Rest Unto Your Soul.

Rest is a charming house to live in. Strange to say everyone is industrious who dwells within, for the occupants are better able to perform their duties in rest. There is but one door; it is called Trust, and we which have believed enter in.
Rest is not folding the hands and quitting service. It is taking the yoke. The oxen bow the neck, and quietly yield to the hand of the good master. It is the chafe, the kick, the backing out of it, which bring weariness before noon, but surrender is rest from dawn till sunset.
Rest is a peaceful spirit which pervades the soul. We may weary ourselves to make surroundings more comfortable, while rest awaits us in the One Who said, Come unto Me. And in coming we find He gives us, not a perpetual holiday, but an abiding rest.
What is Rest? Someone has said, “Union with a God Who is never disturbed.” He holds our lives in His Almighty Hand, and knows all our tomorrows. So when the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keeps our hearts and minds, we know what rest is.
G. J. G.