Resisted Newtonism and Open Brethrenism
In a biographical sketch of GVW, E. E. Whitfield wrote:
In the years 1845-1850 Wigram was prominently concerned in the upheaval, with its melancholy result, which, originating in Plymouth, in spreading affected Bristol in particular. His sincerity was never questioned, his motives always recognized by the late G. Muller, much to the credit of this venerated brother.
The likelihood of the last sentence being true is virtually zero. Yes, GVW was quite prominent in resisting the unfaithfulness of Bethesda and its two leaders, George Muller and Henry Craik. And how was Bethesda, Bristol "affected"? by receiving partisans of B. W. Newton in spite of opposition and warning. In volume 2 it is shown that, rather than "his motives always recognized," George Muller wanted G. V. Wigram disciplined.
As a matter of fact, GVW moved to Bristol for a period during the second half of 1848 and met with those who withdrew from Bethesda because of Bethesda's receiving BWN's partisans and for Bethesda's enunciation of a new principle of fellowship in the infamous "Letter of the Ten," signed by ten leaders at Bethesda and endorsed by most of the congregation. GVW wrote a number of valuable papers regarding these problems and volume two gives some extracts, as well as a documented history of these events.
Regarding the troubles in Plymouth, re B. W. Newton, he wrote:
Plain evidence Concerning Ebrington Street, as to the Nature of the System Now Pursued Thereby.
To those who have read Lord Congleton's tract entitled
"Reasons for leaving Rawstorne Street Meeting, London."
To the saints meeting to break bread in Rawstorne Street, Camden Town, Orchard Street, Etc.
A reason for withdrawing from Ebrington Street, Plymouth. (London).
A Letter to Lord Congleton.
Remarks on a Paper Entitled "A Statement from Christians Assembling in the Name of the Lord in Ebbrington St., Plymouth.
Some remarks on a Recent Letter from Plymouth.
Regarding the troubles in Bristol, England (at Bethesda) caused by reception of partisans of B. W. Newton, he wrote:
The present question; 1848-1849.
An answer of G. V. Wigram, to "Mr. H. Craik's letter, dated 15th November, 1848."
An appeal to saints that remain still in Bethesda and Salem, as to certain bad doctrine.
A word on the fellowship of saints, to any who are puzzled about the English Bethesda question.
J. G. Deck had fled from England to new Zealand to escape the Bethesda aftermath, but through a visit to New Zealand by both J. N. Darby and G. V. Wigram, he was recovered. 228
This matter accounts for GVW writing of the following papers:
A Word on the Fellowship of Saints, to any who are Puzzled About the English Bethesda Question
A letter to Mr. J. G. Deck of Motueka, Nelson, from G. V. W.
Marks whereby the assembly of God and the table of the Lord were and are to be known; being a letter to J. G. Deck of New Zealand, from G.V.W.
The Disciple and the Assembly: a Letter to Mr. J. G. Deck...,
To the Christians in New Zealand.
Independent Churches Versus the Holy Spirit
There are two interesting comments regarding GVW found in Peter J. Lineham's book regarding a visit to New Zealand by GVW, Jan. 14, 1874—Jan. 20, 1875:
From Darby's point of view he was a very suitable emissary for he always showed "blind loyalty" to J.N.D. "°
On the same page he wrote:
It is said that when Wigram was disembarking from a ship during his visit one of those on board commented how "that man is very like the Lord Jesus" both in his demeanor and actions. 231
The virtual juxtaposition of the two remarks is interesting, is it not? The complaints about GVW result from his success in New Zealand in showing many the necessity of rejecting Bethesda, 1848, and open-brethrenism. He also engaged in evangelistic work, lectured on ecclesiastical and dispensational truth, endowed a young assembly with money to build a meeting place, etc.
Not having a copy of his 1874 paper published in New Zealand (Independent Churches Versus the Holy Spirit) I will here give his paper: