Revelation 1,2 and 3

Revelation 1‑3
Address—C.H. Brown
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Pursue 7.
And shall we see thy face, and hear thy heavenly voice well known to us in present grace? Well may our hearts rejoice.
White Lord Jesus, we shall watch and spotless in that heavenly light of all thy suffering, thoughts, and so on, #270.
Our blessed God, our Father.
We do thank thee for such a prospect as thou had put before our soul.
We thank you, blessed God, that thou hast given to us and for us to do the subject of our house, when my beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
To be our failure.
And you could be the logic of our hearts while we're here and through eternity.
We thankfully blessed God that thou hast given to us Thy Word, and now it's given to us.
The guests of thine own Holy Spirit to give us capacity.
Who understands to apprehend?
That which will allow concerning our Lord Jesus and all thy purpose is in him.
And now our blessed God will.
Let's agree for the Arthur's report.
And we thank you, bless the job that as thou hast blessed us hitherto.
We can trust things for this hour that thou works the.
Yes, we needed energy.
And guide me to our dear brother as he takes up the word.
And presents for.
Something out of the word for our soul. We just look to the our gracious God.
That Dalek died in blasting all things, and for everyone of us too, we look to thee that we might have.
Here, here is a receptive heart.
To take the word in that we might grow, embrace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.
Before we commend ourselves to.
For the RV 4 is an aside, blessings, and the precious name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.
I expect that the Lord's help to speak from the first three chapters of Revelation.
Natalie, you wouldn't expect the very detailed commentary when they take in such a compass?
But we do desire to hit.
There are certain important points there that.
We believe would be for our mutual education and blessings.
So shall we open to the first chapter of Revelation?
By the way, this is the only book.
Of the 66 books in the Bible that one recalls has a definite blessing pronounced.
Upon reading it well, we should give special attention to it blessed third verse and the first chapter, as we that read us and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things that are written therein, for the time is at hand.
There's a message there for us.
Read, we hear, and we keep these things.
How do we keep the things that are written in the book Revelation?
I believe that it brings before us for a week this present scene in which you and I move.
I believe that it gives us a look down to the corridors of time.
So that we can estimate just how much work this present scene is compared to what Oasis and the glory above.
And if we are saturated with the spirit that Phil John's soul when he wrote this?
Will not find too much joy in this present evil world. It will have a tendency to take our hearts out of this world.
But it's rather remarkable.
That this man John was chosen for the task of writing this book.
John, you know, is one of the three favored apostles of our Lord, along with Peter and James.
We find them together over and over again. We find them together in the amount of Transfiguration wonderful privilege.
And yet God has his ways that are inscrutable.
Why was it that John's old brother James?
Should be taken out of the steam fairly at the start of his career as an apostle.
At the same time, his brother, his old brother.
When we might call gentle John.
Was kept in this scene long after the other apostles were gone.
And he said to have lived at Ephesus.
And that's those great aims, perhaps 100 years.
And to maintain the same lovely character. So tradition tells us right down to the end.
Finally, he had to be carried to meeting on a stretcher.
And there he would lie and repeat to the dear children of God his lovely words. Little children love one another.
Gentle John chosen to open up the Vista of judgment on an apostate world on an apostate prisoner on an apostate church. He's the one that commissioned so to do.
And now, before he enters on this solemn topic, before they go into that arena.
Of judgment over the archway there.
Is lovely, lovely motto.
Oh, how it warms our hearts as we read it.
First verse John to the seven churches of Carnation.
Grace videos and peace.
From him which is, and which was, and which is to come.
And from the seven spirits that are before his throne.
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead?
And the Prince of the kings of the earth.
Now here he breaks out into this doxology.
Unto him that loved us, or unto him that loves us, hasn't ceased. The good you know unto him that loves us.
And has washed us from our sins and his own blood.
And it made us, kings and priests, sentence God and his Father to him big glory and dominion forever and ever.
Isn't that precious?
Unto him that loves us, and has washed us from our sins in his own blood.
John's going to take us through some solemn judgment.
But he said, I want you to be assured before we enter this territory, it's all well. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
Now we find where John was when he got this revelation.
Ninth verse I John, who am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus.
Was in the aisle that Paul Patmos.
For the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus.
Now they'll stop there for a moment.
I Don your brother.
And companion and tribulation.
In the last chapter, John's Gospel.
Peter was nominated for martyrdom.
But John was commissioned for a different kind of thing than Markerman.
Perhaps two it was more difficult than martyrdom.
He was to continue right on down to the end. What does that mean?
All to him it was commissioned that he should.
Give us the final end of all esteem and the bringing in of the new heavens and the new earth.
He's going to take us right on into eternity.
Where we find him here.
Not as enjoying popularity in this world. Far from them.
Ninth verse, I jumped your brother and companion in tribulation.
Brethren, do we realize a little of it?
Your brother and companion and tribulation.
They that will to live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
I suppose that we are living, you and I, in the most favor naked.
And in the book savored Land as far as our Christian liberties are concerned.
We're not persecuted in the sense that they were persecuted back in the days of the early church.
But ours is a different kind of a danger.
Perhaps it's more subtle.
As we trace the history of these seven churches, we find out that once the brightest of the seven.
Is a church that passed through that period of 10 persecutions.
And in the address that's true. Not one thing is said critical of them. Not one charge is laid against them. No, they were being persecuted for Christ sake, and there was very little temptation then to have an empty, hollow confession of Christ, because if you had it, it cost you something in this world.
Well, it was John, your brother and companion in tribulation.
And in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus.
Now Jesus has a Kingdom after a sort. Now it's a Kingdom and mystery.
His Kingdom is.
A rather a contradiction whose subjects are down here and he's up in the glory hidden. He's not seen.
So it's not a permanent position.
It's a Kingdom and patience of Jesus.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that our blessed Lord, and let me say it very reverently.
Is exercising patience every day.
He's patiently waiting for the moment.
When he can walk out on the clouds of glory and give a shout and call home his beloved, his beloved from the grave, his beloved from the face of the earth, he's waiting momentarily when he'll be able to do that.
Isn't that a solemn thing? And isn't it a precious thing to think that while I'm addressing you this afternoon, we may hear that shout every one of us?
That knows and loves our Lord Jesus Christ.
Suddenly caught up with him all. We're getting very near brethren. Everything points in that direction.
The one that isn't alerted is expecting the Lord now must be a very bad, sad state of soul. Everything about us tells us a near approach of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom and patience of Jesus.
We are waiting patiently down here.
He's waiting patiently up there, but it's for the same event.
The time when he can have his bride.
Within the aisle, that's called Patmos. That's a rocky.
Very desolate island up in the Aegean Sea.
About the last place you'd ever choose to spend a vacation.
Shut off their lonely even to this day, they point out a cavern there where John was supposed to be when he wrote this wonderful revelation.
Be that as it may, he tells us very definitely where he spent the time when he was riding this wonderful revelation in the aisle that's called Patmos.
Why was it there for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus?
Well, beloved, how about it?
Are you and I suffering for those two things, the word of God?
And the testimony of Jesus.
How far is the word of God having a definite?
Active power in your life and mine.
All right, see her and I'll plead guilty myself.
I fear that we neglect God's word.
I wonder if we wouldn't be farther along in our spiritual lives if we'd given more attention to the precious blessed word of God.
All you young folks here, I press it upon you.
You need the word of God.
Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.
We need it in a world like this.
But if you and I welcome the word of God into our hearts and into our lives.
It marks us off from the rest of the world.
You can't associate with the world on its own terms. If your heart is filled with the word of God, you can't do it.
You will be most miserable and unhappy. You know that potential.
Oh, how good it is to have the word that sends our past day by day. Now are you clean through the words which I've spoken unto you. There's nothing like the word of God applied by the Spirit of God. You're walking mine to cleanse our ways and associations and make us happy in our souls.
You know, I can tell you who's the happiest person in this room this afternoon. Yes, I can.
It's the person that has been enjoying Christ's rule in his individual heart and life.
That's the one that's the happiest. I mean, truly happy. Oh, there's no substitute for it.
If you want to live a happy life.
Yield to the Blessed Lord Jesus.
Let his words form your life and form your thoughts.
For the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus. Oh yes, he's rejected.
These are injected.
The brother in Des Moines.
Works in an office.
One day, his boss walked into the office.
In more or less of a unpleasant attitude, called him by his name and he says, if you're Jesus came back to this world, I'd be one of the first to crucify.
Now, as I remember, that man was.
Not a Jew, but a Gentile.
And the only spreads of truth. The world does not want Christ.
Young was on the island of Tetanus for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus, all that precious name.
You know, I thought our morning meeting here this morning.
With one of the sweetest, happiest morning meetings that I've been in a long time. Why, oh, there was so much made of the name of Jesus, every hint, every praise, the weather is magnifying that blessed name.
Oh, that name came from heaven, you know. Oh yes, he was named.
This parents work for everybody's name was to be.
What does it mean Means savior?
With all the Savior.
And oh, what a savior he is. And you and I here this afternoon.
Because that being was born in Bethlehem, Because God sent his son into this world.
And his name is Jesus, a Savior. And here we are tonight, this afternoon, enjoying the public weather hours as Christians because of that blessed heavenly visitor that came down and stayed here with us for 33 years and 1/2.
10th verse I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day.
And heard behind me a great voices of trumpet.
19th verse.
The 18th verse.
I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold, I'm alive forevermore. Amen. And have the king of death and Hades.
I have the keys. Oh how solemn he has the keys.
Your eyes ever see the inside of that glorious heaven for the weights of redeemed?
It'll be because our Blessed Lord Jesus, use the key, lock the door.
And the 13th of Luke.
We find them. Perhaps we could turn to it in Luke 13, just for a moment. It's a different scene there.
25th verse Luke 1513, Luke 13.
Verse 25.
When once the master of the house is risen up.
And is shut through the door, and we begin to stand without.
And knock at the door saying Lord, Lord open to us.
And he shall answer and say unto you, I know not when she are.
Then shall you begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in my presence, and Dallas taught in our streets?
And he should say, I tell you, I know you're not which ye are. Depart from me, workers of iniquity. Isn't that solemn? That's the one that has the key speaking. Depart from me today, he said. Come unto me, all ye that labour nor heavy laden, and I'll give you rest. But here he says he's back from me.
Now they were pleading the privileges that they had enjoyed here.
Would it not be a terrible thing to contemplate?
If there might be a soul here that's gone in and out of these lovely meetings, enjoyed these conferences.
Heard the Ministry wet The soul has never been touched. There's been no surrender. There's been no work Brought the soul. And when the moment comes.
And the call is given.
Then shall we begin to cry, Lord, Lord, open to us.
But no admission, Or if there's one such here that's living carelessly and you've been associated with all this blessing, let me warn you solemnly this afternoon.
Don't take the risk.
I'm hearing the Lord Jesus say to you, depart from me. Oh, I can't think of anything worse than that. Can you to have him say depart from me?
Don't take the risk.
Now we go on into the second chapter.
Well, in this chapter.
The Church Ephesus.
And there's something said there that.
Is touching.
Now let's let thy first love.
It's horrible when you see that I'm reading the fourth verse.
Nevertheless, I have against thee. Thou hast left thy first love.
Emphasis, you know, was the Church of wonderful privileges.
The highest truth that we have in the apostles writing. The highest truth is given to that Church eczema Truth, the heavenly side of things.
And yet, in spite of all that privilege, here we find that they left their first love.
I recall a case of the brother that.
Used to come to meetings like this and sit just like you're sitting. A tentative I've seen him sit there and justice, just his eyes glued on the speaker.
Man with a family.
Wonder where he is today.
Been out of the meeting for years, the last time that a brother and I went to see him.
The TV machine was running.
The home had the appearance of.
All right had the appearance of anything but a Christian home. The atmosphere was also different.
Now the children have grown up and they've begun to scatter, and I won't tell you the whole story. I wouldn't identify them for anything. I'm just using the illustration. I'm talking about a case that I know of personally.
He left his first love without something come in.
That took him away from Christ.
And you know, when you start that world, you don't know where it's going to end.
All you say. I'm only going to go so far.
You don't know how far you're going.
When once you and I deliberately enter on the path of self will and disobedience, we have no choice how far we're going to work.
Well, we won't say much about Smart enough.
They had so much persecution that they kept them bright and happy.
You know if the Lord should see fit to postpone his coming.
Some of you young people.
And I think you'll remember what I'm saying to you 50 years from now if the Lord should not come.
If you're not going to have that easy, prosperous time as Christians that you're having now.
I believe the time is not far distant.
To make a full confession, an uncompromising confession of Christ, and walk in the path of truth as it's laid down in the world that's going to bring sense right here in our own nation. It's on the way.
I won't enter into the details, but Brother Wilson and his magazine has been tracing some of these things. The word of God being ruled out of the school are various things that show they were on the road, the very same condition that exists in other nations of the world.
If God be set to proponent, we'll praise him for it. We're not asking for it, but I believe it's on the way.
Well then, when we go to pregnancy.
In the 12Th verse of the second chapter.
We have the Church that.
Came out of the persecution.
Made love to the church and they accepted his advances.
And the sort of a marriage took place between Constantine and the Church.
And the result was that the church began to go down, down, down.
Credulous means much marry.
And married. They joined up with the world at that time.
And see what's said here.
In the 13th verse I know where thou dwelleth.
Even where Satan seat is.
I know where thou dwellest, where Satan's seed is. Oh, what a solemn place as well. Now further down.
That seems worse.
Thou hast them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.
That is looseness there. They've given up the truth of God. They've been throwing down the bar. They were letting moral looseness come in carelessness in Boston.
16th verse Repent or else I will come under the quickly and fight against them with a sword of my mouth.
I ought to go on to the next church by a tower.
The long time and a great deal on this Church.
I think we all realize that.
This side, Tyra.
We have the introduction into this world and that great system that's become the most powerful church system in the history of the Church of God on earth.
Wells that have worked in South America.
Down in Mexico and.
Here and there, nations of the earth can bear testimony.
As to what they find in connection with Thyatira.
Now fire, The word Cyrus. Sarah means burning incense.
And on the 20th verse of the second chapter.
Notwithstanding, I have against thee.
Because thou suffers that woman Jezebel, but follows himself a prophetess.
To teach and to seduce my servants. To commit fornication and reap things sacrificed unto idols.
22nd verse Behold, I will cast her into a bed in him that commit adultery with her into great tribulations. It's it's.
Kept the repent of their Dean.
And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts.
Well, thank God, even in the midst of such awful corruption.
Let her son that will read. Thank God for that.
24th word, but on the UI, say the rest in Siren Tyra.
As many as have not this doctrine, which have not known the depths of Satan as they speak.
I will put upon you none other than.
But that would she have already whole fast. Will I come?
Oh thank God mixed up and all that ritual.
And all that display is pumped and possession with.
Women said that there are a few that more and love our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank God for that.
And he gives them the promise that which you have already hold fast.
Till I come, when the Rapture takes place, when the Lord summons the church.
They'll go along with the rest of it.
Then we go into the third chapter.
To find ourselves inside us.
I'm sorry, this is the reaction against that awful, corrupt system of firepower.
And all was very promising at the start.
There was much the planes gone for.
But oh, what a failure man is what a failure man is.
Very soon, Sardis began crystallizing into dead journalism.
They carried over wisdom out of the system from which they came.
Many things unjust contrary to the word of God.
And before long, they themselves were just, well, see what he says in the first verse.
For example.
Under the Angel of the Church of Stardust Rights.
These things says he that has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.
I know why works, that thou hast a name, that thou liveth and are dead.
That Sardis a name of our lives and our death.
Some of the things that are coming out today.
In connection with.
Churches that are represented and decided I almost unbelievable.
Open blasphemy.
Not coming from some careless member of the system, but from the top.
They're head man coming out in open blasphemy.
Oh, what days these aren't, but you live.
Now we're going down.
The seventh verse under the Angel in the Church of Philadelphia, right?
Philadelphia means brotherly love.
Now Philadelphia has this in common.
Let's learn there's no criticism offered to Philadelphia.
Not one word of criticism.
There are certain things that characterize it. We can notice them here.
Unto the Angel of the church in Philadelphia, right?
These things that he that is holy and he that is true, he that has the key of David even open up, And no man shut us and shut us, and no man open us.
When I learned across the different churches, he takes a character that's in keeping with the condition that's in that church.
So here, as he presents himself to Philadelphia, he's the holy and the truth. In other words, you have holiness and truth.
Now if you don't have.
Those two things You can't have Philadelphia.
As I read the story of these seven churches.
There is Kindle in my heart.
A deep long, a deep purpose. A deep conviction.
I want to be a Philadelphian when my Blessed Lord comes back to get the Church.
Don't you?
Is there anything wrong about longing to be a real Philadelphian?
Well, I'm confessing to you. That's my longing of my heart.
But don't let anybody ever go away from this meeting.
And quote Brother Brown is saying to the Philadelphia, But to do that, I'm making no such precision, but it's a deep longing in my heart. When my seizure comes, I might be found.
That He that is holy and he that is true.
Now do you notice that word holy?
Coil in this.
That which no man shall see the Lord.
What is holiness?
Its separation from evil with delight in good.
All beloved Saints and God, and I'm thinking of special new young folks.
Link up the idea.
Our being in the Philadelphian position.
With a life of unholy.
Don't be guilty of it is blasphemy.
Oh no, if you and I have a desire.
We have the Philadelphian testimony.
There must be fully separation in our lives, holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.
Oh, how full the word of God is answered this question of Poland.
Deuteronomy 7.
Just a couple of verses there.
Deuteronomy 7 and verse 6.
Deuteronomy 7, verse 6.
For thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God.
The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself.
Above all, people are above the space of the Earth.
The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people, where you were the purest of all people, but because the Lord loved you.
You know, one of the saddest things in the world is the sin against love.
The sin against love.
I've often been struck in reading the Epistle to Malachi.
Where the Lord has so many sad things to lay before his people.
One thing after another he brings before them to shore. How unfaithfully been.
And yet, how does it begin? How does it begin that epistle?
The first thing he says to them I've loved them. I've loved them.
Oh, you're tempted to go on in a life of sin, Unholiness. You're spinning against infinite love.
It's a solemn thing, the holy and the truth.
All of the Hebrews.
12 was already put in this verse, but I think it's good to read it.
Hebrews Cloud verse 14.
Follow peace with all and the fullness.
Without which no man shall see the Lord. Now that's the word of God.
If you're going on in a path of unholiness, are you going to see God?
Are you?
Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.
I'm just putting forth these words that the word of God.
And I hope it will search our consciences.
Now we go on to the next thing.
We have here in this address the Philadelphia.
He's the truth. Oh yes, I am the way, the truth and the life.
A young person in connection with your contacts, with the world and especially your educational life.
I want a beseech you to trust your Bible.
You know Scripture is given by inspiration of God, Holy man of God, Speakers ever moved by the Holy Ghost.
Learn to trust your Bible. Believe it.
Keep you from a great life of sorrow as you pass through this world.
We've known some of our young people.
They were brought up in the meeting and no matter where the school.
And they listen to the.
Temptations of the enemy as their professors attacked the word of God.
The lesson was open mind.
And presently they found themselves doubting the words.
Then they stopped reading it.
Then it seems to have its power in their lives.
And where are they today?
Do you think that you could go in canvas, those young people about whom I'm speaking?
And find one of them.
That's happy. No, you cannot.
All he might say was happy.
But the no conscience never turns into this.
Your head may turn into them, but never your conscience.
And all the time you're saying, oh, I'm so happy.
Down on the inside, you know it's not true.
We can't have heard these things and brought been brought up in the nurtured admonition of the truth.
And then turn aside the Satan's Law.
And go on and live a happy life. It just can't be done.
All right, gorgeous. Stay by the word of God. Refuse to let anything enter your mind.
Doesn't cause you to doubt what God is listening. Let God be true and every man alive. Don't be afraid of it.
Just take that the term and stand right at the threshold of your Christian life and don't let anything offer it. You have nothing to fear.
You know the day is coming.
When the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is going to publicly membership. He's going to do it.
Is going to put you on this floor public display.
He's going to come to be admired.
Is going to come to to have the multitudes of Maine as they return.
This display of the Lord returning is in the midst of all the redeemed that are coming back with it to be admired in all, I believe because.
They breathe the dust.
Now it's not to be admired by them that believe, but admired in them that belief. It's the diamond set in the cluster of souls. And you admire the diamond in the Pearl. You and I will be the Pearl. Christ will be the 90, but he's going to surround us with an addiction and put us on the spray before they were.
Oh yes, he's going to vindicate us. Don't tamper with the unbelief of the world.
Oh, what a sad thing it would be to come down to the end of your life here.
And have to acknowledge to yourself, I have betrayed my Lord.
Now the Lord says.
Here to this Church of Philadelphia, I know thy works.
Behold, I said before the an open door. No man can shut it.
Now he said that.
What do I learn from that?
Brethren, I learned this from.
If you and I want to walk.
Philadelphian Pass. It'll always be there.
We'll never wake up some morning and say well.
I'm so sorry. I wanted to be found a Philadelphian when the Lord comes but the path of Cease.
There is no such opportunity. I can't be a self happy. It since appears that can't be not if our Lord speaks the truth here.
I have set thee before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.
All that's comforting.
Long as you and I are here, we'll be able to find that pathway.
Thinking you shall find Now can it be opened unto you? It's there.
For thou hast the little strength, and has kept my world.
Not denied my name.
Now, those are the three characteristics of the Philadelphia testimony. What are they?
A little strength.
Philadelphia Testimony will never be a great, powerful, proud marching band.
The Philadelphian testimony will always be a despised rim test.
A remnant festival.
God has always had remnants here in this world, if I remember rightly in the first chapter of of Isaiah. Let's turn to that for a moment.
The first chapter of Isaiah.
Yes, here it is.
Are there 19?
Except the Lord of Hosts had left us a very small remnant.
We should have been a Sodom. We should have been like the more well beloved. That's what's taking place around us and Christians today.
Where the pension is awful.
And it's going on at an accelerated pace.
And the brave ecumenical movement is tearing down some men that formally seem to have a major strength. It's pushing them to compromise.
Oh, thank God for the one that said, I've set before thee an open door. No man can close it.
Thou hast a little strength, nothing to boast God.
How did they use that little strength?
To keep my words and not deny my name.
Or how precious that is to keep His word. The Word of God is true as it's pure forever. Thy word is settled in heaven.
Thank God for that.
When I don't have to fear the time when you stand before God.
That where we'll obey the word of God, that we're going to be reduced, we're never going to be reduced to the gentleman seat of Christ for going by the book.
Thou hast a little strength, and has kept my word, not denied my name.
Oh, how wonderful it is.
Not to go wearing a name that honors some man or that marks out some party.
Would just be satisfied with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you satisfied with it? Are you satisfied to confess it? Or do you like some kind of a cover up?
And you like to shrink from letting people know where you are.
I willingness to tell them the plain truth.
I am gathered by the grace of God.
For the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Or could we ask anything better than that?
I believe that's the happiest confession you could possibly make, because it has its own word to back it up for where true or through. That's not many of them. We're two or three gather together unto my name. Where am I? In the midst of them precious blessed privilege.
Not denying my name.
Now, he says, I'll make them of the synagogue of the state.
That say they're Jews and they're not. I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and know I love thee.
That is all the ritualistic powers around us.
That are presentable and irritated by our simplicity.
Times come when they're going to own publicly that path is the path of God.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all worlds by the earth. Brothers.
The hold I come quickly.
Hold that fast. Without half that, no man takes that crown.
Oh, let me sound it again and again.
And remember, as I'm speaking to you this afternoon, beloved Brandon, I'm talking to the speaker too.
I'm just sitting right down there with you. I mean all this.
Hold that fast that thou hast that, Lord thy crown, it's worthwhile to keep his word and not deny his name.
Now the problem. And as I read this this 12Th verse, I want you to notice this little word MY.
The close personal attachment of Christ to his own, how he's associating us with himself in this verse.
And that I was cometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.
And he said, well, no more out.
And I will write upon in the name of my God.
And the name of the city and my God.
Which is really little.
Which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and I will write upon him My newness isn't that blessedly personal?
Has to learn, so to speak, throwing his arms around close to him.
Even half an year. Let him hear what the Spirit set under destruction. All I trust.
But here this afternoon.
Those are hearing.
I trust there is. It's worth it, brethren. The time is short. We're nearing the end.
Or let's not give up. Let's not let the hands hang down. Let's strengthen the people needs. Let's make straight paths for our.
But that took his lane be turned out of the way.
Shall we pray?