To this assembly the Lord does not present Himself in a judicial aspect as about to judge, nor in an official way as directing the assemblies, but rather in His moral attributes as “the Holy” and “the True.” This is blessedly in keeping with the moral condition of the assembly of whom the Lord can say, thou “hast kept my word, and hast not denied my Name.” In the midst of general departure they cherished and obeyed the Lord's word, and above all they jealously maintained the glory of the Person of Christ, and refused every “denial” of His Name.
The Lord who holds the key can use it on behalf of such. In spite of all the power of the enemy He opens doors of service for them, in accord with His will, and closes doors that would lead into a path contrary to His mind. Such may have but a little strength and make no great appeal to the world as in the case of Thyatira; nor have they any name for a great reformation as in the case of Sardis. But if not marked by anything that the world can wonder at and admire, they had the approval of the Lord, and in the day to come every opposer will learn that they are loved of the Lord.
In this assembly have we not the Lord's forecast that in the midst of the increasing corruptions of Christendom, and before the end of the Christian period, a testimony would be raised to the truths of Christ's word, and the supreme authority and preciousness of His Name?
If, however, amidst the prevailing gloom, God raises up this fresh testimony, we are also warned that Satan will seek to raise up a counter-testimony by a revival of Judaism with its forms and ceremonies. We know that the revival of the truth of the church contained in Christ's word was at once met by a great outburst of ritualism and superstition by which Satan has sought to nullify the word of Christ, and draw hearts from the Person of Christ, and thus rob the Christian of all true service and worship.
If such are warned of the opposition they will meet from Satan, they are also encouraged to patiently endure, knowing that if they are kept through present trials, they will be kept from the hour of tribulation that is soon coming “upon all the world.”
Owing to their “little strength,” and the constant conflict entailed by the opposition of Satan who seeks by false religious systems to rob the saints of the truth, this assembly is especially exposed to the danger of giving up standing firmly for the truth that has been recovered to them. To meet this danger they are exhorted to “hold fast” that which they have—the truth, the preciousness of the Name of Christ, and the love and approval of the Lord. To let go these great blessings will result in the loss of their crown of reward in the day to come. To encourage such to “hold fast” the Lord sets before them His coming, for which they will have to wait but a little while, for He is coming quickly.
The overcomer—the one who “holds fast,” will have a bright reward in the day of glory. Taking heed to the Lord's warning to “hold fast,” and being content with a little strength and thus to be of small account in the world's esteem today, he will have a position of power in the day to come. Making everything of the Name of Christ in the day of His rejection and in a world that increasingly slights that Name, he will have the Name of Christ displayed in him in that home of glory, the New Jerusalem.