Children—David So
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And because we have been on the call of the day, I lost our head.
And you want to be all I have to do?
Is give you all right? I have to end him and I'll talk to him and come on, stop away.
All right, let's look to the Lord for help.
Bless our God and our loving Father. We would give thanks again this morning for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank thee. We can sing, uh, hymns like this of glad tidings, knowing that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. More particularly, he came into the world to save.
Me and now we look today we ask for help for this little time together. We think of the purpose of this meeting and particularly for children, we do pray that thou would help each children in this room, younger or older too, that, uh, we would learn more about Jesus And if there be anyone in this room who are still lost in their sins, that I would help them to repent.
While there's still time. So we ask for help and commit this meeting into thine hand once more in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
That was a good hymn to start. Glad tidings. I know a Sunday school, but in Gospel we often say the good news of salvation. Well, Sunday school is really no different, isn't it? That whether you're young or old, we need to hear this glass tidings that Jesus has come to say who to say, me to save you.
And he's calling for all the boys, all the girls to trust in him.
And have their sins wash away. Anyone else have another one?
I know there are only 47 hymns to choose for. Oh go ahead.
42420 I like this one. This is one of my favorite. Now some of you know I changed the rule with this him a little bit. So let me explain my rules. When we sing this, we will sing this around the the way it is the first time. The second time around, we're gonna change some of the words so slightly because in this room we have children.
That are a little bit older than six or seven. So the second time around we think a little children of 70 is that OK? Yeah and it says or even 34 because I think as I look around the someday here that are 34 and I talked with someone yesterday in fact I talked with at least two.
Older ones that says they were 69, so they're pretty close to 70. So a little child of 70 or even 34. So we're seeing it the way it is first and then we're seeing it around the second time that way, uh.
And there's been a lot of.
To give you over 500 minutes, OK, so you're going to be out of 10 seconds and we'll follow up with you.
Oh my God, she's got a lot of practice with me and she's pretty good.
Umm and crying. Stop, stop, stop.
And then just hold on for a few years. Please continue to make your turn. That's one of the greatest, uh, we're going to have a.
All right.
You're still talking to me.
That's not possible right here. Umm, we're going to go to the next event for a while. I'm going to run.
That was nice. So I hope by singing this hymn, we know that everyone in this room is included, not just the little one in front of us in the front row. Even though you'd be 70 or 34 or seven or three or four, it means we all need to come to Christ, to that open door of our Lord Jesus by believing that he died for our sins.
Now before we sing the next film.
I need some help for the rest of you. I just wanna share something and I hope you don't get offended. Often when we sing in a large group like this, we don't listen to the other people's singing. We sing the way we sing at home. And the problem is?
You sort of wait for the sound to come through from one end to the other. So if someone sing really slow and by the time you hear the other end, you go slower. And we have about 3 different speeds going on here, let alone the pitch and tone and so on. But we've got three different speeds. And then it sounds, if you're standing up front, you can feel that it's some kind of different. I, I know one sister told me one time, she said get used to it. That's the echo of grace.
But but.
But really we should, and perhaps perhaps we should just get our our comfort zone a little bit and think a little bit faster, listen to the other persons just so we don't drag it on. Now I know I'm just as bad on it, but I really feel that everybody should follow how I do it right then. Well, I'll be in one accord. No, I'm just kidding on that. But let's make it lively. Do we sing? What a joyful voice and a joyful.
Do we sing as if well, this morning I'm still not awake, so we should really say, make this joyful noise unto the Lord, shouldn't we? Are you happy that you are saved? And perhaps there is someone and you we always think of the little one. Perhaps there's an adult in this room who have.
Never heard of the gospel message before?
What testimony would that be? Oh, perhaps there's another person who have had heard of the gospel.
We see them at every meeting, every conference.
But they are not saved. And could it be possible that they go into the mind and say, man, there they go again, a bunch of deadbeats? No, we're not, are we? We are happy Christians. We have, as we were reminded yesterday, that blessed hope. Do you realize that we have a place. We have a hope that no one else have. We have eternal life.
This world.
Have no hope. They call things happiness. What's happiness? Oh, they got drunk. They were so happy. They got drunk. They were partying, they were happy. But then hours later they paid the price. Is that happiness? So that's enough said. Let's have another him and prove that we can sing.
From the from our heart. Anyone else have another him for us?
Oh, thank you, 47.
Oh, this is a nice one too. When he comes, are we waiting for the Lord to come?
Let us go to the Royce. And it's a surprise for how long now? I'm not gonna be staying. Thank you so much again. It's good for me. Fried salmon on a wonderful day. And umm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
In the big Friday, that's why I get the ground.
And I'm gonna take it out so we can do that. Don't stay on the ground every day and see her product That's, you know, practice material. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm gonna take that into the phone.
Exercise around the morning, standing right around the barking.
Wow, I know you're still sitting where you are, but from up here that sounded nice. Could you hear the difference yourself?
Now, just so you'll remember this, we should do this for the rest of the Sunday school. Would that be OK?
Perhaps let's extend that, because shortly after this we have the privilege of remembering our Lord in his death for us. Can we remember that too?
Not shouting, but singing from our hearts because the character for that meeting will be a little bit different. We are there to remember him and his death for us.
But we are told, too, to be reminded of a soon return. So as a brother, he reminded us yesterday. In one end we see death, the other end we reminded of his return.
And thus we're here to remember him. So we should sing from our heart. Let's prove we can do this by singing one more hymn. You were going to put it. No. I guess I pointed to you. OK, that wasn't fair. What about some older boys or girls? Someone who is under 70?
He has to prove that he's under 70.
Oh, OK.
That's my wife.
That's that's everywhere. No more. I have a bad problem. No, I want to get my heart to extend my background. That's not really good. It's one of the bad nights.
I didn't know that.
See, we can do it, can we? That was nice. Just one slight word of caution. I, I know I said we should sing a little bit faster, but sometimes we get carried away. So we find that something a little bit faster than the faster one. So we have to still listen and have to be able to sing in one accord, right?
Now Fibo versus time, how many have you learned your verses? OK, I won't ask you to show of hands. You know why I used to I used to get so scared and I I don't like doing Bible verses in front of a crowd. No one feel like that. I remember I used to sit there and go.
There are three more people. Then it's my turn.
And I used to get so scared and then when it comes to my turn, I didn't know what to say. I was so scared. So I don't like doing it.
So here's what I want you to do.
I want you to go say that to your mom and dad. I know they taught you and make you say it, so how many of you actually learned it?
OK, let me change the question. How many of you gonna go back and say it to your mom and dad just to prove that? OK, so if you're gonna say it to your mom and dad, you can come up and claim one of these.
I guess it's not good here. You guys call this Dum Dums. So don't don't think I'm telling you that you are this, but you're if you're gonna say this verse afterwards your mom and dad are to another adult, that's fine too. Please come up and claim one of these unless you don't like Dum Dums.
Now make sure you made a promise that you're going to say that verse.
I think they're all the same, even the wrappers is different.
The boys don't want any.
Well, you learn it and say to mom after that, how's that? Unless you're not going to do it.
You're not gonna. Oh.
Any other children who would like to complain one of these because you know you're gonna say the verse, Joanne, come on up. You're gonna promise you say the verse to your dad.
At least to your mom.
Anyone else?
I'll sit it right here just in case if you're afraid of me Now, there's a reason for this. Part of the reason is we don't have enough time to say the verses. Not that it's bad. It's good to memorize verses because another brother reminded me this morning saying we're getting older, that we can't remember things. So it's good to learn that while you can because they stay in you.
Now I'll like you to turn for those of you who have your Bible with you.
I'd like you to turn to Luke's Gospel.
I believe the 17th chapter.
I want to share with you a complicated story. This is good for children because people think children can understand.
But yet they seem to hear what parents and friends talk about in private, that they hear things and they understand more than they think. So let's see if we can understand a complicated story. Now. I want you to learn a verse with me first. Then we'll go back to the story. Is it OK? Because once you learn that this is what I want you to do. Every now and then as we go through the story, I want you to repeat this verse because I want you children to.
Now the gospel story is that OK Now it's a very difficult verse to remember. I know you know, do you remember you mom say choose a version to memorize and we choose something short like Jesus wept. Remember doing that. It was easy right with I learned the whole verse. Now this time I chose a verse with three words that's more than the two.
Do you think you can handle that? It sounds really funny. So Luke's Gospel, chapter 17, verse 32.
Now, some of you don't have your Bible in front of you, or maybe you can read that. So you say it with me. I'm going to say it first, OK? Is that remember?
Lot's wife.
That's a tough one, right? Can you say it with me?
Lot's wife.
Is that a gospel message?
Well, we can make that a gospel message because I believe that's a gospel message. That's just a look down at Suzanne. I remember speaking with on this verse probably 10 years ago. And you told me a nice story about your children, which we'll share that again. Well, not here. We'll. I haven't used this story in a long time. I just remember as I looked down. But remember Lot's wife.
Let's see if children up front can you say this by yourself? Ready.
Remember large Why? Why do we want to remember somebody's wife?
Well, there's a story to this. The story is complicated. If you read the verses before that, they talk about two people.
Well, depending on how technical you want to be, I guess it's more than two but two main characters. And then it's just remember Lot's wife. So let me read this just to get the connections here.
Verse 26.
As it is in the days of NO or NOAA, NOAA.
So shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they merry wives they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. How many of you heard of the story of Noah?
Oh good. OK, some still haven't, but it's still nice.
Noah That's a interesting story, and it's a story that you'll find a world doesn't want to share very much of, because I'll tell you why. This is my opinion.
Noah speaks of judgment, not just judgment, judgment that was executed. God actually did pronounce it, and he went ahead with it.
And you know, the whole world except eight people were saved. Terrible story, isn't it? But it shows that God is serious, that he must punish sin. Oh, Noah is interesting too.
I was reading the Chinese history, some of it, a little bit of it, not the whole history. And the Chinese, did you believe, do you realize that they set the forefather? The very first Chinese was Noah.
How dare do they claim that?
You think they're right?
The Chinese are right. NOAA was a great, great, great, great, great. I don't know how many great grandfather from about 4000 years ago. I can stand here and say my great, great, great, great grandfather. I know for sure, especially from the word of God.
Was Noah.
How many of you can say that?
How many of you are Chinese?
Aw, all, all, all descendants, all men on this earth are descendant of Noah, isn't it is in fact, Noah's story is very interesting. You go through his sons. You know, this is for the older one. If you want to play with the number 70, there were seventy nations coming out from Noah's descendants according to the tribes, uh, uh, from the Lord of Jacob, who were 70. You, you, you go through that. It's very interesting. Actually, you have 71 descendants, 1 have no children. So there are 70 that's spread on.
And that #70 so Noah, they said it was interesting in Noah's day, people were having a good time.
They they eat, they drink. Did you eat? Did you guys eat? No, I do. I like to eat.
While the drinking here I think is a little bit different, I think they drank, they get drunk. I don't like that.
They marry wives. Do we do that today? In fact, there's a wedding coming up this Saturday. Again, this seems to be the year of weddings. We have numerous weddings this year of the past year or so. And is that? And they did all this SF and today we use the phrase life goes on.
Until Noah went into the ark and God shut the door. So there was Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. So how many people would that be?
How many?
Hey, that's right.
Egg Souls, that was it.
And the rest of the world? Millions perish in the flood. Sad story, isn't it?
And then, well, we haven't got to what was that verse, what we're supposed to say? Remind me that remember something?
Say, say it together, what is it?
Well, Noah really doesn't love, doesn't have much to do. What? No, a lot was not even born yet.
But God used these two stories because there are similarities in there. So we have to remember a lot twice. So next portion, verse 28 is that likewise also as it was it as it was in the days of Lot.
They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. Wow, life goes on too. A little bit different. They were doing more stuff, right? They sound very much American here, I think, right? They, they build, they they bought, they sold, they planted. Wow, business goes on now. You know, what's interesting is there's no mention of marriage.
I wonder more and more people were living and seeing and, you know, young people, we're in a society that we're told to be careful what we say. You gotta conform to what the world does.
No, you need to conform to what the Word of God wants you to conform to. To the image of His Son. There's a lot of wickedness that they don't want you to agree with.
Marriage, the Word of God said, is honorable or should be held in honor. They didn't do that. There was a lot of sins going on. And God, God, the world still says, but he's a God of love. How can he punish people?
Is God a God of love?
Yes he is but do you remember learning that short verses God is something and then God. God is love and and God is.
What is it?
There are two character to God. God is love. And do you remember?
Yeah, what does it mean? He's very bright.
Well, He is, but light means there's no sin tolerated in His presence. So there is that balance. He loves us, but he cannot. He is holy and God must punish sin. So in last day there were a lot of immoralities going on. They disobey God. Now you would think we as men would go. We learn from history.
No, we don't.
If we learn from history, we will be super super good by now.
We don't, and I can prove that too. I see smile on someone's face. Your mom and dad tell you that, don't they? They say don't do that. And really what they're saying is don't do it because I've done it before and it wasn't happy.
We learned from that. No, we need to find out. We need to know what does Mom and Dad know? So that's our nature, isn't it? We don't learn from history. So not long before that, the world was destroyed by the flood.
Man didn't learn when it comes to lodge time. They were so bad, but there was something different. So let's read verse 29. But the same day that lot went out of Sodom.
It rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
How many of you saw heavy rain before it rained so hard?
Well, sometimes we say rain cats and dogs. Have you ever seen cats and dogs coming down from the sky?
No, but it just seems that way. But here it was heavy, heavy rain. But it's different what came down from heaven.
I don't think we ever seen that.
Fire and brimstone, and it burned and it destroyed everything in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Men say this is a myth. I know some folks just went to Israel not long ago and some have been there previously.
In the land they have discovered the land of Sodom.
So that land is totally desolate, am I right? I don't know. It's not exactly a tourist destination because men do not want to be reminded.
That God executed judgment.
That land, nothing grows. And he said what is the desert? Well, no, it's all ashes. Why was why is it all ashes? Because it was bur.
Fire. That's right, it was burned up by fire and brimstone. What are brimstones?
I don't think we ever played with brimstone, do we? Yeah. I'm not sure what it is neither, but I think it's something to do with like sulfur, hot molten sulfur. But interesting enough, if you ever get to go to that land, they say you brush off the ashes and you see golf ball size of pure sulphur. Man has never mind sulfur as pure as that.
There is still evidence of that. And because it's all ashes, nothing can grow. It's not just a desert. So here.
We talk about two judgments, that God destroyed the world by flood, and the second time to cities in that region by fire. Verse 30 And even thus shall we be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Now I know your children this uncomplicated, I'll share with you in that the phrase, how many of you heard of the phrase the Son of God?
Who is the Son of God?
Jesus is the Son of God.
What do you mean we just read? Did they say the Son of God?
What did we just read? Look at verse 30 again. Does it say the Son of God is going to come and execute judgment?
How many we noticed that phrase in there.
What does it say the son?
The Son of man isn't that interesting. Now the sun with a big capital S don't be confused with the sun's small S of man. That's us. We're the sons of man, but this is the Son of God.
Now you can tell your parents if they forget because they will forget. You said whenever you see the Son of man, not Son of God, whenever you see the Son of Man, it means two things. He's the one, a man of sorrows and reject.
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He's the one that came and suffered for us. That's always that picture.
Then there's a second character of the Son of Man. That is, he's the one that's gonna come and execute judgment on this world. Interesting. Hey, so the Son of Man now Lot, that gets to the real story. Now, how it was Lot saved. If the fire and brimstone came coming down from heaven into them, how did he get preserved?
He went away.
Yeah, that's sort of right. He went away. How did he go away?
Anyone else? No.
How he laughed at him. He left the city. He did. That's right.
But it's interesting that, you know, there's something about lot is that.
Lot. Just Lot. He vexed his righteous soul. He loved that city of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And there's a picture for us now. You're still younger and we have some who are younger and a little bit older that how many of you love the cities you're in? There's so much going on. How many you say? My hometown is so small. I like the bigger place. There's attractions of all sorts.
Well, lot loved it.
At first it pitches tent towards Sodom and before we know it he he lived in a house in Sodom. Oh, it's nice lot. I believe he didn't want to leave his treasure is there where your treasure? Your treasure is there is your heart Maybe also, but God sent his angels.
They said and he came and he took hold of him. It's like you need to come home with me. He's going, no, I took all of him. I dragged him and take him home with me. And that's what the Lord did, along with his wife and his two daughters.
Isn't it nice of God? That's the grace of God, isn't it?
And they were told do not look back.
It's like how many times mom and dad say to you don't go there. You sort of go, OK, I won't, but we keep looking back and say, but ah.
We know that, right? They were told. Don't look back.
Say that verse again. What was that verse? Say it loudly, remember?
Help them louder.
That's the gospel message. What are you? What are we to remember Lot's wife on?
She looked back. Then what happened?
He turned into that pillar of salt. Oh, she was so close to be saved. As if I can picture this if you take a giant step.
She would have been saved. She was so close. God took hold of her and took her out of that dreadful place called Sodom. Drag her out.
But her heart was still in Sodom, and she looked back.
Disobeyed the word of God and she was turned into a pillar of salt. So what are we told? What was that verse again?
Let's help them.
Yes, when we disobey, we have to remember God is gracious, He's willing that nobody should be, should perish.
But you know, it's our heart. We said, God, I don't need you.
And we perish by our own works. So remember Lord's wife, remember that God will punish sin twice. It happens. And he tells us that he's going to come again and this world would be totally destroyed. You know, as such, as someone jokingly the other day they said about global warming, I said I believe that. How many of you believe in global warming?
Yeah, it's gonna happen because I said to the the word of God said so is the whole earth is gonna melt in furth and heat.
What do you call that? I think it's global. Maybe it's more than global warming. It's more global toasting. That's everything is gonna melt. God must punish sin and children, young people.
The word of God said for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But he also said, he loved you, that he sent his Son to die for you. So we read from his word, the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Then a question often asked, What must I do to be saved? You know the answer, don't you? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. And yesterday our brother reminded us. Romans 9 and 10 If thou shalt confess, Oh, oh, I forgot, how does it go? If thou shall confess, Someone help me.
Inside mouth. Oh, that's right, word thy mouth. How can I forget that? If thou shalt confess with thy mouth? What?
The Sinner that's good, but the verse is that thou shall confess with thy mouth.
Something about someone?
The Lord Jesus. Yeah. So confession with your mouth. We tell people that he's my Lord. He's Jesus. Jesus. His name shall be called Jesus. That's right. For he shall save his people from their sins. And then what else? There's something else in that verse.
If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
The the AH.
I know Canadian will say AAAA but in this case it's B something.
And wow.
Believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, and thou shalt be saved.
Let's see that verse once more. What was that verse you were helping me with? Remember what?
Remember a Lot's wife. OK, we have time for one more hint.
You gave one hour already. This is someone else. I don't want people to think I play safer.
Yes #40.
Oh this is nice #40.
8 strong yeah. It's not a club space. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
I'm seeing.
Yeah, maybe it's not a problem today. I'll buy some calcium. Umm.
Please don't tell me anything brilliant. I don't have time. If you're going to follow, I have to find out why you gave me the right one.
All right, so now we need to buy.
065981 1005 A lot of straight inside all the way, and thy constant shall I light.
Oh my God, it's almost me. I'm going to.
Let's commit ourselves. Bless our God and our loving Father. We give thanks this morning for Thy word before us. We thank Thee for the children who are able to come and listen and hear Thy word. So we look today and we pray for each one here. We know the story perhaps may be a little bit complicated, but we do know it is Thy word. So we do pray that that would help them to.
Remember to remember the story of Lot's wife, to remember that judgment that thou has executed judgment, and there is judgment to come, and to remember to obey and to heed thy word. So we give thanks this morning, and we do pray once more if there be any loss. So in this room we ask for.
Thy help that thou would bring them and draw them to thyself. Help them to repent while there is still time.
And we'll look through the two for the gospel message as they go forward in various places. Today we pray and ask for blessing. And now we commit ourselves into thine hand. We think of shortly after we shall have the privilege of remembering our Lord Jesus Christ in his death for us. And we do thank Thee for what we think of how the hymn writer would express those words. Till thou shall come.
In glory and call us hands away. Thus we can be reminded, for as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we do show the Lord's death till he comes. So we give thanks once more this morning in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Now before your children go away, let's start off. Thank you for helping me and for anyone else who felt they were a help in saying that verse. Feel free to reward yourself with one of these so you're free to take another one. I will leave it out here and anyone out in the background as well. Thank you.