Revelation 8-11

Duration: 38min
Revelation 8‑11
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Address—A. Roach
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Chapter 8 and beginning of verse one. And when he had opened the 7th seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which slipped before God, and to them were given 7 trumpets. And another Angel came and stood at the office having a golden century, and it was given unto him much incense.
That he should offer it with the prayers of All Saints upon the golden Author, which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense which came with prayers of the Saints, descended up before God out of the angels. And the Angel took the center, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth. And there were voices.
And thunderous enlightenment, and an earthquake. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. The first Angel sounded, and they followed. Hail and fire mingled with love, and they were cast upon the earth. And the third pot of trees is burnt up.
And all.
And the second Angel sounded, and as it were, a great mountain burning with fire, was cast into the sea. On the third part of the sea became blood, and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died, and the third part of the ship to destroy. And the third Angel sounded, and there from a great star, from heaven, burning as it were, a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the river.
And upon the fountains of water.
And the name of the star is called Wornwood. And the third part of the water became Wormwood. And many men died of the water, because they were made bitter. And the 4th Angel shouted. And the third part of the sun was missing, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars, so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day Shaun not for a third part of it.
And the night, likewise night is held and heard.
An Angel, or rather the should read. I beheld and heard an eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Whoa, whoa, whoa, to the inhabitants of the earth, a reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound. I will go to the 10th Captain.
And I saw another mighty Angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. And he had in his hand a little brook open, and he sent his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, and fried with a loud voice when a lion roared.
When he had tried 700 others their voices.
And when the seven founders had uttered their voices, I was about to write, and I heard a voice in heaven saying unto me, Feel up those things with the seven founders others, and write them off. And the Angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and swear by him that liveth forever and ever who created heaven.
And the things that therein are, and the earth and the things.
That therein are.
And the three and the things which are there in that there should be.
No longer delayed. No longer delayed, but in the days of the voice of the 7th Angel.
When he will begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He had declared.
To a servant department, and the voice which are heard from heaven, spake unto me again.
You could go and take a little book which is open in the hand of the Angel, which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth, and I went up to the Angel.
And spread out to him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it and eat it up, and it shall make thy belly whistle, but it shall be in my mouth.
We respond when I took the little book out of the angels hand and ate it up and it was in my mouth. Sweetest honey.
And as soon as I have eaten it, my father.
It's better. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesier can again. I'm going to correct.
This thou must prophecy again about many people and nations and Congress continue.
Perhaps tonight will take up the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11Th chapter to follow out the line of things we're noticing on Monday evening. On Monday evening we had before the opening of the first six seals.
And those fields brought in certain providential judgments upon the earth.
And then he found a parenthesis coming in. He found the whole 7th chapter as a parenthesis in which God brings out his care for his ancient people, Israel, and setting apart a certain number to be preserved in the tribulation, and then a great company of Gentiles. Now the 8th chapter gives us the resumption of the field, but notice what happens here.
I might just say this is my resume so we get the thought in the 8th chapter.
We have.
Christ seen as the Angel priest.
And we have.
Four of the seven trumpets founded.
In the 9th chapter we have the 5th and 6th trumpets which are known as the first two world trumpets. The first one is a is a judgment upon Israel, the apostate, unbelieving part of Israel and the second one a judgment upon the Gentiles is perhaps some of the details. Later in the 10th chapter, I believe the marvelous heartwarming chapter for any one of us who love his appeal. There we have Christ.
Not as an Angel priest, but as a mighty Angel asserting his right.
And power over the earth and God answering him with the 700 as to the rightfulness of his claim. Then in the 11Th chapter, we come down to a smaller area. We're brought into contact with Jerusalem, the temple, and God giving an adequate witness to the two witnesses that are mentioned there. And at the end, all this comes in the 10th chapter, comes in as a parenthesis, the 10th chapter mostly.
The parentheses between the six trumpet and the 7th trumpet and the end of the 11Th chapter. The 7th trumpet is founded on the 11Th. Trump of the 7th trumpet, which is the third world trumpet, brings us to the end. It brings us to the Day of Judgment of the Lords, power as universal Kingdom, the punishment of the wicked, reward of the righteous. It brings us to the end in the general ledge.
Well, that's thought. Now let us notice the 8th chapter a little in detail.
Upon the opening of the 7th field, there was in heaven. That is, there is a temporary suspension of judgment. It is the law before the storm. I remember as a boy, I often think of this. We'd be playing in the streets on a summer day and the streets of Brooklyn, NY. Maybe there's a little rumble of Thunder and then the clouds will be clouds roll over and then it's a great period of silence.
So silent, and then there's a little gust of wind that swirled of dust around, and then the lightning flash and a Thunder came with great force and the rain poured down. That little temporary silence, that little period of silence that just before the real storm broke. I believe that's what we get here, that this period as a period of silence in heaven, about the state of half an hour, that is just limited.
God is suspending a judgment for the moment, but only that man may take note because now God is going to bring in not the fear judgment, but the trumpet judgment and the trumpet judgment are by far more severe than what we've seen under the seal. Now it says here immediately we see a verse, verse two I saw.
The seven angels which stood before God for them were given.
7 Compos.
While the trumpet brings before us the loud announcement.
Of God's intervention at Mount Sinai, the prophet glow, people see it, and I say, 18 the Lord says when you hear the trumpet sounding, when he sounded the trumpet, hear you, Joel says in the second chapter.
Laura the trumpet and Zion found an alarm in my holy mouth. The trumpet is that which is calculated to arrest the attention of men.
And we know that the city of Jericho, how those puppets were blown in warning day by day as the priests and the people went about the city. So the trumpet freeze in the thought of God speaking more loudly than under the seal. And this will be evident as we go along.
Now these 7 angels have had the prophets, they are created angels, their service. But in verse three we have another Angel, another Angel. Now what this Angel does, marching out as being Christ himself, pronounced creative Angel, could take the place that this Angel takes. And he's another Angel. He's not one of the seven. He's not one of those creative angels. He stands on a different plane.
Christ is seen under the field as a lamb under the trumpet, it seems an angelic God. He's, he's not only seen hears an Angel, but in the 10th chapter, when we come to that, I believe it will come out more clearly that this Angel is Christ himself. And now notice what this Angel does. There are two altars in this chapter. I think we'll understand it better if we realize that.
In the third chapter, the third verse is the brazen office, and in the third verse it's the golden author.
The brazen altar was at the door of the Tabernacle where the sacrifices were offered. And when the priest went in to burn incense, he couldn't take any fire that he wanted. He had to take fire from off the brazen altar to consume the incense that he carried it in. Now two priests failed to do that and they died, Nadab. And if I you offered grain fire, they did not take the fire from off the also find offer.
Here this Angel is seen standing at that paralysis with a golden fences, and it was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with a prayer that All Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
Notice that here is Christ interceding for some Saints, but we are in heaven here to believe in all the believers up to the coming of Christians. Glory, who is he interceding for? Oh he's got Saints on earth. In the 5th chapter we find that the heavenly Saints, they also offer up the prayers of of things. They OfferUp the prayers of those things on earth. We've already seen in the 6th chapter how some of those Saints will put to death God will have a people on earth.
After we're gone and committed to them will be an entirely different testimony than what we have. It will not be a heavenly testimony. It will be a testimony to the coming King who is to set up his earthly Kingdom. But those things will pass their persecution. As we proceed through the revelation, we're going to see how severe these persecutions will become and require faithfulness to be to resist on the death. And so here.
We see the Lord is interceding, He's indirected in those things.
Of course we can take the print of the last cell and enjoy that thought. And now notice what he does first floor. The smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the angels hands. God accepts the praise of his faith as the fragrance of Christ is joined with them. So I'll worship too. But that's another line of things. You're thinking of these things here.
Their friends come up, maybe uttered feebly, maybe in desperation.
The fragrance of Christ associate yourself with them and they offend before the throne. So we see then that God will have suffering Saints on earth. We've already seen that some are modern that's in the 6th chapter but some are going to pass through they're going to live through the tribulation. Some will pass right through it but they'll pass through it in suffering here. Then we see Price and that priestly guide now notice what he does he takes the fence that fills it with fire of the author that's.
Again. And he passed it into the earth, and there were voices and Thunder and lightning and an earthquake. Now in the 4th chapter, when we saw the throne, there were lightning, thunderings and voices. Now there's a full state edge. The judgment is going to be more severe. An earthquake is added now and voices come first. God is going to speak more loudly. So you'll notice each time this is mentioned as we go on through the.
Something additional is added the lightning, the Thunder, the voices and an earthquake later on his great pale apparel. So God is increasing the severity of the judgment and how blessed may these interposes brought that you and me, beloved St. of God, that we're going to be above this team. We're not going to be here when this happens. We are looking for Jesus as our deliverer from coming round.
And notice the Angel sound. And we might just give this resume first.
The first prophet falls upon strikes the earth, the 2nd trumpet strikes the tree, the third trumpet strikes the rivers and the springs of water, and the 4th trumpet strikes the symbolic cavern, the sun, the moon and the.
The stars, these are symbolic. When we come to the fifth trumpet, we've already indicated it falls upon the Jews of the Israelites as a nation. And the next trumpet after that, the six falls from the Gentiles. So there's a definite order. Let us know to some of the details and let us remember that this is symbolic language and we're to take it in that way.
The first Angel sounded, and that followed Halo and fire.
While hail.
Is God sweeping judgment the 28th of Isaiah he says the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lives in that 28th chapter the man of Jerusalem are trusting him lies that trusting in the promise and word of the Antichrist and the beast. God was a hail of sweep away the refuge of lives that brings in here. This judgment is a sweeping judgment that man cannot resist. Now notice.
Have taken here from literal plagues that fell on Egypt, that hail and the fire went along the ground. These things happen literally in Egypt, but here. But here the Spirit of God is taking that literal figure and applying it in a spiritual sense. So here we get the this judgment and it will produce apostasy. The blood here things in the thought of spiritual death, not physical death. In Egypt there might have been physical death, but here.
Apostrophe blood brings in moral apostrophe from God that spiritually into the cut off and filing in some connections with God. We know in the book of Jude you get that we learn there are men spoken out there who are twice dead, white, white dead.
Well, they were dead by nature. Being born into this world and living as sinners. They were dead by by nature.
But now they were dead by apostasy. They had three without fruit.
Wrapped up by the roof. So we'll see in this in this coming day, those who cycle with the proof of God is going to feel the weight of these judgments. Now it says the third part of the tree is burnt up and all green grass is burnt up. Now when you get the third part, such kind of the 12Th chapter to get our clue to this because I believe the third part.
Refers specifically to the Roman Empire, 12Th chapter of Revelation.
Where we get the power of the dragon and verse three it says there appeared another wondering heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns and 7 lbs upon his head and his tail through the third part of the stars of heaven and attention to the earth. That is if the dragon gets control of the rulers of the Roman Empire. That's more developed again in the 13th chapter, which Lord willing.
But here we see that the third brings in the Roman Empire. So I believe these judgments are limited to the third judgments. The dog will pour out on faithless and jobless Western Europe. Western Europe where they had such light in the gospel in the days gone by, where God raised up such men as Martin Luther over Wingley and John Calvin and other men who brought out the gospel.
Europe was reversed by such a man as Mr. Darby, who spread the truth through Germany, through Switzerland, through plants, Spain and Italy. All that land, it had all that privilege. We know we'd have that privilege on this side of the ocean too, in a way. But there, that land that is going to be revived into the Roman Empire is going to have the wrath and judgment of God. And that reminds me of something. We've all read it some years back when there was a meeting of the.
Committee in Europe.
There were two men, but I was just thinking about one of them said or combined what they both said, what they had this thought in mind. They're looking for a man who can take over everything without committing, who can make short cuts and have things accomplished. And they want this man to be able to take care of the economic situation and to be militarily strong enough to hold hold against Russia or any other nation. And notice this, what one of them said.
Be he God or the devil.
We will accept him that isn't just declared a vow person of man in Europe. And so they're waiting for a man. He's living over there somewhere. I don't know who he is and where he is. He's going to be on the scene one of these days. And so we see this judgment falling there. Now, the next Angel we have to pass on the green grass things in general prosperity which is destroyed.
The second Angel sounds and as a great mountain burning with fire cast into the streets, and the third part of the sea became blood and the third part of the creatures that were in the sea and that life died. That is here is a great power in the earth. God said of Babylon and Isaiah and Jeremiah 51. I will Rosie as a first mountain.
Down into the state, Babylon is their seat as Burns already destroyed.
The first mountain was seen here, a great nation falling under the judgment of God, and becoming the means of judgment to others. This great power falls in such a way as to destroy the whole part of commerce. The ships will bring in the thought of commerce some great power, which powers indicated the word of God doesn't say, and it would be purely speculation to name any country, so we may have private thoughts about.
This is a great power that's going to fall.
And it's going to bring in death that is apostrophe, and it's going to bring in the destruction of commerce in verse 9, the knowledge passed on to the 13th.
There we fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were, a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the river and upon the fountains of water. Here we have a star again. We noticed that the star represents an individual that is a place to get light and guidance. And this is a great person that's been falling from his plate and he throws, he's seen as a lamb that doesn't take the place of one who's going to give light and and instruction.
What we find instead, he causes the water to be filled with bitterness.
That's what the Wormwood is. God said He was seasoned with Wormwood and gall because of their sin and because of their iniquities.
We have many proof scriptures we can refer to it as we mentioned the other evening. We have to prepare to cover the ground we have in view now this morning upon the ribbon rivers bring in the influence among nations rivers as pass along that current and they carry Thomas clue. But it's it's it seems before the thought of intercourse between nations and certain influences.
Isaiah 18 who's land the rivers of spoiled the rivers will land oil sources of of intercross with between man and the world.
There'll be this Wormwood of bitterness and the screams or the.
Thousands bring in refreshments. That was the command. Refreshment will be poisoned, filled with Wormwood. Do we not see that even now? Every source of communication today is painted with iniquity. It doesn't make any difference what the subject is. It might be a magazine about housekeeping and it's filled with corrupted, corrupted articles in it. You look at the title and you don't. You leave it alone.
Just have household incidents now. It's got immorality in it. These are the poisoning of the screens. We're seeing some of that now. But one of the these men will want state panic influence, and God will let them have it. And so as the Lord said to the Jews, I came in my father's name.
And you receive me now if a notice will come in his own name. And you will receive, if man doesn't want God after all applause, all the chores of grace. God will let them have what they want, and then only to bring in His wrath and judgment upon Him.
Now the four things will bring in a judgment upon the ruling power, son, the moon and the sun, that is the song of supreme power, the moon that represents derived rules, subordinate authority, the stars, again, great leaders who take their place in the system. And here we find that this judgment snipes them in such a way that there's darkness.
Very far. That's the Roman Empire. Again, I believe what will happen, God will allow Europe to be preached in such dreadful conditions and allow them Satan to bring in the beast and seemingly give them relief because the fighting chapter shows the beast will arrive out of the troubled water.
He'll come in and set things in order. Then he'll begin to say peace and safety. This is what we're looking for, peace and safety. But then of course, sudden destruction will come upon them. Probably this is sufficient to give us the thought to the 8th chapter. We want to concentrate more on the 10th chapter, but let us see what the 9th chapter give us.
The typing first of the 8th chapter. However, we find this eagle flying in the midst of heaven, the bird of prey, and he says woah woah woah to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpets of the three angels which are yet to sound. That's why the next three tropical Rd. crumbles. Because of this, we roll 3-4 row associated by this ego.
Bird of praise with the three angels with the yet to sound.
So now we get the 6th trumpet, and the 5th trumpet rather, which is the first of the world trumpet. And it says, I saw a star fall from heaven under the earth. And to him was given the key of the bottomless pit, And he opened the bottomless pit, and then arose the smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air.
Were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
Matters that some personage will be used here to let loose upon the earth the blinding influence of states. What a state is doing now he blinds the minds of them which believe not. Why let the light of the glory glorious gospel of Christ to shine unto them? Satan will have greater power. Think of it, The Holy Spirit gone, the Church removed the restraining influence the swath of the earth.
And though there will be another testimony, yet Satan will have greater.
Liberty to spread those as illusions that men really want rather than the truth of God. And so we see that there will be a blinding influence let loose from the bottom of head. The bottomless head is not Al. The bottomless pit is not the lake of fire. The bottomless pit is a place where evil is chained up, but not punished.
In the lake of fire. And so here there's a letting loose of the blinding influence of that early pitch. There, at this very moment, there are fallen angels and chains waiting the day of judgment. Here then we see God allowing this now out of that smoke come locally.
They need to change little opus, because they have power like scorpions, and they're told not to eat the things that locusts usually eat. They should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their forest. Other four. First is to close to the fact that this judgment is upon the unbelieving in Israel.
For the 7th chapter.
Sealed out of each product. And this judgment is on those that were not sealed. So those that were not sealed would be the rest of those in Israel. The greater part of the nation, we know in the end will follow Antichrist will be under the power and influence of the beast. And so here, this judgment, this trumpet falls upon the apostles in Israel.
Those men who would not trust and who persecuted really those who had received, those who had to feel, are not touched by this judgment.
But only those men were not the feel of God. And then in verse five, we learned that this is a limited judgment. It's limited to five months and it's deployment of a scorpion when he strikes a man.
Which was bringing deadly terrorists.
And in those days shall men seek death? Shall not find them. Think of a person being in such mental torment, but a desire to have his mind so absolutely close to it. All that is in a state of mental death, or spiritual death, or death to his conscience in all about these things, might not plague him. In torment him. It certainly does not mean physical death.
The men saw physical death. That would be an easy thing to accomplish. That would not be difficult.
But here it's a mental death, a death of conscience. You know that even now there are those whose conscience in the spirit you're the red hot iron. Here is the question of them being tormented as those things come before them that God will allow to fall in those days. Now it tells us the shapes of the locals, the life of the horse we pan of the battle and on their heads well, as it were.
Crowned like gold.
And their faces were the faces of men, and they had their hair as a hair of women, and their teeth was a piece of lying the crowns of gold. I believe thing in the spot, that whatever this wickedness represents, stable claims to have God's authority behind him. When Sennacherib.
Was encamped at the libner or late this he sent grab shack at the Jerusalem with an army and told Hezekiah surrender and one of the claims that Rabshika matrices the Lord sent me. I came up with the Lord. The Lord sent me, which is a false claim, but he was claiming divine approval for what he was doing. Men, no matter how wicked they are, have a conscience and we've seen it in the past war.
When this right off Hitler wanted to invade a country he had to have a prepaid for minority being impressed he got to go to relief.
Why, why did that show he had a concert he had to have an excuse to go in and split those people. I only picked him out there other councillors the same way. And so here we see where we claim the divine title anointed ones that stood before the God of the earth. And so this shows that God is going to bring back to Israel again, both royalty and Facebook. The two olive trees here are seen sitting there with witness. Now notice in verse 4.
It says they're standing before the Lord because it should be of the earth, the Lord of the earth. Spare that mind to be condemned further.
Now we see that during their testimony, they've got power to destroy their enemies.
I can call fire down from heaven and they can shut the heavens when it rained not and they can turn water to blood. May I call attention to this fact? The fair miracles are the miracles that Moses did in Egypt and the miracles that Elijah did. That's why some have tried to bring out that this is Moses of Elijah. We find again, I don't believe that's a fraud here. Elijah will return. The Lord says so He will come. We, we don't.
Details about that, But the character of their miracles has a very important point here. Why do we have brought in the miracles that Moses did? Why is that brought in? And why are the miracles brought in that he liked it did? Because it represents the moral state of Israel at this time. When Moses brought forth those miracles, Israel was in *******.
Israel will again be in ******* when this takes place.
When he lied to all his miracles, Israel had departed. They were in a place of apostasy, they had turned away from God, and that's exactly what their position will be here. So God brings back the principles that were from the beginning, their restoration, their deliverance from Gentile power, and also delivering from their own cells in their own way with waywardness.
Now it tells us when they finished their testimony and trust I might take 5 minutes more.
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beasts that ascended out of the bottom of the pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them and kill them. Notice they finish their testimony. And everyone of God's fervent is immortal until his work is done. God will maintain his servants until our work is done, and throw the beast who arises out of the bottomless pit can't touch them until.
Their testimony is finished.
And then we find them caught up that killed and put the death. And this is in Jerusalem.
What they told us was that the Jerusalem is identified in verse 8. The city that great city was virtually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified, not our Lord, but their Lord, the Lord of these witnesses. Well where? Where does the Lord? So this is a positive identification of the city of Jerusalem. Now they dwell upon the earth with joy.
In verse 10 and make merit, but the other general lot of people in the ninth verse are indifferent.
But they do not have the same hatred for these men as they as well on the earth.
They that dwell upon the earth are those holding left behind when the Lord Jesus comes. God will send them strong delusion that they should believe alive who leave not the truth that has pleasant and unrighteousness. Every professional Christian who received not Christ is one of those that dwell upon the earth. Dwell upon the earth and revelation is not all the people around the earth. It's a plan. It's a special plan that people who chose earth, not heaven.
And so we see that they make merits, that it sends gifts one to another.
Then there's resurrection, and this is brought in close to the end, and now it's closing. We have to notice the 7th trumpet.
In the.
14 First, the Second World was passed, and behold, the third world cometh quickly, and the 7th Angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven.
Saying the Kingdom of this world or become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his presence, and he shall reign forever and ever. Then we have the 4th by the elders coming in again and notice their intelligence, what they say in verse 17. We give these thanks to the Lord God Almighty with art and love and art to come because I was taken to leave our great power in this range.
The nations were angry and Virat is fine at the time of the dead, that they should be judged.
And the bachelor of chimney ward of thy service, the prophets and do the things and for them that feel our name more and great and should have destroyed them if it's destroyed earth notice to be sent before which brings us to the very end of things because you cannot go beyond what we have here, the world Kingdom of our Lord and it is Christ is calm. That is that this is just simply an aggregation of kingdoms as this might indicate he has afforded.
Kingdom does that mountain that fills the whole earth there in second of Daniel Christ Kingdom will be from the river to the end of the earth. And then that being brought in, we have broadgrass, we have the dead judge, we have the reward for the service department and the destruction of those who destroy the earth. This propaganda brings us to the finality of things and again the love of Brazil. What a precious thing it is not only the.
Say, I don't know what eternity is secure for us, but God has taken this trouble to unfold. What will happen in this world after we're gone? All may we value the fact that He's taken us into His secret. The last verse rightfully belongs with the self. Captain Soil omitted.