Romans 5:3-11

Romans 5:3‑11
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Romans chapter 5, beginning at verse 3.
Romans 5, verse 3.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also.
Knowing that tribulation worketh patience.
And patience. Experience.
And experience hope.
And hope make us not ashamed.
Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
But when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Where scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more than being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement.
Therefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Over the last death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned. After the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come?
But not as the offense. So also is the free gift.
Rift through the offensive one many be dead. Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ at the bounded unto many.
And not as it was by one that's in.
So is the gift.
But the judgment was by 1 to condemnation. But the free gift is of many offenses under justification.
Where, if by one man's offence death reigned by one much more, they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Therefore, as by the offensive one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation.
Even so, by the righteousness of one, the free gift, California came upon all men unto justification of of life.
Whereas by one man's disobedience.
Many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Wherever the law entered that the offense might abound.
But where it's in a bounded grace did much more abound.
But as sin hath reigned unto death, Even so might Grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sample of this.
Third verse In this portion, I'd like to tell a little incident that took place, the connection with my own life when, uh, we were first married back in the 60s.
And uh, we read this chapter together before going to work. Go down our knees and pray.
And on the way, uh, to work, why I had an accident.
And I was responsible and I hit the car in front of me.
And it bothered me like everything.
And I thought to myself.
I started the day right. I thought thought everything was going the right way. Why did the Lord allow this accident to happen?
And uh, my wife said to me, do you remember when you prayed, you prayed for patients?
So the third verse says.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience.
So I learned it the hard way that day.
Uh, and so it is, don't you think that, umm, the, uh, the character of the book here in, in Philippians is a wilderness character book? I think we're going through the wilderness and, uh, and we're going to the Father's house, but while we're going through the wilderness, we pass through experiences like this where the Lord allows things to happen in our lives.
And, uh, the Lord, uh, passes his people through things.
And I think we all can seem into that, that we've experienced that. So what is the purpose here?
We glory in Tribulation also knowing that Tribulation work as patients and patients experience.
And experience hope. Hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given us.
I read somewhere Brother Davis story that was similar to your experience where the younger brother focused an older brother because he was in need of patients and he's wanted to pray with him.
So they said to pray together and when the an older brother prayed.
He prayed and but the Lord would give this on matibulation.
Whereupon, of course, he altered them.
Says Oh no, no, no. I want to pray for patients.
Whether there's no other way?
Well, we asked the question, how many of us in the room have prayed for tribulation?
My mother was put our hands up, but if we say.
I would suggest maybe we all have.
Because we've all probably prayed for patients similarly.
So I'm praying for patients who really have to learn patients to fibrillation.
Remind me of that little story.
How can we make glory and tribulation?
They've done everything you think.
When did you start?
I wonder if, uh, we don't have at least a kindred thought in what Paul says in Second Corinthians chapter 12.
And verse 9.
We know earlier that he had besought the Lord, that the Lord might take away the thorn.
Umm, the medicine here of Satan's, uh, was sent to Buffett him and then he says in verse nine, My grace is sufficient for thee, the Lord saying this to Paul.
For my strength is made perfect in weakness. And then Paul says most gladly. Therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities.
Of the power of Christ may rest upon you all didn't want to miss out on.
The Lord coming in despite of his infirmities and, uh, being able to use him in such a way that Paul would have to acknowledge that that's the power of Christ. That's not me. Uh, I'm just a weak vessel, but he's pleased to use.
Umm, that the Lord would come in, in His circumstances, His tribulations, and manifest all the more to his heart how He can sustain and keep Him in them.
Just enjoy the comparison with his mentioning glorying and infirmity.
Is it not the, uh, the thought of the end in view that the Lord has in sending things and allowing things in our lives?
And if we if when the pain of going through things and we take it as from the Lord in that way, it's not pleasant for us to go through the pain, but we know that he makes no mistakes and he has a reason for allowing things and there's an end in view. And in that way we glory and tribulation, I would say.
I wonder, brother, if the glory comes later. The tribulation comes first. Obviously, we don't always see the end.
But we, we, we. Something happens to us and we we see the pain perhaps, or we see the sorrow.
But later on we see the the patients and all these other things in the list and then we glory because we say, oh, the Lord did that.
And he allowed that, and look what it brought.
I think it's it is hindsight.
When it's nice in there, that tribulations.
Work patient sometimes, uh, we go through a trial, but it's after we go through it, it's, uh, we're able to persevere and go on because of, we look back at the trial, we see how God used that trial to make me stronger.
I can trust them more.
So we're able to look back and, uh, on what we went through and uh, we realized that the tribulation of the trial that we went through, it helps us with persons, help us persevere. It's really what patients need.
We need that.
Today we need to spend like with the talking about, uh, we've standing grace, but practically, uh too. We need, uh, need to be able to stand all the things we face day by day.
So in Ephesians we have the armor of God to put on.
But there's different things that we that we need as believers to be able to stand against the enemy and so on.
So the Lord, by putting us through the He, knows exactly what we need.
So when he puts it through something, we can look back in hindsight and see that was good job. When he went through his trial, he had twice as much at the end as he had at the beginning. He could look back and say, well, you know.
It was all worth, and what I learned through the trial was was worth it.
I think we can all say that to a certain degree that hopefully learns through the trial. We went through work going through it.
James confirmed that in the 5th chapter, but in the first chapter of James in verse 3, there's a very similar portion to what we have in our chapter which confirms what you're saying.
Knowing this that the trying of your faith work is patient. Let patients have our perfect work and so you may be perfect in entire wanting nothing.
For part of the reason for that is that the Lord is working in each of our lives to conform us to this image, to help us to be acceptable to Him, to make us in the kind of people He wants us to be, right.
It might be worthwhile looking at the end of the fifth verse of our chapter as well, where this string of cause and effect goes to.
And the result of the cause and effect is the love of God is shared. Broaden our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
And then?
That's a good experience. It's another level of God.
I could be wrong, but I believe that this is the first mention of love in this epistle.
Hearing this, uh, first by Robert just read and I I thought about in connection with being associated with tribulation.
Could you repeat that again?
So I was just mentioning that I believe that this is the first time that love is mentioned in this epistle, and it's interesting that it comes in here in connection with.
It's us wrong. Someone correct that?
I think of the maximum, I can't find the worst, but where it says rejoice and if there will.
They were worthy.
Counterworthy for.
In your affliction.
Maybe someone find the verse. I was just thinking that part, you know it's but there's no fibrillation and there's no reviled.
And, uh, then we.
Probably a a sadder thing.
Tend to hear of those who are passing through affliction.
And about the worthiness the Lord counted both worthy.
They did in the accident. They were under institution there.
Kind of where we can suffer a fiction.
Testimony or five or something?
The first you were looking for Brother Derek, is, uh, Acts 5, verse 41.
It's a tough understanding that.
I guess you've been saying that it was they rejoiced. They had that great privilege to suffer for the Lord's sake, wouldn't you say?
It's not a tribulation, is not something that we enjoy, is it? But uh, has been part brought out, umm, there's always a purpose of love on God's part in taking us through difficulties, isn't he, Uh, and it's for our blessing and for sometimes for the encouragement of others. I was thinking of second, uh, Corinthians chapter one.
There's one reason why we go through Tribulation.
It says there umm, in verse three, blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy and the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble. So sometimes the Lord passes through difficulties, uh, that we might be a blessing to others who are passing through similar situations.
And it's always with the purpose of love though on his part, isn't it?
You're saying that we would if the Lord told us in advance somebody's going to pass us through, which for the benefit of so and so.
We probably like Lori Morhan.
That's what he's telling you.
Some of every fibrillation we send is really for a purpose, because if there's someone else or for this bone glory.
For our blessing, we might have patience and.
And we took that from the Lord every time, and we could really a little glory in that tribulation.
Probably moan and growing a lot with.
Making myself anyway.
Remember one time this question came up, we used to have young people in our home and.
It reminded me of uh.
And a piece of steel may look like a worthless thing, but.
When a master gets hold of it.
And the fire is applied.
The heel steel is heated to tremendous heat.
And then the hammer is wide and it shaped.
And it's you might say a difficult thing, but at beacon steel beam is flat or shaped in whatever way and heat it again.
An end quenched in either oil or water, depending on the steel, but.
Goes through a lot.
And the result, but the result we need to look at the results.
Beautiful tool, beautiful piece of wrought iron work.
I realize that today things are done in factories, but really the same thing is done.
Heat is applied to a forging.
And it's stamped and hammered out and I kind of like hand tools and I think that.
There's a certain beauty and a well made wrench.
Strong. And how did it get that way? Well, it went through a lot.
And once it's hardened, it can be polished up to beauty.
Went through a lot.
Get to its point and to be.
Then those steps were left out. It wouldn't.
It would never work. Well, maybe the hammering, you know, you hammer on a piece of steel. Not only hammering steel shapes it, but it also.
Aligns the molecular structure of that steel to give it strength.
So maybe it's a bit way the Lord works with it. Sometimes we don't understand maybe why, but.
We realize that whatever he's done is for our good.
And we may not be able to be useful to someone else. I had a tool in my toolbox that has not gone through the fire, not gone through the through the hammer, you might say, or the forge.
It'd be worth. It'd be useless. It might look nice, but you put it on a wrench or on a nut or a bowl that would probably bend OR break.
And so that's sometimes the way I think the Lord works with us.
May understand it is difficult to go through, but the result is going to.
Grace, Lori and will be a useful tool, you might say, in a school.
Not too long ago I was reading an account of a Christian.
That went through the communist regime.
And China?
And he said he said he never prayed that persecution would cease.
Because he felt that it strengthened the local church, the local believers, and.
We know that those times of tribulation do that.
And I was just looking in Revelation chapter 2 in connection with the Church of Smyrna.
And it says in verse 10 of that chapter, Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer.
Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried.
And he shall have tribulation 10 days.
Be thou faithful under death.
And I will give the a crown of life.
So there are those that have suffered in this way and there are those that are suffering for their faith. Today you read it in the newspapers. Christians being executed in many lands.
But they have reserved for them.
A crowd life. We know that this period spoken of in in Revelation chapter 2 refers to a particular time of very severe persecution under a ruler by the name of Diocletian, and that was severe persecution.
But I believe we were talking at the table this noon time that perhaps even in this land, we will not be immune.
From some of the persecution.
That, uh, we read about in Scripture.
And uh.
Again we read of those that have been called to give up their own life, but for them there is reserved that crown of life.
And there was to be an end of that through the Lord's mercy here, that period of persecution.
And uh, the Book of Revelation in chapter 2. But then when we come to the next church.
We see that there.
UMM is union with with the world.
My from the outward viewpoint say, well, we have progress.
We have uh, Constantine, King, uh, or Emperor Constantine.
Giving approval to Christianity, but it's a union of the.
Church in the World.
And was there progress during that time, maybe outwardly in name, but not in substance?
I think it's interesting that the word patience in Romans 5 is translated by Mr. Garvey, I think as endurance.
And you were mentioning, Brother Bruce, that to the church at Smyrna says they would have tribulation 10 days.
I understand that means really that there was persecution, uh, under 10 different efforts, starting with Nero perhaps, and ending with Diocletian. So the Lord hasn't always promised to cut off the tribulation.
But I was thinking of the verse in First Corinthians 10 that says in verse 13.
But will, with the temptation, also make a way of escape, that he may be able to bear it. So the Lord doesn't always take the the trouble away, but he gives us the, uh, strength to, umm, bear it, doesn't he?
Is there another Crown of Light Brother Bruce beside the one in Revelation 2 paren?
What's the gain?
Chapter One.
There's 12.
Blessed is a man that endureth temptation.
For when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life.
The Lord had promised to them that love him.
There are those that have given their lives to the Lord.
And they are to receive, as you say, the crown of light.
Recorded there in Revelation Chapter 2.
Here the crown of life is given to those who endure temptation.
Some have to go through death.
But it seems that the Lord gives the same crown to those who.
The temptation and endure through the trial.
And they're going to receive the same crown.
Does the thought.
But the Lord can give peace and circumstances. We think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
And they were faced with possible death. Uh, let's just go back to the book of Daniel.
And uh.
3rd 3rd chapter.
Yes, Verse UH-16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter, you know.
The construction of English here is seems a little awkward.
Really what they're saying is we're being very careful how we are answering you. We're considering it and we get, we've given it a lot of thought.
And what have they given thought to says if the?
So our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us.
From the burning furnace.
And he will deliver us out of thine hand, O King.
But then it doesn't stop there, does it? They realize that there might be another outcome.
And they were content with whatever outcome the Lord had in mind for them. So they answered verse 18. But if not.
Be it known unto thee, O King, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
So may the Lord give us.
Uh, that.
Uh, in our lives where we're content.
To do whatever his will might be.
Isn't it nice to see Brother Bruce when we.
King looked in the furnace. He didn't see three men that were there. He saw four. So whatever the difficulty is, the Lord is there to be with us.
Is it so that both of both crowns of life associated with death?
One of the physical and revelations. I'll come with the other one.
And James speaking about it's really the death of the old, old man, that's my flesh that'd be put into the place of that. And this is what the tribulation truly is, A lot of messenger.
But I wouldn't.
Learn to put that little man that provides it so quickly with every fibrillation he wants to.
Rebel complain.
That's the world that keeps the change. This is from me.
Don't let your flesh get involved in this. Put it in a place of death. Ryan Bailey.
Worrying about in the brothers, it's dry in the dry of the Lord Jesus. So I think to do that.
Why could take a case file at the world sends it because this is from the Lord and this is thank you for it, Sir Doctor mentioned to be thanks to all things.
Then here's the crown of life. It's not what it's going to receive after the That's the same it's received now as we.
Well into that plate.
Neither way it's associated with that.
It can't. These things are are linked together too. And, uh, experience. Experience, hope.
We know that there's a trial of her faith going on too, and this isn't here. We just look at that first, uh, Peter.
This is 6 or first Peter chapter one verse 6.
Ready greatly rejoice now perceive as need be. You're having heaviness through manifold temptations at the trial of your faith being much more precious.
And I'm told that perishes, though if we tried with fire, might be found onto the praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen beloved, and whom though now you see Him not yet believing.
You rejoiced with joy, unspeakable and full of glory. You see the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
I believe that the hope here is is linked. It's a practical experiences that we go through as believers.
That, uh, makes our hopes in Christ and in God more certain.
That is that the practical side to it. I believe it takes the hope takes in, uh.
The Lord coming for the Saints. It also takes in an appearing, but I believe here it's.
Do the practical experiences that we have along the way that the Lord is teaching us certain things and, uh, we should have a, have, uh, have those things certain.
Made certain in our souls that what God is speaking to us are are in fact true.
Experience in itself.
Uh, can't trust experience just in itself. You know in the Old Testament saying if they went up to battle.
Uh, the Lord may may have given them instruction how to go up the next time you up with battle. They couldn't, they couldn't trust their periods the first time they went up. They had to seek the Lord's again, find out whether they should go up or whether they should go up.
And, uh, so just experience alone doesn't, uh.
We need more than that. These things are linked together.
And so, umm.
We do need that practical.
Umm, the patients and the experience.
And, uh, that will increase our certainty about what God has written for us. You mentioned about God. The Lord wants us to be at, uh, we might say in the full enjoyment of what we have, but He has given to us through Christ. And we know that there are many Saints and many Christians that are not in the full enjoyment of these things.
And so often times trials are brought in that a believer may learn.
What God has done for him to bring him into the enjoyment of it, that's the position that's standing that we have in Christ, is where God wants us to see ourselves.
That's where He wants us to see it, the full enjoyment of what He has accomplished in Christ for us.
OK, so that, uh, I believe that hope is uh, like with the.
Practical block here in the same, uh, necessary the hope that we know there were and we're going to see the Lord. But also it's like the gods were here. We learned as believers, we walk through this scene.
There's a progression in this chapter. Perhaps others have noticed this before, but there's five times we have the little expression much more.
Look at verse 9.
Much more than being now justified by his blood.
1St 10.
Much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Verse 15.
Or if through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many.
Verse 17.
Or if by one man's offense, death reigned by one. Much more.
They would receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness. Shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
Then the last one in verse 20.
Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded.
Grace did much more about me.
You know, it's a progression right through the whole chapter. There's a danger for us as Christians to be satisfied that we're inside the door in connection with going to heaven.
But God wants us to.
To enjoy.
His company and, uh, the preciousness of what he has in store for us.
For all eternity. And so the whole word is a is a revelation of who God is and and he wants us to enter into it before we get there.
You have a little glimpse of that. Don't be in the previous chapter of the Two Hopes there that, umm.
Abraham in the 18th verse who against hope, the natural hope that.
That would have been there. That would have been impossible for someone Sarah's aid to have a child.
Would be.
An impossible pulpy. Probably couldn't have looked at anybody else.
For an example, Abraham did see that this had ever happened before. Naturally speaking, it was against hope that this could ever happen.
And so there's things that we read about that God has for us in his Word.
That's that was something we may say, well, that's so.
Magnificent or so great. I just can't, just can't believe that that could be true.
But, uh, Abraham says here that he, uh, who against the natural hope, believed in hope?
He believed that because God told him that Sarah would have a child.
And so even though it was against what could be naturally, uh, speaking.
Yet because God said that Abraham believed that, that was enough for Abraham.
So that should be the same with us, what we're reading. God says it in his word. We should believe it and I should settle it.
But often times we read something and then we question what we read and, uh, we question that hope.
Uh, what God has written it is where is a certain thing.
Shouldn't be questioning it, but sometimes we do.
Abraham. He didn't. Uh.
I don't think it's a slight against Abraham. It's written here, but it's just that it was, uh.
Who against the natural pulp that that a natural person would have. It would seem to be impossible. But because God said it, Abraham took it as a fact. And that's what we should be taking God's word as it's It's God's word, so it's true.
Factual that can be believed and, uh, it adds to our, our hope.
That's through our experience as to our uh.
Thoughts of God and and what He is toward us.
It helps us to grow.
That are in order here.
It's interesting to see in verse, in verse four and five again there it says.
Patients experience, experience hope and hope.
Makes not ashamed.
Let's go down to the end of verse 10.
Enemies. We have been reconciled to God through the death of his Son. Much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved in the power of his life.
And it's interesting, you know, we go through difficulties in our lives and.
Those difficulties.
They prove to us the Lord's working for us.
And we're saved, as it were, by the power of his wife. That's not a different sense of being saved. And what is the result of that? It makes us not ashamed. And I it's interesting to compare that just back in the first chapter, Roman chapter one of verse 16.
The same 2 words.
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. It is the power.
Of God unto salvation.
I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and it's the power of God and salvation.
And it's interesting too. Mr. Derry's translation in verse nine of our chapter speaks there. You read it says much rather therefore, having been now justified in the power of his blood.
It's beautiful to see that hope makes not a shame.
And perhaps it's because.
We see the power of.
What the Lord is doing for us now?
And it's also interesting here there's three times Paul mentioned a word that's the opposite of being ashamed, boasting again, you don't you don't see it in in the King James, but the end of verse two, it says we both in the hope of the glory of God.
And then, uh, it says there instead of verse 11, not only that, but we are making our boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. And verse 3, not only that, but we also quote in tribulation.
We have nothing to be ashamed of.
A beautiful thing to do.
I'm just thinking in connection with what we have in these verses and.
What we have in verse six, that expression in due time.
We know that.
God's time is always the right time.
Louise, when the fullness of time was come.
In the Old Testament in connection with lost.
Judgment didn't occur until.
Lost, Entered Zoar.
And then when he entered Zoar, judgment came.
So God's time is always the right time.
And I'd like to also connect this that with the 11Th chapter of John's Gospel in connection with Lazarus.
And the Lord was criticized for not getting on the scene before he did.
But uh, we see that the Lord makes a statement converts 15.
And I am glad, for your sakes that I was not there. That is a previous moment in time.
The time that everyone else thought was the opportune time.
But it wasn't the worst opportune time, was it?
And it says to the intent.
That you may believe.
And he said nevertheless.
Let us go.
Onto him.
And then we go back to verse 4.
Because when Jesus heard that, he said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified.
There by Let's just go back to the 9th chapter for a moment.
There's demand that's flying from his birth, that's spoken of in verse one.
And then the Lord's own disciples ask the Lord Master, who did sin, this man or his parents?
That he was born blind.
And then the Lord.
Replies in verse 3, Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents.
But that the works of God should be made manifest in Him.
Though all these things are avowed of the Lord in terms of the circumstances and in terms of the timing.
And uh, we're reminded also in the book of Job, I believe it's the 37th chapter of Job. I don't want to get too much of A on the side.
Why the Lord?
Allows things in our lives.
And this goes along with the reasoning, I believe, of the disciples. I think it's in the 37th chapter of Job.
And verse 13 where it says for he causes that to come.
Assessing a given time under given circumstances.
Whether for correction?
Or for his land.
More for mercy.
So it's not always punitive, is it?
It could be punitive, it could be purgitin, it can be preventative as well. So the word allows these things in our lives, these trials.
For these various purposes.
We're talking about Joe's friends before.
They didn't get it right in terms of why the board was allowing these circumstances in Job's life.
Right, God is in control.
Not only in terms of events and circumstances, but in terms of time as well.
We've all heard the expression that man's extremity is God's opportunity.
And, uh, the B should be that in these verses we've been considering.
We have in the first several verses of the chapter, the wonderful truths of salvation.
Now in verses six, true verse.
10 or so it seems to me that the Lord is bringing us back here and says, I want you to remember, Yes, you have your salvation, but remember where you were.
So notice in verse.
Inverse UH-6.
For when we were yet without strength.
That's powerless.
When we were in that condition.
In due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
Where is he?
God commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us, powerless in our sins.
Umm, notice umm.
Versus the 10?
If when we were enemies.
We were reconciled to God.
We were without strength, we were sinners, and we were enemies.
It doesn't make much good of man, does it?
That's a state that we were in.
Isn't it marvelous?
I think that a God would love us.
God commanded his love to us.
When we were sinners.
No hope compels us in letting efficient, I think without hope and without God in the world.
Now in Christ Jesus.
It makes nothing of man and everything of God, doesn't it?
It was mentioned before that we have progression in these things.
And in verse three, we from I'm reading knowing that fibrillation work is patients and patients experience.
An experienced hope.
An oak make is not a shame.
I'm thinking of that good experience.
We all had.
Learn something in order to make a living in this world.
And many of us had a trade.
And after the formal introduction.
It didn't take long as the question came up. What experience do you have?
Ready to work and what did you produce? And so on.
So it just shows that.
There's also the experience that we gain in these things.
Sometimes I would take a a piece that I produce like, you know, I was, uh, I'm old. Like a plastic injection.
I took one or several of these pieces around and shoulder was.
Breathe, Lord, I had produced, but it would show.
But the kind of a mold I had to make to produce a piece which I brought along.
And that's the thing here that we have to learn too.
To help the patients in order to get the experience and then the experience bring us brings us hope. We hope that we get that job.
And in the end of it, we rejoice because.
Hope Baker's not ashamed.
And then again.
In verse 2 and rejoice in hope of the glorious God.
We do all things to gain the glory of God, to gain a place in heaven.
We don't gain it by good words, but we gain it by the experience.
That the weekend that we, uh.
Again, through knowledge and tribulation.
And patients.
I've enjoyed two thoughts in connection with verse six. One in connection with uh, John 15, verse 13, which says greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
And then just to connect what we have in our chapter that.
Christ died for the ungodly, and in verse 10 we considered ourselves enemies.
And so in contrast with the best love that man could have, dying for his friends, what is the love of God? Size for his enemies? And then the second thought in connection with that in first six.
Per SE, God commends his love toward us, in that while we are yet sinners, Christ died for us.
To me, it's an interesting evidence that Jesus Christ is God.
Because if Jesus Christ was not God, what sense is there?
And what this verse says that God commends his love by giving something that's not him.
A man can give his wife to prove his love for a friend.
God is his own Son, part of that Godhead.
To prove his love for us.
Lost room and sinners.
Just a couple of thoughts here. Not very much, but uh.
It means you're talking about progression that says they're in the fifth verse because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.
And how is the love of God showing to us? That's what we have in verses 6-7 and eight, isn't it?
Uh, God has shown His love not because we are righteous or deserved anything, but simply because we were sinners. I was thinking of the verse in Deuteronomy that says the Lord did not set His love upon you nor choose you because you were more in number than any people.
Uh, for you were the fewest of all people, but because the Lord loved you.
So there was nothing in us to attract His love, and yet he, uh, freely showed His love to each one of us.
One other comment, and that is that Brother Dave was saying that in the first few verses we have salvation brought before us.
And I think it's interesting that the first time I believe the Spirit of God is mentioned in the book of Romans is right here in the fifth verse.
Umm, where it says the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us. And isn't it appropriate that it comes in here because, umm, it tells us in Ephesians that once we heard the gospel of our salvation, we were sealed by the Holy Spirit. Now it's sort of interesting. The Spirit of God comes in here for the first time.
In connection with salvation.
And who does the Spirit of God direct us to?
We shall not speak of himself, but he shall glorify me. So like you mentioned their sins goes on to say in the 60s, turns it away completely from the Spirit of God to Christ himself.
So it says.
When we were yet for those strengths and due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
That Spirit of God is here in this world and here for both 2000 years, and he hides himself to point to Christ.
And to occupy man with himself and his sin, and turn him to Christ.
And you notice this little word enemies here.
Reconciliation is connected to enemies, it says. In Colossians we were enemies in our minds by wicked works.
Yet now hath he reconciled.
Reconciliation is connected in that way to the enmity of man against that man needs to be reconciled. I beseech you, in Christ's dead, be reconciled to God.
And the people that you and I meet every day who don't know Christ are enemies of God in one way or another. It is showing out, and it's going to be showing out when the Lord comes back.
I remember Chapter Brown talking about it this way years ago. He said that it's going to come out and that man is going to give pitched battle against the Lord when he comes out of heaven.
As an enemy.
The heart of man is going to be displayed in that way, but that's our heart by nature.
And Christ has reconciled us to God.
If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God, as it says, look at us there in that verse, there verse 10, If when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled.
We shall be saved by his life. And Shawn was commenting on that verse about being saved by his life.
Brethren, it's a wonderful thing to think of salvation and what the Lord has done, but what would you and I do without Him?
There right now.
We shall be saved by his life. That's the present salvation.
Uh, you know, it's, it's marvelous to think of. There's three salvations. There's the salvation of our souls when we're saved. There's the salvation of our bodies, uh, through this world. Umm, perhaps I'm saying it wrong there, but, but there's the, the, the receiving the end of our salvation. Is that the end when we're going to be with them forever? And, uh, so we need them from beginning to end, don't we?
Could, would it be proper to say that the salvation here, that's mentioned in our chapter, the second one, we know that as you say, we have salvation through his blood, are in the power of his blood. Uh, that's passed. That's the work that he did at Calvary's cross. And then we have his present salvation. Would it be both his intercessory work as a merciful and faithful high priest and also his advocacy when we fail as we have him?
In first John and then brother Dave, just to bring out the other one. It's in the 13th chapter of Romans.
And it's verse 11 and that's yet future.
And that knowing the time that it is now high time to awake out of sleep for now, is our salvation nearer than when we believe. Well, that's the redemption of our bodies, isn't it? And So what a wonderful Savior He's provided for us.
Uh, our sense, he's taking care of that. He's, uh, saving us now by his life and he's going to save us in.
In connection with our bodies and our bodies of redemption in the coming day. What a.
Full salvation. He is working.
And the end of verse nine. We shall be saved from wrath through him.
Not only the wrath and the tribulation, but eternal wrath prevents, keeps us out of what is coming. Beautiful to see the distinctions made on these different expressions, whether it's justification or saved or reconciliation.
Just not mixing and matching terms. But there's a special blessing connected with each one, isn't there?
And said that in Ephesians the man is dead in a sense. And so what's God's answer to it imparting life? And you have equipment who are dead.
And trespasses and sins. But in Romans, man is alive in his sins. This reads the 1St 3 chapters. And you see man, uh, in, in sins in life. And uh, we know the answer to that is, is death. But you see these three things. We had justification this morning. God reckoning the center right, just because he was unrighteous and the salvation were in need of deliverance from wrath. And we need in deliverance in the pathway here. So there's salvation, but that beautiful expression.
Of being reconciled to God by the death of his Son is not here even the death of Christ. It's the death of His Son, the dearest object of his heart, the Son of his love. His Colossians words it that that is the one that.
God has come out to reconcile enemies to the death of the One He loved the most, His Son.
I think I have a question about first five again and we're back like it says we're 5 is what we're saying.
We are justified by faith and.
And, uh, to live in the smoke. And then it says that this, uh.
Five there.
That's a rubber thigh, the shattered bottom of my heart by the Holy Ghost, which is getting on to us. Holy Ghost is given onto us. Which one of us?
First John, we have the verses, you know with my Nan say I love God and his brother, he is a liar and so on.
Why is it?
Which we all have the gift of the Holy Ghost. What if we have it all the same month one for another show?
I think the answer are partially Derek is in season 4 and 30.
Ephesians 430.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed.
Under the day of redemption, let all bitterness and wrath and anger clamor and eagle speaking, to be put away from you with all malice, and be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.
There's a divine guest.
That is inside each of us in this room here, but for those of us who belong to Christ.
That divine guest is the spirit of the living God, God the Holy Spirit.
Lives inside you.
And the verse here is Grieve not the Spirit of God.
You know many of us here are married.
If I do something.
Is difficult for my wife.
It's it's it's love is tender.
And uh. And uh.
One can grieve another. Children can grieve their parents.
Think of the Spirit of God that is inside it.
Grieve not the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God there is to open up the love of God in our hearts so that there is the flow of the love of God to St. and Sinner alike.
And if I walk in a way that is pleasing to God, the Spirit of God is going to be free to let that love come out, come out and flow out to others.
And that's the expression in that verse there, because it says the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.
There's no hindrance there.
It's it's closed. It's natural.
And you get it in the book of John 2, getting away a little bit. But uh, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This he spake concerning the spirit.
And so there's, umm, it it speaks to us as to our state of soul before the Lord, doesn't it?
Like to comment on enemies and I want to bring it around in the discussion we've just been having and related to Derek's question about love.
You quoted the verse already, Brother Dave, about, uh, enemies. Enemies by what? By Wicked Works.
And it's in the grief of the Spirit of God right now in Isaiah chapter 59.
We have the verse verse one. Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot say either dear heavy that I cannot hear.
But the, uh, the lesson for me comes in the verse right after it says verse 2.
Your iniquities have separated between you and your God, your sins have hit his face from you that he will not hear, and it goes on.
And I think what I learned from that is that, uh, every time, like just to take a natural person.
Every time they commit an act against God, any kind of sin, be it small or large.
Is driving a wedge between them and God separating them. And that's what the wicked works do. And in our own minds we then perceive God.
As an enemy. So when it comes to reconciliation, it's us that need to be reconciled to God. Because God is loved. He provided his own Son to make that reconciliation. So the problem is entirely on our part caused by sins.
And this first part that we've been going through in Chapter 5 is wrapping up a discussion on sins, the things that we have done.
And so we are enemies because of those things that we've committed since. Now how does that relate to to Derek's question and luck?
Well, the Lord Jesus was once guessed at a person's house. The woman came in and.
He was a woman of poor reputation. She washed his feet and the host said doesn't he know what kind of woman she is? And the Lord Jesus said and gave the illustration about two debtors.
And UH-1 owed 500 pence and one owed a very large amount. And you asked the question which one loves more? And the host said, I suppose the one who has been forgiven the most.
And the Lord Jesus said that you've answered correctly.
And so when I come to this portion and and I ask the question to myself and answering your question there, why is it that some of us might love more than others?
Maybe I don't understand how bad I am.
And maybe that affects my ability to love other people, or maybe along the lines of grieving the Spirit. Maybe I am allowing something in my life that's caused a wedge between me and the Holy Spirit, between me and the Lord, between me and the Father, and I'm not enjoying that relationship. And the only thing that the Spirit of God is working to do is to make me uncomfortable and miserable. And I'm trying to ignore it.
And under those circumstances, maybe it's hard to love somebody else.
So I think the answer is uh.
To come back to this portion and just meditate on what God has done for us and who we are and what we were and what he what place he's brought us into because we are in Christ. And this portion talking about justification, what that really means, I'm not sure I fully understand it, but God has taken me.
And I am in Christ. I'm a new creature.
He's put me in his son, and when he looks at me, he sees his son.
It doesn't find any following.
Maybe by God's grace, that's how I need to look at the people around me.
To some degree, you, I hope, as a believer, our living example of Jesus Christ.
I can see that that'll help me a lot.
Citizen, uh.
First Corinthians chapter four, that we also have that responsibility as you're mentioning there.
Uh, in verse six of chapter 4 it says uh.
Read the last part of that first six.
That you might learn in us not to think of men about that which is written.
Not that no one of you be popped up one for another against another.
For who make a seat is different from another, and what has helped that uh has not received.
Now if thou has just received it, why dost thou glory as if thou hast not received it?
I think that's a principle there that, uh, sometimes, uh, it's easy for us to think more highly of ourselves than what we should and, uh, if we portray that to others.
And, uh, may cause, uh, others to think, think that we don't love them.
So we should, uh, be willing to.
I'm not boasting anything here, failure in this too, but uh.
The Apostle Paul, they always, uh, try to take that slow place.
Uh, set an example.
To his, to his brother.
And, uh, ought to be upped up one against another.
There's nothing that we have as believers that we haven't received. We can deserve anything to receive what we have.
Been given to us by the Lord freely, really heavy heavy gotten freely which would give and uh.
This is the principle there and, uh, first President chapter 4.
We're getting near the end of our time here and for this meeting and verse 11 is the end of a section.
And uh, verse, uh, verse 12 on carries on from here, but just a comment is still in connection with verse 11.
There's no higher truth that you can get to than verse 11.
Not only so.
But we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
To think that man can be brought back to God and put in a position.
Where we can actually joy in God.
Brethren, who were going to for all eternity.
You know, I like the way that Armstrong Barry put this years ago and.
He said. You know what joy is?
JOY. The young ones can pick this up.
J Is Jesus on one side?
Why is you on the other side?
An O is nothing in between.
That's joy.
We joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Spare time, It's almost up, but.
Says remember that we seen in times past Gentiles, well the same.
Truth that's brought before us in Ephesians.
Uh, but I was just thinking of a verse that we have in Isaiah chapter 51.
And verse one it says, Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord.
There's another word, another action word.
We'll consider the rock when to your yoon and to the whole of the pit wince your day so.
Reminded of that pet pit, aren't we?
And, uh, Genesis, we read of the slime pits that were found in what's called siddum.
And it's not a very pleasant place to be.
That's where we were found. If we read Isaiah chapter one, we would see that there is no soundness.
And in US.
Uh stands in contrast to.
What we have in in, uh.
Deuteronomy chapter 8.
Another thing to remember, and thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God.
So we can remember, we can look back at our past, but then we can look forward to and look back to the Lord's mercy too. And I don't think the Lord would have us dwell on our path.
We have to go back there at times, don't we? Uh, just thinking of what the prevalent view is in the world.
And that is the glorification of man.
Always think positive thoughts, but we're told to look back and remember.
You're saying 135?
1:35 We join our God, and we sing of that love so sovereign and free, which did his heart move. When lost, our condition are ruined, undone. He saw with compassion, and spared not his Son.