Revelation 19 & 20

Address—P. Wilson
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Look at Revelation.
A 19 chapter.
Revelation 19 and we begin with the 11Th verbs.
And I saw heaven open.
And the whole whiteboard.
He that sat upon him was gone, faithful and true.
And righteousness. He's a judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire.
On his head were many crown.
He had a name written that no man knew he himself.
And he will close the investor dipped in blood.
His name is called the Word of God.
The armies which were in heaven followed him upon. White horses clothed in fine women was included.
Out of his mouth go to the Sharks sword and believe he should smite the nations.
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron.
And Trevor Wine the rest of the fierceness wrath of Almighty God.
And he had on his best turn on his side a name written King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
Read more later.
My object tonight is to read.
Different visions given to John.
And then an 81.
Seven Beginning with the coming of the Lord out of heaven to execute judgment. That's where we begin at this 11Th verse tonight.
And each subject is introduced with these words.
And I saw.
John saw something here.
He saw what the Old Testament prophets prophesied.
We saw that what the Prophet said.
For instance, June prophesied that the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of Saints to execute judges.
And the Lord my God shall come, and all his Saints with.
The coming of the Lord with His sakes to execute judgment is a subject of prophetic prophecy to the Old Testament.
The Lord's coming for his Saints is the subject of the prophetic word in the New Testament.
We do not get his coming forward as things.
In the Old Testament.
But the Bill Gate is coming with a sense. Might have this remark too, that the Old Testament closes.
With the prophetic statement that the Lord is coming back to this earth.
As the sunshine, as the sun to rule the day.
To shine forth and His Majesty, and put down all those enemies.
Now in the.
New Testament The New Testament closes with the Lord's coming drop before us.
Not as the sun to rise to rule the day, but as the morning star to arise for his peoples blessing.
Not only will tell us that the church has to go through the Tribulation and they're not. Name is leading today.
They they have forgotten, if they ever knew, the difference between the morning star and the sun.
The morning star arises while it's yet dark. They rise before the rain day.
And it is seen by those who look.
Well, the Lord's coming is near, and how good it is to know that what the New Testament tells us will take place before that which the Old Testament closed. For the morning star exceeds the coming of the sun. It appears in the sun.
Now I make a few remarks.
About the Book of Revelation.
One thing about the Book of Revelation is this.
We must know what we must remember. The Book of Revelation is not a continuous prophecy.
But these scenes of prophetic becomes.
And we do not deserve that we'll be all at sea.
As I was saying to a brother today.
The Book of Revelation is indeed a very important part of the inspired work.
Without the Book of Revelation, we wouldn't know how to put the truth of Scripture together.
The Old Ashman closes, or the Old Testament prophecy tells us, of the coming Millennium armored. The Old Testament, in my judgment, does not go beyond the Millennium.
Everlasting life is connected with the earth Millennium.
The eternal estate is out there that comes in Book of Revelation, unless we will include something like the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles and Leviticus 23 which is a day figure of a new beginning or take you on the deterministic.
So the the prophetic word must be joined together. The Old Testament tells us of the coming millennial glory. The New Testament tells of the Church.
Transportation Heaven.
We would not know how to put those two things together.
Where is it? How they would fit together and where they would come in?
With the Book of Revelation and properly understood, let's see the portion of the Saints of this area.
And then it shows you the coming judgments of the day of the Lord. And the Lord is coming to execute judgment, and it goes on to the eternal state. So the Book of Revelation is somewhat constructive. I mean, the whole book Canon of Scripture is somewhat constructed like a hammer. It's tied together both ends.
In the book of Genesis we have.
Practically every truth.
A scripture in Thai or an embryo in Genesis?
I might say, with the notable exceptions of redemption.
And God's willing with men, they are reserved for the book of Exodus.
But someone just obtained in the book of Genesis in type and shadow.
Well, after the homework is tied together at the one end and it's tied together at the other end with the Book of Revelation taking the prophetic word of the Old Testament, the prophetic word of the New Testament, and joining them together so that we can have a proper understanding of their Co relations.
Now where we began tonight we began with and I saw.
After we find the Lord Jesus coming out of heaven with his Saints to execute judgment.
I don't think Book of Revelation gives you a series of pictures.
For instance, you have the first chapter. You have the Lord Jesus presented as a one that's judging, judging of the profession of Christianity on earth. You find it carried out in the next two chapters, the 2nd and the third chapters. Where do they go away? Where they profession of Christianity?
Is tested by him.
And this final rule condition is described there in some details. The 4th chapter begins with John spirit caught up in the heaven and he said it's the voice which I heard in the words as of the trumpet speaking with me. I'm putting the correct translation that.
Voice of John in the first chapter. He called John to come up into heaven in the world chapter.
And there, from then on, you get the church seen in heaven.
Never see the church on earth after the beginning of the 4th jacket.
Well, the 4th and 5th chapters, we see the throne of God in heaven before the judgments begin to fall on this earth. You find the land below God's title to this earth, and he alone has regarded all the most seals and bore out the judgments on this earth.
Where is he now? God has said to thou of my right hand until I make thy enemies like listen first drink installed his widely sits there he's expecting until his enemies be made his swimsuit.
Going there then the 8th chapter.
Great chatter. And when he had opened the 7th seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
First verse of chapter 8. Now what I mean what that indicates is this I believe.
The beginning of the last half of those seven years, something momentous is about to take place.
Those all that time of great regulation.
Such as was not before. Never would be, never will be again. Trying to follow on this earth. Saw a moment. There's silence in heaven about the space of happiness now then we go down to.
The end of the 11Th chapter.
The 18th verse.
And the prophetic picture had run along.
With some notable exquisite, the exception of the 7th chapter.
Whereas an inner lobe while we see those seals that are going to inhabit the millennial earth.
But the 18th verse of the 11Th chapter brings us up to the end of the tribulation period.
Nations were angry, and my wrath is coming from the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou should just give reward into thy servants, the prophets.
And to the Saints, a man that fear thy name small and great, and thou should have destroyed them to destroy the earth.
Chapter should end, right? That's the last verse of that chapter belongs to the next chapter.
And as soon as you come up with a parent in that 18th verse of the 11Th chapter, it goes back again and he goes back 12 Chapters goes back to the burning price even before the.
There's a there's a woman that brings forth a man, child, or a male wife who wish to rule all range with a rod of iron. Now there can be no doubt about who this person is. The second song makes it clear.
And then he saw us to God, who's from my latest comment to run in the 12Th chapter.
You're mine.
Why wasn't door list in 92 Matthew 2? You see her arrived to destroy the child?
But in the 12Th chapter of Revelation, we find that Satan was the instinct trying to destroy the child as soon as it was born, as soon as he But he thought, I thought he's wrong, his deadness magic, but he's gone up to heaven and then it skips on down to the end of the seven years and in the last 3 1/2 years.
Where in Israel is prefigured as the woman that pleases to the wilderness, and she said for time, time and appetizers. One year plus two years plus 1/2 year, 3 1/2 years She's head there from the face of the shirt.
Then the next calendar, the 13th chapter, takes out enemies of Israel.
Chapter And there are the enemies of the godly remnant of Israel.
Not particularly enemies of Israel, but of the godly in Israel.
For the beast, the first beast in Romans, stricken in Revelation 13, will be the man of the 9th of Daniel, who will make an unholy alliance with the head of the Jews in Jerusalem for that for seven years, and in the middle of the seven years he breaks his government.
We can't go into all the detail. We won't get through to these seven parts. We go down to the 19th chapter.
The 16th chapter The end of the 16th chapter brings it down to the time of the end of the year.
Of the 16th brings it down to the top of the end.
And I am going to make a statement here that I firmly believe that the more I accepted it and waited present with God trust.
More, I am convinced that the 19th verse of the 16th chapter.
Is not the fathom the truth of the 18th chapter, not the city or the woman of the 17 Jack woman of the 17th chapter of the city of the 18th? Is the false religious system?
It'll be here and exert A tremendous influence in the first half of those seven years.
Then shall we destroy?
And but in the end of the 16th chapter, the 19th birth.
And middle of the verse Ave. Gray Babylon came in remembrance before about to give unto earth and cut of the wine and the fierceness of his wrath. I firmly believe in the great Babylon. And last verse is the Roman Empire.
It's the whole initial power, whereas back on the great of the 17th, 18th chapters is a religious power.
Remembers before.
And that brings you down to the time of the heaven again.
You're down under the time with the coming of the tribulation period.
I know.
Today, some of our teaching.
That was the great The religious power of the 18th chapters is a sinful.
Part of the Euphrates.
That must be rebuilt.
And become the metropolis of the whole world.
But it's all about.
I told a man that recently, man I know to be a Christian. They called me up and asked for permission to use some of our articles out of Christian truth in a publication of theirs. What? I came on the phone. I said. Why did you insist that the 18th chapter battle in the greatest the city of Babylon over there.
Under your regular I said you realize it would take centuries to have that city repeat rebuilt and to make the world McDonald's center Congressman Industry said it is impossible I should delay the Lords coming indefinitely. And I said I'll give you one verse that will settle in all and prove that you're wrong.
Notice the 17 chap in the last verse.
And the woman which thou sawest, now they're willing to admit that the woman had corrupted woman.
In the 17 chapters of all religious system.
But I said, Now what is this? And the world which thou sawest is that great city?
Which ringing over the kings of the earth. So you can't make the woman one thing and the city the other, because the last verse of the 17th January says that the same, they're the same parties. The only difference is the one presents her in her corruption, the other in her organization, her city.
Now the 17th 19 chapters take you back to the beginning of the whole seven years ago.
Where you see that false religious system in the first half of those seconds?
I could make this comment too about that verse in the 16th chapter. That 19th verse.
There are two babylons in the book of Isaiah.
The 13th and 14th chapters and the 47 to 40 and 48 I mean it is.
Now those two batteries, why is the why is political and the other is?
The familial battle is the 13th and 14th chapters, and Lucifer of the 14th chapter is the head of the revived Roman Empire.
For Satan's bad, but the Lucifer should be translated thou son of the morning, but instead of translating it, they transliterated it and said looser.
I know it's thought that Lucifer, the 14th of Isaiah, Satan.
But the Lord Jesus Christ who comes out of heaven.
Is the Morning Star when it comes for his Saints.
But the Son of the morning of the 14th chapter, Lucifer.
That's what Lucifer means. The Son of the Morning, he is the false morning star the head of the revised Roman Empire will offer to usher in a new day for.
And it's all false, is the it's a dissent.
Now let's go to the 19th chapter.
19 chapter We're saying that we see the Saints in heaven.
American glass ties wife made herself Ready. Now she's gone through the German seat of Christ.
Everything is up.
She's clothed in fine linen, cleaning white, and aligned under the righteousnesses of the Saints.
That's an error before he comes back with his Saints to execute.
My automakers comment about the 19th chapter.
It is America, the 14th chapter. You find the four Check.
You go back to Lord 5 and find 24 hours.
No, 24 hours represent all over and things in heaven.
2 words two times.
And represent the 24 courses of the priesthood.
And so there are there are heavenly priests and priests, who God made us kings, and priests unto our about in heaven.
That's the more than fifth job you should get the 24 hours, but when you come down to the 19th chapter, you never hear about.
The 24 hours have disappeared in the 19th chapter and what takes their place?
Why? What takes their place? Is this the bride, the Lambs wife, and the invited guests of the American beast? And there you have your Old and New Testament states separate.
The one, the bride, the elders of Friends of the Bright.
Now then, we come down to where we began to read the night. I literally wouldn't drop it to this other end as preliminary. Then we might get our parents.
And I saw heaven. Although you know the matter, the world thinks that the world is going to go on this way forever.
They're going on timing and building and they're constructing great buildings today and they're doing it on 99 years.
It's my burned permission that the 99 year leases will never be fulfilled. We're down at the very end.
There'll be a destruction long before that.
I saw.
And the whole of white world. This is not the writer on the White Horse from the 6th check.
That's a mind man on earth in the sixth check, But here's the Lord Jesus Christ coming out of heaven. Want to be sure who he is?
And he's at Satisfying was called Faithful and True.
Remember, he was introduced as a faithful and true witness.
The Church has been an unfaithfulness. Here's the one that was faithful and true.
And his eyes were as a flame of water.
I mean, all his head were many crowns, all the piercing discernment. I was a flame of fire. On the head were many grounds. The last time the world saw that blessed one, he had a ground of hormones. When I see him again the other habit many rounds, that is many glories with his.
Doesn't even begin doing.
On his every metal, and he has a name, and no man knows but he himself.
Now there are two names mentioned here. The one speaks of his traumatic and the other of his death.
Humanity, faithful and truth. And as you do you see any other name written that no man himself to go on again?
And he was sold with a master dipped in.
Now this is not the blood that was shedded towel.
This is the blood that speaks of vengeance on his enemies back to the book of Isaiah, and he says I have drawn the winepress alone.
Strickles that brother to love his enemies on all his diamonds. It's not the blood of Christ, it's the blood of his enemies.
All the world set away with it.
And he submitted it.
He left. God was yet going to view this world as having murdered his son.
In order to do science to the cross of the rights, the martyr submarines, and the sacrificial submarines, you get the one in the 22nd Psalm and the other in the 69th Psalm, the 22nd song that begins with that tribe of abandonment on the cross. My God, my God, why has God forsaken?
Someone is a blessing. He comes for the resurrection to bear with his God's name of his presence. He plays it into the congregation and in the great congregation.
In all the nations of the world that are going to come and even then there's going to be a people that shall be born here always blessing and ever widening spirit. Like you adopted pedal into the and it was still on your lake and you see the circles in the water increasing increasing. I don't.
Thanks. That's the 22nd sound. The 69th sound. You get the Margaret Sufferings of Christ and the clothes as leather tables. You make the snare let their bottom down their back always, that what should have been for their welfare be to their hurt.
Judgment that God is going to fall on this world for what they did to His Son. The thing that makes me moral is the patience and grace of God that is for has been marrying with his world for almost 2000 years.
After the casting Sun, but he's coming back.
And his name is called the Word of God.
Here speaks of each name is called the word of God. I'll be finding all the word of God.
In John One, there he has his creatorial power and want, an expression of God's power and creation that blessed one Was it all things were created by?
Or let me go.
In John One. Then he comes down and became fleshed. What a revelation of God and grace. You have to see it in Christ.
There he revealed the heart of God. But the word of God here is going to be the perfect down the street in the manifestation of God's righteous judgment.
It's coming in judgment this time.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, fleeing, clothed in fine linen, fluff, and fleek, and out of this mild, oily, sharp sword that we did, he should smite the nations He shall rule another run of air. He treaded the wine, the rest of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty.
And they had all his restaurant on the side, On his side a name written King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
Here we had this deity and these humanity. Again deity. His name was called the word God, Humanity, King of kings and the Lord of Lords. We need to seldom find the one without finding the other. close life.
Well, the Lord is coming back. Coming back with the Saints to execute it all will be in His trade in that day.
He says you know that the overcomer Book of Revelation. He says him that overcometh will I parameter sit with me my control.
Any promises to that they should be with anybody makes the enemy. This was as effective as a Potter vessel.
There were the enemies will be dashed in pieces.
What's next?
Seven, remember that what we're getting here is the beginning of the day of the war.
This is man's day. Man has usurped lots place on the earth and he's to take them over everything.
Magic and the culmination of man's day will be the man of sin.
Man exalted himself to be his God. That would be the combination of man said. But the day of the Lord is ushered in when he comes out of heaven with the arms and heaven to execute judgment.
And once Joel say about the day of the Lord is a day of darkness and not life.
All it's going to be a terrible time. The day of the Lord comes.
Now he is And I saw an Angel standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the vowels that find Mr. Heaven, Come, and gather yourself together under the great stubborn God. How should we that she made the flesh of jeans, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty man, and the flesh of horses.
And of them that sit on them in the flesh of all men both free and gone, both small and great.
Oh, what a carnage is going to be in the day when the Lord comes out of heaven. Just put down his enemies.
Here's a call to the power to come and eat their place.
Great Men, Chief Men, Captains.
Today we have captains in all lines. We have captains of Industry, we have captains and Finance, and we have captains and all righteous of human endeavor. But it's all going to be leveled.
If they haven't.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We're going to meet this doom here mentioned here. Now the 19th person here is our third.
And I saw.
Each each vision is separated by this and I.
And I saw the beast. And that's the head of the revived Roman Empire, Amanda. Probably alive today. But there is no man on earth that continues. Sure, who he is.
And all the speculation reduces.
No. It's one thing to interpret prophecy and another to become a problem.
Some of these prophetic pictures around the world became prophets and they prophesied that Muslim lady was the beast, some of being when told me so.
But the they got on a lemon and then the limb broke. Then they were down. I I talked to our mailing carrier one day and it was a Christian. I told you about the nearerness of the Lords coming. Well, he said I used to enjoy those things and believe them, but he said I was spoiled. I finished me when I said Mussolini was a beast and then he got killed. So in that kind of thing men are becoming prophets in their own right. Only brings the prophetic scriptures into distribution.
I saw the east and the kings of the earth and their arms gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against the economy.
Well, we learned elsewhere that God is going to send forth 3 unclean spirits to Galvan together to the great Jay of.
His wrath. It's not the battle of Armageddon it should be. It should read The War of Armageddon. That is a battle is 1 engagement but the correct translation there It is the war. When the Lord Jesus comes back to put down his enemies, he will not put them all down at an instant. There will be a series of engagements at Erin Tower will leave his clothes dead.
And Waste and the King Lear together made war. Think of this, Jerry. You think they're daring now and trying to go to the moon?
They're going to actually attempt to fight the Lord of Glory when he comes out of heaven.
But I want to ask you what goodwill all their missiles and projectiles of one kind another do against one who swords in his mouth.
It won't fight with conventional warfare. His sword is in his mouth.
Get a sample of it. You know, just a little sample of it when they.
Modeling to take him in the garden of Gethsemane, he says hope and seek Jesus, said Jesus.
They went back and fell to the ground, but he could just as easily pass into hell at the time.
He has all follow.
But he lets them get out and take it. He submits. He goes with them. They couldn't have done it unless he permitted it. But here is 1 whose sword is in his mouth.
And the beast was taken.
And with him the boss rather to draw miracles before him.
This false prophet is a man that will be here in Jerusalem, the head of the Jewish nation.
And will be supported by the beast of the Roman Empire. And these two are working hand in level, and when the Lord comes they're caught in full and hasn't revenged against him. And these two were cast alive into the length of fire, burning with brimstone.
Label fire was made for the devil in his name.
But these two men will be there first.
Over 1000 years before the devil will ever be ever written.
These two men are given no try calling open hand, repentant, actually trying to fight against Christ.
Taking a lie and cast bottling into the lake of fire. Now I submit that there will be three men who will share have the same faith.
The beast to him, The revived Roman Empire.
And they ended the Jewish nation in Jerusalem. The false prophet that works lying mirrors.
And the head of the Confederated Arab states that will be the replacement will be the future Day King of the North, those enemies north of Palestine.
The 83rd Psalm gives you the list up, the 83rd Psalm give you the list.
Now to prove what I'm Speaking of.
Turn to Isaiah 30.
Isaiah 30.
31St verse.
For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down with smoke, with the rock.
Last verse we're told that is ordained below.
Yay for the king. Also read it that way. For the king also it is prepared. It is prepared. That is this place this lake was fire.
Is prepared to hold for the Assyrian and for the king also. And the king also is the head of the Jewish nation, that apostate head king also he had made it deep and large the higher of his fire much wood breath of the Lord like a stream of tea drinks on the Kent.
Now let's go back to.
The local revelation, the last verse, the 19th chapter, and I saw the and the remnant were slanged with the sword in and sat on the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fouls were filled with their flesh.
Plenty of jobs, and I saw an Angel come down from heaven having to heal the bottomless bit or the abyss.
Great shining in his hand.
And he laid hold of that dragon, the old, the dragon that old serve which is the devil. And Satan found him 1000 years.
Here we find another thing that takes place with the advent of the Lord with the Saints.
Satan who deceived the world is to be bound any of this for 1000 years. Now in the Old Testament we learn about the reign of Christ.
And we never get a key to how long it would be. We have to come to the 20th chapter of Revelation to find that it's 1000 years long. And in this chapter we get that repeated time.
1000 years.
Setting this bound for 1000 years, he's bound all during the millennial reign of practice. But we find that wicked doers.
Those who commit over action with wickedness will be destroyed every morning.
Instead of reading early, Will I destroy the wicked of the Lantern? Should read every morning.
That is proof that man's apart from new birth, man apart from a new life.
Is encouragingly bad, even without the instigation of Satan, that there will be a rebellion by man during the millennial reign of Christ. He won't be able to blame it on Satan. You know a lot of people have to bring all their mistakes on Satan, but it won't hold.
And the Millennium will be the fruit that man is bad without.
Of course, all the Jews that go into the millennial earth will be.
Born again. There's many questions about that.
I mean cast him into the bottomless, bitterly this and shut him up and set a seal of body that he should be seeing the nations no more till the 1000 years should be fulfilled.
After that he must be loosed a little season. He is to be loosed for a little season in order to try the last multitude that were born on earth during the Millennium, who never had a trial, and to show how unregenerate man can do.
If they will rise up against Christ and his beneficent reign.
After all those thousand years.
And I saw groans, and they sat on, and judgment was given unto them, and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God. Now read this next a little different.
And those which have not received, which have not worth the beast, neither is Image. Neither have received his mark or answer in her hands.
They lived and reigned with Christ as I was near. Now this is the last installment of the first resurrection.
When we say first resurrection, we're using a scriptural term.
It is variously called the first resurrection, the resurrection from among the dead, the resurrection of the just, and a better resurrection.
The Lord Jesus came forth from the tomb as the first fruits of them and slept, and we see some that came forth after His resurrection.
The great body of the resurrected Saints will come forth when the Lord comes through His Church.
Christ was the first Bruce, but then there'll be the great gathering in that harvest when the Lord comes for His church.
All the dead with faith in Christ, all living with faith in Christ, all changed together and caught up to be with Him forever after 1000 years, but forever.
But here are two groups that are raised from the dead after Thrones of the tribulation period at the beginning of the Millennium.
Who were they?
While there are some that had faith in God during the tribulation period, during the whole 7 year period who were monitored for their faith and faithfulness.
Now there are two classes that are to be raised at that time. Turn to Revelation 6 and you see the first place.
Revelation 6 And verse 9. When he had opened the 5th seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they error. And they cried with a loud voice saying how long, oh Lord, holy and truth.
Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto everyone of them. And it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they worship, be fulfilled.
This is the first class mentioned in this fourth verse of the 19th of the 20th of the revolution.
Those the souls of them which were beheaded for their witness of Jesus and for the word of God.
The other group, for those who have not submitted to the Beast and worship him or his head, find about 714 chapters and other questions now. They're ranged at the end, just as the Millennium begins, and all those who died in faith.
Are going to get a heavenly portion. They will not inherit the earth on earth, but with Christ driving over.
How we read again.
Different, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection that connects you see, with the last installed of the first resurrection. The first resurrection is a resurrection of character.
Not particularly of one time, but it goes and arranged from a mountain today. Those that are caught up for heaven before the rest of the day, the unbelieving day, live not again till the 1000 years within.
Six verse Blessed and holy is he that hath Barton the first resurrection. On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be preached to God and of Christ, and shall reign with him 1000 years.
May require a little word.
There are different kinds of deaths spoken of in Scripture, and each one implies separation.
Dead and trespasses and sins. A man is dead morally, spiritually, before God, and he's separated from God's spirit. He has not a movement of his heart toward God.
Then there are the those that die and what is natural death? It's the end of the body without the spirit is dead.
It's separation of body from the spirit, the spirit from the body. But the second death will be the separation of the whole man.
Eyes on spirit.
Spirit, sown and body from God for all eternity. That's a second. Always keep in mind that the word death implies separation, whether it's the spiritual death of the convention school.
Or the death of the body.
And the seven verse 100,000 years expired. Satan should be loosed out of his spirit. Mr. vote for.
To deceive the nations which in the four quarters of the year God can make all to gather them together. To the battle, to battle the number of women has.
They went upon her. The rest of the earth encompassed the camp about the camp of the Saints and the beloved city of Barking down.
From God, out of heaven, and of our that's what will happen to the clothes of the millennial reign of the rights. The millions and millions and millions born during the Millennium are going to be tested. And in spite of all the glorious reign of drugs, Satan will move many of them right up in Rebecca.
We go down.
And that gesture.
11 verse and I saw a great white drum.
And him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fed away.
There was now no place for that.
This is the dissolution of the whole system, and here is the great white throne seen in space.
And man's right there.
With the dinner to be raised and to be tried there, now the 12 verses are 7, and I shall.
And I saw the dead small and great small, stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books of according to their works.
Let me make this comment.
There is a false teaching brought in Christmas that the Lord, that the man, the man of the world, the man that died in these sins, will not be judged for his sins.
But only for rejecting Christ.
That is false. They're going to be judged according to their works, those things, written books.
Some popular men in Christman, right at the top of the evangelical circles, are off on that point.
And they say that it isn't the same question. It's the same question after this. Now I had when you reject Christ, that's a crowning sin, but man is going to be saying sins according to the most.
God has a record, and as Ecclesiastes closes, God shall bring every work into judgment, every secret thing.
So it's all they're going to be judged according to their words. And there are two kinds of evidence that we present negatives and positive, negative.
That their names were not written in the book of Life and positive the Black Catalog of their sins.
So the zombies could say, enter not into the judgment with thy servant. For in thy sight shall no man living be justified, if man has to stand before God to be justice, you.
And they're not. The technical Professor John 524 is a lesson assurance to the legality of nothing.
Well, we go down to the.
Well, that's the 13th version. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades delivered up the dead which were in them death to being but the confines of the book of the body, and Hades the confines of the souls of the departed wicked.
People, and they were judged. Everyone, every man according to his works. Death and Haiti were cast into the lake of fire. That which held the departed bodies and the departed spirits of unbelieving or needed no more going to be no more.
Cold condenser ended out entered into the.
Cast out into the lake of fire.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of life. Now that completes your seven. And I saw.
The seven vision did not John God from the one of the coming of Christ to execute judgment right up until the eternal state. Now the next one, the last one, is the 8th 1:00. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, For the 1St heaven and the first earth were led away and there was no more sea. Now we're introduced to the eternal state.
My, my God here and we find.
A new evidence in the New Earth?
Again dwelleth righteousness, pulling 2 from second Peter you know.
The day of God is coming.
And 1St the elements shall melt fervently. There's going to be new heavens and newer, and that will be known as the day of God.
Davis, Maggie. Day.
When the Lord comes to execute gentlemen personal it will be the day of the Lord, and that will run on and on through the Millennium and even the day of the Lord until He completes all judges, for He is the judge at the Great White Throne. Incidentally, there's a statement here that should be corrected.
Well, version I saw the dead, small and great stand aboard the throne.
Land that one. The Son of Man is the judge in each case each.
Scene of Judgment.
Now and we're introduced to the new heavens and the new earth, the day of God.
And you get very little in scripture about the day of God. Turn with the second Peter.
And the last chapter and the 12 verse, looking for and hasting under the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with bourbon meat. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for a new new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Might say that today righteousness is preached and you might suffer for righteousness.
In the day of the Millennium righteousness will reign. King shall rule in righteousness, and Princess and children in judgment.
Wherein dwelleth righteousness.
It'll be in a settled state in the day of God, that righteousness will dwell there. What a day that will see, and that will be the four hours of what we read in John 129. Behold the land of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Then all sinners, all its fruit, all its and consonants.
Error retrace of sin will be removed from God's creation.
And it'll be the day Exodus wherein God shall dwell with men, and He shall heal, dwell with men, honor in the church. The church will be His dwelling place, but he will delight to dwell with men. You never get nations in connection with eternal state as men.
And then in First Corinthians 15.
You get the other mention of eternal state.
The 28th Verse, And when all things shall be subdued unto him.
Is going to raise all things. Just do.
This damage all the sun also himself. He's subject unto him that put all things under him.
That God may be all not He retains his place in manhood, and He delivers out the Kingdom that he has exercised for God.
That God may be all and all God. When you say God, it isn't the Father now it's God as God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And God may be all gone. And you see how that ties in with the day of God from Second Peter. And I think these are the.
All the records will return to the state. The third verse of our chapter I heard a grave voice out of heaven saying, behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men and evil dwelling.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all new.
And he said unto me, Right, For these words are true and fake. Isn't it a remarkable thing that when God reveals his purpose to bring in this perfect settlement, that will be a Clark into his own mind and his own thoughts, that he has to say these things are true and things?
Because math is so slow to believe, you also get to the next things are faithful. Why God should have to remind us of that when you're telling us of what such a glorious time it's not.
No, but a solemn thing will be for those that die in their sins are raised to stand aboard the throne. The Great White Throne be judged for their wicked words. Stand away by His own Spirit.
To the lake of fire, The Outer Gods, that management from God for all eternal. What a time. That's the thing.
Well, that's the age, just as you have in the.
23rd of Leviticus you have the seven days of the Feast of Terrorists, 17 with complete cycle and like seven days to the week, and then after the Millennium and seven days of the Feast of the Drift of the Tabernacles.
Glowing, crowning feast in Israel's into history.
It's supplemented by and on the 8th, as though God would remind us back there that I'm going to go beyond the Millennium. I'm going to bring in a a stateable class, and you need it.