Romans 5:12-21

Duration: 1hr 15min
Romans 5:12‑21
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Isaiah 43.
Verse one that now thus saith the Lord that created the O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, fear not.
For I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name. Thou art men.
A loving father would just look up to the.
Romans chapter 5, beginning at verse 12.
Romans 5, verse 12.
Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned. After the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come?
But not as the offense, so also as the gift.
Rift through the offense of one many be dead. Much more. The grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many.
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift.
Where the judgment was by 1 to condemnation. But the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.
But if by one man's offense death reigned by one, much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, Even so had the righteousness of one. The free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Whereas by one man's disobedience many were made sinners.
So by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
We're over the law entered that your fence might abound.
But where sin abounded, raised it much more abound.
That as sin hath reigned unto death, Even so might grace reign through righteousness, but to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Before now that the book of Romans.
The Foundation book it does.
First two chapters where God has taken up the question of our sins.
And so we have been.
The question of the of the fruit of the old nature dealt with.
And that is taken up to the end of the 11Th verse of the 5th chapter that we have just, uh, enjoyed yesterday from the first.
11 verses of chapter 5, actually.
Go back to chapter 3 and chapter 4. It's all included together, isn't it?
When we come to this point.
Verse UH-12. On to the.
Above the end but.
Well I need help on these things from others as well.
By the boat at the end of chapter of Chapter 8.
God is dealing with the question of the nature. It's not so much the, the, the, the proof of the of the, uh, old nature, but the nature itself.
God has forgiven our sins when we receive Christ's Savior.
But he doesn't forgive the nature. He condemned the nature.
If you have a crabapple tree, the only thing you're going to get off of that tree is crab apple.
And you you can't get anything else. The nature of that tree is that it produces crab apples, and if you don't like it, you got to cut the tree down.
Well, here God is dealing with the nature where we started. So it starts out in verse 12.
As by one man's sin entered into the world, and death by sin.
Though death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
The nature that Adam received in the fall, when he partook of the fruit of the tree in the garden in disobedience, was the old nature, and when he had children, those children were.
By one man sin entered into the world the nature.
He, he, uh, Adam sinned and he received through the fall the old nature. And Cain and Abel and Seth had that old nature. And so it is with every one of us born into this world. We're born with that old nature.
I think it's wonderful to see, you know?
Umm, When we preach the gospel, we preach the gospel to, umm, that God offers forgiveness of sins. And so that is dealt with particular, as we say in Romans 3-4 and five and in many other chapters.
And why is it that right after the question of the gospel and forgiveness of sin he brought before us that God brings this side in? I think it's wonderful and I've enjoyed it in this way. It's likely, you know, when a person gets saved, they're so happy in the Lord, you find somebody that is, is, uh, been taken out of darkness and brought into the marvelous light and they sometimes dramatic conversion.
Are so, you know, you see the person rejoicing so much in the Lord?
And then afterwards, they're surprised to find that they have the old desires that they had before.
And to me that is why that God takes up immediately after the question of our sins. He talks about the nature. And it's like to me, God saying this.
You have that nature. You are born again. But be careful, that old nature's still there. You have the new nature, but there's the old nature.
And and God tells us in these chapters how we can walk through this world for His glory and to keep the old nature in the place of death.
And so, umm, I've enjoyed it, thinking of it in that way. Or in verse 12 on the game for checkers hit seven and eight.
So when we came to know the Lord Jesus as our Savior?
We realized all that we had done against God. Our sins was removed, forgiven and, uh, cleansed. And our sins? We have them no more.
But our nature was not removed, and so while we understand the concept, the principle of substitution.
That Christ died for us and all that was against us was laid on him. He paid the penalty in full and it was raised again for our justification. And now we are in that new place of grace. But the real underlining principle of these chapters here that's so critical is deliverance from sin as the ruling principle in our life.
Because the nature is still here. So God is taking care of all that we have done through the death of Christ. What we have done against Him are sins. But now with the nature, how are we going to live for the glory of God with that sinful nature still within us?
And so I just briefly mentioned a few things in these chapters, certainly not new, but it's helpful. And nor do we have time to go through all of them through them all. But in chapter five, we we are under the headship of the old Adam and and Adam and now brought into the headship of Christ, which is chapter takes up in chapter six, we have two masters. We have sin and we have righteousness.
And in chapter seven we have two husbands really in the 7th chapter which says we should be married to another.
Really should be two another because while you have the law in Christ brought out, we're not the truth of the church is not really enrollment, but it, it gives us to see that there cannot be, umm, connection with them both. In the end of chapter seven, we find a very instructive, uh, passage there where we find a one that has life. He does not have power to do good and it's very frustrating to him what he wants to do good he can't do.
Because this indwelling sin within him. And so he says, I know that in me that is in my flesh. And verse 18 dwelleth no good thing. And we find in that 7th chapter that although we have a new light, that new light in and of itself has no power. And so there's just misery, a new nature. 2 natures, but there's no deliverance. And he ends up in the 7th chapter, Who shall deliver me? Because he can't deliver himself. A man that has life, but a man that does not have deliverance.
And so then we come to the 8th chapter where we have the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Yes, it is the Spirit of God, but the Spirit of God is positioned here as the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God is the power of life, of a new nature that gives us the power to rise above the tendency of the flesh that will ever drag us down. That strength is not in ourselves, it is in the Spirit of God, here seen as the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Getting way ahead of ourselves, but the illustration has often been given. If we have, uh, let's just say we have a book. I hold it in my hand and I drop it. What happens? The law of gravity brings it down and it hits the ground. Uh, the law of gravity brings it down, but I tie a ribbon around it and attach it to a very large helium balloon. And what happens? I don't change the law of gravity. The book would still go down, but now that book begins to rise because of a new law, a new principle.
And that's the principle of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
That causes that book to go contrary to the law of gravity. And so the presence of the Spirit of God gives the new nature, that power to rise above and live for the glory of God. The law of gravity hasn't changed. The law of sin and death has not changed. It's the same as it's ever been, but a new power comes in to bring deliverance. So there's just a few things, and it's just given a rough skeleton approach to it, but it is helpful to consider the two heads, the 2 masters, the two husbands, and the two laws, and then the two natures as well.
I think yourself will deceive 2 brother Bill at verses 13 through 17 are a parenthesis and so to get the connection it's good to read umm, the 12 first and then go down to verse 18.
Where it says therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men of condemnation, Even so by the righteousness of one, the pre guest came upon all men under justification of life. So in that 18 first you get the two heads. Is that right?
And I think Mr. Darby's translation of that verse is actually, uh, helpful. I'm talking about the 18th verse. I think it reads like this as by one offense.
Toward all men, the condemnation.
That's the one that so by 1 righteousness toward all men for justification of life. That's the other.
So I think it's been interesting to see that the connection goes from 12 to 18, and then there's that parenthesis, parenthesis in between.
September 11 of our chestnuts talking about the end of fruit.
No, we're looking at them, the roof and stop.
They've never lived.
Never committed sins.
I would explain that the colonoscopy was the unborn.
Dial Dial.
Maybe someone has another thought, but I've enjoyed 3 verses in Matthew 18 that give a little, uh, answer to that has given me peace. Or should one, a little one die in the womb and one never, never heard the story of Jesus and his love and uh, Matthew 18 just three verses. The 1St is verse 10.
It says, Take he that you despise not one of these little ones, For I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven, They're angels.
So you have the angelic care. We know that they're umm, Hebrews. One says to them, there shall be heirs of salvation.
Dodge protective care. But then verse 11 For the son of man has come to save that which was lost. And then he describes the cheapest lost. It's not in the case of Nicodemus to seek him to save that which was lost. A little child and the embryo. It never had, never set his will against God. It didn't wander away and rebel. But the son of man has come to save that which is lost. So you have the work of the sun. And then in verse 14.
Even so, it is not the will of your Father, which is in heaven, that one of these little.
One should perish. So we have not only the work of the sun, we have the will of the Father, that all-encompassing work of the cross. And that also brings in the truth of propitiation, doesn't it? It's God's side substitution. He was delivered through our offenses and raised again for our justification for those of us that have sinned against God. But the work of Christ is broader than that. It's the basis on which God has extended blessing to this world, to this present hour. A man may live in his sins.
For 80 years.
Never own Christ and die in his sins, but yet God has dealt with him in a righteous basis and extending mercy to him because of the work of Christ. And so in the same way these little ones come into blessing based on the work of Christ.
Just a little addition to that brother Bill. Umm, I've enjoyed contrasting Matthew 1811.
With Luke chapter 19 and verse.
Hand in connection with Zacchaeus.
When the Lord Jesus spoke to Zacchaeus, he said the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost. He puts in the word seat there, and that's in connection with a man who has reached the age of responsibility. But in Matthew 18, when Speaking of children, it doesn't say seek, it just says the Son of Man has come to see that which is lost.
So I've enjoyed that contrast.
One of the 711%, isn't it?
Matthew percent. Matthew percent. Move percent.
The next thing, all I enjoyed is complete and visited the correct name. I've enjoyed it this way here in the.
Let's let's assume for a moment that.
No one committed sins after they were born.
Not one single commitment.
And with Christ we have done.
And the answer is yes.
Because the wages are thin, 23 is dead.
So because of the because of the skin came into Adam and death as one of an all nine months.
Because of the nature that the guru sin.
The required disk.
And when the death of Christ, that answers that question.
It takes care of them, but all those sinners that are still in the womb are sinners because not because they commit sins, but because they have a sin nature.
Airplane required bank payment debt and so price would have died and to take care of that question the depth of credit.
But for those who are of the age of responsibility against the blood of friends, the blood of Jesus Christ hands us all sin the sins of pride was supposed to prove.
They can't separate the two really, but inside it's already enjoyed it and that that's not true.
19 Seeking to save now he has to seek and to save us. And so the blood of Christ is applied to walk away our sins.
So for those who are beyond born, they needed a better price, but they never committed sins.
So in that sense, the blood is not applied that way, but it's a death of Christ.
It's in a sense one is substitution.
Which is for our sins to guide in our place. The other is an essential to which I see it as appreciation.
I have some verification on that so I make sense to him.
Eric, you mentioned the, uh, age of responsibility. There's two verses that highlight the portions that I like in connection with questions like yours and those related.
The first one is a question that, uh, Abraham asked the Lord back in Genesis.
And back in Genesis chapter 18.
He says to the Lord, he said, That shall not be uh.
Judge of all the earth you write as Genesis 1825 through at the end.
Shall not the judge of all the earth be right? And I have enjoyed that, because God.
Didn't contradict us.
And we know our God that he does.
And the foundation of God's sin is sure having this sail to the Lord, know of them that are his, every single one of them.
But then, in connection with the age of responsibility, the fortune that I enjoy at the end of Jonah, Jonah chapter 4.
And is that teaching us a little bit about our God as well? Because there he's dealing with Jonah and, uh, Ray at the end.
This is the word of the Lord in verse 11.
Says that and should not I spare Nineveh that great city?
When are more than six 4000 persons?
I'm not going to stop there. And I think this is where we learn about responsibility.
We're in our more than six 4000 persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left.
But uh, we recall the burst in, uh, Matthew, I think it is where the Lordhouse has said God pays attention to even the sparrows, whereas the end of Jonah he includes and also much cattle.
So our God is a loving God. He's very compassionate and caring and he knows how to discern, but in particular, he does what's right. And I agree with what uh, has been brought before us in connection with the, uh, with the young lore, but just enjoy that thought in terms of, uh, responsibility. And so I would expand that, not just for unborn or stillborn or young child children, but that to that point, as you mentioned, that point at which they can discern and understand that they're an open rebellion against God.
Tell the difference between your left hand and your right hand.
Very interesting in this portion that Robert has referred to in Genesis 18, and I was just noticing that also.
There are numbers that are mentioned verse 28 to the per adventure there shall be five of the 50 righteous.
And the next number goes down to 40, then it goes down to 30, and then it goes down to 20.
And then in verse 32, and he said, oh, that not the Lord be angry and I will speak yet, but this one, her adventure 10 shall be found there. They said I will not destroy it for Ken's sake. Well, as her brother Robert was saying, the Lord is gracious. He's long-suffering and that shows out his heart here, doesn't it?
Those numbers kept reducing. Well, Abraham couldn't understand that, but the broad surface, was that a refresher?
And as Robert mentioned, uh Jonah rebelled against.
Uh, declaring that message to Nineveh at the Wardrobe last year.
Though all in this world are as born in this world are under that first headship of Adam.
And I heard an old story once, I don't remember the whole story, but uh, back in the days before, uh, big crushers, they made gravel by breaking rocks at the side of the road. And you may gravel that way. And the man went by and there's a fellow to tie the road with a big hammer breaking rock. Every time he swung that hammer down, he'd say, oh, Adam.
Macrago and hit that rock. Thou shalt earn my bread by the sport of thy ground.
Yes, he was under that headship, and you and I was born in this world or under that headship. But we can't blame Adam, for all have sinned and everyone of us stands in our own responsibility before God. Yes, the creation fell on its head and we were under that headship.
But we can't blame that.
For all their sins.
Some years ago, the question was put to our President of the United States, John Quincy Adams. Now how? How are you, John Quincy Adams?
He said I'm fine.
But the house in which John Quincy Adams live is crumbling.
And he said I'm part of the old creation.
So now illustrates what we talked about President.
Many have criticized Christianity.
Because, umm, the initial sense I.
Oh, I don't understand.
That's not true.
There won't be one soul can have an elastic eternity because of Adam's skin.
Death of Christ said Death of Christ advanced that crunch an initial question Adams, Adams, Stanford who?
That there was no one. I committed sentence after that.
When the depth of rice meant that all would go to glory by all unborn children, because.
Responsibility and umm, and so those will be an Alaska Eternity won't say.
Old Adam's computer, known to Denver Christ took care of them so they all may come.
Every single person in the world.
From that I went down to it may now come, because the death of Christ has been drawing. But those are the beautiful.
Their sins will begin. Fewer confidence.
And therefore there is a loss to turn to the top of your skin because of the truth and not because of the need. That's why I understand that's right.
First, John says he's the propitiation for the whole world, and that's, to your point, the death of Christ, infinitely glorified God.
Irrespective that one Sinner was ever saved. Now we can't look at it that way because it's it's one word towards all. But there's God's side and God was infinitely glorified. And it's the basis on which, as we had in the third chapter, He would extend the blessing to all. It's unto all, but it's only upon all them to believe.
And that substitution, that's what we found and that has, as you say, that addresses the sins, the acts, that it can be stunned against God. That's why we have the burnt offering mentioned first, isn't it, Leviticus?
We had.
The choice of selecting which offering should be mentioned first we could.
Probably selected this in offering, wouldn't we?
But it's that which is God for. It is that which day for is the God the Father. You think of the Lord's words in John's Gospel. I have finished the work that style has given me to do.
The wonderful work so did Eric. I was just thinking of your remarks there concerning.
Those that will be speechless someday When?
They are confronted with the Lord of glory.
Not too long ago I I uh.
Saw a documentary.
Uh, made and in this documentary.
There was a a man interviewing, uh, a noted atheist. His name is Richard Dawkins, and he's written a book called The Dog Delusion.
And demand that we're interviewing wasn't necessarily a believer.
But you could see the fact that there might have been.
Something more to the whole situation than that your dog was pretending, he said. Let us assume now that you get to the end of your life and you die.
And there is a God. What will you have to say to me?
Well, you said I, I just have a lot to say for.
But it would be speechless before God with me.
Interesting observation. If there is no God, why is he prepared to talk to him?
Seems like a lot of effort expended to deny something to him.
The verse, you hear that?
Intervened in our endless parentheses.
Bring out, uh, something really that tells a little bit more of the nature, doesn't it? Because in verse 14 it says nevertheless deaf brain from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression.
Who is the figure of him that was to come?
How is it that Adam sinned? What was it that brought about his sin?
God had given a known command to Adam that there was a tree that with me were not to partake of.
And that was a known command, and he broke that command.
He transgressed against a known command.
And death reigned with him because he broke that command.
But there was no law that was given for another 2500 years.
The 10 commandments were given in Exodus, and that was approximately 2500 years later.
Is the people in between die? Yes, we know they did. Why did they die?
They didn't die because they had a known command, because there was no law that was given during those 2500 years. Why did they die?
Well, because they had a nature that produces sin, because sin is self will.
He didn't sin in the same way that Adam did in breaking a law. What They did their own thing.
So, uh, that is, uh, what sin is. It is doing our own will. It's not just, if I can put it that way, breaking a known law.
But it is self will. So we have the scripture that says in in in Isaiah 53, all we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way.
It's our own way, our own will. And the Lord said, Ye will not come unto me that she might have life. So the nature produces this rebellious attitude.
And we all have it. We're born with it.
And then it produces the fruit, doesn't it?
I think that we see this rebellious attitude, uh, very clearly in the 42nd chapter of Genesis. Just turn to for a moment.
Reuben is speaking here in verse 21.
Well, that we see that before that they're speaking one to another.
They said one to another, we are verily guilty concerning our brothers.
That we saw the anguish of his soul.
When he besought us.
And we would not hear.
Therefore is this distress come upon us? There's woefulness there, isn't there? We would not hear.
And Reuben answered them, saying, Stake I not unto you, saying, do not sin against the child, and you would not hear.
Therefore, behold also that blood is required.
Here we have mentioned a thin. Rubin realized that what had taken place was thin.
And, uh, that's again.
Without breaking a known wall.
Uh, wasn't the same as Adams transgression?
Wasn't the same as breaking one of the 10 commandments, yet sin was present here, wasn't it?
From, uh, from the flood.
From the time Adam was Ave. were put out of the garden until the flood.
The band was under dispensation of conscience.
Left one man who was conscious both the man through the conscience, but he also had, uh, the testimony of creation. So we go back to Romans chapter one. We see how man rebelled under that dispensation of conscience.
The uh, it says the verse 20 of chapter one.
The invisible things of Him, the creation of the world, are thoroughly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Because that when they knew God, they knew God in that way, through creation. They glorified him not as God. Neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their truly heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fooled and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like disruptible man and the birds and a creeping thief.
And so man digress downward, so the time that was put out of the garden to this that we have here in Romans 1, the heathen.
And, uh, God brought in the flood and destroyed that whole population except for no one's family.
And, uh, man has been, uh, rebellious.
Uh, his nature, a fallen nature is a rebellious nature, and it's no different today than it is here. We're reading about Romans one, It's the same rebellious nature that man has and rebel against God.
And, uh, today they're refusing something far greater and we have that in.
Uh, John's Gospel.
Gospel John, chapter 3.
It says there in verse 17, for God sent not a son into the world to condemn the world.
But that the world through him, might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned.
But he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only, the only begotten Son of God.
Man is condemned because God has done everything possible.
To show the man today his love. All has been completed.
Because witness to this world in Christ, dying on the cross, showed out the love of God the man.
In such a powerful way that today man refusing.
Uh, this love?
That God has shown to him in Christ.
That condemnation, if he rejects us, hanging over his head. And this is a condemnation that light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than the light because their deeds are evil. This is my man doesn't come.
He has a witness of gospel going out today. He doesn't want it because his deeds are evil. He likes the darkness that he's in. He likes, he enjoys his sins. We were that way ourselves. That's what we were by nature. And it says, uh, they're in the 20th, 1St for everyone. That's true of evil. Hate us, the light.
Neither come. This is a light left to see. Should be reproved or corrected. Man doesn't want to be corrected. He wants to stay in a joyous sense. He doesn't wanna be bothered by any anybody. He's self oriented, he's self-centered and he enjoys what the darkness more than the light. And so that condemnation is hanging over his head.
Refusing the witness that God has given to him in Christ. In Romans one it was the witness that God gave to man in creation, and they rejected it.
Today, it's a far more serious thing.
It might be good to reference those verses in first John, because if we, uh, look at them, first John 3.
I It would appear to be a contradiction of what's been said, but it's due to, regrettably, a little bit of a deficient translation that we should acknowledge first. John three and verse 4.
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth all to the law, for sin is the transgression of the law.
More properly, it should read everyone that practices sin practices also lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
Which has already brought out very clearly that there was sin in the world even when there wasn't transgression of the law, because there was no law to transgress. And so the consequences of sin still took effect, that is death.
But sin is lawlessness, it is the operation of self will without regard to God, Never mind not transgressional law, it still is the operation of self will. And the 5th chapter of first John we also did another expression, verse 17.
The first part it says all unrighteousness is sin.
And then it says and there is a sin on him to death. That would be a in a governmental way. But all unrighteousness is sin. So one can commit unrighteousness and one can act in self will without breaking any law, but the consequences are the same. And if he just had a verse in John 16 Brother Enos in regard to what you just said with respect to sin.
In this present day.
John 16.
The Lord acknowledges thee, and when the Comforter that is the Spirit of God comes.
In verse eight it says he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. And here the word reprove is more the thought of bringing things to a demonstration of it. Not a matter so much of AA Center being convicted of his sin and being convicted of righteousness and being convicted of judgment, but rather a demonstration of these things. And it says in verse nine of sin because they believe not on me.
Not because the multitude of murders, the slaughter and wickedness and immorality, that's not the crowning sin of this world. It's because they believe not on me.
And so we live in a world that's far more guilty and responsible than King's world ever was, because God's Son has been revealed and sin has been demonstrated because they believe not on him. The crowning sin of this world is the rejection of God's Son.
That is because.
A wave.
That is because God has made that way of escape for man.
So man has no excuse for his sins. Here is your way of escape. Here's your pass in the glory, except Christ.
That's God's way for man to get the glory. He is made that way through his Son. And so there's so much huge left from that. God's saying whatever sins you have done, they can be cleansed away and you can be accepted and justified before me. But.
As you mentioned.
They rejected that way that that condemnation is hanging over their heads.
We see that Adam's disobedience to affected the whole creation, not only mankind as well.
And the 1St 14 and says nevertheless death range from Adam to Moses.
But we see a day when there will be a reversal that don't. That's in the 8th chapter of Romans.
And uh.
Theresa Burns, 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature awaited for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Where the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him.
Who have subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself so because ever from the ******* of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Where we know that the whole creation of grown up.
And Trivella and peeing together. Until now.
So the whole creation was affected by Adam's sin, wasn't it?
And, uh, we see a reversal that day ago.
I think the point is being made.
In these verses too, that God has been more glorified.
In Christ.
That after death.
The gloom of death was brought in.
Said he had brought in more glory to God and that. I don't know how to say this exactly but I think others can help me out.
That, umm.
Adam's skin. Look at verse uh.
It says whereas through the offense of one many be dead, Speaking of what Adam did in the consequences.
Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace.
Which is by one man, Jesus Christ have abounded unto many.
The result of sin being brought in that God has found a way that more glory can be brought to the Lord Jesus because.
Of what he has done on the cross, so down in the next verse.
Not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift, for the judgment was by 1 The condemnation.
That came because of Adam, but under the headship of Christ. But the free gift is of many offenses.
Under justification of life, what has happened as a result of the sin of Adam?
That you and I have received.
This justification of life and so the contrast is being brought in and stolen. 17 if by the one man's offense that rain by 1.
Much more, they would receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
I don't know how to say it, but I just enjoy those. There's a contrast, it seems to me.
That God has been more glorified through the Death Christmas. Marvelous truth, isn't it?
And no flesh for glory in his presence.
Sarah thought of universal salvation, that burst of the day.
Where it says.
Well, first of all, by one offense judgment came upon all nomination.
No man, don't accept it.
Appreciation. In that sense, the mercy seat.
Tall man and outside, his arms walling up on all the receipts.
Versed as in the Darby's torso to your point, it's the you have the the bearing or the effect of those two acts, don't we? The act the 1X Yeah, two. You have two ones here. You have the one man Price and the one man Adam, and then you have one act Adam's one act of disobedience and then one righteousness is how it's worded here of the Lord Jesus.
See ultimately in that, that great work of, of, uh, of redemption.
And the bearing of that work. So we see to, uh, I was thinking, brother Dave, as you mentioned that to, uh, look at verse 16 to support what you bring out.
And I'll read it in the door before the judgment was of 1 to condemnation, but the act of favor of many offenses unto justification.
Those other versions that we can look at to support this, but if the work of Christ only brought us back to where we were before, it would be an act of favor unto innocence. That's where Adam was before he fell. But God's taken way beyond that. He's taken us under justification.
Where those that have come under the burying and effect of that work of Christ are now justified, accounted, righteous in the presence of God. And Adam never knew that.
You know, I was, I was thinking of this yesterday when we were taking up the, uh, first part of the chapter and umm, umm.
And then, uh, Mark brought out in the gospel last night about, uh, that verse in Acts 13, the difference between forgiveness and justification. I wonder if we could have some help on that. What is the difference?
It says there it makes a difference. The Scripture makes a difference there in Acts 13, where it says, Be it known unto you, therefore, both men and brethren, that through this man has preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
And by him all that believe are justified from all things.
What is the difference between forgiveness and justification?
I'm going to put this way one time that if a prisoner was sentenced by reports and certain like five or something that he did.
After he finished his sentence.
The state or country of courts would forgive him. We would be.
He served a sentence and he's forgiven, but he could never feel justified.
For what he'd done, those crimes would still be on his conscience.
But when the when the Lord Jesus.
The work that he has done.
And God has given to us a justification really that goes beyond forgiveness. That means there's no accusation or no no guilt can ever be bought against us because of the work of Christ.
That's we're totally forgiven.
Through the work of price and justify is that our standing before God like.
We have, we have peace.
And a conscience void of offense against God because of what Christ has done.
That's the difference I believe.
That, uh, a criminal, even though he might serve as a sentence and have forgiveness, he can never feel justified.
But because of the work of Christ, and because what he has done.
We do realize that we stand before God justified.
I I don't know if that makes it clear or not. Maybe somebody else can.
I don't know, this is a great illustration, but I guess going back to your the crab off the tree, umm, well, I've heard this statement and uh, I don't know if it's true or I, I really believe it is true that we, we sin because we're sinners. We're not sinners because we sin.
And think about the grand apple tree and the, uh, being forgiven and justified if you.
If you take it as the crabapples are like thin and being the crabapple tree is like a Sinner.
If you take all the crabapples off the tree, it's still a crabapples tree.
But if you change that tree from crabapple.
Then it's no longer a grab at one. That's like being justified. So if you change the tree from being a crab apple.
But you left to grab that movie on the tree.
Well, that's not right either, is it? But that's not what, what, uh, has happened with us, isn't it? We've been forgiven. So you take the crab apples off. But then also we're no longer we, umm.
Have that nature to talk about and they change and so we have been forgiven and, uh.
We will in the coming day have, uh, no longer, uh, old nature woman will have just that, uh, new nature. And so we'll be.
Umm, if you will will be almost like this crabapple with crab apples on it will be changed while all the crab apples will be gone and will change from Cherry Tree.
I don't know if that's, that's, uh, if it's $39.00, that's great.
My brother, Doctor Dodge, remember him years ago, he used to say justify, justify, never sin.
That's different than just being forgiven, isn't it?
The mistakes on the work of Christ isn't that like it uh, isn't more justified because of what price has done. That's how God could justify it. It's a it's a working price. It's.
It's uh.
Our old nature, as far as God sees our standing is gone, and he wants us to see us in the next chapter. It's crucified with Christ. Sin, the old man had held him crucified with Christ.
Citizen Romans 8 that sin He condemned sin in the flesh.
So we put staff condemnation on it, Lord Jesus.
What do you do when something condemned is ready to be destroyed? Well then when he died on the cross, he crucified it. Those things condemned, it's been crucified. But we read there in the 6th chapter it's also been buried.
The old nature that we've had as far as our standing go, the gossip doesn't even see it.
It's it's condemned, crucified and buried.
And that's where God wants us to see that old nature and we have a news standing and a new federal head in Christ free from everything that was connected from that.
Even though we have the old nature, we're to reckon it in the place of death.
We're not going to be occupied with us so many believers and I was that way myself for a long time.
Occupied with that, with that whole nature and if you if we try to make our standing depend on our state, we're never gonna have.
Uh, settled peaks. We're never gonna really have all the things we're reading about yesterday, joy and happiness and all those things, if we don't really see our standing where prices close before God.
And we stand there without an old nature.
God sees us that way in Christ, and that's how he can justify it.
We're with no.
With no done umm, accusation, any kind of an accusation before God and Christ.
We're made the righteousness of God and hammeth elders.
Extend and then all the perfect, uh, work of Christ before God.
Wouldn't have a better standing.
The thing about that illustration of the crab apple tree too, And just to take it a little further, maybe.
Jackpot destroying or getting rid of that?
Another remedy too that is used in the food industry.
You can take that crab apple tree and cut it right off and braft in a perfectly good apple window. Give whatever variety of apples you like.
And it'll grow, it'll work wonderfully and produce that group that you want.
Scrap it in a new.
So that that new that new tree is grafted into the old crab after the snow.
Every apple tree and every orchard anywhere. And basically that's what happened because.
Apples don't grow from seeds, they grow. They have to be drafted in.
From an original stock.
So your graphics change your graphics when you grow your crab. Apple's still there.
And I have an apple tree like that at home.
It has a roof stock from 1 Bush, it's got a trunk cracked in from another, and it's got a good delicious apple on top.
Vascular brewed the fruit, however.
You have to be diligent with that tree because the.
Sprouts will come up with an old rat and shore up. And yet there has been an ineconomic effect. Now there's coming a day when.
We plan it to be a wonderful thing. There's no more old.
Nothing was metal stock. Well, I don't think that that's.
Possible, but.
When we get our new and glorified body, that old crab apples can be done away.
All that tree that produces nothing.
So it's grafted in and it's, I think it's a beautiful thing. Umm.
That, uh.
Is an increase in me. It's like a new tree but still that old Wiz there as we have anything as well.
However, it should be in a place of death and half Britain had three of mine. She was kept in the pleasant Dr. Hurting should be firm to office.
Feathers coming a day or a nap? Treason.
Top my drill boost, nothing to put out.
Bottom should improve some bad stuff.
His connection with justification. I would say in some way that my question now is going to be one that is almost impossible to answer.
And that is that in the coming day, when the Lord looks at you and he looks at me.
Umm, he's going to look at it as if we had never seen. That is justification.
How is that possible?
It says in in Hebrew.
Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
God has, can I say the capability?
Of, uh, when the question of sin was dealt with and when when we are taken to be with them, we are already justified if we are safe.
Are standing before God is in that way, that is that we have never sinned.
And when we get to glory.
And he looks at us.
It's as if we had never sinned.
So God who knows everything, how is that possible, you say?
Well, I don't know the answer to that question.
But because he says it.
I believe it.
And I rest in that.
To think that God looks at me as if I never sinned in my standing before Him is only by faith that I can believe them.
I can't reason that up.
So, umm, that to me is, uh, we're justified before him and I, uh, I leave it there.
From the Robert's computer of a comment that he wanted to make before on justification.
And it's related to the question that Brother Dave said that.
I might be wrong, but I think the scripture does answer that question.
Because justification is more than just as if I could, just as if I'd never sinned.
It also puts me in a position where God looks at me as a person who is not capable of saying.
How is that? I think the answer is in Romans chapter 8 verse one.
Why is it God will not condemn me?
There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
And so when he looked at me, who did he see?
He teases beloved son.
Who has every right to glory?
And we'll sit on Nick's room.
And that's where it sees me.
And that's the incredible glory of what Christ has done in justifying us.
Brother Enoch has been talking about our standards. That's for God's books in price, what it is incredible place to be.
They think of it this way, brother.
Would God ever look at Christ and say.
I see you just as if you've ever been.
We are in Christ and in possession of a life to which they never attached, never will attach, and never could attach.
And the the judge has pronounced that seeing us in that position has clear and free from any blame or guilt.
First down five times is a verse for that verse. Down to three is a verse for that brother.
Saying the same thing where we see uh, and Burnstone where they mentioned that northern at us is that they, we never sinned bring in the past with God is blotted out with a thick cloud. It's gone completely.
An example of brother Esteem escapes although his person serving time and then being forgiven the letter to prison.
You want to go and see what he was charged with. He's still on the record.
Three years now, he's free. He's still under record, as it were.
There is nothing that we have done is on the record white dose water though we can't find it, it's not there.
No one delay anything to the charge of God's election. It is God that justifies God for Noah's future. The first John 3.
So verse 9, whosoever is born of God does not commit sin.
In the words and we cannot sin because he had born of God.
We have that nature. The same nature of the price of the question is, can Christ stand? The answer is all that.
Look at how we stand in that make sense, but it's not. There's no record being kept from here on about in the we may fail in so we can fail different topics altogether, but it's not as good as you want in that sense.
It's quite clean. Past, present, future.
So you cannot convince him because he is born of God. Isn't that beautiful?
I think we need a little clarification of that first verse of Romans chapter 8 because the first part doesn't seem to add up to the second part, so rather feel free to comment on that.
I'd like to take it back to the apple.
Brenda has to grab a tree gadget.
I guess it right from the ground.
Now he assessed pressure backed by the blood.
Your blood optimal increases.
That does not have.
A faster than strong.
Five times, but the apple tree had that attack from the ground.
The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven causes.
His seat was put into the woman by God.
They came directly from God.
So it is your blood of Jesus Christ with us from all things comes directly from God.
Has not been approved with her.
It is the seed of us, the seed of the Roman.
Might be nice too, just to look at a couple of verses.
That refer to our standing that we have in Christ.
Give us insurance.
Uh, first John chapter 4.
And verse 17.
It says there here in is our love made perfect.
And we may have oldest in the day of judgment.
You guys can see the price?
Because as he is.
Go away in the world.
How can God have anything to say to us in judgment?
When he looks at us and he sees us the same as his son.
As he is, so are you in this world.
God looks down upon each believer here, and he sees each one of us in Christ. Join to him that tells us in Ephesians that were part of the flesh and of his bones.
How could God have any, anything to say to us in judgment?
Nothing all has been accomplished by Christ finished, he said on the cross, And God sees us in his Son, and that's where we stand.
And, uh, Romans chapter.
UH-8 and verse one that, uh, brother Ruth mentioned, uh, the last part of that first verse doesn't belong there. And we know, uh, I don't think Jane, uh, Jane hasn't there.
It's referring to our state understanding.
And, uh, we have a perfect standing in Christ.
And our walk has nothing to do.
Standing that we have before God and Christ, it can affect our fellowship.
The vector communion vector our lives in a happy and A and a joyous way or a miserable way. Our state can.
But the last part of that burst referring to our walk or our state as we go on as believers.
Has nothing to do with our standing the first part of the verse. That belongs down in verse 4 where it's mentioned again.
I say that in Paul's ministry, it's in Christ. That is our place before God is in Christ. That's our place before God, before the Father. But in John it's more.
It's more priced than us, but the life of Christ has been given to us. So as he is, so are we in the world. We have that very life of Christ in this. Now it's not so much our place before God in Christ, but His life in US. And 1St John brings before us and it helps us understand his expression. He is born of God, sinneth not. Well, if we look at our experience, you say, oh, I've been born of God as many times that I've seen. How do we reconcile that? Well, John's ministry brings before us the believer in the absolute blessedness of the new life.
And I believe that's the point of this expression that Steve brought us to there in the end of verse 18, the justification of life. God looks at us not only in Christ, but looks at us in that life that He has given us, the very life of Christ, He.
Use us in that light that life has never sinned and so beautiful that is that assurances it gives us as well as the the joy that it gives him, and seeing not only us in Christ, but Christ in us in that new life.
Rolling face London is therefore there is therefore now no condemnation. It doesn't say.
Therefore you haven't been condemned.
So there isn't even any condemnation that can attach to that place of being in Christ. Not just God hasn't condemned you.
There's no condemnation.
It isn't.
Even ever going to be could not be impossible to be attached to that. The last part would make it conditional, wouldn't it?
If it were there, but that was borrowed by the copyist who did not understand the truth that we're taking up. And they borrowed it from verse four and added it again to verse one because they just could not understand how that could be said of a believer unless they were walking in a right way. So they.
They said I it's got to belong here, so we'll just add it in. It doesn't belong there.
When do we have it?
When do we have this perfect standing?
The moment we believe that he believes the gospel of your salvation, then where you feel that Holy Spirit promise.
The verse says there is now.
Now, no condemnation.
We have it now, enjoy it now.
If we sing #289.
No condemnation.
Consider it right.