisely and his name was very precious.
Oh, young person.
Far to talk to all your peers.
Would they say this about you?
They just so appreciate even the mention of your name because of the way you conduct yourself.
You know, David did that.
Did that.
They hate themselves more wisely than all the servants of Saul, so that his name was very precious. Let's turn now to the Book of Genesis.
The book of Genesis.
Genesis 26.
Genesis 26 verse 34.
And he saw was 40 years old when he took to wife Judith, the daughter of Bury the Hittite.
And Bath Shamath, the daughter of Elon the Hittite, which were a grief of mind.
To Isaac.
And to Rebecca.
You know, that's a that's a sad, sad statement, isn't it?
And I, you know, there are young people here, just consider the relationship that you have with your parents.
And just think of making bad decisions in your life and landing your parents like what we have here.
They were a grief of mind unto Isaac and Rebecca.
You know, this story starts off with.
You know the romance of Wilt thou go with this man?
And the response is I will go, and don't we love that chapter? And isn't it taken up time and time again on the wedding day? What happened?
Is this is this what we're reading here?
Turn over a chapter 27.
We're turning over a chapter, but we're actually turning over.
Probably 45 years.
Mr. Kelly would say 45 years. I can only come between 42 and 45. I'm not sure if you do the math backwards, but just read this.
A Genesis 28 And Rebecca said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Hath.
So 45 years early, earlier.
We read that the daughters of Hathaway, grief of mind to Isaac and to Rebecca, and now here, 45 years later, Rebecca says, I'm wary of my life because of the daughters of health. You know, is this what the Lord has for us with our children?
That they should enter into a scenario with marriage and then for us to have this this condition that has been there for years with with Isaac and Rebecca, after we we read the, as I say, the romance of the, the, the, the.
The chapters earlier.
You know it's not what the Lord has for us.
Just think of you, younger couples with young children.
Is this what the Lord would have for us?
What? What happened?
There's there's a lot of things that happen. We even talked about them in our last meeting. They are.
They're very.
They're very solemn, you know, I was thinking I was reading in my personal reading.
Let's read it.
To Matthews Matthews. Gospel, the 14th chapter.
Sorry, we're just going to take a little slide trip here, Matthew 14.
I was reading about Peter.
In Matthew 14 we have this, this little story of the the ships in the midst of the sea. It's tossed with the waves. Matthew 1424 and.
The wind is contrary. The 4th watch of the night. Jesus went to them walking on the water. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying it is the Spirit, And they cried out for fear. And straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be a good cheer his I be not afraid. Peter answered him, and said, Lord, if it be thou did me come to thee in the water. And he said, Come, Peter came down under the ship, and walked on the water to go to Jesus.
When he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink. He cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him and said unto him, Old thou little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? When they were coming to the ship? The wind ceased neither when the ship came, and worshipped him, saying of a truth, thou art the Son of God. I was. I read that whole portion, because I was affected by.
We take up this portion and we see Peter. He walks in the water and it says. Here, though when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid.
And beginning to sink. You know this world has an expression.
I believe this is.
Very important with regards to the life of Isaac and Rebecca. The expression is this, don't sweat the small stuff.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
You know we need to have the Lord.
In every detail of our lives. And this, this portion here with Peter saying this with Peter saying you know when he saw the wind boisterous.
He was afraid, and he began to think as if to say that if the wind wasn't boisterous and the water was perfectly clear, that we don't probably be able to walk on the water.
Like, are you kidding me?
Sometimes we.
Sometimes we treat the Lord that way. We think we can look after things in our own lives that are small and not recognize that I am so desperately dependent upon the Lord for now in my next breath.
Well, we don't.
Well think of those things. And so Peter, you know if the winds boisterous and it's it's really blowing, well, he's going to sink. But if it was perfectly calm, he'd have no problem walking on the water. And I believe that Isaac and Rebecca.
Didn't look after the small things in their lives.
We read of Isaac's eyes getting dim. We read of the savory meat.
I'm not sure how much he asked the Lord to bless.
His appetite for savoury meat. But there's so many little things in our life that they're very important.
And we need to realize that the Lord.
Is in full control of everything. And yet those small things. Yes, he's in full control. But Oh no. We only need the Lord for the big things. Well, what a sad commendation we have here. Rebecca. Sister Isaac, I am weary of my life because the daughters of Hath.
Let's go to First Samuel.
First Samuel.
First Samuel, Chapter 4.
This is a very sad time.
In the history of the people of God.
The word of the Lord came to Samuel. The word of Samuel came to all Israel. Israel went out against the Philistines. That battle, we don't have any direction from the Lord here.
To go to battle, nothing whatsoever.
And it doesn't end well.
Fact We see the Philistines have more discernment than the people of God. But let's go down to the 19th verse pick up on our subject.
And this is in connection with Eli.
His daughter-in-law.
Finis, his wife, was a child year to be delivered, and when she heard the tallings of the Ark of God was taken, and her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed, and her pains came upon her.
And about the time of her death the woman that stood by her said unto her, Fear not, for thou was born a son. And she answered not, neither did she regard it. And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is the part of Israel, because the ark of God was taken.
And because of her father-in-law and her husband, and she said that Glory is departed from Israel, for the ark of God is taken.
And I thought of this dear woman, and it's interesting. The next time we read Ichabod, it's when the Lord is reviving things in Israel.
But here it says that she was greatly affected by three things.
First and foremost, that the Ark of God was taken. Oh, can't we learn from that?
Which there affected her the most.
Was that which was most precious in the sight of God. And then we read.
And that her father-in-law and her husband were dead.
And I would just suggest.
For all of our hearts, and particularly for you dear young people, the feature that we see with this dear woman.
When she travels and there's pains that come upon her, it says here. And she bowed herself.
She bowed herself.
Oh, that that would be my deportment.
Regardless of the difficulty that comes across my pathway in my life.
I would take up with this feature of this dear woman, and she bowed herself.
Now, the greatest victory we read of in Samson's life. It's right at the end of his life. Takes those pillars. What does it say? And he bowed himself. Now I covet that feature, you, dear young ones.
As you anticipate, perhaps taking a partner?
If this is a feature in your life.
It is most precious in the sight of God.
Most precious.
And she bowed herself.
I won't take up the concept of Ichabod. It's you can look at it in your in your personal reading.
Let's turn over to.
First Samuel.
First Samuel 22.
First Samuel 22.
There's some other features here.
That we see, and this is in connection with David First Samuel 22.
It's a rather sad, sad story when we consider what Doig does in the ninth verse.
And Saul says in the 13th verse. Saul said unto him, Why have you conspired against me, thou and the son of Jesse, that thou has given him bread and a sword, and has inquired of God for him, that he should rise against me, and lie in wait as at this day? And him like answered the king, and said, who?
Is so faithful.
Among all thy servants as David.
Which is the King's son-in-law.
And goeth at thy bidding.
And he's honorable.
In the house.
You know, the first feature we find here is.
It doesn't say that he's gifted. It says that he's faithful. That's what it says. Who is so faithful among all my servants as David, which is this King's son-in-law?
Well then it says here too, of all my servants, all that servant character, you know.
Dear young ones.
That servant character is such a characteristic to covet.
It's it's a beautiful characteristic you know we if we're to turn to we're to turn to Lukes Gospel the 10th chapter we have the man that leaves jerk Jerusalem and he's going down to Jericho and.
A priest comes by.
You know, I believe the priest was a good man.
But he lacked that servant character and he just kind of looked at the situation and says, you know.
I just can't go there. I can't go there.
The lead bike comes along.
Another Goodman.
He looked the situation over.
Same thing.
All right. This man's half dead. I I can't go there.
You know, I wonder if even the Samaritan, I understand the.
Prophetic teaching of what we have there, but the Samaritan himself perhaps came along and looked at the situation, maybe said the same thing.
I'm not sure I can go there. And the Lord says, yeah, you need to go there.
Sometimes the Lord does that with us, doesn't he? And if we don't have that servant character.
Not afraid to get our hands dirty.
There's not going to be the blessing like that man was brought into. Well here we find it's it's it's that feature that a Himalayk, you think of the disaster that happens in this chapter and yet it's pointed out David has this servant character.
As the King's son-in-law. And it says at the end here that goeth at thy bidding.
And is honorable at thy house. You know David conducted himself.
In such a manner that the the Lord was first, wasn't he in in Davidde life and that was that was manifested by what's portrayed here And I thought, you know, in my personal reading I've been I was reading of.
Reading of Thomas, actually.
We sometimes sing that little song. Don't be a doubting Thomas, just lean upon his promise. I prefer to look at some of the other features that Thomas had, and one of them is.
You know, there are four people in the New Testament that say this, they say.
My Lord, only four.
Paul says it in flipping 3 that we have it, we have it in John's Gospel.
21 With Mary, she says, My Lord, we have at Luke's Gospel early on as Elizabeth speaking with Mary, she speaks about the mother of my Lord. And then we have that feature of Thomas, don't we? What's Thomas say? He says. My.
Lord, My Lord, in person is the Lord Jesus, Lord of your life, is he Lord.
Are you in the driver's seat or the Lord in the driver's seat?
Is the Lord in the passenger seat?
Floor in the back seat.
Is the Lord maybe not even the car at all?
My Lord.
It's a beautiful characteristic.
Oh, that we would take up with what's pointed out here in Davidde Life, who is so faithful among all thy servants as David?
Which is the King's son-in-law.
Forth of thy bidding in his honorable 9 house, Mark's Gospel, Chapter One.
Mark's Gospel Chapter one.
Maybe there's someone here?
And you really identify.
With Rebecca.
And Isaac?
Did we throw the towel in?
So it's too late.
Can't do anything about.
This in law relationship.
Marks Gospel chapter One.
Verse 28 immediately.
His fame spread abroad.
Thread all the region roundabout Galilee forthwith.
When they were coming out of the synagogue, they injured into the host of Simon and Andrew and James and John.
Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever.
And on they tell him of her, and he came.
And took her by the hand.
And lifted her up.
And immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.
Now as I consider Peter.
What? What? What transpires here is a little different than what he he writes in his epistle where he says husbands dwell with your wives according to knowledge. I'm not sure that when he wrote that if he was willing to bring a whole parcel of company home when his mother-in-law was sick in the house, you know, there are a lot of things that the Lord works with us in our lives.
And uh.
And we've been, we've been reading that, haven't we, In, in, in, in Philippians and how the Lord is working with us our entire lives. And I I thought, you know.
In the assembly where I find myself, there's a number of old men.
Umm, some of the new young people. You're looking at me and saying I'm an old man.
I was amused by we were standing in line with breakfast this morning and my wife said to someone who was my peers, it's interesting they put all the young couples in this, this hotel over here.
Saying that my wife and I were a young couple and I'm thinking, you know, there are those who are older though in our own assembly, our own own local assembly, old men.
And they are sweet, sweet old men. And you know, I'm smart enough to know that it wasn't always so.
It wasn't always so I look at older ones here.
Some sweet old men, sweet old women. And the Lord has worked with you. And the Lord has worked with you. And there's a sweetness now that we enjoy. Well, Ernie, in Peter's life we didn't quite see that same sweetness.
But here in this portion we find that.
Simons wifes mother lay sick of a fever.
This world has some pretty negative connotations.
That they make with regards to mother-in-law's.
The Lord has just taken mine.
She's home.
There are.
I was sort of customer service a short while ago.
And they went away for the weekend. They are trout fishermen, they are fishing and they came back from the weekend that I was working with them and I said so how the weekend go, they made this comment.
They said, oh, it was a bad weekend. It was worse than a family fight.
I thought that's a sad statement to make sure we don't have such a thing amongst the people of God.
You know, here we have.
Simon's wife's mother.
She's got a fever and often there is that kind of a situation with regards to our in laws. It's a fever, things get pretty warm.
Pretty hot And what is the? What is the solution?
In this case.
Simons wifes mother lay sick of a fever and Anon they they tell him of her, She came and took her. He came and took her by the hand.
Oh, that we would allow.
The Lord to do that in our lives when we have failed in every way possible.
To just cast ourselves in the Lord, and let him take us by the hand, and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her, she ministered unto them. You know I love this. I love this.
As I say, I've conducted myself in a way.
That's been pretty obnoxious.
With regards to some of my in laws.
And they have been very gracious.
And the Lord has sometimes come in just like this.
Taken us by the hand.
Lifted us up.
Can we turn to the book of Ruth now?
The book of Ruth.
The book of Ruth and the second chapter.
We've all enjoyed many thoughts with regards to the book of Ruth, and it's not my purpose to go through there, but to stay with our subject. Let's look at the eighth verse of Luke of Ruth, chapter 2.
And said, boys under Ruth, here's thou not my daughter, go not to glean in another field. Now they go from hence, but abide here.
Fast by my maidens.
Let thine eyes be on the field.
That they do reap and go thou after them. Have I not charged the young men, that they shall not touch thee? And when thou art of thirst, go into the vessels and drink of that which the young men have drawn. Then she fell in her face. Oh, my, here's the same characteristic that we have in connection with Eli's daughter-in-law.
And bowed herself to the ground.
And said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes?
That thou shouldst take knowledge of me.
Seeing I'm a stranger.
It's to me it's so forceful forceful the the response here at Boas because Boaz, it says here. And Boaz answered and said unto her.
The first and foremost feature.
That comes out.
With regards to boaz's attraction, truth.
And your Boaz?
He understood the concept.
Of perhaps a stigma being attached to someone you know if you were to go to the book of Joshua.
We would find what it says about Joshua's have Boas, his mom and.
There, let's look at it.
It's in the.
That's where the walls of Jericho are coming down.
I guess it's 6.
Joshua 6.
I'm not sure what feelings Solomon had.
As he took Rahab for his wife.
She's a marvelous light.
In this Old Testament one of the most beautiful pictures of an evangelist, if you look at the marginal reading here, when the two spies it says, Joshua said in verse 22. Joshua said unto the young, The two men that had spied out the country go to the harlot's house and bring out then to the woman and all that she hath as you swear unto you. And the young men that were supplies went in and brought out Rahab and her father, and her mother and her brethren and all that she had. And they brought out all her kindred. Look at the marginal reading there all her families. I I picture that household of of Rahab's to be packed to the doors.
Because all these ones came out. But then there's this stigma where it says brought out all her kindred and left them without. At the camp of Israel, there was a spot that they were put while the children of Israel went on with their business. Well, sometime between then and now we have Boas.
And the first and foremost feature that stands out with Boas, as we have here in the book of Ruth.
Turn back there, where we were, the second chapter, it says. Boaz answered, and said unto her, It hath fully been showed me all that thou hast done unto thy mother-in-law.
Since the death of my husband.
How thus by father thy mother, the land of thy nativity, and there come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore.
So what constitutes? What constitutes an in law?
Maybe we should have started with this in law.
Is part of our family.
That does not have our blood running through their veins.
That's what an inliers we could take up the subject of adoption. We could take up the subject of.
Step parents and stepchildren, but the concept of an in law.
Is it's part of our family.
That does not have our blood running through their veins.
And it takes special grace, not for me, Takes special grace for them, Take special grace for me too. It takes very special grace. You young people that are very young, that have brothers in laws and sister in-laws, you've never thought of these things. They are very, very real. Because what happens is we don't see the difficulty until 30 years down the road.
And we have people that have this relationship with their in laws that we read about in the book of Genesis with Rebecca and Isaac, and it just didn't happen.
There was a long process that made it happen. There was lots of red, yellow lights. There was lots of red lights. And then there's this situation.
Oh, Boaz, he understood the comment. And I would say to those of you who are my peers, how have we taught our children?
As to how there?
To conduct themselves with their in laws.
How have I done that?
That's a searching thing to my own soul.
Here, boys, he looked at Ruth, And that first and foremost feature was it hath fully been showed me all that thou hast done unto thy mother-in-law.
Let's turn to.
We'll end with this.
In Peter's epistle.
Second Peter.
Chapter One.
Looking for the verse that says above all. Here we are, first Peter chapter 4. Sorry.
First Peter, Chapter 4.
And verse 8.
Above all things.
Have fervent.
Love among yourselves.
For love shall cover the multitude of sins I was visiting with Vern just before the just before we ate lunch. And it's interesting, you know.
Everyone of us, we we view ourselves.
As walking right down the middle of the road.
That's where we view ourselves.
Some of our brethren are off to the right hand side a little bit and some are off to the left hand side and some are off to the right ditch and some are off to the left ditch. But we ourselves we're right pretty much down the center and.
We all think that way.
How can it happen? You know, sometimes I can justify some of my relationships by saying, well, you know, it's really under the guise of faithfulness that I find myself in this kind of a scenario. And sometimes that's true.
But the Lord would have us to recognize that we need to be able to view other people's perspectives.
To do that is a big help. A perspective is an interesting thing. You know, we I mentioned this is this to someone earlier today.
Our eldest daughter was was just married last August.
And and we went to.
We went to Melissa and Claytons, the wedding reception in Saint Louis, because some of the folks couldn't get to Rideau Ferry and.
Seeing I get there and they've been married 3 weeks and we come to the breakfast table and Melissa wants to tell us something about what happened on her honeymoon 3 weeks before and she says dad back when we were first married.
And I'm, I think, are you kidding me?
But she's dead serious.
I'm not trying to be funny. She's portraying in her mind what happened way back three weeks ago when they were first married and you know.
Are my dad told me once when I was first held Melissa as a young baby, said David. Always remember when you're visiting with her, what it's like or what it was like to be her age. And that's a good thing for us to do as brethren, as we intermingle with one another, as we react with one another, as we speak with one another, to remember there's another perspective.
To remember that.
What's important is the word of God.
And the glory of God.
But to realize that sometimes there are others that have a different perspective than mine, I wouldn't have used that expression that Melissa used in connection with three weeks before, but she used it.
And was perfectly normal.
Well, may we? As it says here in first Peter four and verse 8 above all.
Have perfect love among yourselves. Love shall cover the multitude of sins.
This hospitality one to another Rd. grudging, you know. We looked at the vessel at the vestal meetings we were speaking about. Jim mentioned the the joy was to go to to Europe and to see the brethren. They came together and it was hugs and kisses and tears and when they left it was hugs and kisses and tears and I was thinking.
What about on a weekly basis with our local brethren?
Do we have that same fervency? I come here and I haven't seen folks for a long time and I've got lots of hugs.
People don't know me as well as Jim as well as Bill.
But do we have that same care and that same love for our brethren? Do we have it for our in laws, whoever they may be?
Well, this has been a different subject, obviously, but it's what the Lord laid on my heart. Trust that the Lord can bless His word.
Maybe we could just pray.
Our God and our Father, we thank thee that it's our privilege to open my precious word and to read from these blessed pages and.
We thank the our God for the way Thou has brought us thus far along the pathway.
Thank you for Paul having learned and whatsoever state he found himself, that he was content.
Oh our God, We just would pray that our testimony to our brethren, to our families, to this world, would be our joy in the Lord. Give us our God to have joy. Give us as we.
Entertain these thoughts that we go forward our God with thankful hearts for that which I was done in our lives and picking us up our God.
And we just would pray that we would conduct ourselves in a manner that's consistent with my precious word, that we would manifest some of these characteristics that we have seen. So we just would ask our God for thy blessing upon my precious Word, and pray too for the balance of the day and tomorrow. If that was tarry, that would be a time of real profit for us. We'd ask these things as we give thanks.
And worthy in the precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus. Amen.