Revelation 5:6-14

Revelation 5:6‑14
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Living in that where is the followers stand by.
I love you, I love you.
It was the same and lost and.
Never knew.
My favorite word I saw in the fall.
Revelation chapter 5, starting with verse 6. And I beheld and lo, in the midst of the throne.
And of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and the four and 20 elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of Saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof.
For thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nation.
And hast made us unto our God, kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth.
And I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the beasts, and the elders, and the number of them was 10,000 * 10,000, and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, blessing.
And honor and glory and power be unto him that.
Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever. And the four beasts said, Amen.
And the four and 20 elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever.
It's good to remember that these sevens here, the seven horns, seven eyes and seven spirits, if this is symbolic language like the first verse of the Revelation 1.
Where it says he sent and signified or symbolized it by his Angel.
That's very common throughout the whole Book of Revelation.
To use symbolic language to represent the mind of God.
And so the seven spirits here, not to be confused with the Holy Spirit.
But it's a perfection of, of, of spirit and discernment here.
Seven is a complete number, isn't it? And let's see completeness that there is in God himself.
I enjoyed.
What somebody pointed out to me one time in.
And Isaiah 11 Perhaps it shows a possibility of the seven spirits which are before his throne.
Says in 11 verse two, Isaiah 11 verse 2, The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.
One, the spirit of wisdom, Two, an understanding, 3 Spirit of counsel 4 and might. 5 the spirit of knowledge, 6 and the fear of the Lord. 7 So it gives you an thought as to the diversity, and yet the completeness, the unity.
One thing to be worthy is another thing to be competent and have power. A person might be very worthy and the sense of having personally lived in a godly, pious way, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have the capacity to do a certain task that requires competence to do it. And so we just sang a hymn.
That talked about.
Alone he bare the cross.
Alone, its grief sustained. There never has been and never will be a man, another individual that was competent to do what He did. He did it alone. There was none other that could do it but Himself, and He did it. Praise God and will worship Him eternally as the one who did a work that none other but himself could do.
And so here when it comes to judging and setting things right as we had this morning.
There's a needed capacity to do this aspect of the work. And in verse six, while the language is symbolic, it also brings before us his competence. He discerns, he sees, he differentiates. And when the work of judgment takes place, there will be differences. It won't just be a mass extermination of people or something like that.
But even down to the individual that is going to suffer in under the judgments of God, whether by military action or by earthquakes or whatever the means used, it will be with the discernment is represented in the spirits here of every single situation and case and need. And he will act with that competence that when the work is done.
Unlike things we often do, we make mistakes because.
We don't discern. At times we do something and we don't understand.
What it is exactly we're doing or our soul is not in fellowship with God because of our personal state. And so we we do what we do and sometimes we make a bigger mess than when we started of a situation, but not so here.
There have been multitudes of people that have tried to set things right in the country in which they live, in their personal lives and others that have not done it.
But here, if this one who opens the seals is going to be able to do it and does do it with a tremendous capacity, that there will be no mistakes. The power is there to overcome every obstacle that it might he might face. And by his grace he associates others with him in what he's doing. But the source of the competency is not in them, it's in himself.
Verse 7.
He that sits on the throne that's seen there is God looked at, and here the Lamb comes and takes the book.
And there is a recognition, I believe, that the Lamb knows what God wants.
And he desires to fulfill that. And so he takes the initiative, if you will, as confident to do so and as knowing the will of another becomes. And he does it. We do well to get a personal application of that as well. A lot of these things can be individually applied, even though they're not the purpose or the primary intent of the passage.
Then that is, God has something for everyone of us to do.
And he would desire that we do it willingly, that we not be, if you will, forced into it.
But He would put it on her heart to do it and would desire that we not say, Oh, I can't do that, Lord.
Oh no, no, that's not for me. That's for brother or sister. So and so that's somebody else's thing to do that that's there are things that for somebody else to do and we ought not to meddle with what God has given to someone else. But there's also the sense, as there is in verse seven, I think of the spirit of pleasing the Lord in doing what he has put into our hands to do.
The Lamb doing the will of God has been constant.
For all ages, hasn't it? We can go back to the first record of anything.
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us here My send me. And when he took up manhood, I come to do thy will, O God, and here at the close.
There's that one purpose and one mind continuing.
I can't help but think of the contrast you have here of how the Lord Jesus the Lamb takes the book at the appropriate time when it's given to Him to do that. So many, so many examples of those in the Old Testament that when they were given an opportunity to take a throne of judgment, they were so eager to do it, and yet they failed so miserably in it.
Because they were not competent and I think it can be a lesson to each one of us. You know, don't take up something until the Lord gives it to you really from himself. If we take up something thinking it in our own time frame when it is Steven referred to the the ones in Judah about going up and straightening out their Benjamin brethren and all they thought they could do it and and the Lord had to deal with them.
So many examples of that.
The Lord Jesus, when he was here, one came to him and said.
Speak to my brother, He divides inheritance and the Lord's answer was simple. Who made me a judge and a divider over you? It wasn't the time to to settle scores.
Here it is.
And he takes his position as a man, doesn't he? And I was looking at that verse in John 5 and verse 22, it says, For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.
And then a little later in the same chapter.
He says.
Verse 27 and have given him authority to execute judgment also because.
He is the Son of man, so here is God's man.
And he comes and takes the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne.
Speaking of God's time.
In the Old Testament.
God very patiently.
Spent 1000 plus years.
Giving man the opportunity to see whether he could live righteously before God under the law.
And there was quite adequate time given and finally the last Test of man as to whether there was any good in him that could keep and live righteously before God was surely they will reverence my son. It was the last and supreme test of man as to what is in man was given the opportunity to accept the perfect man, the Son and.
Of man was failed, he said we will not have this man. That was man's response to God. We will not have this man and the Lord Jesus at that point said now is the judgment of this world. The world was judged. There's no further such test to be given to mankind. He's proven the ultimate test. He failed as to what's in his heart. But on the other side, we are now in a different period of time.
That was what the time to see what man could do for God. Now we live in a period we call the Day of Grace.
And it's a period in which we see what God could do for man, and we might like it to come.
The Lord to come today or tomorrow, and it's a proper hope for us what we ought to have also. The other side of it is it'll end when what God can do for man has fully fulfilled the purpose of God for the blessing of man.
There, I doubt not as we have been here in the last 24 hours. Throughout the world there have been souls that are eternally blessed.
By what God can do for man in his grace. And so it is in God's hands to decide when this.
Day has fulfilled its purpose of grace. And then we have the judgments that we're reading about starting in the revelation.
So there again, as Doug says, we need to wait and we wait for God until.
This time to finish his work is complete.
But there's also another work going on in your life and mine, and I'm going to relate it.
To verse.
8:00 and 9:00.
They sing a new song.
And in verse eight, it says the four and 20 elders, every one of us in this room is represented in that symbolic language. If we're a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament there were 24 courses of priests that did the service of God. And symbolically it's also recognized that it includes the Old Testament since the New Testament Saints, but here in 24.
It's a service being rendered, and that service is a service here of worship and praise and your life and mine is.
Being worked on to prepare you and I to properly and fully fulfill this service, the trials of life, the experiences of life, our teaching experiences ordered of God, and in the result you and I will be fully fitted to fulfill the ministry, the wonderful worship.
Ministry, we have to offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
And give thanks and the capacity to do it. And the fullness of it is being formed by the pressure through which our lives are passing and the experiences in which we gain the knowledge of the heart of God as well as our own heart. And so we can also be thankful that God's time is perfect. And as in service, sometimes before service there's a period of preparation of the vessel to fulfill that service.
That's true throughout the pattern of Scripture that.
People God was going to use, He put them through a period of time in which he taught them.
By their own life, to be prepared to do the work that he was giving them to do.
These 24 elders, they fall down.
Before him just because he receives the book.
Or when he receives the book, they are glad that this man is given the book.
Why are they glad?
Will you read through the Gospels and?
Notice the perfectness of the Lord Jesus, how he treated everybody.
And the glories and the fairness, the sympathy, the mercy, all his virtues that he showed. And you can readily say, oh, no one better fit to do this job than him.
Think of Peter.
The night before the Lord went to the cross, Peter thought he was prepared.
He was fit. He was going to go with the Lord, even if it meant his death.
Peter's going to be one in the eighth verse and he will be prepared. The work will have been done and was done in his soul, but later on the Lord enabled him to give his life.
And die as the Lord died in that way. But.
It's a wonderful thing that God knows how to prepare the vessel for the service and.
Our eternal service is going to be one of worship and praise.
Just a brief comment on the four beasts and the 24 elders. I don't.
I don't remember us commenting on the distinction of them. The four beasts are in the chapter 4.
As well, and I believe they represent the attributes of God in creation.
Maybe someone can explain that better. Whereas the 24 elders are are the.
Are the believers of all times.
Verse seven of chapter 4. The first piece was like a lion.
Mentioned this morning in that verse in Proverbs he turns aside for.
None other words. When he takes up the matter of judgment, nobody will resist him. Absolutely no one second beast like a calf. Stability.
Or stability in things of this world. Governments may be stable in some measure, but.
Here he will be at stability, the third beast, like the face of a man intelligence.
And the 4th beast like the was like a flying eagle swiftness.
Those are the attributes which God will take up the question of judgment.
So towards the end of verse eight in our chapter.
Having everyone of them harps.
And golden vials full of odors.
Which are the prayers of Saints?
Here's that.
Our prayers that are taken or is that we will have an intercessory role in that coming day with the Saints that are on the earth that will be crying for help. How do you understand that, Don? I don't think we'll have to intercede. That's my own thought for those that are on earth. But I believe in another sense of it that.
Every prayer that we've had, that is.
In tune.
With the mind and heart of God with respect to what's going on today, we'll find its answer when this work is being done. In other words, if you.
Have in your heart the desire to see peace on earth with righteousness, Not just peace, but peace and righteousness. If you see the suffering and you enter into it as the Lord Jesus saw the suffering at the tomb of Lazarus and wept because of what He saw that sin had brought into the world, and He felt it. All of those prayers that are ours will have their answer at this time.
They're not forgotten, they're remembered. And the answer may not have come yet, but when the time comes, in God's time, all that which has been raised before Him is remembered and will have its perfect answer. And I believe we will recognize that and appreciate it in our own souls as well, and it will give us 'cause to praise Him.
As in Song of Solomon does not die, his name is as ointment poured forth, so every mention of the name of Jesus is a sweet savour to God.
It's beautiful to think of those files full of odors, which are the prayers of Saints.
I was in Bolivia one time and inside of a home and outside the window, the house where I was, there was a little child trying to sing Jesus loves me and he got it all messed up. But one of the things that came across clearly is the name of Jesus, Jesus. I just thought that must be a sweet savior to God, the lips of that little child to hear that wonderful name.
Stand to be corrected, but I don't believe you have any reference to singing in the word of God and tell the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and saw their enemies destroyed in the safe and then they sang.
And singing.
Is, particularly in Scripture, connected with in the spiritual way, often with redemption.
In the work of redemption, they had something that so stirred their souls when they.
Saw their enemies and their what was in figure, their own redemption.
And then they almost immediately sing. Here we have also the others that are identified in verse 13. Every creature they praise, but we don't have them singing. There are created beings. I believe angels, for example, will praise. But I think it is our privilege to be the ones that sing that we have that special.
Relationship as the redeemed people of God that we can sing. And yes, I know the world's full of song and people sing about lots of things other than this subject, but in the character in which it's given here, it's a special privilege and it is a work of God in the soul that has made it appreciate.
To the point of the overflow of singing. And God calls it a sacrifice, even though He's the one that did the work in the heart that produced it.
God works in our hearts and produces something and then He gives us credit for it.
Presenting it to himself, that's God.
At such a privilege, isn't it to sing? I don't know. I must say, rather than I've been impressed that in Latin America they do a lot more singing than we do up here.
The first part of a meeting is singing, and it's often 345.
Hymns that are sung before the meeting starts, of course. They're not so controlled by the clock like we are.
It's a blessing to sing. It's different than just simply reading something, but it's something that involves the heart and the enjoyment, and that's where it has its real effect in the soul and you sing. And I just want to encourage us to do more singing, not only when we're together, but in the homes.
Let's sing more than we are accustomed to do. Seems like we used to sing more, had to sing more, but just wanted to encourage us to do that and the homes to sing.
For the Apostle Paul, he speaks about speaking to yourselves.
And sounds.
Hymns and spiritual songs, Ephesians 519.
Singing and making melody in your heart.
To the Lord.
So as you point out, singing is an expression of what's in our hearts, and if our hearts are right with the Lord, we can't help but sing as we contemplate.
His love and his goodness.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to sing from the heart.
Speaks here about the new song. I was wondering is there any connection between what David says back in Psalm 40? He says he brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, set my feet upon a rock, established my going and put a new song in my mouth. Even praise unto our God.
David had something to sing about. He was down in a pit and it was misery. But you know, he says I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined unto me, He heard my cry and he brought me up also out of an horrible pit. Well, if that don't give somebody something to sing about, I don't know what would. And so we've all been in a horrible kid of sin.
And yet we find here that we've been redeemed.
Delivered from the power of Satan.
Redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and how we ought to be singing. But I just wondered about the new song.
There's some thought us to a new song as opposed to an old song.
Isn't that the song of redemption? Because he'd been brought up out of a horrible pit? You can sing before you've been rescued, but when you're when you've been rescued or redeemed, then it's that's the new song. That's the way I've taken it.
And that will always be new.
So it's in connection with redemption.
Angels at home.
2:00 and 3:00.
No after 38.
But the morning stars sang together all the time.
Creation. They have no part in our farm.
Well, in verse nine, it's also a wonderful.
Comment if you will, that the work of redemption is universal in his character is not limited in the Old Testament, God took one people, the children of Israel, and he worked with them individually as a nation without giving, although others could be brought into their blessing. But here in verse nine it says redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every every kindred.
And tongue and people and nation. And so the present work of grace and redemption.
Is universal in its message and in its character. And God is working and has worked throughout the globe to draw souls into the blessing from every kindred and tongue and people and nation. That was recognized in the Acts when Cornelius came to Peter, that the work Peter recognized wasn't limited to the Jewish people.
But it was a work that every soul would have the blessing.
That God was number respecter of persons in that way, and the work was now.
On God's terms, not on man's. It was a work of grace and so.
You and I, regardless of what kindred tongue people or nation may not be a huge number, but there's a multiple such represented in this room, a sampling of the fact that God's wonderful work and the praises are.
Embrace all without distinction.
Question came up looking at these.
7 It's the gospel the same.
OK, well.
Preach Jesus Christ and crucified. Billions been crucified.
The apostles are the.
God, the Baptist priest, Gospel of the Kingdom, the Lord Jesus did, disciples did. They couldn't preach Jesus Christ, He crucified know that it happened.
Maybe there's a sense in which the new song has more information because we're down the road a little more.
We can think about it, anticipating what's coming.
The gospel you're talking about. And I said well.
If you had just gotten saved and you're in the middle of the tribulation, you didn't know Christ and one of the 144,000 shared the gospel with you and you got saved, what would you say once you study the word of God?
Once you begin to preach Jesus Christ in truth, spy, and then you say to them, you know, and all those people disappeared back there. That was the rapture here. Let me show you First Thessalonians, you know, these events here that are coming to pass.
Martin can clock the time. Hang on, brother. Our time is short. The Lord is coming. He's appearing. He's going to put an end to all of this.
While that information is, we talk about it, we can preach it and say this is coming, but when you're in the middle of it, you're going to be breaching. We're in the middle of it, those who are there.
Modern United States but today about racism real problem I was thinking here.
The end of verse 9 thou.
Speaking of the Northeast was slain and has redeemed this to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people that they.
The Lord Jesus.
Something that might be worth pointing out.
We often meet this transfer of breaking a thread. In a general sense, we think of the floor being worthy.
It reminded me of the word faith. A person can say I have faith and you would sit there and expectation for them to finish the thought. Think then what or on whom? Well, worthy is the same thing as simply says he is worthy. You should be sitting there wondering, OK, what's the rest of your thoughts being locked up where it is born worthy of praise. And so in this chamber we have the word worthy of the make 45 and the first three.
Worthy to open the globe?
And then the last time that we have it explicitly mentioned in the first 12 to receive power, riches and so on. So when we look at the portion, you know, it's good to keep in mind that you know, which worthy is it making reference to, you know, worthy of what you know, to just notice the details. And I'm supposing we've answered the question more than once. Why is the Lord Jesus worthy to open that quote?
And will loose the seals thereof.
Somebody could answer that yet again, that would maybe be helpful. Again, it's good to notice. Worthy of what and why? Why is he worthy to open that book? Three of the four times in this chancer is again, we're going to open that book and open the seals there.
He was the only one qualified to do the work of redemption, and He did it fully for the glory of God and for our blessing. There is no other person that could have done it as He has done it now. He is worthy of our praise.
So he's made this unto our God. Kings and priests sometimes read a Kingdom of priests.
And this is our place is to.
Our priesthood, we're priests. Not only the brothers, but the sisters are priests.
That's why when we sing, we all sing. That's a priestly activity.
It's lifting up the sacrifice of God, of praise to God continually at such a privilege to do that. I love to hear praise singing going on sometimes.
The cars going down the road and her sometimes when a sister is doing her work in the house, singing. It's beautiful to do that, to exercise your priesthood. It's our privilege, brother. Then it's something we have been chosen for.
Sometimes it gets to the end of the day and I stop to think if I we really.
Stopped to praise the Lord at any juncture.
I really encourage.
US doing that more, it's a blessing.
I recently enjoyed this Kingdom of priests or kings and priests.
Seeing that pictured in the Old Testament in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem.
There's two places that are spoken of in the in the word regards Jerusalem, there is.
Mount Zion, which was the stronghold that David took hold of from the Jebusites.
And conquered it and made Jerusalem then a center.
Or the temple and then you have right beside it or in the same area.
Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount where the Temple was.
Eventually built and they're right together there. I think you have a picture of the distinction of the two.
In that there was a battles had to be fought in order to make Jerusalem a divine center. It had to be taken out of the hands of the Jebusites and David did it through his men. And then you have the place of peace, which Solomon eventually built the temple there and for the function of the priesthood. And so they're together.
A. Without a king, you can't have you. It wasn't possible to have a place of peace and quiet where the the priest could function. So you have them both together there.
I I just appreciated that because, and I'll just make an application of that brethren, in our assemblies, you know, sometimes we have to fight for things.
We have to defend the truth of God and problems will be come in, in assemblies and it costs something. The enemy wants to take away from us truth and so you have to fight for it. And we may go through times of turmoil in the in assemblies or in our families. You can apply this in different ways, but when the word of God is upheld and the truth of God is upheld.
There becomes then that place where priesthood.
And worship and praise can be exercised freely.
Another function of increase is prayer.
And I think that's an important part, intercession, that's a priestly activity, and that's very important to encourage as well.
I appreciate Mr. Darby's translation of verse 10 in the King James. It says Thou hast made us and.
The focus of this chapter is not on us, it's on him and.
Consequently, in I shouldn't say consequently, but in the Darby translation has made them.
The redeemed unto our God. It's more passive. It is us, but it's not the emphasis or the thought pattern that's really the better one here. It is the fact that by redemption there have been made kings and priests who shall have the function of reigning over the earth.
Sometimes I like A1 brother's statement, sometimes, he says.
It's not about us. It's not about us, it's about him. And we do well sometimes.
Even in looking at the Rapture and many other subjects.
Unconsciously, very often at the bottom is what's in it for me, and we're looking at the blessing and benefit that we're going to have. But it's a higher note of worship and praise when we can completely forget ourselves and our role and our place in it all. And rather, if we have a place, we're fulfilling it by worship and service, which isn't thinking about self, but thinking about Him and his interest.
Lord Jesus, every day of his life, every waking moment of his life.
Was focused on the desire to do and please the will of his father, not himself.
Until the work was done and then in John he expressed his personal desires. But it it's the the note, the higher note of praise really comes when self is forgotten. And he is the one that is the focus of one's thoughts. And I think we have a little suggestion of that here. Even in the giving of himself and redemption.
In the record of it for us on the 1St breaking of bread, if you will, the night before his.
Work of redemption takes place. How does he refer to the body?
This is my body that I'm giving for you. No, he doesn't say that. He says this is my body, gives the passive form of it. This is my body which is given for you. That is, it was the will of God, and it was God behind it that that body be given as it was, and he recognizes it and takes that place of the servant.
Even in the use that God was making of his body, this is my blood.
Which is shed for you? Again, the passive form of it. And here we have the passive form as well. And it's well for us to enter more into the way the Lord Jesus looked at it, that we might look at it the same way.
We have two little words greater than expression for the joy of the 2nd forehead of joy of God, but it's not about us.
My brother from 25 years.
From his start.
OK, he takes pleasure.
His heart was filled with joy and he anticipated what was going to result from the suffering. We have an Isaiah, then we have that expression.
He shall see.
Village soul, that love is us, but it's him walking from his side, enjoying what the results are going to be from this side of it. Maybe we don't think about that falling enough. He's looking at us.
I was thinking too in.
The last chapter of Revelation.
Where the Lord Jesus in verse 20 he makes his wonderful promise. Surely I come quickly.
Amen. In response on the part of the bride, Even so.
Umm, Lord Jesus.
The word quickly is left out. It doesn't say Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus. And I'm wondering if that's.
Hearing out what you say.
You know, we'd like to see the rapture happening as soon as possible perhaps, but it could be a self esteem to be delivered from the trial of difficulties that we find ourselves in. But.
The Lord has a perfect timing and His work continues on. And of course, when the rapture takes place, the door of grace is going to be stupid Rose.
And so we need to be thinking about others too.
It's not like he knows that Waters could enjoy those jobs.
It's bold. You should see it from our side.
But First Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 13 through 18 say comfort one another with these words. Those are very real comforts for us. But if we look at his side of things.
Our precious Savior is waiting for the Father to tell Him to go come here.
And there is a joy from his side about all of that coming through it, all of the men and women that have been saved and all down through the years since Cross, up until that moment that shout comes. He's seen it all and we can enjoy looking at it from his side.
But we worship breaking the bread. We think about the benefits that we have. We have the emblems in front of us and show forth his death old. We enjoy so many things about that. And then we can get that song that says that we can share thoughts in common with the Father about the Lord Jesus. Well, that's a whole other thing. That's a higher thing we can do that we can see.
Who it was that did all of this, and that's astonishing when you start thinking about that it contemplating who this person is.
And you can be overwhelmed.
And enjoy the benefit it is to you.
You're recently saved, especially if you've been saved out of some horrible background, you're going to focus a whole lot on what the benefits are for you. And then slowly.
But as you learn, you're going to learn to appreciate this person.
Wow, this person.
You did that for me, but look who it is.
The Son of God.
If you have in First Thessalonians there where they turn to God from idols to wait for the Son of God from heaven.
Well, that was a real point for him.
That the Lord is anticipating that today.
Coming together, we can enjoy that thought. We can enjoy both. Well, I think that's really our strength is to be able to see things from His perspective, because it tells us that the joy of the Lord is your strength. And if we can appreciate the pleasure, the joy that He himself has in you and me as being His bride.
That's something that's going to give us strength.
So I think very good to speak about this, seeking to see things from Lord's perspective.
Comments were made about the multiple references to worthiness.
Make a comment along on that question.
In chapter 4, is worthiness is identified with. He's worthy because he's creator.
And chapter 5 and verse.
Who is worthy in verse two to open the seals? It then speaks of himself in his character.
And identifies him as a Jew in the seed of David. And he was the one and only one of those people.
Even apart from the question of redemption, he was the one who had the worthiness in his own person as a man.
To have something to say to any kind of judgment. The kings were raised up to be kings, but it was a work of God to raise them up, and they were prepared for it, but they didn't have the worthiness of the person that's identified in this chapter.
Lord Jesus Christ.
And when it brings up his worthiness in verse 9.
It's his worthiness as Redeemer that is in focus. He is worthy as Redeemer.
To do that which produces the worship and praise of his Saints in opening the seals. But he also has spoken of as worthy later in the chapter and it in verse 12 it says worthy is the Lamb and.
That was slain, but notice it doesn't, as it were, give the idea to do.
And that one is to receive and the worthiness of his person.
And his work is such that from God he is worthy to receive, and he will receive all that which God the Father would give to him.
In His place and doing the work of revelation He does it. But then He is worthy in His person to receive the supremacy of heaven and earth over all men. And so they're different ways in which His worthiness.
Is different aspects, you will of his worthiness that we recognize we don't want to be, as it were, a song of one note, but there are multiple notes, if you will, that we can sing that bring out different aspects of the wonder of the person that is only God can fully understand.
Fascinating to think about the myriads of angels around about the throne.
And the beasts and the elders. This is the 2nd circle.
And it says the number of them was 10,000 * 10,000. It's really 10 thousands times 10 thousands. It's myriads. Think of those creatures that are of a higher position in creation than the human creation, because the Lord Jesus, when he became a man, was made a little lower than the angels, the angelic.
Creation is superior.
In strength to the human creation and think of the.
Mighty angels.
And here they are.
They are sane. In verse 12 it's been mentioned. They don't sing, they say.
With a loud voice, Worthy is the lamb.
And then there's seven notes to their song. Power, riches, wisdom, strength, honors, glory, and blessing.
He was willing to forego all of that in his first appearing, wasn't he? He veiled it. He veiled his personal glory, his official glory. He couldn't veil his moral glory. But all of these things were hidden and and now they're going to be displayed.
Just enjoying the moral contrast with Moses in Acts 7.
Mentioned as a book, as a book, as the book of judgment coming from judge and to rule in Acts Chapter 7.
It says.
When he comes, Moses comes from his brethren. Verse 27.
But he that did his neighbor wrong, thrust him away, thrust Moses away, saying, Who made the ruler and a judge over us? Will thou kill me as thou didst the Egyptian yesterday? Then fled Moses at this saying.
In that particular moment came in his own wisdom. Later the Lord sent him after he learned his lessons, but the Lord Moses came in his own wisdom. They say who made thee a ruler and a judge and Moses pleased. And then our chapter, our chapter. What a contrast ending with forever and ever with the opposite of clean.
So the chapter ends with all creation, so it's expanding in its sphere, isn't it?
Well, I dressed up with Liberty for the next reading tomorrow to maybe take up something different. The Lord direct. I think we covered the chapter.
We're seeing #14 #14.