Revelation 3:12-13

Revelation 3:12‑13
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For the robo world.
Who are you?
What the voice you bring breath. You breathe in.
All day disturbance.
Was gone.
Almost all the gathering is bad this morning.
Lord Jesus, glorious day that will be.
When the dead in Christ shall rise.
We shall meet the Lord in the air, never more into part.
Have the robe of whiteness.
Lord Jesus to share my glory that day.
We thank you that we have such a destiny.
We do pray that even now our lives may reflect the fact that we are heavenly people, not of this world, even as he was not in this world.
We thank you too, for making a provision for the way to the indwelling Spirit, the Comforter, and thank you for these promises that are assured to us, and Thy precious Word we're privileged to have in our own language. We do pray that Thy Spirit may have liberty this morning to the minister, Christ to our hearts, that there may be ways upon Thee.
That we may have teachable spirits too, and take in that which see if we stand in need of it. And both young and old. Thank you for the authorities that allow us to meet in this manner without hindrance. We pray for our president elsewhere who cannot not assemble. And we answered that was your needs. Think of our dear brethren down in Saint Louis as well.
Be further weight upon me and give me thanks.
But we've already enjoyed.
And do this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Three and verse 11.
Behold, I come quickly.
Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God?
He shall go no more, and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit set under the Church.
And under the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans, right these things set the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou art cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth, because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.
And knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked. I counsel thee to buy of me good gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be written, and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed not the shame of thy nakedness. Do not appear and anoint thine eyes with I salve that thou mayest seek as many as I love. Our review can chase him.
Be zealous, therefore, and repent.
I stand at the door and knock any man hear my voice and open the door. I will come into him, and will suffer them, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit.
With me in my throne, even as I also overcame and I'm set down with my father in his throne.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit under the churches.
Hold that fast which thou hast. You're holding something fast.
You're you're expending energy to hold it. You just don't have it in your hand. You're grasping it firmly. If you try that physically, you'll find that.
After a little while your your grip starts to loosen and if you're not holding it as fast as you were before, so it says, behold, I come quickly, hold that that fast which thou hast. So every time we're reminded of the Lords coming or we would want him to find us holding fast, but he's committed to us. It's good to have to be reminded as Lord is coming soon, perhaps today, and our grip gets firm again. We want to go on for him. We want him to find us going on firmly together.
When he comes.
The first chapter of the book of Judges. We have a very sorry condition we see.
That there are a number of kings that are mentioned verse 7.
To the only beef that said three score and 10 kings having their thumb and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table.
Without the thumb there is no opposition or there's no holding. Without the great help, it affects the balance or the standing, doesn't it? So.
This was necessary in order to hold fast and they couldn't. And again, my brother has reminded us of that acquisition to hold back.
It's of interest, isn't it, that the last four of the churches?
At least the last three, these three that we're considering, Thyatira, Sardis and Philadelphia all have hold fast.
And so we think of those in Thyatira, how far they've gone. In verse 25 it says, But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
You know you can. You have a good basis in speaking with one of present day Fayette Tyra Catholics. They do believe in the virgin birth, they believe in the Trinity, they believe in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. And you have a basis on which to build.
They do have something that they can hold fast and there are those that do in that system, but then in Stardust we also have.
In verse three of chapter 3. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast.
And repent.
I don't have too much to say about that, but it does say hold fast.
They're to repent to because they've lost something already. Now we have in.
Philadelphia. We're just reading it there. To hold fast that which thou hast sometimes is an effort to try and gain more. But we need to hold fast that we already have, don't we? And then the Lord may show us more.
I think all these are rewards for the assemblies and I, I believe the rewards are always there. They're not taken away. But the, the crown of life, all believers are going to have that crown of life and the morning star. No reason why we shouldn't have that bright morning star in our hearts. But the thought is you lose the blessing of it now.
Some believe, don't even believe in eternal security, but if they have touched the hem and in faith, they're going to get there anyway because they don't believe it, It doesn't make it untrue. And the the the morning star is for every believer, but some are not enjoying it and he doesn't take it away. They just lose it in a sense for themselves. And I think it's nice to realize that now here we have.
The crown of what? Is this the take away thy crown? Well, you know, I have tied this in with Second Timothy chapter 4 and I believe this is the crown he's Speaking of, but it may not be. I just mentioned it and verse 8.
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day. He's already dwelling upon it, and not to me only.
But under all them also that love is appearing. You know, he's not emphasizing here his coming, but that's before his appearing. But his appearing we ought to love, brethren, because it's more for him. It's when he takes his rightful place in this world. It's when he asserts his authority. And that ought to be the real joy for all of us.
It's wonderful to think of his coming for us, but his?
Return with us to assert his authority is so wonderful. Well, I believe that's the crown. It may be something else, but I think that's a crowned for Philadelphia and both are referred to in this verse, aren't they? The Lord's coming for us and the crown at his appearing. So both are present, you might say, living realities in Philadelphia.
And I think it's very good what our brother Tom Roach brought before us, because it's evident in Scripture that God takes us up on the ground of what he has given us. And so those in Thyatira, they're responsible to hold fast what they have, and God will hold them accountable for that. If someone finds himself inside us, he is responsible for what's been given to him, and God holds him accountable.
But in Philadelphia, I love what an old brother used to say. He's long since with the Lord, but he said in Philadelphia what you get.
Is God desiring something for himself before the Lord Jesus comes back? It's the Lord Jesus wanting the expression in some of his own.
Of what answers to God's character in every way? Well, which one of us would stand up and say I've I've arrived, I'm there. No, we don't say that, but it's what God desires because he wants the display in this world of what answers to God's character in every way. And that's why I believe we don't properly look at Philadelphia as ecclesiastical position.
By a Tyra Sardis yes, they are well defined positions that can be identified in Philadelphia and Laodicea are more moral states that God is looking for. And so when it says hold that fast which thou hast, it brings before us as our brother Tom was saying, the responsibility as to what has been revealed, what has been brought out, what has been given to us and the Lord says.
I want that practically displayed. And to me there are two things in this verse. There's an encouragement and a warning. The Lord says, Behold, I come.
Quickly. Oh, what an encouragement. I don't have to hold on forever, as Brother Michelle was saying there. My grip may start to loosen, but if the Lord is before me, he says hold on, I'm coming. Quickly, like General Sherman said in the American Civil War, hold the Fort. I'm coming.
That was an encouragement and the men held on until he got there. But then there's also another encouragement and a warning. There's a crowd. If I don't wear it, if I don't take it, if I'm not faithful, God will find someone else and they'll take that crown. If you and I, by grace don't hold fast what we have, God will find someone else to hold it. He will have his Philadelphia until the end.
And there will be a crown for those that are identified with that.
Connection with crowns.
We wouldn't want to have the thought, would we? Then we would be honored among the brethren for our faithfulness.
When we get the glory there'll be, there will be no other objects in the Lord Jesus and His glory in His person and will fully understand and value His person forever. And if by God's grace you and I have been given a crown, we'll have something to honor the Lord with.
We'll be able to take that crown and put it at his feet and say, Lord Jesus, this is because of thy faithfulness and my love and my goodness. And we have the privilege of honoring the Lord with that as others will not. Don't you think so, brother? Amen. Amen. And every crown will only be to cast at His feet, and we'll have to own that. It was God that worked in us, both the willing and the doing of His good pleasure. In the German we have a hymn that comes to my mind whenever we talk on something like that.
And the thought is this, when we shall stand in that day, there with Him glorified, everyone will see and ask only His glory. What will be demonstrated is what His grace has made us to be. It's not for our glory, that is for His glory. Hold fast that which thou has for Philadelphia.
I really believe it brings in the whole.
Two, and the remnant testimony, God has always had a remnant testimony from the time of the First Division when he said this thing is from me, but he maintained a testimony in Judah for his Son's sake. And since that time there's always been a remnant testimony and they'll be such till he come and I believe.
We don't claim it to outside world and Christendom, but if we don't know we're part of that remnant testimony, we're losing something. Brethren, I don't mean to boast, but it's the most wondrous and wonderful privilege anyone can have in this world ever is Next morning, tomorrow morning when we break bread as the Lord has requested us to do.
I think that's the highest, and it does say are gathered in Matthew 1820, and I believe it. I would have never chosen this group. No, I would have chosen a mighty different group. But I'm so happy the Lord chose it for me. And that is the remnant testimony. There'll be one, and by His grace, but only by His grace, I'll be part of it when He comes.
The Christian testimony is larger than the gathered Saints. It is a great privilege to be gathered through the name of the Lord Jesus out of the confusion of Christendom. But the Christian testimony is larger than the Gareth Saints. Remember what we have heard. The entire Tyra, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laudicia go on together.
To the end and there is even entire Tyra that which is for God. I have had the privilege of meeting Catholic who truly loved the Lord Jesus. You know I sought my farm when we lived on the farm to a man and.
He owed me still some money that were agreed to be paid later. So I called him up and we had a.
Our long conversation on the phone and he popped the question he said what more than anything else accomplished atonement from the Catholic at I was so stunned and he answered. He said the blood of the Lord Jesus. I'm sure I'm going to find him in heaven, you know, and to meet Christians, although they do not enjoy and know what the Lord in grace has given us.
It's a joy to meet one who truly loves the Lord and trusts in His finished work, His blood. You know, of course, then they have other doctrines that really.
Are not consistent with this confession that the man made. We have to atone for some of our sins. That's what they're taught in the Catholic system. But it is a joy to meet a Christian.
Who is part of the Christian testimony? Who is not gathered to the name of the Lord? And maybe.
The Lord may use us to give them more light, more understanding, but be careful not to overwhelm them. You know, my wife sometimes tells me your danger is that you give the people too much when you meet them. You know, we have to recognize where they are and their understanding and then try to help them and lead them on further. So the Lord might be able to use us. But it's a joy to find somebody.
Who is not enjoying the truth that we enjoy? Who loves the Lord? Who is truly part of the Christian testimony? And I'm not Speaking of mere profession. I'm only Speaking of those who really love the Lord. And there are our brethren in Christ. I agree with you 100% and could multiply it 100 times. But you're talking about the grace of God. Now we're talking about Him that is holy and Him that is true.
There's a difference, brother, and I'm glad for the difference. My own secretary of 27 years was saved, but she never quit being a Catholic.
It speaks to me. I've met many Catholics. You mentioned Catholics and brought it up who are saved, but they don't get out of that system.
By grace, you're out of it. I'm out of it. No credit to us.
But we shouldn't ever deny the privilege, right? But it is told them to hold fast what they have. They have something that they have to hold fast. And we're thankful that they have something that they're not without something. So we're thankful for whatever truth is enjoyed by any St. we ought to rejoice in it. That should speak to ourselves too, isn't it? Because.
It's not a question of how much we know.
That brings us to the Lord's table. We could be very ignorant, but we know that the Lord is there. We appreciate that. And so I like those words. Hold that fast which thou hast. We don't have to.
Passed some kind of a test of how much we know and how much we can explain.
If we know that.
We're saved and the Lord is there. That's what we want.
And simplicity, isn't it? It's just wonderful that we can, we could be acting, acting Philadelphians, if I could put it that way, that know very little as long as we know him and we believe that the Lord is in the midst. Hold it fast, hold it fast. You know, there's complaints sometimes of all kinds of things.
Don't need to try to make details of it, but.
Hold fast what thou hast.
Not complain because, oh, there's nothing here for us. There's enough there that you can take all you want. Is that right? Yes.
I believe the 12Th verse tells us what were to hold fast, and because the 12Th verse speaks of collective testimony to God in a day of ruin, we're moving right down into ruin. Laodicea. And they go side by side, and it says him that overcometh will I make a pillar where in the temple of my God, where God can dwell.
In the midst, and it's wonderful to think of this. That's the collective testimony and I will write upon him the name of my God. Don't forget the Lord said, I go to my God and your God and that's the beautiful part. God has always wanted to dwell with his creatures, you and I.
From from Adam and Eve on, he always had the desire, Jehovah likewise.
Jesus too. And so this is really what we're talking about. Hold fast that which you have. I call it the remnant testimony in this Dark World, it's still there.
A pillar is a symbol of strength, isn't it? And I've enjoyed it. Excuse me, in all of these churches. The overcomer. What is given to the overcoming?
Something to do with their state of things. I can Smyrna where they were being put to death by persecution. The overcomer would not be heard of the second death. Well, in this case the overcomer is to be made a pillar. Because back in the eighth verse thou hast a little strength. So the strength is going to show up when the overcomer. Isn't it marvellous what God does?
Contrast to the day that we live, brethren, is a day of weakness, and do we not all feel it?
But how wonderful the exhortation. Thou hast little strength.
And has kept my word and has not denied my name. Can we overemphasize the value of that?
And holding that fast.
These exhortations are given to us, no doubt, to the period of Philadelphia, but it goes right on through Laodicea that we have the privilege of holding these precious truths fast.
It's good for us to look at it from God's viewpoint and his assessment as to the value of it. Someone said, What would you like to be doing when the Lord Jesus Christ comes?
Well, an answer was given about being in the mission field and giving out the Word of God and being faithful to Him in many areas, and that certainly is true. But these encouragements and injunctions for us here are certainly that which God values. It may not be doing any great thing for Him. Beloved brethren, we all feel our failure, do we not? In being energetic and zealous in the gospel and and to the many things which He is perhaps called us to do, we we feel our failure.
But to go on with the twos and the threes, we are being reduced by Satans advances.
And by the attractions all around us. 2 twos and threes.
But the preciousness of being gathered to his name, would that not be something that we hold fast in this day of weakness because our brother Tom has mentioned in that coming day, he will be a pillar in the temple of God. That position of strength to show what he thought of you're holding fast in that day to come. What a blessing that will be a no credit to us has already been said.
Only by His grace, but we need to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less that anytime. We should let these things slip, brethren, and I feel the tendencies in my own heart to let these things slip. But oh, how much it means to the Lord Jesus Christ to be in that place of taking the place of His rejection here in this world, gathered to His precious things. How wonderful to see it from God's viewpoint.
Encouraging to see also in connection with an individual, what we have in the first chapter of Jeremiah.
The Lord comes before the prophet verse 17 and says.
Thou therefore gird up thy loins. Arise and speak unto them all that I command thee. Be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. For behold, I have made thee this day the defense city, and an iron pillar and brazen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah.
Against the Princess there are, against the priests thereof, and against the people of that land, and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee, for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee. So the prophet is seen here as a defense city, as an iron pillar. Brother Tom was talking about the pillars as a symbol of strength, and here too we have a brazen wall.
And we see the.
Property spoken of in this way, and of course the Lord's deliverance and the Lord undertaking for him.
On the 12Th verse could we turn to Haggai because I believe this will clear it up in a very nice way. I may be using application but I believe it's right. Haggai verse eight first if chapter 2 of Hagei.
The silver is mine and the gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts. I believe that's his highest title. He uses to Israel, to us. He uses Almighty What to Israel, the Lord of hosts? And what does that mean? That means what Brother Franklin would bring it out them that are real. He knows.
No matter where they are or what system they're in, doesn't matter. He knows them and he loves them. The silver is mine and the gold is mine, sayeth the Lord of hosts. Now nine, The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former.
You know it should read. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former. What does that mean? To me it means this.
The testimony of 1St century Christianity was wonderful, but when one got saved, there was only one place to go.
It soon became a little cloudy towards the end, but they didn't have any other place to go when they became a Christian. That's it, except of the Assembly. What about today? United States alone? 2600 religions.
There's still the glory of the latter, glory of his house. There's still a testimony to the Church of God, the one body today. To me, that's the greater glory than 1St century Christianity, to think God is able to do that in this wicked world religiously as it is. And I believe that's the meaning of that first.
In respect to Christianity, I have a question better that speaks of the House now or the future, because what is added to that statement is that we will not go out anymore.
I didn't read that. I mean Diverse Revelation 3, you gave the primary meeting. I agree well, but I'm suggesting that we should read that in connection with.
And he shall go out no more.
That suggests to me, and if I'm not right, please correct me, that that speaks of the future glory when there is rest.
What we have to do now in the day of ruin and general decay, we have to go out, you know, we have to separate. But in that coming day there is no longer any need for that. What exists now at very best is very feeble, imperfect. And I have sometimes said we are not only identified with the ruining the Christian profession, we are identified.
With the ruin of that which God raised up 100 and 5070 years ago, the movement among brethren, and we have contributed to it, and that's the proper way of looking at ourselves. But in His grace He has maintained something for His glory. But there is a glory coming which will not in any way change any longer, and we will not go out anymore.
We will be in a fixed.
Same position forever. Is that the way to understand that shock?
I just want to repeat, that's the primary meaning of that verse. I said at the beginning I'm applying it, but look at John 2, John two and verse 18, and I'll read also 20 and 21. Then answered the Jews and said unto Jesus, What sign? Show us thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things.
And Jesus answered and said, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews 40 and six years was this temple in building, and walked out rear it up in three days. And he spake of the temple of his body.
And it's a marvel to me that there's a testimony worldwide.
Of that temple, his body today.
That the greater glory of the latter house, the latter glory of my house. But I'm applying, I admit.
Hold that fast which thou hast. The question comes to my mind.
In connection with the testimony, how did we ever get those things that were called to hold fast? Is it because we were so committed to the Lord that we searched the Scriptures and we found it for ourselves and we discovered that this is how the Lord wanted us to meet? That's not the way it happened. It happened in the midst of confusion. The Christianity became that great house and God and his faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.
Raised up a weak testimony in grace alone to bear witness to him, to have a little garden for him where he can come and smell the fragrance of worship, of hearts that respond to him because they've been brought by God himself through His Spirit into the fullness of who the Lord Jesus is and what He's done and what the church is. And as much as we can be responsible for having these things committed to us, we must never lose sight of the grace of God that has given you and me.
The great privilege of being associated with that testimony and of sitting together in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, sometimes when I speak to other believers, I gotta get into the spirit that you should all come and be with us. And I don't believe this is what God would have today because Christianity is in ruin because our lack of faithfulness, not because of his lack of power, but in the race he's raised up the testimony. And here and there he reaches hearts and consciences and he opens our eyes and he says.
See it now, and once you see it, you're responsible to hold fast what He's shown you. But let's never forget the grace that has been given to each one of us to be sitting in these meetings and to hear these things and to be brought into the enjoyment of it. And God keep us from ever having proud art because of these things that He shown to us for the glory of the Lord Jesus alone, not for yours and mine.
Peter said, I will not be negligent to put you in remembrance of these things, though ye know them. We know these things, but don't we enjoy hearing them over and over again? We are part of criticism, but let's don't hang our heads too low. It would be dishonouring to the Lord to do that. We are ashamed of chrysanthemum.
But let's don't keep saying we're part of it. Sad to say, it's true, but we're also the testimony that God wants in these last days.
Fancy strength is to be feared and pride is to be feared. I believe it is correct and the Lord would want us to say that, that some of the problems that we have experienced, even in the 30 years that we are amongst the gathered Saints, part of it was pride that needed to be humbled. Brethren, we have to be very careful about that. We are weak.
And we have to be careful of pride, you know, that is so common to the human heart. And we have to magnify the grace of God that there is anything left that is only His grace that has preserved something for His glory in this scene. We cannot take any credit for it.
In John 6, the Lord had given some ministry that was hard for any of them to take.
Says from verse 66. From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.
Then said Jesus unto the 12, will he also go away?
Then Simon Peter answered him. Lord.
To whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life.
And we believe and are sure thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.
Young people, you can look around and see the weakness and the dishonor that we brought upon the name.
Well, where are you going to go?
Where are you going to go?
The truth is still the truth and He is the truth, and though we have failed in carrying it out, we have to hang our heads in shame.
And our faces should be in the dust. But where are we going to go the.
There's only one center, and that is Christ. And if you're there, don't leave it.
Don't leave it with no thought of pride. We should be the most humble people on the face of the earth because of all our failures.
But he's there. And if that's true, to whom shall we go?
Let's stay where he is.
When the Lord says hold that fast, there's the assumption.
That we know what it is that we're to hold fast to. He doesn't outline it.
There's the assumption that we know what it is, but do we say in our heart, What is it, Lord?
What is this?
He wants us to know it. I don't want to take anything away from what our brother said. There's no.
Qualifications of.
Intelligence in that way to be received at the Lord's table, but in the Psalms it says of our sons that they may be as olive plants around the town. That's what being denied in prison of the day, the apostles doctrine, they've taken it away.
Falls especially, we don't have to get into the new versions, but they don't quit coming. All right, tassels, doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers and brethren, 2000 years or more hence, it's still going on.
And I hang my hat on that.
I like to regret it. I like to read Timothy, Second Timothy.
Chapter one and I like to read it by Mr. Darby's translation.
Half verse 13, half an outline of sound words.
Have a skeleton of truth has been explained.
With words thou hast heard of me, in faith and love, and.
Which are in Christ Jesus.
Keep by the Holy Spirit, which dwells in US, the good deposit entrusted.
You see, this is fitting in with what was said previously. We have to hold fast. Do we have?
An outline of sound words.
Yes, it is very important to know the truth.
And the truth will set us free, the Scripture says. But what is so important? It is.
By faith in faith.
And love, which is in Christ Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This can be kept so these this is a challenge for all of us. Do we have an outline of sound words and we get it from the Scriptures. You know, Timothy got it from Paul and we still have what Paul passed on to Timothy.
Writings of Paul, the inspired scriptures. Do we have that outline and then keeping it by the Spirit, but.
Faith and love is so important that it is true faith, not just intellect, and that we love the truth. That's what it says in Second Thessalonians. They didn't love the truth. They didn't have love for the truth.
Well, these are things that fit in with what we have been considering, so I trust we will be stirred up and especially the younger ones, but I'm afraid that there are sometimes older ones.
Who go on without making much of an effort on their personal effort to lay hold of things for themselves and sometimes in the assembly.
There is very little truth presented. These are facts, beloved Saints. No. I'm sure those who have been amongst the gathered Saints longer than I have been, they can testify that in the past.
There was more truth clearly presented in the local assemblies than it is today because we have not been beloved Saints of God, faithful in laying hold of these things and then pass them on for blessing to others. Not only.
Teaching it, but living it, you know, Paul said in Timothy. Thou has known my doctrine, my manner of life.
That goes along with the doctrine that our life backs it up, what we teach. Could we turn to Ephesians because of where we're moving in our chapter? And I believe I'll use J&D too, like Franklin did, Brother Frankman.
Verse 14. You look at it in J&D. I'm going to read the other translation with chapter.
Chapter 4, The one body and one spirit chapter. I thought I said 4 I'm sorry. Verse 14 In order that we be no longer babes, tossed and carried about by every wind of that teaching which is in the sleight of men, in unprincipled cunning, with a view to systematize air.
That's a warning we're going to get in the last of this chapter. I think Paul put it in a nutshell. That systematized air. If it isn't according to the Word of God, if it's man's thoughts, it's cunning.
There were those that were considered pillars in the beginning of the church. The apostles considered to be pillars. We find out in First Timothy chapter 3. I believe that the church is a pillar and ground of the truth.
Now we've talked about the confusion and.
Here it says I will make them to be pillars in the temple of my God.
We do value every gifted brother, every teacher that God and grace has raised up among us. And for these ones that have labored among us and been faithful to the Lord, and we've been brought into an enjoyment of the Scriptures by them. But these ones had no place, you might say, in the outward testimony of the professing church. They're a great man with great names. They have great pulpits, and they have thousands of people listening to them for those that have been called to not deny his name and be faithful to His word.
They've been outside, not outside the great house, but they've been separated from the systems of men. And God is telling us here that those faithful ones, he was going to make pillars in the temple of his God. And though not recognized now, I just like to encourage every brother here and sister to, to be faithful. Because when you're faithful and you're going on, you're like one of these pillars, one of these strongholds, not like the children we read of in Ephesians that we were tossed about by every wind of doctrine, but you're, you're someone we can talk to.
And receive instructions from and be helped. And in the Lord's coming, in his time, He'll show how much he valued your standing fast.
And that's really the point, isn't it, of what we get at the end of the address to Philadelphia. Because the Lord recognizes that it's not going to be easy. It's not going to be a simple thing. There's going to be a need to hold fast. There's going to be the going out as our brother.
Presented to us, there's going to be the constant reminder all the time that we are living in days of ruin.
And we can get discouraged, we can say it's not worth it, but then the Lord says, and to me, these last verses here versus verse 12 particularly, there's no greater word of encouragement in the whole Bible than what we get here.
His brother Michelle was saying there were pillars in the early church and the scripture refers to them.
But now those pillars may not be recognized, but God says in the coming day, I'm going to make you a pillar in the temple of my God.
In Solomon's Temple there were two pillars. One was called Jakin, the other was called Boaz. He shall establish, and in him is strength.
Well, we know in that sense there isn't a temple in heaven, but the language is figurative. There is going to be that which you and I will be part of, that nothing can move. There'll be no more having to go out. There would be no more having painfully to separate from beloved believers in Christ because there is a connection there that we can't go along with.
It says here I will write upon him the name of my God. Now there may be reproach to be born, but then that name will be written publicly, the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem. In that day. That New Jerusalem, which is the Church, will be displayed publicly to heaven and earth as the jewel that God has had in his heart and in his counsel since the past eternity. That will all be displayed in the coming day.
And then the Lord says, I will write upon him my new name.
I don't know what that means for sure. I suggest the thought that perhaps the new name there is the name that the Lord Jesus takes as Son of man. Because in that day you and I will be perfectly like Christ, and God is going to have his beloved Son honored and glorified, but as man and the Lord Jesus takes that title down here.
When they asked him if he were the Son of God, his reply was, There is a day coming when you will see the Son of.
Man coming in the clouds of heaven, all the world will see him as man honored and glorified.
But you and I will be perfectly like him then. Well, God is calling for that now. He's looking, you might say, to the Philadelphian to display that character. Now, down here, none of us does it perfectly. But in that day, the promise is I'm going to write upon him my new name. Well, I just suggest the thought. Others may have a different thought, but it's come home to my own soul in that way that perhaps that is his new name.
And so I say to each one of us, there is no greater word of encouragement to go on in the pathway of Philadelphia than the what the Lord gives us here. Because I appreciate our brother Bobby thought that in one sense it can be applied now, but in that day it will be publicly displayed for all to see. And it will be worth it, won't it?
You know, there's an assembly. I was told this story. Some of you might even recognize it, but I won't make mention names. But it was prayer we talk about. We can be discouraged by the way things go. It was prayer and reading night. There were two gathered together that night, an aged man and his daughter and a man. A Christian man walked into the meeting room.
And this agent brother was the prayer meeting, and he was the reading meeting.
And this man who came in and was thinking.
Why don't they go somewhere where there's some people?
Just two of them here. But as the meeting went on, he began to realize.
Maybe what they have, they value so much they're willing to continue even though they're so few. And that man is now gathered.
The name is intimately connected with the truth that the One to whom that name belongs has given to us. Thou hast kept my word and not denied my name. They're connected. Together we're gathered unto the precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When I was little in school, we used to say the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. That little word unto has the same force as the word to in the Pledge of Allegiance. You can't pledge your allegiance to two flags. The thought is I pledge my allegiance to that flag to the exclusion of every other flag.
Were gathered unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in exclusion of every other possible center of unity that man can dream up in this earth. There is only one Center for us, name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the one to whom that name belongs has given to us.
Is truth. If we're faithful in that, that very name will be that which we have not denied, by His grace, will be what is placed upon us.
God hath highly exalted him, and hath given him a name which is above every name.
And as that blessed name, beloved brethren.
That we are gathered to by His grace.
I will write, I will write upon him my new name. I believe it speaks of a relationship now in eternity. We know that name now than a relationship, but it's more knowing him there and we're here. But I believe it's new in a sense will be with him, like him in eternity.
Now it speaks in the 18th or the 17th verse.
About the hidden manner and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth. If that's the relationship we have now, it's beautiful to really know him who died for us but.
Tomorrow we see him.
Because he promised that the Spirit makes sure.
But we still know Him as sitting at the right hand of God, still being able to be with us and never leave us or forsake us. But think about the eternal state. It'll be a new name then to us. And I think that speaks of that eternal relationship.
When you speak of someone's name, I mention a name and you know the person.
To have all sorts of thoughts come to your mind because you know that person, maybe that person.
You don't like them very much and you'll bring negative thoughts, but maybe you like them very much. Have all sorts of thoughts come to your mind because of the mention that that name. And right now, if you mention the name of Jesus right now, I'm sure many hearts are stirred by hearing the name of the Lord Jesus. But you know, when we come to the different seat of Christ, when we stand before him and he reviews our life and he'll manifest all those things that were pleasing to Him and reward everything.
And cold water and manifest his grace and love in a measure we've never seen before. When that's over, when somebody says the name of Jesus, our hearts will be moistured. And when he comes and we see him face to face, you know, and we see his manifestation in glory. We see him rule for 1000 years. We see the new heaven and the new earth. Or the name of Jesus is going to fill eternity with delight for our hearts. What you think, brother?
We were going into a nursing home one time. There was a man, elderly man, standing outside and a woman was speaking with him.
And as I went by, I overheard her say to him, you need to put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. And when she said Lord Jesus Christ, it's thrilled, my Lord, just wonderful to hear that name. And she was encouraging him to trust in that one who bore that name. Just wonderful. I can never forget. It's just so thrilled to hear it.
The writing here is to the church, isn't it? And the call is individual.
And I have enjoyed that because it costs something to leave.
An association that.
That you are connected with that the Lord reveals to you that it's wrong to be connected with it.
And so it seems to me that that.
Every truth has to be taken and received in that way. I think of the words of the Lord when he's here, except a man leave his father and mother, He cannot be my disciple. And so from the time that we're young.
We get old. The Lord tests us, He brings. He gives us faith to believe, and then, and then.
Then we go on day by day, but it costs something to leave and then he rewards for faithfulness and and going on for him. And that's what I get from these verses here in connection with the cost of separating from.
Wrong positions or whatever to go on with the Lord.
The expression.
God occurs four times in this 12Th verse.
The only other time the Lord used that expression was when He was on the cross.
Bearing our sins, he cried. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
He had addressed him as Father at the beginning, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. And at the end he said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit. And all during his life he spoke to him as Father and my Father, not my God, except at the cross. And then in resurrection he says to Mary, I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.
And then here in this verse.
Him while I that overcometh, while I make a pillar in the temple of my God. Now whenever he uses that expression, he's speaking as a man.
He was not his God in deity, He was his father in deity, but he didn't become his God until he became a man. When your comments Bill on this new name I think are right on the point.
He says.
The temple of my God is speaking as in His humanity, and He shall go no more out with many. Some of us have had to leave systems and go on out and separated from that which was not according to the Word. Well, there won't be any more here. I will write upon him the name of my God.
He became a man so that his God, his name, will be written upon the overcomers.
And the name of the city of my God, that's of course the church, the new Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven. That's the source from which it comes from my God, my God. And then I will write upon him my new name. And I was just thinking of four times he says my God in the other churches, he says my father, my father, my father. For instance, in 21 verse 21, I am set down with my father in his throne.
And the others my father has mentioned. But here it's my God.
And it's very precious. I think his new name does connect with his humanity.
Because it had to be something that he became.
And that's written upon us, and we're going to know. We're going to know God in the most intimate way when we're in the presence of that glorified man.
And as we look at him, we'll remember that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him. But He came to where you and I were in order that we might really know him. They'll come.
God is God.
And his Father with us in the prayers of Paul and the prayers in the New Testament, it's always God first must be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was God first with us and then we became his children and now he's our Father. But with the Lord it was Father 1St and then God, because he was always his Father and he became his God when he became a man. And he brings us into that relationship.
And it'll never end. Praise his name.
Who do we stand?
Our daughter.
Say to these things we thank Thee for the Lord Jesus. We thank the Father for bringing him before us. We thank Thee for the delights that God is finding him, the fullness of the light for thy heart. Father, we thank you for the fullness that Thou would have us find in him too. That blessed One, that weak 1 The lowly one called Jesus. We thank you for all that He is before eternity too. And we thank you for our time this morning, for what we've heard. We pray that our hearts and light only be stirred, but also.
That our feet would follow in the path that's pleasing to Thee, Lord Jesus. Yet a little while we have to glorify thy name on the earth. To honor Thee. We pray we might have grace each one to walk in these things. Honor thy great name, Lord Jesus. We thank you now for this time together. Father, in his alone, worthy and precious name. Amen. Amen.