Rodney, The Gypsy Boy

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Rodney’s father and mother were gypsies. He was born in a tent, and in his early life he knew much about gypsy wagons and caravans.
One day some Christian men came out to the gypsy encampment and preached the gospel there. Rodney’s father became a true Christian and later on at a gospel meeting Rodney himself took the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. After that he became a soul-winner, and went about preaching the gospel.
Rodney had an uncle whom he loved very much. He wanted him to come to know the Saviour too, and to have the joy of being saved. However, gypsy boys were taught to respect their elders, and Rodney held back from talking to his uncle about the Lord. Nevertheless, he knew that he could pray for his uncle and this he did. Often he would disappear, and kneeling down alone he would pray that God would somehow save his uncle too.
It so happened that his uncle noticed that the knees in Rodney’s trousers had holes in them. So he said to his nephew kindly, “How come the knees of your trousers are so worn, Rodney, when the rest of your suit is nearly new?”
“Oh Uncle,” replied Rodney, “I have been on my knees praying for you so many times my trousers are worn through.” Then he began to sob. “Uncle,” he went on, “I want you to become a Christian too.”
His uncle put his arm around the boy and a little later he too got down on his knees and prayed. He confessed to God that he was a sinner, and accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.
Sometimes boys and girls who know the Saviour feel they are too young to work for Him. But here is something all of us can do—we can pray for others, that God may draw them to the feet of the Saviour too.
“It is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Rom. 10: 15.
ML 08/20/1967